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Moderator” In most states, their biggest jobs are education and roads. Where are societies biggest failures right now??? Education and roads… ”
Coincides perfectly with an increased federal role. Same for the state of the family and the Great Society.
My own little complaint is that the mega-corporations run the government,
and the country — and the “States”.So to me, it dont matter about “states rights” — cause, for example,
in my own state of WV, the ‘government’ is owned and operated by the
private-sector-Coal-Corporations and the private-sector-Fracking-corporations,
and a handful of other private-sector-Corporations.Giving States more rights wont change the fact that Corporations
run things. The Corpse run the Feds, and they run the States. They
run’em Both.Btw, fwiw I’d like to take this opportunity to say — i like the US Post Office.
I really do. I’ve never had a single problem with the Post Office. Never had a
single piece of mail lost, my whole life. Never had a problem with lines or delays
or anything.w
vYeah. And if you want them to, they will take a packet from your mailbox in West Virginia and put it in my mailbox in rural California for the staggering charge of 49 cents, and do it in three days. Damn government inefficiency.
You know what else I like?
Opening up a tap at my sink and having clean, drinkable water gush out, and a sewer system that takes away the family waste. That’s all socialist, of course, so it must be bad.
ModeratorI can’t wrap my head around the act itself. I mean…I just can’t imagine thinking that drugging someone to make her unable to resist sex is a good idea. It is just not something I can conceive of doing. First of all, the sheer demeaning violence of the thing stuns me, but I also can’t see how it would even be satisfying to have sex with someone who is passed out. I couldn’t bring myself to do it even if we were headed that direction and she was consensual, and totally passed out all by herself with booze, or something. Even if she was my girlfriend. I just can’t wrap my head around it at all.
And I would have thought that sex would come pretty easily for a celebrity anyway. So I don’t understand that part of it, either.
ModeratorI stopped reading when i read this:
“…Republicans and conservatives – are those who traditionally have been the most supportive of the Constitution…”That’s just an opinion. Not provable. Not a ‘fact.’
vYou are being kind by calling it opinion.
I would use the word hallucination.
Republicans and conservatives have fought against every measure of progress this country has known over the past century, from voting rights for women and blacks to…ah, Jesus. Nevermind. They’ve come down on the wrong side of history in the courts…always.
And where are you going………….?
ModeratorBest wishes there, Mackeyser. That’s tough. I’m glad it went well.
Our daughter died on December 12. We made the anniversary a family day. I don’t go to work, and my kids don’t go to school. Instead, we go get our Christmas tree and bring it home. It’s given us a ritual that the day hangs on, and that has been good for us. It makes the day communal even though my son barely remembers Annabelle, and my daughter wasn’t born yet. But doing the same thing on that date every year has helped me and my wife. My wife honors her birthday, too, by making candles. She melts beeswax in pipes, and dips candles with a friend or two.
ModeratorInteresting. I didn’t know any of that.
I had always assumed that the evangelicals were always right wing, but not politically galvanized.
The fundamentalist church I grew up in had an Us/Them mentality where we just assumed The World was an evil place doomed to hell, and we just minded our own business.
ModeratorI figure it’s probably just another new board migration.
ModeratorI don’t believe there is much “misguided” pride.
I’m pretty sure that is sophistry.
I’m pretty confident that nobody – NOBODY – is oblivious to the racist quality of that flag, even if they don’t endorse it whole-heartedly. I will allow that it is possible that some people care much more about the Southern Pride thing. But I do not believe that they are ignorant of how it offends descendants of slaves, and lots of other people, too.
ModeratorI’m sorry.
June 23, 2015 at 11:53 am in reply to: the 2015 D: articles & vids on McCleod, Ogletree, Ayers, Gaines, Hayes, Fairley #26696Zooey
ModeratorThe cynic in me wants to point out that they said the same thing last year about how scary they would be.
But I am fairly optimistic this year.
They do have the continuity of Williams at DC this year. There is a learning curve, both for the players, and for the coach. While the Giants game, in particular, was pretty disturbing, nevertheless the overall trends on defense were good as the season progressed.
