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September 13, 2015 at 5:35 pm in reply to: Wow, how thunk that? (Seattle game reaction thread) #30347
ModeratorThat was quality. There were some poor moments, but that was the best the Rams have looked to start the season in living memory.
I did not expect the offense to be able to drive 80 yards, let alone do it THREE times. Against Seattle. In the first game with a line that hasn’t played together. Without Gurley, Quick, or Mason. I am…I dunno. Let’s say my Great Bag of Total Skepticism has a leak in it.
WTF Triplette? If that was a fair catch and the Rams should be penalized for it because the ball bounced, but the ball didn’t bounce, isn’t Seattle guilt of unnecessary roughness for hitting a guy who called fair catch? You can’t have it both ways. And that isn’t just a missed call. That’s one they stood around talking about, and they can’t have it as a penalty against the Rams, but not one against Seattle if the guy called Fair Catch.
6 sacks.
That TD to Kendricks came at the expense of Kam Chancellor’s replacement. Think he will point that out to the Seahawks money guy this week?
That was a good game, and I am all in for the season on the basis of that. Looks to me like we have a competitive team right out the chute this year. Yippee.
ModeratorOh, she’s trying.
This “essay” was not an assignment. She just wrote it and emailed it to me to ask me my thoughts.
See, I spent 20 minutes in class yesterday making distinctions between Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism (systemic and institutionalized). I said that Reverse Racism is basically not possible since minorities don’t have the structures in place to fortify discrimination. I think she was reacting to the general unfairness of that. In America, everyone should have the right to be racist. It’s unfair that racism is just another privilege of the white elite. At least, I think that’s what I have on my hands.
It did cause me to think about it more, and I can now think of an example of a black-controlled institution that discriminated against me, so I guess that was Reverse Racism, but I don’t think Reverse Racism really exists – not the way Rush Limbaugh and his legions believe it does, anyway.
Is that the same National Geographic that was just purchased by Rubert Murdoch this week, and will no doubt be publishing climate denial stories within the year?
ModeratorOn “Game Viewing Experience,” I am guessing that the math works out better for the league the way things are right now.
Right now, they get broadcast money from networks and from DirectTV. Networks get their money from advertisers; Directv gets it from subscribers.
You are talking about eliminating the middleman: networks/DirectTV.
Fine, except your customers need to be able to stream live feeds.
And I don’t know this for a fact – merely guessing – but I doubt there are enough potential customers with internet connections sufficient to stream the games, and to thus exceed revenues that they get by including the middlemen. At this point.
ModeratorNo matter how much SMARTER, ARTICULATE, BETTER LOOKING, and MORE LIKELY TO GO TO HEAVEN I am compared to all of YOU – I’ll be Hellen sausage-stealing Keller and will stay mum in regards to all of your STUPID FUCKING GODDAMN BRAINLESS FUCKTARDED OPINIONS…
You would hate heaven.
It’s dull, believe me.
I suppose you know someone who knows someone….
ModeratorBarrett Jones is my most disappointing draft pick in a while, though his two years of injuries have softened the landing. But I was hoping that guy was a quality starting center for a decade.
ModeratorI think eventually we would end up in more-or-less the same place. But it would perhaps be worth a try, since we are certainly doomed given the trajectory we are on.
I mean, if you could get rid of everyone who thinks violence is a justifiable conflict resolution, it might change things. And the irony would be worth it.
FWIW, Cortana picks Rams over Seahawks
The Microsoft prediction engine thinks the Rams will win. Mostly it aligned with the favorites, but this game was one of the exceptions.
It had a 67% rate last season.
Article at:
Pete Prisco picks the Rams to win as well.
So does WV.
I don’t think RFL picked the Rams, though, but his voice was all muffled on account of his head being inside an oven.
ModeratorI like that. I stole it, and put it on Facebook.
ModeratorWhy not?
Given that you agree,
that the Biosphere would benefit from
a six-billion-person reduction.w
vWell, for one thing, in a couple hundred years, you would just have to do it again. Those 6.5 billion people would have died for no reason other than to punt the problem into the future where it would have to be faced all over again.
Go read Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment.
ModeratorJT keeps acting like the Rams should have let Austin D throw
more passes in preseason — why? The coaches know
what they have in Austin. They saw him play game
after game last year. A few more passes in preseason
wouldnt change anything.w
vI’ve noticed that, too. I think Thomas just personally likes Davis. And Wagoner is right; Davis was a stand up guy. I think everybody likes him. But…I agree with you. I don’t think it was unfair because they know who/what Davis is.
