Forum Replies Created
November 18, 2016 at 10:59 am in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #58827
— X —
ParticipantWell what do we know about the “Deplorable climate science blog”?
I mean who are they? What are their qualifications? Who funds them?
vIt’s independent. They’re funded by donations.
The entire article is here:
And it’s sourced throughout.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantNot all Republicans are racist. But the vast majority of racists are Republicans.
Perhaps. But the same can be said for black Dems. Not all black Dems are racist, but the vast majority of racists within the party are black Dems. And for the record, I refuse to accept the notion that blacks cannot be racist as is often taught in Universities. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t even say “blacks” without being labeled a racist too. FWIW, I’ve been told by several black men that they don’t identify with the “African American” label, and that’s going back years. They’re proud to be known as simply “black”. One of my superiors at work, after the subject was brought up, went so far as to say, “You’re not European American, are you?” I said, “No, because my ancestors are from Ireland.” He told me to wait until after 5 to drink, because … you know … I’m Irish. I told him to pull up his pants, because I don’t care what his underwear looks like, because … you know … he’s black. That’s the dialogue of people who don’t care about the outrage of either party over the subject of race.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI think THOSE are the scourges that gave us Trump-Killary-Obama-Bush-Reagan. Race is not really my big issue. Its just something i notice and cant deny. I think the Reps play the race game in a dirty way and the proof is right there in the Racists themselves. I talk to them every week. THEY tell me Trump represents their views.
I look forward to you starting that thread. This is a good discussion that would allow for all of us to dig deeper into things. As for the above, why is it that those racists you know feel Trump represents their views? Are they misinterpreting the message, realigning the message to suit their needs, or is the left not addressing the real issue at all? Probably a little of all 3. I don’t really know any racists. I did work with some people several years ago who conveyed some racial overtones when discussing core issues *(no ‘N’ words or anything like that), but all of them were over 60 years old at the time. That might be a variable worth exploring as well.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantAll I see is “yeah that’s THEIR kind of jokes” type humor.
Well …. yeah.
And … so?
Why do people feel they need to police the internet for things that can (and will) offend them? I don’t think people really understand the /r/ community, and that’s understandable because it’s kind of its own anti-PC world where they can be politically incorrect. They try to out-shock each other, make ridiculous memes (again, for shock value), and are generally just being offensive for sport. That doesn’t freaking define anyone. I do it too.
For example. Just last night. My wife and I were sitting on the couch at about 7:00 and I started patting my pockets, started looking around on the floor, feeling between the cushions and stuff, and my wife says, “What’re you looking for?” I stopped, looked at her with a very serious face and said, “My freaking dinner.” She gave a quick chuckle and said, “Jerk. What do you want? I can make stroganoff.” About two weeks before that, I absolutely CRUSHED my finger at work and blew the nail right off. It was bothering me to no end for two days, and I was fiddling around with the band-aid complaining how it’s putting pressure on the wound, and my wife said, “Pussy. Try and push a human being out of your body.” I chuckled and told her, “Yeah, but then you get to sit on your ass eating bon-bons for the next 18 years.” She also laughed. Know why? Because she knows I’m not serious. It’s just humor. It’s not widely accepted humor, but it’s humor nonetheless.
Honestly, people just need to chill the fuck out about stuff like that. And Bannon’s ability to generate revenue for that website by hosting (and encouraging) politically incorrect commentary by the /r/ and 4chan communities is no more an indictment on his character than mine when I tell my wife to go fetch my dinner. So if you’re going to assault Bannon’s character, then assault mine too. Both of us will likely laugh at the notion and continue on with whatever it is what we wanna do. I’d also submit that his involvement with Breitbart will have NO bearing on his role as political adviser. He’s got an advanced degree in business (with honors) from Harvard and very good military experience. He’s not going to suggest to Trump that we roll back the clock to a bygone era and start suppressing women or rounding up Jews for slaughter. But that’s exactly what the alt-left is afraid of. And they combat it by dictating the rules of personal moral engagement.
Meanwhile I only even bring it up to expand the picture of what Bannon is all about.
