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  • in reply to: IMO Trump #107661

    Your point about pollution and climate change and lifestyle is correct. But the answer can’t be to turn America into a Fortress and shut out the oppressed. Anyone who has a moral compass has to say no to that, especially when it’s the US that did most of the original damage to the environment, and spread the gospel of market fundamentalism around the world, which radically accelerates that damage. Capitalism itself is the major cause of pollution, waste and climate change. No other economic system in history was ever so destructive of the planet. It strikes me as obscenely immoral for us to be the Evangel of Capitalism, to get rich and fat off its rapaciousness, and then to tell the rest of the world, you’re on your own.

    As a father of 3 young children, I disagree. Why should my children have to raise their kids in a shitty world because the Greatest Generation lacked the critically thinking skills to understand what they were doing to the earth?

    Changes need to be made NOW. And that starts with everybody being more conscious of their carbon footprints. Allowing immigrants to continue to flood into this country so that they can live like the rest of America hinders our ability to move toward zero carbon emissions.

    Continuing to spew CO2 and other junk into the air just kicks the can down the road for the next generation. It’s not like there’s a question about the science here. Future generations WILL struggle and die because of this problem.

    in reply to: IMO Trump #107656

    The great thing about leftist proposals? They deal with the Big Picture and individual concerns. Both/and. Centrist to conservative proposals don’t. They ignore the Big Picture, and when they deal with individual concerns, they focus almost entirely on rich people. By definition, that leaves the vast majority of voters out.

    Leftist proposals are great, but they are difficult to accomplish. Conservative proposals, on the other hand, are simpler: take care of yourself and everything will be fine.

    For example, take k-12 public education. The left’s vision for education has created a system in my state where public schools try to educate almost everyone so that they are capable of having a 21st century job. (At least this is the type of education that Obama style democrats have created, which I know are often far different than the left policies on this board).

    Trying to meet the needs of everyone has created a monster.

    School systems spend millions of dollars trying to take kids from dirt poor environments where no one actually gives a damn about education and give them a college education.

    As far as I can tell, the proposals from the left would just sink more money into these goals. And a lot of that money gets spent on attempts to take make sure kids who have serious problems–behavioral, learning disabilities, or kids who don’t speak English–get a quality education.

    Meanwhile, middle class parents who actually care about their child’s education are stuck sending their kids to schools with kids who can’t behave because of some quixotic goal that everyone should be ready for the jobs of the 21st century.

    It’s a noble goal to provide a quality education for everyone. But it’s hard as hell to accomplish. And messy.

    As a parent, I don’t want my children to sit in a classroom with a 14 year old who is expected to follow school rules when that 14 year old will not even follow regular laws.

    At least half the parents, and these are middle class people, I know feel the same way and send their kids to private school to avoid the mess of public schools.

    Immigration is the same thing. The left wants to provide poor people from Mexico and Central America to the American dream when we the poor in America are living in misery?

    Add to that, we have a near total failure to run our lifestyle on energy that won’t continue to pollute the earth and fuel climate change.

    Yet, we’re going to take millions more poor and oppressed people and give them access to the modern American consumer lifestyle that demands massive amounts of energy??

    The problem is that the left has ambitious goals but they’re hard, if not impossible, to accomplish.

    The conservative or centrist argument is appealing sometimes because it’s just more realistic.

    in reply to: Rams somehow hold off mighty Bengals…reactions? #107444

    I just saw the highlights but I’m excited about Obo Okoronkwo. I thought he was a great pick last year and have been waiting for him to play like he did today.

    Obo looks like he could add some good pass rush off the edge. It will be interesting what Wade can do with Obo, Fowler, and Matthews when Clay returns.

    I do wish Goff would grow up a little in his ability to process defenses. I noticed 2 or 3 times today when Woods beat his man and was open on a third down the Rams failed to convert. Those looked like plays an elite qb should have made.

    in reply to: (must read?) Ramsey removed handcuffs from Rams’ defense #107166

    They had Weddle, Rapp, and Christian though. Rapp had 54 snaps, Weddle 46, and Christian 44. Each of them were on the field more than any linebacker though Fowler was close with 43. So they kept it to 3 safeties a lot of the time.

