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  • in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #60022

    Well, Nittany beat me to it…

    onward and upward, I guess.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #58851


    I’ve gone from having nothing to do other than manage my migraines to having too much shit to do all freakin day, so I got nuthin.

    I’ll have to look into the normalization of the data. That’s not uncommon. It happens for real reasons…as you know, bnw (damned auto correct keeps trying to make you btw), so I dunno if there’s been data manipulation of if there were legitimate reasons for normalization… And there are, as you know.

    So, I’ll have to look at it and get back to this… maybe next week.

    There’s this kid…Goff? I think? I hear he’s playing in a football game. I might check him out. I hear he’s pretty good.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Latest DNC reason why Hillory lost #58840

    Dat list…

    Honestly, I’m kinda numb from so many words put together that mean literally nothing.

    If we added some croutons and bacon, we’d have a helluva word salad.

    Dressing on the side, of course…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: FORD won't move SUV plant to Mexico. #58839

    Why would you post this like ANYONE here is a Pro-Hillary neoliberal who just left their crying circle to read this?

    I don’t think anyone thought every last thing about a Trump presidency would be negative (that’s just never the case).

    Doesn’t change the parts sourcing, doesn’t change anything about…anything other than the plant isn’t moving which is good news.

    I’m HAPPY for all the families in and around that plant including the other businesses that survive because of the jobs that economy supports.

    Now…has the Carrier AC plant actually moved, yet? Any chance THEY could be convinced to NOT move?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #58776

    Not admonishments to me. I only just came back like a week ago.

    Way in the past? I dunno. I know Thor and I got personal, but I squashed that and we actually became friends before he passed. All that reconciliation stuff happened offline, tho.

    You want to ignore all the NOAA data. /shrug.

    The point of modeling is to explain natural phenomena and give us guidance as to what will likely happen in the future. NOTHING in the denier’s models explains what has happened beyond “well, that’s anomalous, but we’re going to say systemically, we’re within the norms”…except…we aren’t.

    Again, if the deniers were right, we wouldn’t have 9 inches of sea level rise. That’s HUGE and that amount of polar ice runoff can’t be explained by a “pause”. There are NO models which adequately explain what has already happened.

    So, you can cling to an IPCC report that doesn’t adequately explain anything that’s already happened and says there might be cooling in the future…or you can look at real data.

    What’s funny is that when the Joint Chiefs, CIA AND organizations like the Petrochemical and Insurance industries all look at this SAME data, THEY all come to the conclusion that Climate Change is real and they make recommendations and take actions accordingly.

    But, hey, I’m sure there are 65 million world wide refugees solely as a function of political instability and none of it has to do with resource scarcity, like access to clean water.

    I mean, what to those idiots at the Joint Chiefs and the CIA know? And it’s not like the Oil and Gas industries could possibly know about this. Or the insurance industry.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: John Oliver's final 2016. Long, but beautiful #58773

    It’s maddening how he dances so close to actually being not a corporate stooge.

    And then…dammit.

    I mean he goes to criticize the media…and then… doesn’t really criticize the media.


    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Senator Al Franken on Steve Bannon #58772

    Next they’re going to say that Steve Bannon was a champion of women’s rights…

    I guess the Clinton campaign isn’t the only one trying to gaslight the entire country…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #58769

    What you’re saying is patently false.

    There has NOT been a pause. AT ALL.

    And here’s how we know.

    A decade ago, Climate deniers said it was all a hoax, Antarctic ice was actually INCREASING volumetrically and as such, we wouldn’t see any sea level rise.

    Except..we did…beyond the worst case scenarios. We’ve ALREADY seen 9 inches. That’s measured fact.

    So, when the Western sheet of Antarctica calves and sea level rise accelerates dramatically, you can say…what exactly.

    The “pause” foresaw that? The lack of warming is all a part of a massive polar ice disintegration?

    Oh, and I didn’t get personal. Saying Liberalism is a mental disorder…that’s getting personal. I’m not a liberal, but accusing those who have a different outlook of having a mental disorder is beyond the pale.