Secondly, the Rams have a lot of youth. They were the youngest team in the NFL for two years in a row, and I am sure a number of their breakdowns were youth/experience related. One guy to watch in this regard is Jenkins. Is this guy going to grow up this year? That is one of the things I will be looking for in camp reports, but even if he doesn’t, I feel pretty good about the depth in the secondary after last year’s draft and the emergence of a couple of players there who were longshots (Gaines, McLeod) and performed well. And there are still a couple of guys who got red-shirted back there who might emerge this year. In any event, this is a defense with most of its players early in their prime.
Finally, I like the message this year. RFL has complained about the coaching. Well, this is what we want. A sense of urgency right from the beginning. A fast start. They are instilling that right now. That’s good. That’s corrective. That mindset will yield results.
June 23, 2015 at 11:36 am in reply to: St. Louis (baseball) Cardinals Investigated for Hacking Into Astros’ Database #26695Zooey
ModeratorIf all this proves to be true, I’d ban Belichek for two years.
ModeratorYeah, I agree with you. Although I still don’t think he’ll be any good.
Sorry to say, I agree with you.
June 22, 2015 at 1:47 pm in reply to: NFL's top quarterback franchise? Historical countdown from No. 32 to 1 #26668Zooey
Moderatori thought that the Colts would be ranked #1. What about the ultimate journeyman Earl Morrall????
BTW, I think the Bears are ranked too high…
Some great QBs on this list… I was surprised with Romo’s QB rating….
I thought of Morrall, but he clearly doesn’t crack the top 3 on the Colts.
Meanwhile, I would certainly rate the 9ers above the Cowboys here, and I think I would rate Meredith above Romo. But I was a kid when Meredith played, and I don’t know. But I saw enough of Craig Morton to rate him above Romo. I think.
June 22, 2015 at 10:27 am in reply to: NFL's top quarterback franchise? Historical countdown from No. 32 to 1 #26655Zooey
ModeratorWeird that the Rams are ranked so high when it seems that most of my 44 years as a fan have been spent waiting for a them to find a great QB.
I had the same thought.
Of course, two of the three played before we were born.
Then Warner was here today, gone tomorrow.
And if the list were to extend beyond three, the Rams would still fare pretty well. There’s Gabriel, Hadl (albeit briefly), Everett (comparable to Romo, maybe?), and Bulger.
Yet most of the past 44 years has felt like a QB drought.
ModeratorI bought tickets for Jaws.
Then we got invited to my in-laws who live 3 hours away, and I had to give my tickets away.
I am going to try to go on…Wednesday…is it?
Have fun, but for the love of god, please don’t post any spoilers.
ModeratorWell, don’t go to movies when I am PMing you.
ModeratorNever mind. It was time-sensitive, and it doesn’t matter anymore.
ModeratorThe majority will press for further 2nd amendment protection.
Right. Because in the face of tragedy, most Americans’ first response is to hug their guns more tightly.
ModeratorPeople are just as tired losing loved ones to auto accidents. Don’t expect autos to be legislated away any time soon. The spirit in which the 2nd Amendment was written definitely includes the semi-automatic AR-15 as it does the fully automatic weapons of today. When it was written the intent was to allow the citizen to arm himself with the technology of the day. Those militias were comprised of citizens. Some of whom owned cannons and gunships.
If you wish to surrender your 2nd Amendment right that is your personal choice.
But who is a member of a “well-regulated militia?”
Only National Guard members, as far as I know.
I don’t see where the right to bear arms extends beyond that framework. In other words, if you aren’t part of a well-regulated militia, I don’t see where the 2nd amendment protects your right to “keep and bear arms.”
If someone is interested in who is a well regulated militia it is obvious the founding fathers meant citizen soldiers who comprised the militia at that time. Citizens who brought their weapons with them to join the militia. Citizens who as members of the militia were free to leave whenever they wanted. Militia that proved vital to the war effort. Provisions for hunting and personal protection were not written in to the amendment because it never occurred to them that it would ever be questioned. Much like not writing that someone should brush their teeth at least once every day would be for today. Or cautioning against licking an energized circuit. The National Guard is not an appropriate example of a militia since those who serve can not leave at will.