    I am only saying that the Rams defense didn’t just beat up a bad offense. Before Sunday that offense was considered a good one.

    Christian looked like a definite weakness last year. The Rams d improved noticeably in the playoffs last year when Barron’s snaps increased and Christian’s snaps were reduced.
    I love the Ramsey acquisition. I’ve not seen much of the games this year, but Talib looked bad when I did see him. He’ll be 34 (I think) this winter so he may just be done.

    I thought the Rams desperately needed speed and athleticism in the secondary. In fact, I kinda hope the Rams have an eye towards replacing Johnson in the future to pair with Rapp, who isn’t a great athlete.

    Can a good defense have two slower safeties on the back end these days?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: Clay Matthews out a month #106225

    Ebukam’s lack of discipline and inability to contain RW allowed Russell to escape and force Talib to make a decision whether to cover or attack RW. Talib should have stayed in coverage as Littleton was in decent position to make a play.

    I can’t help but wonder what if Clay was around for that play.

    in reply to: The Problem With Impeachment? #105839

    Does anyone know / can you speculate why Trump released the transcript?

    Does Trump have to make transcripts of phone calls public because it’s an official communication, like Hillary’s emails, as long as they go through the process of being declassified?

    Why can’t / didn’t Trump just try to claim executive privilege over this phone call? Isn’t that what he’s pretty much done in the past with the Mueller investigation? Trump just said no to revealing anything that gets to close to revealing damaging information so in the Mueller mess Trump never even talked to Mueller.

    in reply to: Krystal Ball on the Ukraine thingy #105767

    I agree with Billy. That argument against impeachment makes no sense. Talking about Biden’s corruption only hurts the Democrats IF Biden is the nominee. And that party is in deep shit if that guy is the nominee.

    So making a big scene about Trump’s corruption and watching the Republicans complain about Biden’s corruption only helps the Democrat’s chances against Trump.

    What is Trump going to do? Talk about draining the swamp again? I can’t imagine that will work in 2020.

    The Democrats are best served by talking non stop about what a mess Trump is and continuing to stoke the anger that led to taking over the House in 2018. This impeachment inquiry only helps Democrats talk about what a corrupt, con man, piece of shit Trump is. They should just continue the investigations non-stop until next year’s election.

    The Republican counter argument to the impeachment hearings makes no sense and just strengthens my conviction that the impeachment process should continue. I heard someone on NPR from Newsmax (which I think is a Republican playground) talking about how the impeachment hearings prevent Congress from doing its job and making things better for Americans.

    But that’s what the 2018 election was all about. Making sure Trump and the Repbulicans couldn’t continue to operate. It’s like Republicans just forget that they got their asses kicked in the mid-terms, which hardly ever happens these days.

    in reply to: My fear #104458

    Look at Michigan. In 2016 222,000 people voted for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. Jill Stein increased her total from 22,000 in 2012 to 51,000 in 2016.

    Thirty thousand people didn’t switch from the Democratic candidate to Jill Stein because of Comey’s announcement. Those people switched their votes from Obama to Stein because Hillary was a phony.

    I don’t know why 170,000 people voted for a libertarian when typically those candidates receive 25,000 votes.

    Anyways, approximately 200,000 people made a protest vote in a state Hillary lost by 11,000 votes. Just 11,000. I don’t think she lost those protest voters because of the FBI investigation. Many of those people, much more than 11,000, switched from Obama votes in previous Michigan elections and voted Libertarian or Jill Stein because Hillary was a shitty candidate even before Comey’s announcement.

    in reply to: My fear #104457

    In short, the polls weren’t as off as the narrative goes. Take away Comey’s public revelation and Clinton is the president right now. Of course, I’m betting she would have been impeached early on by the Republicans. Not sure about her removal. But the GOP would have started impeachment proceedings in the first few months, I’m betting.