    I’m aware of the IPCC issue and that NOAA has issued a study disavowing the “pause” to which conservative think tanks which employ climate scientists are all up in arms.

    Bottom line is that the 10 hottest year on record have all happened since 1998.

    Source is NOAA/NCEI

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Latest DNC reason why Hillory lost #58765

    What’s funny is that when it came to the sober analysis of Clinton (not the fringy stuff on either end of the political spectrum), the critiques from the left and right weren’t fundamentally different.

    The left focused more on how her corruption harmed the working class and poor.

    The right focused more on how her corruption harmed the institution, her integrity and foreign policy.

    But, the meat of the critiques were basically, fundamentally the same.

    The fact that the DNC is trying to gaslight the entire American electorate is fascinating.

    No, no, no…they weren’t crazy for running a flawed candidate, co-opting the MSM, trying to establish a fake media narrative that people across the body politic didn’t buy and abandoning the working class of every race and gender across this country.

    WE were all crazy for not seeing that Hillary wasn’t just the inevitable and ONLY sane choice, but that even to contemplate any other choice was mysogynist and fascist or communist (yeah, the DNC allowed surrogates to put the Commie line out there against Bernie).

    I’ve never seen a person or small group try to gaslight an entire country before.

    Part of me is like, “fuck you”.

    But…another part of me is just…fascinated…at the level of how pathological must the thinking be to even ATTEMPT such a massively narcissistic undertaking.

    Here’s hoping the DLC/corporatocratic DNC crowd suffers Narcissus’ fate…politically speaking, of course.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Who will now lead the Dems ? #58762

    Bernie Sanders on how Donald Trump won presidency

    Man, that was hard to watch. Half the time the normal mainstream media interviewers just make me squirm…they can’t hear him, and they steer things away from what he was saying.


    Jesus Lord Almighty give me strength.

    I swear, I’d learn sign language and start answering in ASL or bring a translator because clearly, they just can’t hear what he’s saying.

    To hear what he’s saying would shatter their world view. It would mean jacking out of the Matrix and they’re all a bunch of Cyphers who’d either actively sell out humans or simply choose the blue pill.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taking Fake Book Covers on the Subway #58755

    Both of them reading a book about eating ass…LMFAO!

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Senator Al Franken on Steve Bannon #58752

    Word salad bullshit.

    Without energy innovation we’re leaving ourselves to be customers rather than suppliers.

    We’ve already ceded Solar to the Chinese. What other alternative energy manufacturing means will we cede cuz ‘Murica has enough coal and natural gas to NOT fund the new and eventually MUCH more efficient and cleaner forms of energy?

    I believe in Australia or NZ, there’s a new method of harnessing wave power that is completely different than the old method, doesn’t damage the wave, so doesn’t contribute to coastal erosion and is much more efficient and reliable due to reduction in parts and usage of simple pump action at the source of generation.

    And that’s just ONE example.

    But hey, innovation is dead in this country and we’re PROUD of that, right?

    We don’t MAKE anything anymore, cuz why? We’ll always be able to buy it cheaper somewhere else…

    Well, except for apps. We make great apps. And complex financial instruments. We are AWESOME at MBSs and CDOs.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Peasants for Plutocracy #58749

    The lack of awareness by the media is…stunning.

    They should all be forced to watch Goodnight and Goodluck until their eyes bleed.

    And that’s just a small snippet and dramatized account of a moment in the career of Murrow.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Maps of the Two Americas- Trump, Clinton #58747

    Will repeat this.

    If CA had the same representation as Wyoming, CA would have 199 Electoral College Votes.

    the point of the House was to allocate representation by population. Unfortunately, you can’t get less than 1. Which means that instead of making Wyoming, ND and SD vote for a combined Rep (that’s just one alternative), citizens of large states like CA, TX and NY are UNDERREPRESENTED.

    When the Constitution was passed until 1913, we didn’t directly elect Senators. Now that’s changed.