How do you feel about some kind of compulsory training, some kind of license. You have to have a license to drive a car. And a different license for a motorcycle. How do you feel about licensing/training as a prerequisite for various firearms?
ModeratorPeople are just as tired losing loved ones to auto accidents. Don’t expect autos to be legislated away any time soon. The spirit in which the 2nd Amendment was written definitely includes the semi-automatic AR-15 as it does the fully automatic weapons of today. When it was written the intent was to allow the citizen to arm himself with the technology of the day. Those militias were comprised of citizens. Some of whom owned cannons and gunships.
If you wish to surrender your 2nd Amendment right that is your personal choice.
But who is a member of a “well-regulated militia?”
Only National Guard members, as far as I know.
I don’t see where the right to bear arms extends beyond that framework. In other words, if you aren’t part of a well-regulated militia, I don’t see where the 2nd amendment protects your right to “keep and bear arms.”
ModeratorHe is Dracula. I loved those movies as a kid. They are still the best of the genre, imo.
ModeratorQualitative and speculative. Meh.
ModeratorI don’t know, man. Wouldn’t you think one would have to be brain damaged to play for the 49ers in the first place?
June 5, 2015 at 6:43 pm in reply to: This could definitely be the best defense in NFL in 2015 #25902Zooey
ModeratorLT Brandon Washington; LG Garrett Reynold, C Barrett Jones, RG Jamon Brown, RT Rob Havenstein.
Oh, praise Jesus, yes!
Edit: that would have worked better if it had worked better.
That’s the JT tweet of the starting 5 OL.
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
ModeratorWell, I would do that for Bud Sasser in a heartbeat because I’m wired that way. If I had that kind of money – (I bet SK makes more money every DAY than what they paid Sasser) – I would absolutely do that for a kid who somehow came into my life like that.
But…because of that….I’d never ever ever become a multi-billionaire in the first place.
And it isn’t like Sasser is a fan favorite. He’s a local kid, I guess. Will the Rams sell $200k more in tickets this year because of this? I doubt it.
June 3, 2015 at 2:45 pm in reply to: If Rams' offense doesn't improve, it won't be for lack of trying #25746Zooey
ModeratorNot really. I’m tired of the “vets-coming-off-injury” approach.
I like the idea of an infusion of young, healthy, nasty, conrad-doblers.
Oh, we ALL like that idea, wv.
We are all in LOVE with that idea.
The thing is…as the honorable delegate from New Vermontavania has stated…many of us are not 100% confident that that is what the Rams have.
That’s all.
ModeratorIf Donald gets any better, I may have to get his poster from SI like I used to do when I was a kid.
I could probably take down my Farrah Fawcett poster to make room for it.
June 2, 2015 at 6:07 pm in reply to: The OL injuries around the league thread… Giants, Broncos #25696Zooey
ModeratorI shouldn’t put this here.
It has no relevance whatsoever, and…well, it’s a Posting Crime, actually. But the school year is over in three days, so I’ll do whatever I want.
ModeratorEntering his second season, Donald should be even better than he was as a rookie.
I hate this all-too-common, lazy assumption.
There is no earthly reason to ASSUME that anyone will be better in Year 2. The phrase “Sophomore Jinx” was coined for a reason.
And Donald was remarkable for entering the league with veteran-type skills. He won’t be better because he knows how to play. He came in knowing how to play. He simply does not possess the kind of room for growth that a “raw” guy shows going into Year 2.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr …
Of course, you guys know I love Donald to bits. I think he’s a Top 5 DT. He has a chance at the Hall, I think.
But this kind of lazy projection is the sort of folly that drives me crazy, especially when displayed by a professional pundit.
I will echo this.
And…let me just add…almost every fan of every single team is saying the same thing about their team. “These guys will be better this year because they have more experience.”
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by