I hope he hangs around the league for a while, and pulls some more paychecks.
Didn’t Cleveland pick up some other QB Discard from the Rams a few years ago?
Cleveland. As bad as we’ve had it in St. Louis, it could be worse, eh?
ModeratorI don’t buy this at all, for reasons I just typed up in a different thread.
I mean…here…I have to challenge you: whom would you have signed?
Of course, they could have made different moves. But you are arguing they could have made BETTER moves. At least for the short term. What are they?
And I have to say…the possible move to LA…I fully expect that possibility to cloud a LOT of analysis in the next year or two.
I just do NOT believe Fisher and Snead are making football decisions around this (possible) move. First of all, Kroenke’s argument to the NFL to allow the move to LA is in no way based upon the crappy fan support in St. Louis. While that was part of Shaw’s argument to move from Anaheim to St. Louis, it is not part of Kroenke’s argument to move back to LA. I don’t think dwindling attendance at home games is going to be a drop in the bucket in the final analysis and decision-making. And I think Fisher wants to win. And I just don’t think the OL moves this year have anything whatsoever to do with “stalling” success for a year.
ModeratorPersonally, I figure this year has long since been conceded by the Ram FO as a throw-away, lame duck year. I think the decision to go with a ridiculously young OL with mid and low-round talent demonstrates that. It’s the 1st year in So Cal that it will care about.
I don’t think that is true. I don’t think they have conceded the year, and I don’t think their personnel decisions are linked to the possible move to LA in any way. I think they didn’t think they had the guys on the roster to fix the OL, with the exception of Barksdale (who obviously priced himself out of the picture), and they didn’t like anybody they saw in FA. The best way to fix the most desperate unit was through the draft, and as it happens, the aggressive, “attitude” players Fisher favors are available in the mid-rounds and late rounds. Yeah, it makes for a young line that is going to have rough days, but the alternative was some over-priced guys that don’t have the upside (Wisniewski, anyone?), don’t have the aggressiveness, and would also have rough days. What they did made sense, even though it means inflaming the impatience of fans who have borne various shades of awfulness and mediocrity for more than a decade. But I think the rebuilt line is/was their best shot at winning THIS year, as well as a long-term rebuild.
I would have LOVED to see them add a Timmerman, or some vet capable of nailing down a position on this young, young line. But without a specific name of a guy, this kind of armchair GMing drives me crazy. “They should have got somebody to play X really well!”
Great. Who?
I mean…unless you can drape out a better plan, all you’re doing, as far as I’m concerned, is venting. (And that isn’t directed at you personally, RFL – this wasn’t your complaint; I’m just digressing).
RFL, I share your perspective that the Rams showed nothing this pre-season to incite optimism. At this point, there is no evidence to suggest that the team has developed any consistency, any attitude, or any discipline that will serve to take them to playoff competitiveness. We saw signs of the GSOT in pre-season. They were playing consistently well. We didn’t know what it meant, coming off a decade of terribleness. But there was something there. We saw nothing this pre-season. And in the past, we’ve seen only sporadic quality football, and one could argue that if it is sporadic, it isn’t actually quality.
However, while I haven’t seen anything materialize on the field yet, I think we have seen some structural and systemic things happen that are reason for hope, if not faith. This team is still very young. But it is coming of age, and I THINK…I THINK… that we will start to see evidence this season. Maybe not soon enough to get a wild card. But I think enough that we enter next season with some evidence-based eagerness. We have talent. We have coaching stability on the defense. The offense is gonna suck early, but running the ball isn’t a Martz level of complication, and the OL was assembled for its aggressiveness, and the Rams have good RBs. That isn’t “rocket science,” and it will come together. It won’t be sexy, maybe. But I think the Rams will start to put teams on their heels the second half of the season.
ModeratorI want it to happen because we finally wake up and realize we need to do it for the future of humanity and every other living thing on the planet.
Oh, yeah. That could happen.
ModeratorI accidentally streamed nfl-live for the Indy game without registering/paying for it. Apparently anybody can stream pre-season games for free regardless of whether or not one signs up for gamepass.
ModeratorI just hope the man lives to be 200.
