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  • in reply to: Q for law enforcement personnel #48711
    PA Ram

    But who is ignoring race? Turn on CNN. Turn on MSNBC.

    We are, in this discussion so far. That’s what I meant. I am aware that the mainstream media is mishandling the race issue, which means they’re talking about it.

    But we would not be discussing cops at all in this thread if race (in all its complexity) had not made that the driving issue behind the entire “police” discussion.

    So I was just saying that OUR discussion, right here in this thread, is leaving it out.


    I for one am concerned about racial justice. The future of our nation is more diversity. There must be some coming together–some unity if we don’t want just a different version of what they have in Iraq and Syria(tribal conflicts where people die). Trump is the face of a white power movement–a push against things that are diverse. It is one reason I find him so horrible.

    It is enough for me to vote for Hillary. Will she solve all the issues? Of course not–but I can’t stomach Trump and his rabid hate for one second. He is exactly the wrong man to lead this country.

    I live in a city where I, as a white male, am a minority. My kids grew up here–they went to school here–they have grown up to appreciate diversity. I think it is something valuable they have gained by living in this community. My son has a few white acquaintances but his FRIENDS are black or Hispanic. He was with them when they were out late at night hanging in a park and the cops showed up. He saw how differently he was treated from them. He noticed. He knows what it’s like to have a black girlfriend and face racism from both sides. Yes–some of her family don’t like the idea of her being with a white guy. And he can tell when he’s being treated differently in a restaurant(he has a Virginia story on that one)because they are a mixed race couple.

    I grew up right next to black and Hispanics, went to the same schools, hung out together, played together–and still–I had the fortune of growing up white. Economically I’m not so different from many in this community. But my skin color has given me advantages. I get that. There are others with my skin color who have failed. They aren’t doing so great. Most of the white guys I know who were in trouble with the police were in trouble for doing very stupid things. I know of no one personally–of either color–shot by the police. I did have one friend die by getting shot and the story there has been a bit vague over the years.

    But I have not isolated myself into an all-white community. I have embraced the diversity and brought my kids up that way.

    THIS is the future.

    The police force MUST become more diverse. That IS important.

    All races must accept that the future is one where we won’t all look alike. Segregating ourselves will only work so long. We do need unity. We especially need it because most of us share the lower economic class. Our interests overlap on many issues. We should not be each other’s enemy.

    Those are some of my feelings on race.

    How we relate to each other and move forward is of vital importance to this country.

    My concern with the police is how we stop these deaths today. What can we do now so that we can move forward? Because we can’t move forward like this.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Q for law enforcement personnel #48697
    PA Ram

    I do appreciate the police though–the good ones. Society could not work without them.


    Well, i appreciate plumbers. And teachers. And social workers. And used-book-store operators. And oceanographers. …and cops, too. But the thing is…there is an ‘element’ in police-world that annoys the hell out of me. Usually part of that element involves the F.O.P. spokespeople. Its the element that demands Unconditional support. They whine way too much for my taste. I mean, if you became a cop you wanted the job. You know its dangerous at times, and you know its thankless at times….blah blah blah. But you wanted it. So, dont be whining for Unconditional Support. Sometimes it just seems like a lot of cops seem like big babies if cop-world gets any serious criticism. Bnw would say, “buck up”… Yada yada yada…

    I mean, I’m a lawyer, but i dont run around asking/demanding everyone love lawyers.
    Hell, i dont like’em myself. …what was my point? I forget.


    I disagree.

    It’s a thankless job. I don’t recall ever thanking a cop personally. And if they don’t have support they can’t do their jobs. Now the term “unconditional” support isn’t something I’ve heard any spokesperson say. Having said that–I’ve run into idiot cops. Just like I won’t throw a blanket over any race and stereotype them one way or the other, I won’t do it with a profession. Military, cops, you name it.

    There is good and bad in everything. I’ll judge everyone individually.

    But surely cops must be held accountable for their actions. Bad cops should be punished. Murder is murder. Don’t put a badge on and tell me it’s “different”. At the same time, when an active shooter is firing bullets I’m not the one stepping up to make sure he doesn’t harm someone innocent. I’m not the guy trying to save someone in a crumbling tower.