Nah. I appears more like perpetuating a false narrative.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSo, to sum up. And imho.
1) There is indeed a real, active, much-discussed ‘southern strategy’ used by Nixon/Bush/Reagan/Bush/Trump. That strategy in subtle and not-so-subtle ways ‘invites’ the overt, organized, and unorganized White-Racist bloc of voters to feel at home in the Rep Party. The Dems do not ‘do that’. As bad as they are, they dont do ‘that’.
2) There are plenty of other NON-racist voting-blocs in the Rep Party. Evangelicals, Top 1 percenters, etc.
3) There are racist voters who vote Dem, too. But there is no ‘Dem Southern Strategy’ to capture them or “Dem northern strategy” to capture them, etc.
4) I think the Race issue leaned on too much by the left, and denied totally by the Right.Themz my views, in an oversimplified way.
Well, let’s talk about *that* then. What are these subtle and not-so-subtle ways the right invites that fringe into the fold? By talking about real issues like immigration? Is there a way to do that without introducing the fact that it actually *is* other races that are pouring over the border in record numbers? As I said a little while back, I would feel the same about immigration reform if there were thousands of Swedes or Germans pouring across. It’s a security and economic issue (for me, at least).
Or maybe it’s using phrases like “inner city”? That’s a real thing. Inner cities. Talking about the very real problems within those areas isn’t done so at the expense of the African American race as a whole. But I did see it spun that way by the Dems. They more or less insinuated that Trump was saying there aren’t any functioning or affluent African American communities. So, yeah.
To that end, I submit that Dems *do* use a similar tactic. They distort the real meaning behind Republican talking points to that of ‘hate’ or ‘racism’ or ‘intolerance’, and they do that in order to attract and cater to the far left.
Am I off on any of that?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThe animation below shows how NASA has altered their own data to make the post-1930’s cooling disappear.
The graph below overlays the 1999 and 2016 versions, normalized to the most recent common years in the 1990’s. It shows how the past has been cooled to create a fake warming trend.
NASA US temperatures are based on NOAA USHCN (United States Historical Climatology Network) data. The graph below shows the average of their measured temperatures in blue, and the average of their “adjusted” temperatures in red. The entire US warming trend over the past century is due to data tampering by NOAA and NASA.
The graph below shows the hockey stick of adjustments being made to US temperatures since 1980. This is calculated as the red line in the image above minus the blue line above.
The bulk of the data tampering is being done by simply making temperatures up. If NOAA is missing data for a particular station in a particular month, they use a computer model to calculate what they think the temperature should have been. In 1980 about 10% of the data was fake, but now almost half of it is fake.
And here is the smoking gun of fraud. The adjustments being made correlate almost perfectly to the rise in atmospheric CO2. The data is being tampered with to match greenhouse gas warming theory.
Evidence is overwhelming that the US used to be much hotter. Prior to 1960, the frequency of hot days in the US was much larger. The graphs below were generated from the same NOAA data sets used in the graphs above.
The areal coverage of hot weather in the US was also much larger prior to 1960.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantDid you read it? It’s largely tongue-in-cheek, but it also cites relevant scientific sources to make its salient point about why feminists are miserable. And it’s written by a gay man. The comments that follow are all made with those facts in mind, and there’s no outrage over it. See, this is the problem with re-posting article titles without offering any commentary on the substance. It’s meant to generate discussion, to offer some humor, and to generate readership. I found nothing wrong with the article as a whole, but I’m sure there are people who could cherry-pick a sentence or two out of it and start a protest. lol.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participanti dont see why racism would be any ‘more‘ of an issue than in 2012 or earlier.
It’s not. It wouldn’t even be a talking point if Killary was elected either. Now, all you have to do is hint at it existing within the system, and all hell breaks loose. Dog whistle politics.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantNext they’re going to say that Steve Bannon was a champion of women’s rights…
I guess the Clinton campaign isn’t the only one trying to gaslight the entire country…
Did you just create a hypothetical and then call it hypocritical? Lol. Thats a new one I have not seen before.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 17, 2016 at 4:20 pm in reply to: How to Understand the 14 Different Groups on the Right Wing #58754— X —
ParticipantBuchanan would kick Bolton’s ass.
lol. So would Kennedy.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantCase in point.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participantlol. That Garfield one was the best.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantBannon has cited a faked TIME magazine cover, purportedly from the 1970s, as evidence that scientists once thought the world was cooling….