I think the threat he sees is real. The frustration is there, I believe. I think it has reached the critical mass. But the spark isn’t there yet. And maybe the spark has to be a charismatic, honest man, as Chomsky says. But maybe not. Maybe Chomsky is just expecting that because that is what happened in Germany.
But maybe it can be sparked by someone/something else. I dunno.
Bash on, regardless.
ModeratorI don’t know how this will play out in the future but I can see it going one of two ways:
1.) Humans become extinct.
2.) A completely redesigned economy. Endless escalating profit will no longer be possible unless there is a sort of consumer robot. Things will have to go through massive change and it will be very painful and long. But it’s inevitable.
Yes, one of the two seems likely. It’s interesting, isn’t it? If literally half the world’s population becomes unemployed, what then? We could dispose of them in the coliseum, or battlefield, or mass starvation, or something. Or we have to completely overhaul the economy.
And it is inevitable.
ModeratorFor whatever reason, Chip Kelly just didn’t like Foles. Even when he had his great season his enthusiasm for Foles was lukewarm at best. I can recall Philly fans even questioning why Kelly did not embrace Foles more during that season.
This is just an observation and meaningless in the big scheme of things but obviously there was something Kelly saw that he didn’t like.
Having said that, I see no reason why Foles can’t be successful here but he needs all the pieces around him to do that. I don’t think he particularly trusts the line that’s in front of him right now and that’s going to take time. He obviously needs more time with the receivers. And the BIG key is he will absolutely need that running game to work. If that’s getting stuffed I don’t think he’ll look very good. He is not Peyton Manning. But he can be a winner.
On another note, I’ve been more impressed with Case Keenum than I thought I’d be. I think it was a smart move giving up a 7th rounder to get him. I think he can be a solid back-up.
And Mannion looks very promising.
Yeah, I have often thought the same thing.
And with all the internet resources, and intrepid posters we have around here, I have not seen anybody explain why Kelly didn’t like Foles. There is a reason. There is something Foles can’t do that Kelly places a premium on.
What is that?
ModeratorOh, yes, that is awesome. Thank you for that.
You’re right…many levels.
August 25, 2015 at 12:30 am in reply to: Karraker: Is Fisher Still Capable of Being a Winning Coach? #29248Zooey
ModeratorI think we are for the first time able to foresee the time Fisher is on the hot seat.
Next season.
A lot of us are now voicing frustration that expected improvement is not manifesting. I’m guessing that that is happening with Rams fans out “there” as well (stadium issues aside).
A mediocre season this year leads to lost patience next year.
ModeratorI agree that the team looks completely lackluster, and like it is offering us the same old story that we’ve seen for 10 years. The offense looks incompetent, and the defense looks mediocre.
I don’t see anything in this team that makes me think, “Oh, THAT is becoming a strength.” Really, Mariota in his second quarter of NFL football looked far more polished than Foles. And I don’t even want to get into a direct QB comparison. I’m just saying I see nothing encouraging.
I will qualify that by saying it is the pre-season, and we know the games don’t matter. So, therefore, I do not pronounce this team dead before the season begins. OTOH, I cannot say I see any signs of life (Life defined as “Oh, THAT is becoming a strength”).
August 20, 2015 at 9:55 pm in reply to: Rams rumored to be in the mix to trade a WR to Panthers #29031Zooey
ModeratorIt wouldn’t surprise me if Carolina contacted the Rams to see what they want for Austin. I think there are teams that would give up a later round pick for him if the Rams were interested in selling. But I don’t think the Rams, at this point, have given up on him, so this ends up meaning nothing, imo.
ModeratorOxnard? Did you say…OXNARD?
I don’t know how I remember this. But I can’t ever get it out of my head now.
After Maclean Stevenson left MASH, he had his own sitcom that was terrible and got cancelled quickly. But I remember this ONE thing. Perhaps because I was a teenager. There was an episode where he was visiting somebody else’s house for dinner, or something, and the host had a trophy wife…big, beautiful blonde. And Stevenson just cannot wait to get out of this guy’s house, trying to make excuses to go home. And finally he reaches the front door and makes an exit line just as the guy says something like, “Too bad. I was just going to show our pictures of the volleyball tournament my trophy wife was in at the nudist camp in Oxnard.”
And Maclean Stevenson shoots back into the house saying, “Oxnard? Did you say…OXNARD?”
I had never heard of Oxnard before that, but every time I hear the name, or drive through the town, I can’t help but think of nude volleyball.
And…there you go.