    Thankfully there are men and women who do that.

    I just have a problem with your use of the word “unconditional”. If the police expect that–they shouldn’t. Of course they may say that on Fox news. I don’t watch that.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Q for law enforcement personnel #48695
    PA Ram

    I don’t care if these are “difficult decisions.” You’re not supposed to have poorly trained freak out artists blowing innocent guys away because you asked him for his license.

    Plus of course ignoring race in this is just failing to come to terms with the biggest issue here. These things, by measurable percentages, are just far more likely to happen to black men. That doesn’t mean the cop doing it is a ranting bigot, it means he has absorbed a lot of cultural biases and assumptions and sees danger where there is none with the black man, more often than not.

    But who is ignoring race? Turn on CNN. Turn on MSNBC. Read the Huffington Post. It’s all anyone is talking about. It’s an important issue. Now what should be done? It’s easy to say “Get rid of racist cops”. Now see how that works out. Where do you start? I’m talking about practical solutions to save lives. Do we wait until everyone is holding hands and singing?

    What is the quickest fix? How do we save lives now and not years from now when America somehow transforms into a more tolerant and respectful nation of different cultures?

    The other day a Black Lives Matter activist was on CNN and one idea that was brought up was diversifying the police force(more black officers). Did she think this would help? Her reply was “Absolutely not.” She was asking for fundamental change in neighborhoods, economic opportunity, etc. In other words it was the big issue she was interested in without any sort of movement toward an immediate solution or even step toward a solution.

    And of course we should have that. But is that going to EVER happen? And if it does, when?

    What about NOW?

    It is very easy to discuss all the things that should change to help lift black men and women out of poverty. But THIS issue is about black men getting killed for a traffic stop. And if you have the attitude that says “F–the police” and decide to approach the problem from one side you will get no where.

    I believe the imaginary technology I described will get here before we solve the racial woes in this country. And I’m FOR racial equality. My son has a very serious relationship with an African American girl. She’s a great girl. I’m happy for them. One day maybe they’ll marry. Maybe they’ll have a child. I’m very invested in this issue. If I had a grandson one day who happened to be black I would want him to never fear for his life for getting stopped by a cop. I would want him to have social and economic justice.

    But this won’t happen by snapping our fingers or just discussing it for a month or two and watching it fade away. Things have to be put in place. I don’t claim to have all the answers. Tasers–whatever. But should the first option be a lethal weapon? And in the case of sterling–no–it won’t solve every single case if the cop goes for the second option right away. And they are humans so cops will never be perfect. But they can be much better and we can save many lives.

    What happens now? Today?

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: any Game of Thrones guys here? #48681
    PA Ram

    The series is based on the “Wars of the Roses” with the Lancasters and Yorks. Many characters are inspired from that period. Very interesting when held up to history. Of course Martin added a bunch of stuff. I don’t think the York’s had dragons–for one thing.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Q for law enforcement personnel #48679
    PA Ram

    I guess my question would be, should the officer be thinking non-lethal weapons first? In other words–tase a guy? I know that doesn’t always work–I get that. But in the case of Castille or Sterling wouldn’t that have been a preferred option if the cop thought he was in danger? Is it always–go for the gun first?

    Hey–I want no part of being a cop. I would be terrible at making a split second decision. And yes–there is the argument that a cop can’t take a chance on something non-lethal that doesn’t work and then he loses his life. And yes–non-lethal CAN be lethal. I’ve heard the argument that the non-lethal mindset gets more people tased too.

    Maybe technology will eventually solve this: a non-lethal weapon that is disabling(safe for the person shot),reliable and cost effective. I don’t know how you take the edge off of police confrontations. One thing is sure. Stopping a guy because he’s black or Hispanic is just bad behavior. That’s a bad cop or bad police procedure.

    Stop that sort of profiling first. The less confrontations the less these things will happen. I’ve heard stories before of quotas for writing tickets and so forth but when you stop someone for a bullshit reason the numbers of real violations are inflated and next month those numbers will be expected again. That leads to more bullshit stops.

    Maybe some fundamental things need to be fixed.

    But this isn’t working–for anyone.

    I do appreciate the police though–the good ones. Society could not work without them.