I don’t know how accurate that is, because I can’t find the source of that claim, but in the 60’s and 70’s it was the consensus among scientists that the world was indeed heading into another cooling cycle, and there were articles about it in magazines and newspapers. Here’s a Newsweek article from 1975.
To scientists, these seemingly disparate incidents represent the advance signs of fundamental changes in the world’s weather. The central fact is that after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down. Meteorologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend, as well as over its specific impact on local weather conditions. But they are almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century.
I’d also like to point out, with nothing but kindness in my heart, that there seems to be a deficit of self-awareness around here. We’re attacking the guy for some of the things he said, some of the things he’s been directly and indirectly tied to, and not paying a lick of attention to the fact that he has a master’s degree in National Security Studies, an M.B.A. degree with honors from Harvard Business School, was an officer in the United States Navy serving as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Pacific Fleet and was a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon. Where’s the speculation that he can offer some value as a political adviser?
Smear him though before he’s even started serving the President. It’s worked wonders for the left as we can now plainly see. Call him misogynistic, anti-Semitic, a white supremacist, and disregard everything else. Because he said this, or supports that/doesn’t support this, or is friends with him, was disparaging towards her, etc. I know there’s merit in speculating on the dangers of him being in Trump’s ear now, if you truly believe he’s evil, but Trump isn’t an empty vessel vulnerable to distinctly evil plots against humanity. He’s a big picture guy who already has visions that need logistics to put them in play, and he’s seeking counsel of people who have a broad range of experience. Not to be “yes men”, but to be the types of people who can tell him the truth, and tell him ‘no’ when needed.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantAnd at the same time I believer HIM
Freudian slip … much?
It was all that Catholic talk.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participant“Entitlement” is a big thing with you. Its one of your core complaints, I’ve noticed.
Its a big subject and someday maybe we’ll get into that. I’m always trying to figure out the core-fundamental differences that drive each of our political-notions.
I’m going to bed, but let me at least leave you with this thot — Does it also bug you when mega-CORPORATIONS act all ‘entitled’ ? Or do you not believe that THEY are the biggest whiners on the planet? Does corporate-welfare bother you at all?
Well, I’m sure if you keep funneling my answers into new questions in order to try and expose some sort of hypocrisy on my part, you might actually do it. I’m not infallible. I may have a bias here or there that people may find ugly, but I’ll own it if and when you do. But it’s 1:21 a.m. right now, and I can’t answer that last question in short order. I’m not even sure it’s a good equivalency, but I’ll answer it tomorrow. And remember, I said those feelings are born of something. They’re visceral, so it’s up to me to discovery why.
And I do enjoy the conversation/debate. It’s a journey of discovery.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantME: I have dozens and dozens of quotes from prominent Jews (is it anti-Semitic to say Jew now?), including scholars on the subject who actually investigated this, endorsing Bannon and debunking claims of anti-Semitism. But I’m not gonna do it yet. I’m going to sit back wide-eyed and watch this all unfold in amazement. Well, actually, not amazement. This is becoming the norm now. It’s like the Kevin Bacon game. “I can tie [insert name] to [insert hate group] in less than 7 steps.” Providing a platform for something is not endorsing something, and it certainly doesn’t make you an anti-Semite.
Then, according to The Hill, there was the more recent article, written about Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, which he titled, “Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew.” Some have argued, of course, that Yiannopoulos, not Bannon, should be the only criticized for these pieces (and, uh, to be clear, he totally should), but according to Vanity Fair, Bannon was behind Yiannopoulos all the way, and told the magazine, “did you hear about Milo? It’s great.”
David Horowitz (a Jew) wrote that article. A Jew writing about another Jew is not anti-Semitic, and it doesn’t make Bannon anti-Semitic by virtue of transitive property.