I’m gone for 5 or 6 weeks, and when I come back, my first post makes an immediate contribution to understanding Training Camp.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
ModeratorThen why be against compensation to end the practice entirely while avoiding bloodshed?
Should the government compensate me if my cat runs away while I’m on vacation?
There are reasons both moral and practical. Forget the moral aspects for now. Let’s look at the practical. First of all, who would pay? Remember “the North” isn’t actually a legal thing. It’s either the Federal government, or a state government. It can’t be the Feds because that government is of the United States. And the slave hasn’t left one country for another; he/she has left one state for another. Which state pays? The border state through which the slave entered? The state where he went next? The state he went to after that?
Whose job is it to track down the escaped slaves? How do they determine their identity, and which southerner is entitled to compensation?
Who determines the compensation? Do we set up a depreciation table? You paid $800 for this slave, worked him for 12 years, and now he’s got a bad back from an injury, and a cataract in one eye. Do you get the full $800? What if the slave was born into slavery and not paid for at all?
What are you going to do about the black market that develops where unwanted slaves (old, unproductive, etc) are helped to “escape” so that the owner can get cash for them? What about the straight up fraud cases where purchase papers are falsified to show a greater amount was paid for a slave? Now you’ve developed a secondary market for humans in the south where unscrupulous men buy slaves just to “resell” them to the north for a quick profit.
I have a better idea.
No to slavery. No to racist policies.
If you buy a slave, you assume the risk. If the slave dies, the slave dies. If the slave runs away, the slave runs away.
ModeratorI understand your point, and I agree with it. I didn’t mean to be entirely dismissive of it. I was speaking in terms of the end game of actually taking action on greenhouse emissions, and not the less measurable, but still valid exercise of eradicating ignorance.
The two are certainly not mutually exclusive, anyway. So carry on, by all means. I enjoyed the read.
ModeratorIt is the same thing with the split infinitive. It literally can’t be done in Latin since infinitives are a single word.
John Dryden was to blame for some bad theatre, too. A pox on Dryden, I say.
ModeratorI don’t think of this kind of thing as “revelations.”
I think of it as evidence for discussions.
So it’s useful to say to the neutrals who are hearing what deniers say, that we know for a fact oil companies were planning future policies around global warming as early as 1981, even while funding denier campaigns.
So among us it’s not a case of “can you BELIEVE it? Did you see THIS?!”
To me discussion isn’t really necessary. At this point, I don’t think it matters that neutrals become convinced. The evidence is already in, and it is overwhelming, and the real issue is that Capitol Hill and Wall Street both know it, regardless of what they say.
So the issue isn’t convincing more humans. It’s convincing the humans who do know to do something, and that’s a different battle altogether.
Moderatorzn quote
“For example, I just posted something by a top, very cool historian who makes a good case debunking the idea that the civil war was about states rights, since one of the complaints from the leaders of the confederacy was that the federal government would not clamp down on states that ignored the fugitive slave act. They openly claimed that was a violation of federal law and that states did not have the right to do that.”
That is states rights. States rights per the US constitution ca. 1861. Slaves were property. The underground railroad dealt in stolen property. When the northern states refused to return the stolen property the compact was broken. Northern states aiding and abetting anti-slavery terrorists was a de-facto war against the south. Property rights then as now are guaranteed by the US constitution. If you see your stolen yankee car in my southern driveway and demand it be returned, and I say no, and my local law enforcement refuses to act other than to arrest anyone attempting to steal a car from my driveway, and your yankee financial judgement is not honored by my local and state authorities, what recourse do you have? It was always about states rights.
So….the secession wasn’t motivated by slavery.
It was motivated by states’ properties rights, and the only property rights in question were those pertaining to slaves. But it wasn’t about slavery. It was the principle of the thing.
I see.
ModeratorI left the federal/state argument for a stake in the government/anti-government argument. Water and waste are county.
But on USPS, yes, I’ve never seen it take longer than 3 days anywhere in the country first class. In my life.
ModeratorOh, god. Of course. It didn’t even occur to me it was a fetish. I didn’t know there were that many women. I thought it was 2 or 3. I haven’t followed the story.
Wow. Well, I am pretty lenient towards people’s fetishes, I guess, but I draw the line at non-consensual. If you want to tie her up, or fuck her toes, or whatever, it’s none of my business if she’s into it, too, but the second you start imposing yourself, man, that’s crap.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by