    It’s really, really time for an end to the duopoly.

    So people don’t care about policies because they primarily pay attention to stories? But they do pay attention AND decide their vote based on the FBI announcing an investigation? And then they just ignore that the FBI announces the investigation is over and the person is cleared?

    I don’t buy it. The polls were inaccurate and didn’t capture how much people disliked Hillary. She was a crap candidate who was wrong on policies. Policies that were really easy, like the Iraq War & gay marriage, mattered in 2016.

    She was also linked to another failed policy that was big in 2016: NAFTA. I forget how she handled her connection to Bill and his advocacy for NAFTA, but she was clearly a pro-corporation, global markets are good politician for most of her life. And Trump effectively hammered her for that position in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

    in reply to: My fear #104416

    “Elections aren’t about policy”

    Not sure about that. Was the democratic victories in 2018 all about policy- namely the issue of health care ?

    I agree. Most of you just don’t agree with the policies that republicans vote for.

    Republicans vote for 1. Making abortion illegal. 2. Protecting people’s access to guns. 3. Making abortion illegal. 4. Cutting taxes. 5. Protecting corporations because they drive the economy supposedly. 6. Having a strong military to fight terrorist so 9/11 doesn’t happen again.

    Like most of you, I don’t believe these priorities lead to good government. But there’s millions of people who vote based on their religious beliefs. Or their love of guns or the American military.

    This is certainly the minority of people in America. But these people show up and become the majority since only 75% of the population shows up to vote anyway.

    And Trump has delivered on a lot of these promises it seems to me. Republican voters got what they voted for to a large degree.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: "bill maher keeps getting worse" #104387

    I like Maher most of the time and have to say that the utuber should be embarrassed by his rant about Maher’s hope a recession develops to make Trump even more beatable.

    I would absolutely endure a recession (and cut off my pinky) for a guarantee that Trump’s disastrous economic, environmental, and court appointees ended in 2020 instead of lasting until 2024.

    I also think Maher is right about Bernie. He might beat Trump but there is no revolution that will make his ideas and policies the laws of the land.

    Bernie can’t even get a million people to donate $2.70. How is he going to motivate tens of millions of people to go out and vote for senators and congress people who will make his polices become America’s laws?

    in reply to: My fear #104386

    Don’t be so sure that Trump completely failed the blue collar workers in the rust belt. As a result of Trump’s dumb tax cuts my middle class family got a thousand dollar refund in 2019. In 2018 I had to PAY $600 to the federal gov’t.

    I have 3 young kids so doubling the child tax credit made a huge impact. Blue collar families might remember that in 2020.

    I tend to think Trump will be easy to beat because Hillary was a crap candidate for those 3 states (and the rest of the US!) and he’s such a moron. But I do worry about the economy.

    It will be interesting decide what those places decide next time around.

    in reply to: MSNBC attacks tulsi, Fox doesn't #103714

    I was surprised to see Tulsi voted for the recent budget bill that increased spending, both for poor people (I presume) and the military.

    The media didn’t make a very big deal about it, but I thought the bill was important because it should allow Trump to continue to pour money into the economy even with his dumb tax cuts for the rich.

    I don’t think Trump wins in 2020 but a healthy economy will certainly make him more difficult to beat. I don’t know why Democrats just rolled over and handed Trump what may be one of the keys to a healthy economy–billions more of spending.

    Anyways, Tulsi (and most of the other Dems in the House) voted to continue Trump’s economy and America’s imperial war machine.

    Most of the Senators who are running for president didn’t vote for the bill (most of them weren’t there to vote because the vote took place the day after the “debate”).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: Mueller #103300

    But I think in order to win, the democrats have to do more than that. I think they have to sell an alternative vision…a vision of a future where everyone benefits from a boom in a green economy, a sustainable future, and cool Silicon Valley/Elon Musk shit. And contrast that with the GOP dystopia headed up by President Sleaze. (The “everyone benefits from a boom in the economy” part is the most important message, imo. More people obviously care about their income than the environment. But if the GND is sold primarily as an ECONOMIC stimulus, you’re going to get people on board).