Horowitz: “CNN, which has been particularly vicious, did a nasty attack on Bannon using another of the thinnest reeds available: This was a headline at calling Bill Kristol a “renegade Jew.” In fact, neither Breitbart nor Bannon is responsible for that statement. A Jew is. I wrote the article, which was neither requested nor commissioned by Breitbart. And I wrote the headline: “Bill Kristol, Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew.”
Joel Pollack (editor): “To be honest I was not happy with the article, David and I spoke about it and agreed to disagree, but none of it reflects on Steve Bannon.”
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI suppose it doesnt really matter why she lost — what matters is who is going to win the meme-battle among the folks trying to tell the STORY of why she lost. I mean what matters NOW is just what STORY the public is going to BELIEVE about why she lost. Because the DNC is going to tell ‘one’ story (she lost because of the Russians, Cheating, Bernie, Dum-people, etc) And the progressives are going to tell ‘another’ story — she lost because of her neoliberal fuck-the-poor policies and because she’s totally unethical and a lying weasel.
If the DNC story wins the day, the Dems will continue to be the disgusting creepshow they are now.
If the Progressive story wins the day, the Dems have a chance at cleaning up their act.I’m not optimistic about the progressives, but i got a flicker of hope. Just a flicker.
vWell said.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantIf they were protesting Hillary would you think the same way? If they were protesting “political correctness” would you feel the same way?
Yes. I was dreading it happening. I told my wife that if Trump lost, I hope conservatives take it on the chin and at least had the presence of mind to vote down ticket republican so there would at least be a majority in the house and senate to push back on and block some of her policies and appointees. I didn’t want them to protest a democratic election. It would have been embarrassing, because I know the kinds of idiots that brings out of the woodwork. So yes, I would have been against that. And imagine how the MSM would have covered THAT. lol. Trump’s redneck racist misogynist bigots spurn democratic process!
If they were protesting political correctness? I don’t know what that would look like. I mean, I’m not a fan of political correctness, but I probably would think it a stupid thing to take to the streets. Who the hell’s gonna change that? Who would even listen to it? Who starts a revolution over correct speech? I’m really trying to be open and honest about this, so I don’t know how I would react to that. I’d probably laugh at that too. I’m not against protests. I’m against stupidity and entitlement. I understand protests against war & tyranny. I understand the salt march and the million man march, and the Ferguson protests, and the outrage over Rodney King, and so on and so on. I don’t understand ‘Fuck Trump Steaks’ and ‘Sue the USA because the Electoral College is bogus’ and ‘He’ll put us in concentration camps’ and ‘SANCTUARY CAMPUSES!’. And again, I’m not trying to invalidate anyone’s feelings. I just don’t find it particularly useful, and it just seems like rampant entitlement. It’s also an insult to real protest and real heroes of causes like the self-immolation of Thich Quang Duc, or Gandhi’s hunger strike, or the guy squaring off on a tank in tiananmen square.
I’m not trying to be combative or harsh or morally superior or anything like that.
These are my honest feelings; and they have to be born of something.
Maybe that warrants a little more investigation or introspection. I dunno.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantTrust me when I say this, X.
Do NOT carry any water for Steve Bannon. You’ll be betrayed…in principle…and realize you’ve defended a monster. And that’s not you.
All this bullshit right now is propaganda, circling the wagons, putting lipstick on a pig…call it what you will.
I’m not carrying water. I’m fact-checking. The MSM was SO quick to call this guy an anti-semite, and they did absolutely nothing in the way of investigative journalism to substantiate the claim. Just picked up a sound byte and a few lines of text and ran with a libelous story. I’ve been watching and listening to interviews all day about this very subject, and it’s completely baseless. I’m doing more investigation into this than the likes of Don Lemon, I can tell you that much.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThanks for posting. My wife got really upset tonight because of similar claims. I fired up the Smart TV and watched some YouTube videos to try and get a feel for what people were saying during these protests, and why they were so upset with the results. We (I) stumbled across a video wherein a woman outright bashed the women who voted for Trump because they’re too stupid to know any better, and they want to be victims of sexual assault by a child molester. My reaction was that of laughter, because it was so poorly articulated and stupid on its face, but she did anything but laugh. She was damn near incensed.
