Forum Replies Created
November 25, 2016 at 9:08 pm in reply to: Jill Stein raising money for vote recount in swing states #59476
— X —
ParticipantI suppose this could lead to some sort of voting reform though, like, oh I dunno…retinal scans at the voting precincts?
Integrated chips under the skin.
But then the religious right would never go for that.
Number of the beast and all.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI would kill all the people. I’m not a big fan of people. But then who would be left to appreciate the planet? Animals have no capacity for appreciation. Now that I think this through, fuck those animals too. Ingrates.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantYou have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantOk, last time, i asked yunz if you would push a button that would eliminate 6.6 Billion Humans painlessly, in order to save the planet. And though i was disappointed that many of you REFUSED to join me in the mass-murder of billions of humans, i will not be deterred from trying another thot-X-periment.
I must have missed that. Where can I find it?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 23, 2016 at 1:40 pm in reply to: and the answer is more complicated than you might think #59327— X —
ParticipantI keep hearing this almost anti-education–or at least formal education, in your posts, X. If I’m reading that wrong I apologize. But I think there really is an anti-intellectualism movement in the country. I think there is a “dumbing down” of things. Have you watched CNN lately?
You’re not wrong. I am anti-formal education – if there is such a thing. I look at what it’s producing, and it makes me cringe. And CNN is a joke. They’re the top of the liberal media bias totem pole.
I also have an 11th grade education. I did get my GED and I put in about a year of college when I went into the air force.
I’ve never been a particularly “formal” education kind of guy. I wanted to follow my curiosity. And when I did find something interesting, I wanted to know a lot about it. I studied it. There are many subjects that I am woefully ignorant about and I’m aware of what those are. There are things I WISH I had more interest in–a lot of practical things, really.
Nice. I didn’t know that, so thanks for sharing,.
I hear blue collar workers all day long(or evening since I work 2nd shift)and I heard many of them before this election blasting Clinton for emails or this or that or the other thing. I didn’t hear one person tell me WHY they liked Trump.
How could they?
Trump’s plans were vague at best. Slogans. And more anti-Hillary than anything else.
I believe that is how people voted. And she deserved it. She was an awful candidate and it’s true that she didn’t give anyone a reason TO vote for her besides the fact that she wasn’t Trump. At the end of the day that was still enough to win the popular vote.
I don’t doubt that you might have heard those things from some blue-collar workers. I, too, have heard similar things while out and about on different jobs. But I don’t agree that Trump had no plans or that they were vague. The thing his detractors didn’t bother to do was notice that he is a ‘big picture’ kind of guy who assembles teams to help realize those plans. That’s all he ever did as a civilian. He actually had many plans if anyone bothered to listen. Really listen. Secure the southern border, back out of the TPP, back out of the Iran Agreement, offer incentives to Corporations to return jobs to the U.S., reform health care, reform immigration, let Generals loose to do their jobs and not encumber them with politically correct directives during war, zap the EPA and its bloated budget, tap into our natural resources to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, appoint Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court, reform the V.A., etc. He said the same things over and over and over. What was vague was Hillary’s ten thousand different slogans and her strange obsession with intimate pressers and her courting of rich celebrities while simultaneously trying to convince everyone she was in touch with the plight of poor Americans.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWell for me, I try to put myself in their shoes. Would I enter a country illegally so that I could feed my family or give them the chance of a better life? Should my family suffer just because through random chance they were born on the wrong side of an arbitrary border? I mean, these people are just like me. They want the same things out of life that I want. I’m not going to deny them the chance to get just a little taste of what I have and enjoy. And what I have is largely due to me being born on the right side of that same arbitrary border.
That’s a good sentiment. But do you think they should be required to go through the legal process of becoming US citizens, or should we just let anyone who wants to come in … come in.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantAnd i dont believe in Mermaids.
Now you’re just being hateful.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 23, 2016 at 8:22 am in reply to: and the answer is more complicated than you might think #59298— X —
ParticipantI mean do you think only enlightened, wise, holy, social-justice crusaders voted for Trump? How many of them types ARE there in this here nation…
vOf course not. I’m just tired of the constant pigeon-holing of middle Americans as less thans because they don’t have any higher education on their CV’s. Why make a point of it? What difference does it make? Does it make me less informed or signify an inability to think critically? Am I somehow less enlightened? Do I think only linearly? Why shouldn’t I take exception to that? What if I constantly harped on the idea that college students don’t know how to think for themselves? What if I kept suggesting that colleges are like liberal cults that are breeding grounds for mindless twits who only know how to parrot the things with which they’ve been indoctrinated, and it’s THEY who are responsible for the past 8 years of moral regression and fiscal irresponsibility? Would it bother you if every article you read suggested as much?