    Pick Your Future, America.

    That’s what I’d do if I were heading the democrat party. But the democrats are terrible at messaging because to the core of their souls, they do not really care about the green new dream, or whatever it’s called, because THEY are on the take from the same “Looters and Polluters” as the GOP. As we all know.

    Yeah, I looked at Elizabeth Warren’s website the other day and came away impressed with how specific her ideas were. I know she’s got a lot of press for her plans, but I was surprised by how detailed her website was. I don’t think I’ve seen any of the other candidates with details like that.

    I liked the actual numbers about how she could easily raise money with a wealth tax and then use that money to help reduce rent costs and stimulate the construction of modest houses for middle class families.

    That’s a big issue in my area where families pay a couple hundred dollars more every month to rent a house than I do for my mortgage.

    This primary season will be very interesting…and maybe depressing if someone like Biden is able to capture the nomination.

    in reply to: Mueller #103276

    I used to think Pelosi’s decision to not start the impeachment was an acceptable decision like Waterfield. But as the election starts to come into view, I’ve changed my mind.

    The Democrats official position should be that Trump is a lying, piece of shit, con man; a racist asshole. They should be going to war with him, not playing political games. Congress can accomplish this by starting impeachment proceedings and dragging Trump’s name through the mud everyday.

    Now, maybe Pelosi will make a smart, strategic decision and start the impeachment hearings this winter so people don’t get tired of being drug through the mud everyday. But the democrats should be stating over and over that Trump is incompetent, a liar, and a disgrace for a sustained period before the election by conducting the impeachment hearings and having people testify and talk about how sleazy Trump is.

    I agree that the Dems are generally incompetent and won’t take that approach. We probably won’t see ANY impeachment hearings. Pelosi and the current Democratic leadership will continue to walk the tightrope of saying Trump is unlawful and corrupt but they can’t actually do anything about it.

    The recent debate/issue about extending the debt limit for 2 years is another example of Pelosi’s incompetence and stupidity. Instead of protesting Trump’s handling of the economy, Pelosi and the democrats agreed to dump more money into the economy.

    The next year, know nothing Americans should be reminded everyday that Trump’s economy doesn’t work. You can’t just a borrow a trillion dollars every year without making an investment on the future–green jobs, re-shoring American factory jobs, etc.

    Pelosi’s decision to not do anything about Trump’s wasteful spending and tax cut for the rich just allows Trump to continue boast how he has fixed the economy. This will be his main boast for the next year. Instead of actively protesting this stupid credit card economy, Pelosi and the dems will just have empty, long-winded criticism of Trump.

    Boasting about how good the economy is will help Trump get re-elected, not the democrats holding impeachment hearings for 6 months.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: Another reason Trump may win again #102157

    Trump is gonna lose IF the Dems pick a good candidate. Clinton lost because she had too much baggage–the FBI investigation of her emails, her position on gay marriage, and her position on the 2003 Iraq War just off the top of my head were all signs of weaknesses for different types of voters.

    I think the Dems only need like 3 key states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, or Pennsylvania to beat Trump. And in a number of those states Obama got more votes in 2012 than Trump did in 2016. It’s not the racist, bat-shit crazy Trump base that will decide the election. Good ideas and a plan to change Washington will go a long way to winning the election in the crucial states.

    Trump, as awful and annoying as he is, had strong themes that resonate with the middle of the road voters in 2016–drain the swamp, fix immigration, return manufacturing jobs to America, cut taxes for people.

    Biden, of course, looks a lot like Hillary. And as far as I can tell, no Dems have the balls to brand Trump as a con artist who has spent his life chasing porn stars.

    in reply to: reactions to the Rams 2019 draft #100674

    Henderson is fast. He actually has a better 20 yard split than serious speed threats like Tavon, Philip Lindsay from last year’s draft, and, yes, Trung.