    But we have to solve this.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: trashing Shakespeare #48549
    PA Ram

    Poe wrote character driven stuff, IMO.

    Also–Peter Straub is a lot like King in that regard.

    You;re basically evoking 3 different genres.

    Poe is one thing. He did not write fantasy in the way we understand that term from the works of Tolkien and Martin.

    Straub is horror. Different thing. That’s #3. (Naming what Poe does is more tricky, though it is doable. But it’s better to just say “Poe” and steer clear of the nuances.)

    King ranges widely and has written both horror and fantasy.

    It is true that those genres influence one another. And both are influenced, in different ways, by earlier gothic. But they are also quite distinct from one another. Horror is not fantasy and vice versa.

    In terms of character driven works in fantasy, that would include Martin. Arguably he was actually making up for a deficiency he saw in Tolkien.

    Straub is just horror? Shadowland? The Talisman? He may be mostly horror but he has dabbled in fantasy horror. But that misses the point.

    Nittany said “horror” and you didn’t yell at him. I knew he was your favorite. I knew it.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: trashing Shakespeare #48540
    PA Ram

    J.R.R. Tolkien had more than a few.

    Yeah, I’m not riding with you in this posse.

    I think Tolkien’s interesting characters begin and end with Gollum.

    Everyone else is just a Type, imo. No complexity of character.

    I think Tolkien’s genius/appeal was in the History he constructed for everything. He is the first writer to really create an alternate world.

    And. I think that if Tolkien published his books for the first time today, they would largely be ignored. He did some ground breaking fictional work, but he wasn’t a great writer. He was merely the first writer to open the door to an alternate reality that had bones.

    I think most of the stuff written in the fantasy/sci-fi/horror genres are more story driven than character driven. Exceptions would be stuff by Kurt Vonnegut and Stephen King.

    Poe wrote character driven stuff, IMO.

    Also–Peter Straub is a lot like King in that regard.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by PA Ram.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Best selling books of all time… #48539
    PA Ram

    The Lord of the Rings is my foil. Several times I have tried to read that book yet I can never get past 20 pages or so. My eyes glaze over every time. I’m pretty sure that all of my friends have read the all the LOTR books plus The Hobbit. I will try again some day soon, but for now it remains my shame.

    Just see the movies.

    And fake it.

    Just like George Costanza when he had to read “Breakfast at Tiffanys”. He just watched the movie instead. “Seinfeld” has a lot to teach us.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: trashing Shakespeare #48537
    PA Ram

    I like Shaw a lot.

    But he sure did have a case of penis envy when it came to Shakespeare.

    That is ridiculous. Shakespeare had faith, hope, courage, conviction, and he did a lot of it in iambic pentameter. “Death made sensational?” Where, in theatre, is death NOT sensational? I don’t even understand what that is supposed to mean, or why it would be a criticism.

    Ah, fuck him.

    ZN is right. The characters. The characters.

    Go ahead and think of the greatest writers of all time. How many great characters can you attribute to them?

    Mark Twain had Huckleberry Finn.

    Hawthorne had Hester Prynne. Steinbeck had a handful. Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, August Wilson, GB Shaw. These guys all had a few.

    Shakespeare…where to start? He created distinct, individual characters who are not just “types,” who endure forever. Hamlet, Falstaff, Mercutio, Portia, Shylock, Iago, Macbeth, Lear, ohmygod, I could keep typing for ten minutes. While most great writers are happy with one or two characters that leave a lasting impression, Shakespeare probably has 100. The only writer I think who could fill all ten fingers is Dickens. Dickens created a lot of memorable characters. His stories sucked, but he had characters.

    I often introduce Shakespeare to my students by telling them that I thought Shakespeare was over-rated when I started college. I thought he was just romanticized by the academic elites who loved the pumpkin pants, and the extended pinkie finger, and the Queen, and crumpets and stuff. And then I started to study him. And I slowly came around to believing in Shakespeare. And then I started REALLY studying Shakespeare when I had to teach his plays, and that’s when I realized that – if anything – the greatest writer in the world is Underrated. I think he is better than people credit him for being. Shakespeare isn’t just the greatest writer who ever lived. He is the greatest writer by a spacious distance.