    We used to elect the Electors directly, not the President. The Electors were on the ballot. Lots of people don’t remember that. That didn’t stop until sometime after WWII. So, that’s a really recent phenomenon, relatively speaking.

    There’s no reason for the Electoral College any more. The argument that rural states will be ignored doesn’t make any sense. Of the 27 rural states, NONE of them received ANY visits from either of the Candidates. NONE. Moreover, the Candidates ONLY visited 12 battleground states. When they did, they ONLY visited metro areas. NEITHER left heavily populated areas.

    So, the rural argument is moot. Rural America is ALREADY being ignored. Nebraska, SD, ND, WY, UT, AK and a host of other states have their votes just as taken for granted as CA, NY and MA.

    Moreover, statistically, there’s real statistical analysis that Trump would likely have won a popular vote contest without the Electoral college. I mean how many Conservatives didn’t vote in CA or NY? How many Conservatives didn’t vote in TX or UT or a host of other states. The incremental increase for voters if each vote actually mattered between Alabama, California, Nevada, New York and Tennessee a) would have changed the dynamic substantially and b) would have increased voter turnout because it wouldn’t matter if a person’s in the minority in their state.

    I believe in the principle that every vote matters and that in a democracy, we must encourage every citizen to participate.

    I don’t say the electoral college should be abolished because I think it would have led to a Clinton victory. I don’t. I still think Trump would have won. I think it should be abolished because it’s an outdated institution that disenfranchises people across the political spectrum which is wrong in principle.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Peasants for Plutocracy #58746

    That’s why Net Neutrality is going to be such a big deal in the days ahead and non-MSM sources like TYT (The Young Turks…including The Jimmy Dore Show and The Majority Report with Sam Seder), THR (The Humanist Report), Democracy Now and The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann are so important as alternative news sources. And those are just the tip of the alternative progressive iceberg if you will.

    And it’s NOT because of SLANT. If that were the case, I’d ignore them as fast as anything from Fox or the MSM. When it comes to print sources like McClatchy or media sources like Vice News, they tend to go after the actual story…ESPECIALLY if it speaks truth to governmental and/or corporate power. And while the Progressive media is meta at this point building a following and aggregating resources to actually report news versus do CNN and simply have talking boxes (an example is that the guy on TYT Politics, instead of interviewing lobbyists and politicians went on a 5 state tour and just interviewed REGULAR people about how people were feeling about this election as opposed to asking lobbyists and politicians how people were feeling. It’s no wonder they weren’t laughing at Trump even saying he had a legit change to win before the conventions while the MSM kept dismissing him out of hand)

    You’re already seeing big media fight back after totally abdicating their integrity and responsibility to the nation…and rather than mea culpas, we’re getting more entitlement and ad hominem attacks, defensiveness and derision.

    What’s stunning to me is that the MSM really STILL doesn’t get it that they are part of the problem. WE SEE THEM. The curtain has been drawn back.

    They have two choices. Become the 4th estate or become irrelevant…because Trump will very likely move to turn Breitbart into something as close to State media as we’ve ever seen in this country…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: John Oliver's final 2016. Long, but beautiful #58744

    I really like John Oliver.

    Was disappointed that he really rolled over as a corporate sellout comedian when it came to discussing third party candidates. That was disappointing, but over all, he’s been really funny.

    Haven’t watched the last episode cuz it’s a family thing and our family struggles with the schedule boss

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58685

    Steve Bannon, through his personal and business dealings has proven to be an anti-Semite, a bigot, a racist and a misogynist.

    That’s a complete fabrication, and it’s being debunked by the hour almost. I listened to Alan Dershowitz yesterday, and today I listened to David Horowitz, and they’re both literally laughing at this lie of the left unfolding in front of their very eyes. It’s completely unfounded.

    Yeah its so stupid, monumentally stupid to think that Trump who has a daughter, son in law and grandchildren who are JEWISH would have as his closest advisor an anti-semite. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder…. Hmmm.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58684

    The binary nature of the defense is just tiresome.