Hillary lost because she courted celebrities instead of speaking directly to the middle class’s chief concerns, she didn’t offer any substance, and she patronized virtually everyone. My wife, my sister, and my mother (all independents) gave very little weight to her email scandal. They felt was just willful disregard for the security instructions she was given because she fancied herself more important than anyone else who had to abide by those same instructions, and she considered herself untouchable. Her smugness was palpable too. My sister, in particular, actually felt demeaned and condescended by her. Her words.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI was in an anti-war march once in Wash DC, and it meant something ‘meaningful’ to me. I knew it wouldnt ‘change’ any policies but it still meant something to me. I wanted to be there. Kindof a spiritual/emotional/social thing. But ‘meaningful’ all the same.
You dont like protest now?
I assume you mean the protest against Vietnam? That’s a meaningful protest. What we’re seeing now is meaningless (yes, to me), because it’s a protest about not liking someone. It has no political relevance other than (a) not liking Trump’s rhetoric, (b) irrational fears about concentration camps (yes I heard that a few times) and (b) wanting to lobby for an elimination of the electoral college (none of whom would protest it if their candidate won). Maybe I’m getting old or something, but this whole ‘movement’ just seems like out of control entitlement, and multiple people are joining for no other reason than to be a part of something – and they have no idea what (watch some YT or Vine videos to see proof of this). And the worst part of it is, this is what the left predicted would happen if Trump lost. Never once did they assume that their own would be the ones who wouldn’t accept the peaceful transfer of power. It’s glorious in its irony. Sorry, but despite my desire to be more evolved than this, I can’t help but feel more than a little amused by the ridiculousness of it all.
Protest when something egregious actually happens. Not because you think it will.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantYeah its so stupid, monumentally stupid to think that Trump who has a daughter, son in law and grandchildren who are JEWISH would have as his closest advisor an anti-semite. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
That, and after years of the Obama administration icing its relationship with Israel and Netanyahu, not to mention sponsoring and emboldening Iran, why would Trump try to damage his already stellar relationship with Israel and Bibi in particular by hiring an anti-semite as his right-hand man? That’s not how you do diplomacy.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWhat’s happening right now with these meaningless protests is part of the reason why Trump took Middle America. And I wonder if that comment about the widening divide over education could also be interpreted as an indictment of higher education.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSensory overload. What I’ve noticed over the past few years, or maybe longer – ever since the proliferation of independent blogs – is that it doesn’t take much for a rumor or false story to get promoted up through the ranks by other, “more legitimate” sites not taking the time to fact-check stuff. MSM is like the Rotoworld of news gathering & reporting now.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantYou have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSteve Bannon, through his personal and business dealings has proven to be an anti-Semite, a bigot, a racist and a misogynist.
That’s a complete fabrication, and it’s being debunked by the hour almost. I listened to Alan Dershowitz yesterday, and today I listened to David Horowitz, and they’re both literally laughing at this lie of the left unfolding in front of their very eyes. It’s completely unfounded.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI hate politics, but in politics you have to send messages. Donald Trump sent the message with the appointment of Steve Bannon.
What message was that?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 16, 2016 at 2:09 pm in reply to: informal poll #2 … what do you expect of Goff this game? (Miami) #58600— X —
ParticipantMiami will likely use a lot of presnap motion and disguised coverages. They’d be stupid not to. Really need to get the running game going in this one.
Ah, but Miami’s DC must suspect that Boras would know that so he clearly cannot choose to use presnap movement and disguised coverages.
Well played.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 16, 2016 at 11:35 am in reply to: informal poll #2 … what do you expect of Goff this game? (Miami) #58582— X —
ParticipantMiami will likely use a lot of presnap motion and disguised coverages. They’d be stupid not to. Really need to get the running game going in this one.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThanks. What “others” could there be besides hermaphrodites?
Who knows. Seems like a (this space reserved) thing.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss -