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  • in reply to: Mort says "Rams will push SF and Seattle" #2581
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    The media-celebrities are just not sold on Bradford. They’ve seen Kaperhead and R.Wilson
    do big things, but they haven’t seen Sam do big things.

    I think thats prettymuch how they analyze thingz.


    in reply to: Ray Rice – 2 games #2579
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    i’m appalled.

    i didn’t have any respect for goodell before. nothing’s changed my mind after this.

    Janay Palmer’s behavior after the knockout is pretty classic. I see it all the time.
    The woman blames herself somewhat, and she still loves her man, and doesn’t want
    him to go to jail, etc. They always say the same thing: “I just want him to get help”.
    They say that whether its a drug issue or a violence issue. Ah well.
    I dunno. Maybe Rice is really getting help. I’d still have hammered him with the suspension.
    You simply canNOT hammer players for smoking pot and then give a two game suspension
    for blasting a woman. She could have had her neck broken or suffered brain damage, etc.
    Goodell should have sent a message, imho. I think this is the worst decision he has ever
    made as a commish.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: 920 AM – Chris Long #2508
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    Not exactly a glowing review of Mr Sam:

    “…so far he’s unpolished, hard working guy, long way to go technique wise….he’s receptive to coaching…he’s got the right attitude…ready to learn…he’s got some of the tools to play this game, but he’s just unpolished at this point….he just keeps chipping away….”


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: Bandwidth Poverty #2506
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    NYC Approves Building With Separate Entrance For Poor People


    in reply to: Rams and NFL Regarding Los Angeles. #2501
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    The reason the Rams will move to LA is the same reason they moved to St Louis – $$MONEY$$

    Georgia, at the time, moved the Rams to St.Louis for what was a extremely lucrative deal for her and basically a one sided deal that favored her and the Rams. St.Louis, not so much. $$MONEY$$ All profit for her.

    Stan, let’s not forget, is a big time business man. In the top of the top when it comes to making money in this country. It’s all about money for him. It’s not about a loyalty to a city or area of the country. He’s sees what is the big prize of the NFL in the future – and it’s a franchise in LA. No way he passes up that opportunity when he is positioned perfectly to make that move. Big time $$MONEY$$ awaits Stan in LA and in it’s diverse income revenue streams.

    Later my Friends…

    Well if i were really all about money, i might agree,
    but i wonder if it really is. Stan is from the Midwest.
    He doesnt seem like the kinda guy that wants to be
    hated by his Midwestern tribe. I dont think he
    is a carbon copy of Georgia by any means.

    It’s really impossible to tell the future on this one.

    Its up in the air. Hovering. The future is unclear.
    Its an enigma covered with fog,
    waiting silently, in the harbor.

    Today is “mountainFest” in Motown, btw. A gazillion-thousand mongols on motorcycles
    descend on my town for four days. With their vibrating chrome Hoggs.
    If i had a flame-thrower,
    you would see me on the news.
    Alas, i do not have
    a flamethrower.

    “…MountainFest is the biggest event that Morgantown has. It’s like a four-day long WVU football game for bikers, and by “football game” we just mean the drunken tailgating beforehand. From July 24-28 at Mylan Park, bikers drive in from all over the nation to the party capital of the America to see half-naked girls in leather dry hump a Harley. Don’t get us wrong; they come for the live music and motorcycle stuff too, but mainly all the beer and half-naked chick – See more at: …”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: is it a rebuild? #2500
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    I’ve said before i didnt think rebuild was the right word,
    but I think i’ve changed my mind, and now i think
    rebuild is ok, if we are going to go ahead and
    reduce complicated, multi-layered, processes
    down to one oversimplified-word.

    So, ya know, DEATH to YOU and,
    Choose your Weapons.


    in reply to: Rams News Recap: July 24 #2487
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    In the “Fisher Says Bradford is Full-Go”
    it says:

    “We have a couple things just lingering,” Fisher said. “Will Hayes had THREE offseason surgeries. Will is ahead of schedule, probably shooting for Week 2 or 3 in the preseason in having him play. So we’ll monitor his reps. But he’s doing fine.”

    I did not know that. Hayes has been such a good player,
    i hate to think he won’t be the same pass-rusher this year.

    Also, JT wrote:

    “..All along, Fisher and general manager Les Snead have pointed to Year 3 of their regime as the breakout year. Fisher’s making no predictions, then again, he said: “We feel like we’re built now to compete week-in, week-out.”

    That is not what Fisher and Snead have said in public. They’ve always said they were
    trying to win it all each year.
    Granted we all knew damn well they were building with year 3 and 4 in mind.

    I know Fisher will not be on the hot-seat no matter what his record is this year — Stan will give him five years —
    but I will be quite disappointed if they dont have a winning record this year. I mean, Fisher and Snead
    have had the benefit of the RG3 picks. Most new regimes dont start with that kind of luck.
    The NFC West is the toughest division, but i still think a coach should have a winning
    season in his third year. So it is written. So shall it be.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: Bradford and is this the make or break season for Sam? #2478
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    well, ive criticized him for not being Rothlisberger,
    and having what seems like zero-escapability,
    but, i’m pretty sure they can ‘make’ the playoffs
    with him. I know he can be a 90+ level QB.

    Whether he can run the gauntlet of playoff games
    and win a title is an unknown (to anyone).

    For now, (until i see him perform in playoff games)
    the only question i have is, can he stay healthy.
    It’s all about his durability for now.


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    I can hardly wait to see this guy.
    I know DT’s usually take about three years
    to hit their stride, but this guy
    really seems special.

    I cant believe he fell to the Rams.


    in reply to: Justin Blackmon arrested (weed) #2432
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    Dictionaries across the English speaking world are being updated to include his picture next to the phrase “Lost Cause”…
    Bullet Dodged for the Rams…but I never wanted the Rams to take him in the first place, I wanted Michael Floyd instead…

    We ended up with neither, but Floyd certainly looks to have rebounded and gotten on track after he fell in the draft partly due to alcohol issues while at Notre Dame. Blackmon is going to end up in jail for a long time I’m afraid before he hits bottom.

    Yeah, i am SO glad Snisher lucked out,
    and they didnt get who they wanted.
    Blackmon is a disaster.

    Thankyou Jacksonville.


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    zn wrote:
    At 6 feet 4 and weighing 281 pounds, Deantre Harlan was a force in the middle of the Bacone College defense in Muskogee, Okla., during the 2012 and 2013 football seasons.

    mmmm Bacon college…

    I dream of bacon,


    in reply to: Constitutional Amendment news #2411
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    California Voters Afforded Opportunity This November to Weigh-In on “Corporate Personhood”
    Wednesday, 23 July 2014 11:37 By Ernest A Canning

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    I guess Westbrooks and Sam are the top contenders
    for that last DLine spot?

    Sam has the edge now, one would think.


    in reply to: What algebra tells us about the Rams offense #2396
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    I think they will run more than
    in Fisher’s first two years.
    Cause they’ll be winning more
    games and running out the clock.

    I also think they will be more effective
    passing it short, medium and long,
    cause the personnel is just better now
    with Robinson and Saffold at Guard
    and Tavon and Stedman having a year under their belts
    and the defense will put them in good positions, etc.

    I think they are ready to rumble.
    And the Sleeper has Awakened.
    The Phoenix has risen.
    The Toast is ready.
    I’m walking on sunshine.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: Yet another reason to hate the Vikings… #2374
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    hmmmm, I am supposed to hate the Vikings because they unintentionally designed a Stadium that may kill some birds?

    And, they’re not considering the design change at all ?

    Sorry, I don’t get the hatred

    Its just kindof a joke around here to hate the Vikings
    for various reasons. All the playoff losses in the 70’s
    plus there was a year where we dealt with Viking flamers
    or somethin like that. I forget.

    I would think they could just hang a bunch of dead birds
    from ropes in front of the glass. That should solve the problem.
    They could paint’em purple maybe.


    in reply to: JT chat #2278
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    …A year ago, I figured he was a bust. Now, I guess I don’t see him that way. He will never be the feature back he was drafted to be. But he actually offers the team quite a valuable package.

    Well, all i know is the coaches have made an obviously conscious effort
    at saying positive things about
    Quick and Pead.
    One gets the impression the coaches think those two guys have the physical skills
    but need ‘confidence’ or some change in their mental-approach.

    I’m not real optimistic about either guy, but we’ll see what unfolds.