    He allowed Orthodox Jews to be observant so he can’t be anti-Semitic?

    Trust me when I say this, X.

    Do NOT carry any water for Steve Bannon. You’ll be betrayed…in principle…and realize you’ve defended a monster. And that’s not you.

    All this bullshit right now is propaganda, circling the wagons, putting lipstick on a pig…call it what you will.

    What this election has pointed out that there have been sellouts in every corner. Why should it be surprising to find a few media sellouts work at Breitbart? And they get to actually use the defense, “I can’t be a sellout, cuz I’m an orthodox Jew?”

    Yeah…no. Oh, and no one ever said a White nationalist site couldn’t ALSO be pro-Israel. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive. There are plenty of Evangelical Christians who fit that demo perfectly.

    And anti-Semite is only ONE of the issues with Steve Bannon. Only. One.

    I really won’t have to worry about indicting Bannon because he either directly or by putting words in Trumps mouth will indict himself. And probably pretty quickly.

    Seriously. If Bill Clinton or Obama had appointed a guy with the exact opposite viewpoints, would you be feeling the same way? On principle you should, but would you? If not, then it’s not a matter of principle, but content and context and I would entreat you to reexamine who this guy is without the media filter (right and left).

    He’s even more disturbing than the media so far has made him out to be because the MSM still won’t take responsibility for trying to rig the election for Hillary and being part of her strategy to elevate Trump because the Clinton campaign and media strategists felt he was the most beatable.

    In the mean time, I’m gonna catch up on some movies. The Big Short and Spotlight were good. I’d binge on Westworld, but I’m all caught up…dammit.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: wikileaks – neutral or biased? #58675

    Okay… Jesus riding a mermaid, then…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Zizek on Trump #58641

    I have a better analogy.

    Hillary is Pneumonia. Trump is Cancer.

    Of course Cancer is worse….but you get treatment for it immediately (presuming you can). And no one knows if the Cancer will be treatable or terminal.

    With Pneumonia, all too often, people don’t even recognize it as Pneumonia and don’t seek treatment. Pneumonia is very much a terminal disease if left untreated and we’ve left neoliberalism untreated for FAR too long. I, personally, nearly died from it (actual pneumonia). Was hospitalized for over a week and the Dr said I should have been dead from loss of fluids (my BP was too low to be read on the cuff).

    With Hillary, no systemic change would occur. People wouldn’t be in the street. The media wouldn’t attempt to be the 4th estate…not the least bit oppositional. Hell, the media is still dragging their damn feet and whining about being excluded and having to do their damn job.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: wikileaks – neutral or biased? #58640

    My issue isn’t with someone saying, “I don’t buy the evidence”

    In many cases, those saying it haven’t really looked. Unfortunately, most who say this wouldn’t accept if a Mt. Everest amount of evidence fell squarely on them.

    The denial isn’t “I’d believe it if something convinced me”…but rather, “this isn’t a thing and nothing will convince me and anything that doesn’t conform to my world view I will explain away”

    Reminds me of those parks that have Jesus riding a dinosaur…


    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58639

    I hate politics, but in politics you have to send messages. Donald Trump sent the message with the appointment of Steve Bannon.

    What message was that?

    Steve Bannon actively sought to be make Breitbart the platform of the alt-right, the white nationalist movement.

    He’s the antithesis of William F Buckley who used his intellect to drive back the Birchers and make the case successfully that anti-semitism had no place in the Republican party nor American discourse.

    Steve Bannon, through his personal and business dealings has proven to be an anti-Semite, a bigot, a racist and a misogynist.

    I have a daughter who’s working on a math degree. I’ve not only worked in tech, I invented something that impressed Steve Jobs. I went to an engineering school. I’ve worked with all sorts from exceptional artists to literally rocket scientists. And I don’t pay my kids compliments. So when I say that I’ve never met anyone who better articulates mathematical concepts than my daughter, that’s not hyperbole. She wants to teach, but I’m hoping she goes corporate first because unfortunately, schools administrators tend to screw teachers if they don’t think you have options. So, the idea that ANYONE would say that someone like my daughter couldn’t be successful in tech “because she sucks in interviews” as opposed the rampant sexism and structural organizational impediments to diversity in tech that I’ve seen and experienced personally as well as have been witnessed and reported thousands of times and admitted to by every single large tech firm…is beyond me.