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
-- X --.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSame thing as with the Panthers game. Their top O vs our Top D, and their struggling D against our struggling O. Another one of those ‘something has to give’ games. The light at the end of this particular tunnel is that we seem to always rattle Brees. I don’t imagine he likes playing the Rams very much.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 23, 2016 at 7:34 am in reply to: and the answer is more complicated than you might think #59286— X —
ParticipantIt might have more to do with the fact that these people tend to be less educated and white
And ……. scene.
No need to read any further.
They still don’t get it. To vote republican and for Trump to them IS racism. They won’t listen to those white voters who fear their jobs will be sent out of this country. No, they only see white meat turkeys they believe is theirs. Its jobs, the economy, rule of law, accountability that all voters capable of rational thought want but still the racism drum never misses a beat. Its good that most people have already tuned it out. Time for positive change.
That, and the constant attribution of ignorance to Trump voters. We’re not as educated, so we apparently only think on a base level. We’re just not evolved enough to see the big picture or smart enough to determine the greater good. It’s probably all the banjo music. It can be very distracting. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to take my 11th grade education and tackle this problem with these shoelaces. I’ve tried the rabbit ears thing, but it’s not working out. Maybe I just need to find the time to take some night classes between my two jobs.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI don’t know what’s going on. It has too many causes. Will the OL ever gel? How much of that is Gurley? How fast will Goff progress? How much real improvement have we seen at receiver? Is Boras ultimately a capable OC?
This all leads to the “get rid of Fisher” sentiment.
On that, I am an agnostic. There’s no such thing as a Fisher diehard. Most people who defend Fisher would be fine with a coaching change IF the new HC is a good one.
That’s fair, but I’m not someone who just stopped looking for reasons for the losses. I can still enumerate the things that happen in a game that would cause a team to lose no matter who the coach was or is. For me, it’s the cumulative effect of these individual losses that has me pining for a change. Jeff Fisher seems to be a very likable and smart guy. I haven’t turned my discontent with him into a seething resentment like others out there have. He’s not an iduot or a relic or any of the other infantile nouns and adjectives I’ve seen attached to him lately. But at the same time, he’s becoming less deserving of my support. Ultimately everything that goes wrong with this team is his responsibility – short of widespread injuries which sometimes effect entire units. My thing with that, though, is that after 4.5 years, there isn’t any real team system in place on offense, and a real reluctance -or maybe even inability- to accelerate young players’ learning curves (not Goff). It’s this guy’s O, then that guy’s O, then the other guy’s O. Compound that with injuries, and you get what you get. Confusion, penalties and lack of execution.
It’s just not fun to watch anymore. But like I said, I won’t stop analyzing these things. And i won’t internalize the results either. It’s just come to the point where change is the only hope I have now. Different is better, and all that.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 23, 2016 at 6:27 am in reply to: and the answer is more complicated than you might think #59278— X —
ParticipantIt might have more to do with the fact that these people tend to be less educated and white
And ……. scene.
No need to read any further.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSo the trick is, if they win, we won’t hear it.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWell, it’s actually about 11 million now. And there are pros to having them around too. They are a vital component of many industries and US agriculture would completely collapse without them. According to Harvard economist Jorge Borjas, the net worth of the average American has actually increased because of them.
Also, they generate about $12 billion dollars per year in Social Security taxes and about $11 billion per year in state and local taxes.
Crime rates among undocumented workers are lower than they are for the average US citizen.
And there’s more. There are cons as well but overall I think the country is better off with them.
I know it’s around 11M now. That’s why I made the quip of ‘down from 13M?’. IMO, the cons outweigh the pros. Gains from immigrants largely go to immigrants, because their contribution to the aggregate economy doesn’t produce a net benefit to the native-born population. They get tons of aid from the gubmint. And while crime rates are lower than they are for the average US citizen, is it proportionate? And why would it be acceptable for even ONE undocumented worker (illegal immigrant) to commit crimes on our soil?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThing about me is, though, I am not doing “Fisher should stay/go” with every single issue.