    Don’t trash Shakespeare around me.

    I hate rude behavior in a man. I won’t tolerate it.

    To be fair, he’s no Emily Dickenson.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Best selling books of all time… #48392
    PA Ram

    I’ve read 8-10 of the books on the top list. Some of them were surprises to me…like the “Life After Life” book. I read that years ago and didn’t give it much thought. Bestsellers aren’t always the best books of course.

    I picked up “City on Fire” at a library book sale yesterday. It’s about 900 pages and the first time author was given like two million bucks. The book had a lot of hype(2015). I started it but will take my sweet old time with it. Looks like a slow read. I’ve read reviews where some people loved it but others walked away from it–worn down–couldn’t finish.

    There were some comparisons to “Infinite Jest” another mammoth book. I always wanted to read that one but never did. We’ll see how it goes.

    I am almost finished with “9 Dragons” from Michael Connelly–a Harry Bosch book. I am somewhere in the middle of “Putinism”, “The Coming Plague”, and “The Passage”. Recently finished “Dark Money”(outstanding book–highly recommended.

    I also grabbed a couple of paperbacks–trying to decide which one to take to the beach–probably Dan Brown’s “Deception Point”.

    Seldom am I ever just reading one book at a time. It’s the Gemini in me.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    False Flag.

    That’s tin foil hat stuff.

    There are seriously people who believe Sandy Hook didn’t happen. The world is coming apart at the seams and this is part of the problem. People create their own realities and boogeymen now—and the media does what it can to stoke those feelings because when stuff like this happens–hey it’s great for ratings.

    It’s times like this I wonder why I had kids. I love them and would never regret having them–but I feel for them and what looks like a dismal future.

    This generation is an incredible failure.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Happy Fourth of July #47817
    PA Ram

    To be honest, I don’t see this great celebration of independence on the 4th anyway. I see most people looking at it as a day off from work–cookouts, getting drunk and lighting fireworks. I don’t think the majority of people give the history a second thought unless they’re posting an obligatory flag on Facebook to “prove” their patriotism. Then it’s off for a cold one and the grill.

    The fact is, most people don’t care about the history good or bad.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Kankuamo marquezi #47737
    PA Ram

    Well the next step for evolution in terms of humans at least is robots…machines. We move from biological to the next stage. At least our information does–and that’s sort of what it’s all about anyway–right?

    IF computers, robots, etc. ever do develop a “consciousness” of some sort–well, we’re doomed. And even if they don’t—as humans extinguish themselves from the face of the planet they will still want to leave these representations behind–because we certainly believe we’re the best and deserve to go on forever in one form or another. And of course God says so anyway.

    But this all gives me an excuse to post the trailer for “Westworld”. I give you our future:

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Kankuamo marquezi #47715
    PA Ram

    “Kankuamo is a noun in apposition…”

    Not sitting there by itself it isn’t. If you say, “The new tarantula, Kankuamo was discovered in the mountains of Columbia.” now it is a noun in apposition.

    And I’m not sure ‘marquezi’ is genitive. The genitive case implies possession…John’s glove, Joe’s car, wv’s aungst…not sure marquezi fits.

    ‘marquezi’ refers to a particular species within the genus Kankuamo. So it seems to me when written together (Kankuamo marquezi) it is Kankuamo that is genitive because in a sense marquezi belongs to Kankuamo since it is a species within that genus. When you say Kankuamo marquezi it’s sort of the same as saying Kankuamo’s marquezi.

    Am I wrong? Maybe one of the grammatical scholars here can set me straight.

    Am I wrong? Maybe one of the grammatical scholars here can set me straight.



    SOMEBODY paid attention in English class. I still have trouble with prepositions.

    But my punctuation? Well–let’s just say no one messes with my punctuation:

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Why trump is Routing the Free Traders #47711
    PA Ram

    Well, it will be interesting to observe the ‘reactions’ to the new President.
    What will be the reaction/results of four years of Trump, or Hillary?
    Will they galvanize a new opposition force?
    And which one will ‘get the most done’ whatever that may be…?