    Apparently, Steve Bannon and the troglodytes know more about the issue than every tech company on the planet.

    Moreover, I remember William F. Buckley, Jr.

    The appointment of Steve Bannon is an offense to Buckley’s legacy and contribution.

    The fact that he doesn’t foam at the mouth or belch fire isn’t the point.

    Note: Here’s the horrible, obligatory equivocation that has to be inserted…cuz…one can’t just make a point and let that stand… I said the same things about that real piece of shit, Sydney Blumenthal, the Clinton confidant. He’s another entitled, racist asshole. It’s not a partisan thing.

    Sorry. Bad headache tonight. I’m not moderating my tone well. Doesn’t change my stance, but I’m not meaning to jump anyone’s business.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58595

    Yeah, i agree.

    But will the Dem-Machine EVER allow a true progressive to be at the head of the Ticket?

    Whens the last time that happened? 1972? McGovern?


    Let’s see who emerges as DNC chair.

    Then why do democrats still vote democrat? Or I suppose what is a democrat bent or philosophy?

    As you know, the DNC and corporate media conspired to successfully rig the Democratic primaries. Had the process been unadulterated, Democrats and independents would have voted for Sanders. So, while in many cases, it’s a case of pure partisanship, in this case, I think it was the party establishment selling out the base. Dems wouldn’t have had Clinton as the nominee in a fair process.

    Oh, and most establishment Republicans did vote for Trump. He got 60 million votes. Alex Jones doesn’t have that big of a following.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58586

    Yeah, i agree.

    But will the Dem-Machine EVER allow a true progressive to be at the head of the Ticket?

    Whens the last time that happened? 1972? McGovern?


    Let’s see who emerges as DNC chair.

    Well, Tulsi Gabbard didn’t re-up for Chair. I’d love for Keith Ellison, Rep from Minnesota to get it. In the face of a Donald Trump Presidency to have a solid progressive, with a record of working for the working class and the poor who happens to be Muslim would be outstanding.

    I hate politics, but in politics you have to send messages. Donald Trump sent the message with the appointment of Steve Bannon.

    I think the DNC should counter with Keith Ellison.

    Oh, and if these assholes actually pass a Muslim registry, I think we should ALL register and render it moot.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58585

    I dunno.

    Why did establishment Republicans vote for Trump?

    Partisan bullshit politics and because it’s too hard for too many to put down the banners and do the much harder work of actually paying attention to issues.

    It’s SOOOO much easier to simply root for a TEAM. You don’t have to KNOW anything to root for a team.

    Countless videos and interviews regarding constituencies for both parties have found that far too many of the “rank and file” know little to nothing regarding any issue with any depth…whatsoever. It’s all about team.

    If politics were football, most people barely rank as “girlfriends” on the knowledge scale. That’s not a Dem or Rep thing. That’s an American thing, subverted by the corporate media and the ruling class and reinforced by the political class, most folks don’t understand why they have to learn the game…so they just cheer for the helmets. They don’t know who’s inside the helmets, what they do, why they do it or even if it’s good or bad or good or bad for them.

    So, yeah… if you’re gonna try that partisan schtick around here, like, “woo, us Republicans are star spangled awesome”… well, don’t be surprised if the response isn’t all that great.

    Oh, and to be fair, Waterfield got a heckuva reception a while back with tons of challenge, so most here just don’t do the partisan thing.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #58578

    I’ve asked you this before, what does the Q+ mean?

    Queer/Questioning, and others.

    Thanks. What “others” could there be besides hermaphrodites?

    I have a trans child. I could tell you if you’d like to know.