Neither am I. This is my first time. Also, I understood what you were trying to say with the quotes and reinforcing what their philosophy is as it relates to opening up the offense. I’m fully cognizant of that stuff. BUT. How often are we going to listen to his post-game comments telling us the same things all the time? “We had this, but…” or “We had the opportunity, but….” or “We just couldn’t get [XYZ] going….” or “That was a good defense [insert team] has, and we just couldn’t….” Breaking down the break-downs is becoming a futile endeavor.
The losses have been bad this year. These are not elite teams they are losing to.
I think this is Fisher’s worst year as a ram-head-coach.
This is Fisher’s OLine. And they, apparently, are Healthy.
I guess we’ll see how Fisher does in Year SIX. Ah well.
Yeah. That’s the thing. We win some of the games we should lose, and lose most of the games we should win. It goes to what I said about them playing exactly to the level of their competition. They beat Seattle, which is great, but then Seattle goes on to beat everyone else the Rams lose to. It’s almost funny (cuz I chuckled when I typed that).
It’s his O-line.
It’s his run game.
It’s his receivers.
It’s his secondary.
It’s all his (except for Quinn and Saffold).Is what it is though. I’m not all pissed off about it or anything. He’ll probably get extended, and he may even catch lightning in a bottle. But I just think there’s something wrong – some kind of disconnect – between the operations side and the coaching side. I dunno. I can’t even put my finger on it the problem. Other than to say, there’s a problem.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantDarrell Bevell or Matt Patricia.
I think Josh McDaniels has grown some since his time in Denver, and I would love to see him implement the Earhardt-Perkins offense with Goff and these receivers we just drafted. Thomas, Higbee, Cooper, and Britt/Quick/Spruce would fit perfectly within that scheme, and I think Austin would have a markedly different role. Like Edelman.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI’m going to preface this with the qualifier that I’ve seen you ask people to give when they make the following statements. I just don’t like Jeff Fisher (anymore). Now, onto the statements.
I’m aware of what the offense is designed to be, and what it could be if executed properly. It’s been a very long time and none of it has been realized (I know the reasons), and I have very little faith that it suddenly will. Even with Goff as QB.
Because they draft too many players with high talent ceilings while foregoing the very real need to draft players with fundamental football smarts. Freak athletes are great and all, but not if they never become more than freak athletes (e.g., great football players).
Because the team is always undisciplined. I know there are no correlations between penalties and losses, but I do know that there are correlations between untimely penalties and losses. Too often this team shoots itself in the foot at the most inopportune times. That’s, IMO, a direct reflection of coaching. OR, it goes to point #1 above that these players just aren’t all that smart. Which is a broader problem.
Because this team seems to always play exactly to the level of its competition. That’s why we see such tight games all the time – which is good, but not enough. With the talent level on this team, Fisher shouldn’t get out-coached by all of these ‘new’ coaches with much less experience than he has. Most of the time that these games come down to the closing minutes of the 4th quarter, Fisher’s team finds a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Because their draft doesn’t match their philosophy as it relates to offense. Why strive to be a ground-n-pound team who ‘takes shots’ and draft guys like Austin and Goff? Those are guys you’d see Martz pick up. Had they stayed put in the 16 draft, they could have gotten many more guys who fit the mold he’s put in place. I outlined a perfect draft scenario for him too before the draft this April, and it included several players who are now producing in a huge way for other teams. Meanwhile we’re out a #1 overall next year, and have a QB with elite skills (no idea if they’ll be realized) so we can run the ball and set up ‘shots’. It’s bass-ackwards.
Again, even if all of that can be discredited somehow with statements, stats, drive charts, trends, reasons, excuses, etc., it doesn’t matter. This season will mark the 5th year in a row that Fisher’s team couldn’t break through that .500 glass ceiling. It wears on me. I’m worn. So, I’ll reiterate. “I just don’t like Fisher”. Anymore.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI think it played a pretty significant part. For YEARS, most of America has been begging for an election (any political election) to consist of *only* debates on the issues and discussions of political views. Killary poured millions upon million into negative ads against Trump, and her campaign was pretty much only about how shitty Trump would be as President versus how she could offer any substantive change over the status quo. That was CLEARLY aided by the MSM’s constant pounding of anything and everything Trump said, anything and everything Hillary said against him, and anything and everything associated with the shady characters who supported Trump.