    He also is short so he’s not a sprinter, but that should help make him a better running back than Trung. Henderson is a good 20 pounds heavier than guys like Trung and Lindsay so Henderson does get yards after contact (at least in college) like Zn posted. compares him to Tevin Coleman, but I wonder if a better comparison is Devonta Freeman. Freeman and Henderson are almost the same size: 5’8″ and 206-208 (Henderson is 2 pounds heavier). And Henderson is a little faster.

    Freeman put up back to back 1,000 yard seasons and almost averaged 5 ypc under Kyle Shanahan who runs a similar system to McVay I think.

    I say good job McSnead


    I don’t buy that the 40 time was an anomaly for Rapp. The hip injury didn’t prevent him from putting up impressive numbers in other drills that required significant amounts of running.

    He also skipped the 40 at the combine for a reason. Maybe it was the injury. But why did he do all the other work out stuff and drills if he was still dealing with the effects of the injury??

    This is just a guy with poor straight line speed. That doesn’t mean he can’t be a good player. I don’t think he’ll be a pro-bowl player, but he can be a solid, dependable safety.

    He sounds like the Pats Patrick Chung to me. Chung has never had many interceptions or passes defended but he’s made a nice career for himself as a smart, physical db.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: tweets & other bits … 4/27 #100481

    The change of pace stuff about Henderson and comparisons between Henderson and the Redskins’ Chris Thompson / Lance Dunbar are misleading.

    Thompson has carried the ball more than 10 times twice in his 5 year career. I’d be shocked if Henderson does NOT get more than 10 carries in more than of the games this year.

    Henderson has a significantly more stout frame than Thompson as he is almost 15 pounds heavier on a short 5’8″ frame.

    To me, this pick is clearly about stressing defenses with game-breaking speed and explosive runs when the Rams are resting Gurley. And I’d bet you’ll see Gurley getting a lot of rest this year.

    I like the pick.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: Rams 4th pick, Bobby Evans, OT (OG in the pros?) #100476

    The similarities between Bobby Evans and Jahri Evans are crazy. Jahri was a LT in college at a small school and was pick 108 in the draft. Bobby was pick 97 after starting at LT last year for Oklahoma.

    Both are 6’4″ and approximately 315 pounds (Jahri was 4 pounds heavier when drafted). Both ran 5.2 40s. 3-cone, 20 yard shuttle are super close with Bobby being a little faster in the shuttle.

    Exactly the same vertical jumps.

    Kromer started coaching with the Saints as a rb coach in Jahri’s 3rd year after Jahri had already established himself as a starter at guard when he was a rookie. Jahri did make his first pro bowl in ’09 when Kromer became the OL coach for the saints.

    This will be an amazing pick if Bobby is anywhere near successful as Jahri.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Cal.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: reactions to the super bowl game #97949

    I was initially disappointed in McVay. I thought this was a game where McVay gave up on the run too early. Romo’s comments in the first half about the Pats needing to stick with the run so that Brady isn’t forced to throw the ball 40+ times only reinforced my frustration with McVay’s play calling while watching the game.

    Even if TG was injured he still looked pretty good at times–the Pats certainly didn’t shut him down. I was curious to take a closer look at some plays and see if my feelings about McVay would change.

    Anyways here’s some plays that stood out to me and made a big difference in the first half.

    1st play of the game: Gurley runs between Saffold and Whitworth. There’s a nice hole between Whit and Saffold, but the DE manages to stick his leg out and trip up Gurley. This could and probably should have been a nice 6-7 yard gain on the ground to open the game.

    3rd play of the game: 3rd & 7. Goff throws short of the first and low to Reynolds who can’t make the catch. On replay, it looks like the safety is clearly shifted towards Robert Woods side of the field, leaving Everett one on one with #27 Jackson. Everett is running up the seam and it looks like he has a step on Jackson. A good throw here from Goff could have been a big play.

    Prior to the super bowl, I saw an ESPN vid where Mangini criticized Andy Reid for not attacking Jackson with Kelce until the 2nd half in the AFC championship game as Beliceck shifted the secondary’s focus to Hill. The Rams should have come out looking for that matchup as well.