    If both guys turn out to be busts it does set them back but
    not that much, if the other unit-players step up.
    I mean if Bailey and Britt can be solid, then I think they
    can win with that. And Stacy and Tre and Benny seem
    like a good RB-unit to me.

    Drafting Tre may say something about Pead. I dunno.
    Not drafting a WR, may say something about Quick. I dunno.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: Get ready for the Legion of Boom rule #2238
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    Bout damn time.

    Sherman’s very smart. He (and I’m sure his coaches) recognized that the league values the “TV contract” more than the rules of the game…otherwise offensive holding by OL would be called on nearly every play. It’s not, for several reasons. Same with cut/chop blocks that injure both OL and DL and used to make defenses HATE any offense that used “zone blocking” techniques like Denver used to because it meant going after guy’s knees.

    Same shit New England did in SB36.

    I really hope they enforce this rule.

    A lot.

    Well, i doubt they enforce it in the playoffs.
    Maybe the regular season, but they
    wont call penalties in the playoffs.


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    Mac I have been friends with Deacon and Elizabeth for years. I went over and interviewed Deacon for the Herd Chat. Because he could barely use his hands, I had to type out all of his answers. Deacon Jones was one of the most fascinating and engaging people I have ever known.

    Do you see any similarities between Quinn
    and Deacon?

    For me, i cant separate Deacon and Merlin. I think
    the fact the played on the same line is just incredible.
    They complimented each other perfectly.


    in reply to: 7-9 would not float my boat #2231
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    5 and 11….
    6 and 10, we are screwed again,
    7 and 9 wont float Grits’ boat
    8 and 8 we don’t appreciate
    9 and 7, Rams fans are in Heaven,
    10 and 6, the D hits like Bricks,
    11 and 5, Man Alive!
    12 and 4, and we want more,
    13 and 3 with Ogletree,
    14 and 2 and Johnson is Tru,
    15 and 1 – The legion of boom is Done,
    16 and 0 ; Old Hacker’s goin to the Show.


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    Does that have anything to do with Jo Lon Dum-Bear?


    in reply to: Schott is controversial, my 20 cents #2181
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    …Givens had regressed, Amendola and Gibson were gone…
    Quick was still getting mental blocks in games,
    Austin was spinning,
    Richardson couldn’t run,
    even Long had a couple of bad games,
    and the defense was bad at that point and kept putting them in holes.
    Defenses figured out Cook immediately yet no one else could take advantage of the extra attention he drew.
    Now when you can’t run and defenses know it,
    your WRs are not stepping up yet or are regressing,
    and your defense is putting you in a hole…
    what do you do?

    What do you DO?

    in reply to: WV, why do you have a Raven as your profile picture? #2179
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    Nah, i never liked Baltimore much. I didnt
    even like them when they had Don Shula and were the old Colts.
    I rooted for Namath and the Jets to beat them in 68.

    But i like ‘actual’ Ravens. I feed a couple of them
    around here. They like bacon and eggs and bologna
    and french fries. I’m not sure it’s good for them
    but they like it.

    I’ll probly change the avatar soon, but
    for now its better than a photo of Crouch.

    I think the Rams can win the division this year Grits.
    I really do.
    Or they could finish 2nd.
    Or 3rd.
    Or 4th.
    All things are possible this year.


    in reply to: Dungy would not have selected M.Sam #2170
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    If I were to sit down and make a list of coaches who would or would not draft Sam, I would have put Dungy on the “draft” side..

    Oh yeah. Well if i were to make a list of posters
    who would have predicted that Dungy would be on
    a list of coaches who would draft Sam,
    you would be on that list of posters
    who would have predicted that Dungy would be
    on the list of coaches
    who would draft Sam.


    in reply to: Dungy would not have selected M.Sam #2162
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    Been listening to mike and mike this morning and they keep talking about weather or not Sam is good enough opposed to what ever view dungy may have. my thing is this. There is a difference in being “undersized” and not being “good enough” you dont get co dpoy especially in the sec for no reason. Wasnt he projected a 3rd or 4th round pick before he came out? Im not on either side of this “gay” argument personally im not gay but i dont have a problem with somebody being gay. That’s thier choice. I guess what im getting at is if dungy said this because he is anti gay personally and wouldnt take sam on that belief instead of what he could potentially do. isnt that thinking as a coach potentially bad for a team? letting personal view’s get in the way of what may be best for the team? Shouldnt a coach be more open minded. Just because Sam is the first dosent mean he is gonna be the last… Id rather have the publicity of having a gay guy on a/our team then micheal vick and his dog fighting. ( i used vick as an example because they were talking on their about how dungy said he would of been his “mentor” and took him to qb a his team if he were still coaching.)

    Well, if you asked me to ‘predict’ which coaches wouldnt be inclined
    to pick Sam, I’d have speculated that Dungy would be on the list.
    Just cause he has always seemed (to me) to be a mix of
    “old school” and “old-timey-religion.”
    In a weird way, I think he’d have an easier time
    dealing with Vick than with Sam.

    Peepulz is complicated.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    in reply to: Dungy would not have selected M.Sam #2158
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    Sam is making the NFL some money. Or else some people
    just like the number 96.


    Sam’s jersey sixth-best seller in NFL
    By Nick Wagoner

    EARTH CITY, Mo. — It’s pretty common to see a rookie who has never played a game show up on the list of the NFL’s best-selling jerseys before training camp even begins. Many college players simply carry the name-value and fan following that makes proving themselves in the NFL unimportant when it comes to purchasing a jersey.

    You don’t, however, see rookie seventh-round draft picks on the list before they’ve ever taken a snap. But as we already knew, St. Louis Rams defensive end Michael Sam is clearly not your run-of-the-mill seventh-round draft choice. As the first openly gay player drafted to the NFL, Sam has already become one of the most well-known seventh-round picks of all time.

    If you needed any further evidence, simply take a look at the list of the top 10 in jersey sales on from April 1 to July 17. Sam’s No. 96 jersey checks in at No. 6 on the list, behind established NFL stars such as Denver’s Peyton Manning and Seattle’s Richard Sherman and ahead of the future Hall of Fame quarterback trio of Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers. Heady company, for sure.

    Sam is also one of only two defensive players — Sherman the other — to make the top 10. Clearly, Sam’s historic announcement and pursuit of a roster spot in St. Louis has transcended his draft position and made his jersey a hot commodity among fans.

    If nothing else, Sam’s jersey is already considered something of a collector’s item. It will likely continue to sell well, but it’s still a piece of memorabilia that could have a short shelf life. There aren’t many fans who buy jerseys of a player who is far from a lock to make his team’s roster.

    That’s much different than the situation in Cleveland, where quarterback Johnny Manziel is No. 1 on the list in no small part because of his larger-than-life personality and the profile he brings into the league as a first-round pick. Manziel is a lock to make the roster and the only question surrounding his status in that regard is whether he’ll be the opening-day starter.

    Sam doesn’t enjoy the same luxury as he pursues a spot on the team’s initial 53-man roster with the possibility that those No. 96 jerseys could be out of date only months after they were purchased.

    in reply to: Get ready for the Legion of Boom rule #2155
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    It would be ironic if the Seahawks adjusted to this new policy
    and it was teams like the Rams, who played a lot of soft coverage
    last year, who got penalized more.

    Interesting stuff, btw.


    in reply to: Schott is controversial, my 20 cents #2154
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    It matters to me that BS made it to the AFC championship
    twice in a row, with a bad QB. Hard for me to ignore that.


    in reply to: Jo-Lonn Dunbar arrested #2152
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    Contrary to earlier reports, Dunbar was arrested for disorderly conduct and breach of peace — a misdemeanor. He was not charged with battery as had been indicated earlier.

    Well that’s something, anyway.

    There was probably a bounty
    on the Greene dude.


    in reply to: Dungy would not have selected M.Sam #2110
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    “I wouldn’t have taken him,” Dungy told the Tampa Tribune. “Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.”

    I wonder if Dungy would have drafted the first black as the Rams did back in the ’40s. Or if he were in charge of the Dodgers back then if he would have signed Jackie Robinson.

    Could that quote be “I wouldn’t have taken him,” Dungy told the Tampa Tribune. “Not because I don’t believe Jackie Robinson should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.”

    Damn, that would be a great question for him. I hope someone asks it.


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    I think its crazy to give an “A” to a GM
    for drafting Manziel. We all know he’s a wildcard.
    Boom or bust. No-one knows which it will be


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