    I see Clinton as having another Obama sort of turn. There will be constant obstruction by the Republicans to almost anything she wants to do(except the bad stuff of course)and I do see her more hawkish(cause she hasn’t learned any lessons there)and I can see her suddenly signing on to the trade agreements because she’ll tell us that THIS time they’re good deals for America. So things will pretty much stay the same, except for whatever trouble she decides to stir up internationally. Maybe more hawkish in some scary places–like the Ukraine? Syria? Hope not. Just don’t know.

    Trump? Pick a day. Pick a moment. He has no real plan beyond looking for opportunities to enrich himself. I think he’ll like trade deals just fine as long as they work for him. I don’t believe a populist word that comes out of his mouth. I think he’ll just give the Republicans what they want on some things(Supreme Court Justices) and on others he’ll be at odds with them but I have no idea. Who is Trump? What is he? What does he want? All I can do is look at his con-man history and think that we won’t know until he does it. Will it be reckless? Sure. He isn’t a deep thinker about such things. Who knows what he’ll do or which direction he’ll go?

    I think his presidency will have one great theme:how does it benefit Trump? The other stuff will just be given away for others to deal with or he just won’t care or offer window dressing.

    I think four years of Trump could open the door to the most corrupt politician ever to sit in the White House. And Hillary might be a close second.

    America doesn’t win here. No matter what.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Why trump is Routing the Free Traders #47693
    PA Ram

    No. I’m voting for Jill Stein (again).

    Both Clinton and Trump, ultimately, are this guy:

    Hillary might be Nero but Trump strikes me more the Caligula type.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: The Shallows #47435
    PA Ram

    I gotta say, this summer has sucked for movies.

    I’ll probably give the new Star Trek a shot, and maybe Suicide Squad and Jason Bourne. Beyond that I’ll be waiting for the fall films.

    Oh–and maybe “Tarzan”. That looks like it might be good.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Right Wing Christian Guns Down Daughters #47297
    PA Ram

    Gun nuts–what can you do?

    Anything you can, I guess–even if it saves one life.

    America has a love affair with guns and you’d have as much luck convincing them to give that up as you would their oil. Guns, global warming? Non starters in this country. That’s the sad truth. We won’t solve either problem. Certainly not in my lifetime–in this generation.

    It doesn’t matter how many mass shootings or family murders or stray gang bullets hitting an innocent victim occur. It doesn’t matter how many ice caps melt–how high the ocean rises, or how many polar bears perish.

    There’s a Don DeLillo book called “Point Omega” and there’s a quote(I can’t remember) that says something along the lines of “consciousness is tired” —that it’s ready to pack it in. That it’s winding down.

    I get that feeling sometimes—that humanity’s clock is ticking faster than anyone realizes–that this human experiment will go down as a big FAIL. Maybe something better will replace it–maybe just nothing will replace it and like much of the universe or all that we’ve seen so far–things will just be dead and cold in the end as the universe goes dark–and this little failed blip will be long forgotten.

    Now–who wants ice cream?


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: any Game of Thrones guys here? #47293
    PA Ram

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: any Game of Thrones guys here? #47292
    PA Ram

    Huge fan of the show.

    Lady Mormont is great, by the way.

    One of the things I really love about the show is the way it presents the complications of “power”. It can be a complicated thing, and to hold it you need alliances, a level of propaganda(think of Margery mingling with the poor folks–while Joffrey never understood that)and it must be tended to, constantly because someone else wants it. The politics of the show are fantastic–and the behind the scenes players, from Varys to Littlefinger are fascinating characters of their own.

    The show is set up now for the home stretch.

    We have the “Mad Queen”, “King of The North”, “Mother of Dragons” and of course “Winter” all on a collision course.

    I hear next season will only have seven episodes and the final season 6. They’re tightening things up and probably will have more money to spend on production per episode.

    I can’t wait.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Current State of Rams Practice Fields in Thousand Oaks #46755
    PA Ram

    Drought, you know. Brown is the new green in California.

    I get it, I get it.

    But if some of you Californians would drink just a little less we could have a brilliant green field. Save the water for important things: like football. And stop being so selfish.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: time to take the political compass poll again #46754
    PA Ram

    Here's mine.

    If it doesn’t show, I’m +2 on the y axis and 0 on the x axis.
    Close to dead center.

    Damn–that’s almost a bullseye!