    The acronym is LGBTQPIAK (some spell it LGBTQIAPK)

    I’d be happy to go through each one, what each means and briefly why they are important.

    If you’re serious about understanding. Honestly.

    Please don’t inquire for sport or fodder.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #58576

    Um… the last 18 years, the earth has been cooling?

    What? Something like the last 11 years consecutively have been the hottest on record.

    You make no sense.

    Wrong. Even the IPCC agrees although they won’t admit it. They term it a “pause”. An 18 year “pause” that the IPCC never predicted.

    “A leaked report to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seen by the Mail on Sunday, has led some scientists to claim that the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century.

    If correct, it would contradict computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming. The news comes several years after predictions that the arctic would be ice-free by 2013.
    Despite the original forecasts, major climate research centres now accept that there has been a “pause” in global warming since 1997.”

    Headed for a period of cooling?

    yeah…that’s not cooling. We actually have to BE COOLED to experience cooling.

    What’s actually happened is a number of years of consecutive hottest years on record.

    Perhaps we should stop breaking records before you crow about the IPCC report that we “might” dip.

    Oh, and that’s already been covered. Already been talked about.

    The amount of solar energy is at a 300 year low. We are at a current solar energy nadir. Once that solar energy ramps up with us sitting above 400 ppm Carbon in the atmosphere, the temperature is going to skyrocket.

    Will a down year or two change that? No. Just like opening the oven door and the oven cooling doesn’t change the fact that once you close the door, it’s gonna get real hot, real quick.

    But that’s okay. If facts present themselves and I’m wrong, I’ll say so. You, otoh, will never admit to any facts that prove you wrong because the denial can’t allow it. No amount of evidence will change your mind.

    Which makes this all dogmatic for you… an article of faith. All too easy to cherry pick bits of science acontextually and create a patchwork quilt of data points and then create a narrative after the fact.

    That’s not the scientific method. But hey, William Hayes believes in mermaids.

    See, Climate Catastrophe explains the current mass extinction occurring right now. If the planet is actually cooling (a ridiculous notion) why is the planet experiencing a mass extinction explicitly due to loss of habitat as a result not just of human encroachment?

    Seriously, posting a report that the IPCC says there might be cooling in the future and using that to state that the earth IS cooling and has been for the past 18 years?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: wikileaks – neutral or biased? #58566

    Well, that’s the Horseshoe Theory playing out, it seems.

    I think it’s far more complicated than that…maybe a sphere versus a 2d political space.

    Moreover, I think a society realigns their “center”. The US was MUCH more the left in the 30s than in the 50s, for example. A lot of the critique of the Horseshoe Theory assume both a static left/right paradigm and a static societal norm for what constitutes the center. Neither of which has any basis in fact or practice.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: R.I.P. Gwen Ifill #58557

    She was one of the last of the good ones, truly.

    Listening to the empty praise for Gwen Ifill is hard to listen to in part because she was one of the last to truly speak truth to power, including challenging her colleagues in the corporate media, both while at NBC and at PBS.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Taibbi on Trump #58556

    You’re so right Zooey. And don’t get me started on those pantsuits. Holy Jesus.

    It was so damned transparent that every appearance was micro-targeted…as if she was dressed by an analytics algorithm. It was stunningly disingenuous.

    Bernie was Bernie. Same suit. So much so that Larry David made the joke that he only had one pair of underwear…and Bernie ran with it and said he bought a second pair.

    Trump was Trump. He oozed wealth. Now one can focus on oozed or wealth, but even as he donned that red cap, totally out of character, it was like that moment in My Cousin Vinny…”I wore this ridiculous thing…for you”

    Hillary? Every appearance was a combination Rorschach test and puzzle, “who is Hillary pandering to/trying to manipulate/trying to relate to only with clothes?”

    The critiques came across as misogynistic, but they weren’t.

    You’d never see Elizabeth Warren do that. You’d never see Tulsi Gabbard to that. You’d never see Nina Turner do that.

    There were PLENTY of strong Democratic Party women who wouldn’t have done anything remotely like this.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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