Her shady dealings with the Clinton Foundation, her intentional breach of National security laws, and her pay-to-play dealings as Secretary of State got nothing more than a cursory mention on MSM outlets. Fox News was the only outlet to cover that stuff in-depth (showing how much air-time it got versus negatives against Trump), but we all know the reason behind that. Still though, it was very, very obvious that the MSM was in the bag for Killary. Anyone with half of a functioning brain could see it, and lots of polls substantiated that claim.
But I say it played a part, because I don’t think that’s why she lost. She lost because she pretended she was winning from day one. Also, she didn’t take advantage of ANY of the opportunities presented to her to speak to right-wing pundits or journalists. She rejected an invitation to appear on FOX several times, rejected an opportunity to sit down with Hugh Hewitt (who would have been extremely fair to her), and rejected opportunities to have press conferences that weren’t just intimate settings on her private plane. If you wanna win the Electoral College, you have to do those things, and you have to do them often. You have to go out and talk to people and make appearances. She didn’t feel like it, apparently, because she felt she didn’t need to. Like I said, she thought she had it in the bag from the minute Trump became the nominee. All she had to do was crack on Trump all the time and that would prove to be enough.
Except, no.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWell, ok.
I haven’t really decided what it is yet. Seems to be, like most political ‘movements’, more than one thing. It seems to be a collection of things.
It’s not even a movement. It was more of a discovery of what was already out there hanging out in the dark web, and now on different sites that have absolutely no political influence like /r/ channels and 4Chan. Then their influence on society was exaggerated by the Dems to scare independents into staying away from Trump. As though Trump had any affiliation whatsoever with the many different sects of the “alt-right”.
“Hey, look! David Duke doesn’t hate Trump! Trump is a racist!”
lol. So stupid.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI don’t know if you’re aware of this X, but
illegal immigration really isn’t an issue currently. It’s been used by Trump and other Republicans to whip the masses into a frenzy but the number of illegal immigrants in the US is shrinking and has been for several years.Link:
Shrinking from nearly 13,000,000? Well that’s nice. There’s still the issue of the fiscal cost of unlawful immigrants and amnesty to the U.S. taxpayer. Unless or until that’s a net zero, then there’s still an issue.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThat’s some good writing, but I obviously don’t agree with all the content.
Good writing though, for sure.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantDrain the swamp.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 20, 2016 at 1:31 pm in reply to: Mayhew and Shatner wage Star Trek vs Star Wars Twitter war #59056— X —
ParticipantWhy are you people discussing two LOSER shows, when you COULD be talking
about the second BATTLESTAR GALACTICA series. Which was the best sci-fi series, like, ever.w
vAs if Battlestar Galactica could ever compete with Lost in Space.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participant“Build a Wall, Build a Wall..” — How do you interpret that kind of chant given the political context of the last year? Just curious. What does the chant mean to you?
Can you agree that the chant will mean different things to different people? What are some of those other meanings bound to be?I can understand some people thinking the chant means “just keep out illegal folks who take jobs from poor US citizens”
I can also understand people thinking the chant means “keep out brown people, mexicans, Muslims, everyone we dont like…”I take it to mean keep out illegal immigrants. Nothing beyond that. If they want to come across legally, then that’s fine. I don’t care who they are or what color their skin is. If people want to interpret that to mean keep out all brown people, then they’re just looking for something to be offended by. That’s the way I see it. I mean, when you consider that most of the illegals coming across *are* a different color, then how is it racist? It’s just the facts.
The alternative is to just drop immigration policies altogether and let whoever wants to come across illegally, do just that. If they’re terrorists, or drug dealers, or violent criminals, or looking for government welfare, then fine. Everybody come over and destroy and/or pillage this great Country in the interest of political correctness and “love”.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantIt takes about 5 hours for alcohol to leave your system, and that’s if you’re only *at* the legal limit. Apparently he had more than a few the night before if his BAC was still above the limit at 8:00 a.m. Of course that also depends on when he stopped drinking the night before too. Shame. I’m willing to bet he thought he was fine the next morning – meaning, not *feeling* buzzed anymore.