    Do you play darts? You should.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Graduation Parties #46753
    PA Ram

    We just took my son and daughter out to dinner with some family.

    I do know some people who had parties though.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Cooper buzz #46514
    PA Ram

    Sounds good.

    Haven’t heard much about the tight ends.

    We will need someone to step up and replace Jared Cook’s drops this season.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    I do like the thicker horn, I won’t lie.

    But more important to me is the godawful colors. Go to the blue and white or the blue and yellow but get rid of the current color scheme as soon as possible.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    To me it isn’t an “either” “or” choice between corporatism and gun control. Why can’t we fight for both issues? It’s not like all of the fight goes into gun control and nothing else is left. Besides–I notice that people’s reaction to corporatism is…indifference. They just don’t seem to care much. They certainly have little political motivation on the subject.

    But on guns?

    There you will get a fight.

    There you will get passion.

    To me, it’s a very important issue–and I’m not talking about removing guns from anyone’s home. But if after all these mass shootings we do nothing–again? I give up on humanity.

    If fear is the driving force we accept as an excuse than forget it. People fear Muslims. Let’s ban them. Let’s stop the rapists from Mexico–build a giant wall.

    There is rational fear and there is irrational fear.

    I live in a high crime city. I have no interest in going out and buying an AR-15. If I want a gun I can get something more reasonable that will be more than adequate. I can’t use fear as a justification for high capacity mags. I don’t give a crap about the “sporting” side of it.

    And I also don’t give a crap about the 2nd Amendment argument. First of all there are legal questions to what it really means and secondly there is no way that the founding fathers could have foreseen an AR-15. It’s a ridiculous argument. And third–people are getting mowed down. I don’t give a crap about gun rights advocates crying about their ability to buy certain weapons. I just don’t care. I care more about people living their lives, harming no one–and their right to not be mowed down by a lunatic.

    I believe the NRA is a radical extremest group.

    But again–nothing will change.

    Rinse, repeat. Over and over.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    Maybe I’m in the minority here but I see gun control as a huge issue. And the tired old argument of “they’ll get guns anyway” never cut it for me. While that may be true to some degree–I don’t completely buy it. Why have laws against cocaine? They’ll get it anyway. Rape? They’ll do it anyway. Even murder? If the answer is, “they’ll get guns anyway” well–why have any laws on the books?

    You try.

    That’s the bottom line for me.

    There is just a deeply entrenched gun-loving culture in this country. And that goes for Democrats and Republicans. People hug their guns and hug them even tighter in times of crises. After every mass shooting gun sales go up. And most of that is fear of the government. These people are terrified the government will ban everything and they won’t get to buy their guns for burying in the yard so that they’re ready to go to war with their government over their right to buy more guns.

    I find it sad.

    Look–whenever this happens anyone who is pro gun control HAS to make sure they first throw out the disclaimer that: I don’t want to take away your guns. I just want common sense legislation. And it doesn’t matter.

    If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of all the guns–I’d do it.

    But I’m not an idiot. We will always live with guns. I get that. I even accept that.

    But if we can’t have some sort of intelligent restrictions we are lost.

    I’d be willing to bet that the victim’s families of that nightclub massacre could care less right now about corporate-capitalist arguments. Of course that’s a huge issue. But if we can’t even pass sensible gun control we have zero chance against the other thing. Zero.

    I think of my son or daughter or wife being in the wrong place at the wrong time when some maniac who was easily able to walk into a store and walk out with a very efficient killing machine with out so much as a waiting period decides to strike and I get furious. That we accept this? That we live with this?

    I’m sorry. I’ll never go there.

    Fuck the NRA.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by PA Ram.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    Trump must pay that guy pretty well to write that sort of drivel.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Another day another mass shooting #46188
    PA Ram

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    in reply to: Another day another mass shooting #46131
    PA Ram

    BTW the AR-15s made DURING the ban still were functionally the same semi-auto rifle. The pistol grip was modified and smaller capacity mags were the norm for civilian sales, though pre ban high capacity mags would still fit those rifles made during the ban. However all pre ban AR-15s were still legal to buy and sell.

    Hopefully they fix that in the next ban. They should not be sold at all–any version. No loophole crap.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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