    2nd Possession 3rd & 3 from Pats 42. Goff flat out ignores a wide open Cooks. Lined up behind Reynolds, Cooks is able to break outside is wide open as Gilmore gets caught up in the traffic as Reynolds goes straight down field. Woods is on the same side of the field and is open at the hash mark until Chung crashes in from his safety spot and knocks the ball. Nice play by Chung but Cooks is wide open.

    3rd Possession 2nd and 5 after a nice 5 yard run from Anderson deep in the Rams own territory. The refs call a false start on Havenstein that is almost impossible to identify. I thought it was a curious call while watching the game and I still can’t tell if Have moved early after re-watching the play a ridiculous number of times.

    It probably wouldn’t have mattered as the pre-snap penalty wiped out a nice play by the DE who whipped Higbee and clotheslined CJ in the backfield.

    4th Possession 2nd and 7 from NE 46. Sullivan whiffs on Danny Shelton who nails CJ for a 3 yard loss. This looks like it could have been another nice run if not for Sullivan’s whiff.

    5th Possession 2nd and 5 from the 50: This is the only thing that I’ve seen that makes me question Gurley’s health. I thought he looked pretty much like he has all year during the super bowl. It looks like he could have broke this outside to his left and picked up some nice yards if Everett is able to make any type of block on Van Noy. Gurley, however, stayed patient and banged up the middle for two. Was this a case where Gurley lacked the confidence to cut and go? Or was he just being patient? Gurley did make a similar cut to his left later in the game on the nice run that was called back on Sullivan’s holding.

    Last possession before halftime 3rd & 2: Goff throws low to Woods. Everett, on the other side of the field, runs a fantastic route and cleanly beats Jackson. I wonder if this could have been a match-up the Rams could have exploited. Everett ended the game with zero targets. He’s a young guy but I like what he offers.

    Taking a closer look makes me feel more confident about next year. This is a tough offense to defend. There’s talent all over the field on offense. A combination of guys on the oline getting whipped, Goff making the wrong guess where to throw the ball and two weeks of preparation for Beliceck led to a shit game.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Cal.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Cal.
    in reply to: your superbowl thotz & predikkshuns #97278

    I like the Rams in this game IF the defense continues to hold up against the run.

    The Patriots were almost as bad as the Rams this year against the run and gave up 4.9 ypc this year.

    That’s uncharacteristic of a Belichick defense if you’re wondering although they were nearly as bad last year at 4.7 ypc. That stat stayed true for the Super Bowl as the Eagles ran all over them. Blount and Ajayi had 23 carries for 147 in that game.

    The Rams should set that type of goal: 150 yards on the ground.

    Going back 5 years, 2013 was the last time the Pats gave up more than 4.0 ypc. The Pats gave up 4.5 ypc that year and lost to the Broncos in the AFC championship.

    This Patriots team can be beaten. I only watched the highlights of the AFC championship game, but I thought the Pats were lucky to come out of that game with a win.

    I’m excited and ready (even with the bad taste left over from the Saints game!).

    in reply to: reactions to the Saints game #97078

    That whole game left a bad taste in my mouth. Even with the promise of the Super Bowl (and one of my favorite non-Rams NFL things–rooting against the Patriots.)

    The Rams played like shit for a good portion of the game. We got to watch McVay bench Gurley. I love CJ Anderson but it’s not like he was kicking ass like he has been. Goff had his requisite fumble and I think Aikman correctly pointed out that Goff needed to hang in a little tougher a couple of times to take advantage of the Saints reckless blitzing. I noticed one 3rd down where Goff had an easy pass to Woods running wide open over the middle but he threw an incomplete pass to a covered Reynolds.

    Reynolds also dropped an easy catch.

    Then, there’s the awful play at the end by Joyner. That was pathetic.

    I hope someone teaches NRC to avoid PI. He had 2 clear penalties that would have given the Saints first downs. About the worst thing he could do on the big no-call was commit PI. In that situation, giving up a td is better than giving up a first down via penalty. And NRC made absolutely no attempt to play the ball.