I got clipped for a DUI once – over 20 years ago while on vacation in Myrtle Beach. I was the only car on the road and only drove about a half mile to a store to pick up more supplies for a gathering. And only got pulled over because I rolled through a stop sign leaving the store. That was awesome. But that’s not the story. I had to go to an 8-hour DUI class in order to get my license reinstated. In this class, the instructor actually made everyone breathe into a breathalizer before he began and said he was going to kick out anyone who topped the legal limit. Two people did. Not because they were drinking that morning, but because they were drinking the night before. Both protested vehemently that they were sober, but that became the first lesson of the class. Feeling sober and being sober are two different things.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Los Angeles – We are aware of the incident involving CB Troy Hill that occurred Saturday morning. As it is an ongoing legal matter and we are still gathering information, we will have no further comment at this time.
Troy Hill will be inactive for tomorrow’s game versus the Miami Dolphins.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 20, 2016 at 12:30 am in reply to: Mayhew and Shatner wage Star Trek vs Star Wars Twitter war #59023— X —
ParticipantStar Trek kicks Star Wars ass everyday and twice on Sunday.
The last Star Trek movie (which I just got done watching) was pretty good too.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSince the Wilton incident, outraged alumni have since reached out to O’Donnell via a petition, calling for the principal to take a harder stance against chants of this nature, which they call “an act of bigotry and racism.”
Naturally. What else could it be?
#everythingisracistYou have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWell, no you can’t legislate morality. All that you can do is make laws that don’t allow the beliefs of one group to impinge upon the rights of another.
But I do think people can be taught to see the differences of other groups as just differences and not to automatically judge those differences as being better or worse. The world continues to get smaller and different groups are exposed to one another at a rate far greater than at any time in history. I think the exposure to other cultures makes some people feel uncomfortable. They think their way of life is in jeopardy and right now there is a lot of backlash against that. This leads to groups like the alt-right. They take a defensive posture instead of trying to understand or see the positives. But as the world continues to get smaller eventually the differences will seem less important. That’s my hope anyway.
Good stuff, Nitt. I agree that there shouldn’t be any laws enacted that would serve to penalize another race unjustly. You mention that people are fearful that their way of life is in jeopardy, and subsequently there’s some backlash over it, and I agree. But I think it’s misguided. I think it’s safe to assume that we’re talking about immigration. Most of what I hear from people across multiple platforms is that this administration is going to arbitrarily deport everyone and quickly erect a giant wall behind them. Break up families, leave children homeless, deny access to America, etc. That’s not the case. He was very clear that he was targeting criminals, and is flexible in his immigration reform policies. He wants people here — legally. He wants prosperity for all people, but he also wants the rules and laws of the land to be applied to everyone. I don’t know how it’s going to shake out, but I’m very confident that there won’t be an arbitrary mass deportation. He knows that local police forces know who the illegal criminals are. He knows they know who the gangs and drug dealers are and whether or not they’re here legally. He wants to give them the power to help remove those people from our society, and I’m all for it. Everyone should be for that. Otherwise, remove border police from the borders, open it up to Columbian Drug Lords, Islamic terrorists, drug smugglers, and anyone else who wants to come over and destroy the United States. Freedom and equal rights for all, yeah?
And I agree about the alt-right. They’re instigators and trolls, and aren’t doing anything to improve society. I just understand their motivation. Similarly, I understand the New Moral Order and their life mission to make everyone become tolerant whether they like it or not. I don’t understand or agree with how they attack people for being 20 steps removed from racism, but are racists anyway — just because. But it is what it is. The only thing I can do, personally, is ignore it when I know it’s unwarranted. More people on the right could benefit from doing the same. Then it might at least quiet down a little.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThe main thing, just narrowing it back down to the issue of race, is that he’s on the side of denial. To me that’s a problem in its own right. There’s more than one position on race, and so to me, it doesn’t reduce to “being okay” v. “outspoken throwback bigot type.”
Anyway, I am going to take a break from this one for a bit.
It’s Goff time.
Goff is either for touchdowns, or he denies they exist. I want to see which it is.
I hope you’re not taking a break because you think this is getting – or is going to get – contentious. Far from it. I love reading your (and everyone else’s) thoughts on this. I like the dialogue and the hashing out of beliefs and ideas. I think we’re making progress in as far as gaining a better understanding of each other. We may never see eye-to-eye, but we can certainly become more aware of how each other thinks; and maybe from there, we can become more tolerant.
And I can tell you, with 100% certainty, that Goff is pro-touchdown. The problem is he’s raging against the anti-TD establishment led by that run game authoritarian, Jeff Fisher. I have an idea though. I have lots of different colored sharpies. If you have some extra cardboard, we can take to Figueroa Street and really show them what’s what.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss -
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by