    I hope the coaches are critical of his play this week because giving the Pats first downs via penalties on shit play in the secondary will lead to disaster.

    I hate to be a wet towel on the Super Bowl excitement, but I did not enjoy that game at all. I didn’t even go into the specifics of the 1st quarter where the Rams were literally running into each other as the Saints scored a td!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Cal.

    Seattle sucks against the run almost as much as the Rams. They’re giving up 4.9 ypc.

    It will be hard for that team to go on the road against a team that likes to run like Dallas.

    I’m thinking Philly will have a tough time against the Bears. The Bears D has been tough on qbs lately and Philly’s running game doesn’t scare anyone.

    in reply to: tweets & other bits … 12/3 #94831

    Those tweets about Donald are awesome.

    Has a defensive player EVER won the MVP?

    After a quick Google, the answer is yes. Alan Page back in the 70s. And LT in 1986. I believe I saw someone compare AD to Page recently. Anyone else see that??

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Cal.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Cal.
    in reply to: Seattle game #93550

    I have no idea how the Rams could possibly be 10 pt favourites in this game. I’m throwing at Peters deep all day if I’m Seattle. If the Rams are helping him out back there then I’m testing the Rams less than stellar run D to keep them honest. Hopefully the offense can score 30+. Special teams might need to chip in with some big plays too. No predictions on a winner, I just think it’s going to be close. I expect to be annoyed by the large number Seahawks fans in attendance.

    The Rams must be a favorite with bettors. Last week, the Saints opened up as favorites but the Rams were favored by Sunday. I thought it was crazy the Rams were favored on the road with this shaky secondary.

    Peters stunk it up last time in Seattle and the Rams still won, even without Cooks, Kupp, and Legatron. Didn’t the Seahawks have great field position every time the kicker kicked off?

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Rams win this by a field goal or by two touchdowns.

    in reply to: Tweets – 10/6 #91964

    This defense looks like it could use Quinn’s speed on the edge.

    But Quinn only has 1 sack through 4 games. And he has 0 forced fumbles. I’d guess he’s still not close to the same player he was pre-back surgery.

    in reply to: todd gurley #91669

    Is it me, or does Gurley look bigger and tougher AND a just a tad slower this year?

    On that one screen play where the refs picked up the flag on Saffold, I was expecting Gurley to kick it into high gear and be gone.

    in reply to: Kavanaugh #91650

    Yeah–I couldn’t believe some of the shit that came from this dude who is so respected.

    Kavanaugh and the Republicans can’t even make an argument that makes any sense. To label Ford’s testimony and this whole process a political hit job is pathetic and disgraceful.

    Was anyone else pissed off by the Democrats pathetic use of their 5 minutes? They should have torn that asshole to shreds after he chastised the one senator for dragging the girl mentioned in the yearbook through the mud.

    Then he asked Klobuchar a couple of times whether she blacked out from drinking as if she bragged in her yearbook about drinking 100 kegs.

    What a pathetic, enraging display.

    in reply to: reactions, vikes game #91648

    What an awesome performance by the offense. They made it look so easy against a d with some really good players. Though Minny missing Griffin is huge because he was one of the best d-linemen in the league last year.

    Goff’s incredible performance reminded me of Warner’s perfect game against Miami back in 2001 (I think).

    This was the first Rams game I’ve seen this year, and I came away thinking the edge rush will be a problem. Ebukam and Longacre were not impressive.

    It looks like the Rams just don’t have enough speed when they rush their 3 big guys–Donald, Suh, and Brockers. I’m still holding hope for Ogbo. I was a huge fan of his leading up to the draft. We’ll see.

    Donald has really pissed me off the last 2 years with his hold outs, but I loved the 2nd Donald sack–what an amazing athlete he is!

    It looks like he launches himself at Cousins and leaves the ground with both feet. But he’s able to regain his footing when he comes into contact with Cousins and then in one motion flings a 220 pound dude to the ground like an empty box. What an athlete!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Cal.
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