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  • in reply to: I hate Goodell #21470
    Avatar photoZooey


    And totally Evil Genius.

    They just moved the goalposts. They have just inoculated themselves against their own by-laws. Perfect.

    That doesn’t mean that the Rams ARE moving. It just means that if they do, the NFL can make an excuse.

    in reply to: the OL as work in progress #21438
    Avatar photoZooey

    This is clearly an issue of sage.

    In 99, we correctly diagnosed that the Rams were cursed, although there remained dispute as to where the curse came from. We also correctly identified the cure. There was a lot of burning with sage. The Rams won, and everyone became complacent.

    The curse has returned. It is most obviously manifested in the OL. And the cure is probably sage.

    It’s worth a try.

    Someone go find Old Hacker.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Oh, boy.

    I just had to share that with everybody I know.

    That’s about what I read for a living, only with worse spelling and punctuation. But with about that level of insight, and organizational rigor.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Interesting board glitch.

    Sorry. What is?

    The last post on page one.

    in reply to: I am sad #21329
    Avatar photoZooey

    I am very sorry to hear this, Herzog. I wish there was something I could do or say to help. Hopefully you can take some solace in knowing that you are among friends here, and we all are saddened at your pain. I hope the best for you, your nephew, and the family as you struggle through this, hopefully to a positive outcome.

    Keep us posted.

    Be well, my friend.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Interesting board glitch.

    Avatar photoZooey

    On the bright side, this will NEVER happen again.

    On the bright side, this will NEVER happen again.

    Actually. Everything was right about that except the final score.

    Avatar photoZooey

    On the bright side, this will NEVER happen again.

    in reply to: 10 Poverty Myths #21316
    Avatar photoZooey

    More on health care than defense?

    I don’t remember ever seeing a budget graph in which defense was much under half the overall budget.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 56s56 seconds ago
    Giants owner John Mara says he thinks there will be one or two teams in LA next year. Which teams? Not sure.

    I’m not sure that’s NEWS but whatever.

    The time is now.

    I don’t think anybody thinks otherwise. LA is getting a team or two.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Artificial turf in Los Angeles.

    Count me out.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Naturally, I’m in a pessimistic “wait and see.”

    I’m looking forward to the pre-season, obviously. I mean…I’ve NEVER seen Foles play. So what the hell do I know? Just what I’ve read.

    in reply to: JT chat….3/18 #21089
    Avatar photoZooey

    in reply to: JT chat….3/18 #21087
    Avatar photoZooey

    Well, I get why JT is pissed, and I think it was an unwise thing of Fisher to do, but I also don’t think JT is ENTITLED to know everything. Nice guy, or not. He’s a reporter, an outsider.

    in reply to: zooey #21067
    Avatar photoZooey

    Well, I will always vote in favor of delaying PMS, if possible.

    in reply to: JT chat….3/18 #21066
    Avatar photoZooey

    Maybe Philadelphia wanted to keep it quiet, too. The last thing GMs want is the media and fans all going berserk with their trade scenarios.

    Then, like many times in the past, you ask JT to keep it quiet for the time being. Like he does on a different front in the chat above.


    Jim has anyone tried to get a comment from Chip or Lucia about the move? They always supported St. Louis? What are they thinking?

    JT: I did talk to Chip on this a couple of weeks ago. But he didn’t want to talk on the record _ i.e., for a story _ so I’ll leave it at that.


    That aside I have been trying to contact you:

    I can’t tell you why Fisher did it, and I think we all agree JT is trustworthy. But we don’t know. As wv mentions above, Fisher may think that JT broke confidence sometime in the past regarding something JT didn’t think was confidential. Miscommunication.

    Who knows?

    That’s all I’m saying.

    in reply to: zooey #21064
    Avatar photoZooey

    Except your message still shows as unread, and my response isn’t there in my box. So did you get my response?

    in reply to: zooey #21063
    Avatar photoZooey

    I got it.


    Pistols at dawn?

    in reply to: JT chat….3/18 #21053
    Avatar photoZooey

    They did NOT want the story to leak. They considered a leak of that story to be an unacceptable risk. Of what, we don’t know.

    Also, maybe they just don’t care because at this time next year, JT will be covering high school football.

    Yet, the story had already leaked. From the Bradford camp, we know that they were hearing about trade talk during the combine. We do know that Kelly talked to Bradford’s OU coaches…chances are very likley that got back to him. In fact one reason Bradford refused a paycut, according to his side, is because they thought it was just a way to make him more tradeable. Regardless of that detail, if the agent is hearing that kind of thing, chances are, he conveys it to Thomas.

    So the trade wasn’t a secret. In fact–there was no reason to keep it secret.

    Nevertheless, it goes like this. Thomas hears things from Bradford’s agent, and possibly other sources. So he directly asks Fisher one on one.

    Fisher has any number of options there short of direct revelation. He could say, please keep this to yourself for the time being, but, we’re keeping our options open.

    But instead, on the strength of Fisher’s denial, Thomas goes public hours before the trade and says “I was told directly by the best source that there’s nothing to this.” Then, wham, the trade happens, and the result of going public is, some people are laughing at JT and calling him a dupe and saying he’s not credible.

    Meanwhile, JT says, no coach ever lied to me under those conditions before. And we have seen JT say yeah I talked to them, but I have to keep it to myself. If no coach ever lied to him, given his reaction to this, that includes Fisher–otherwise, JT would have said long before this “no one ever lied to me before except Fisher.” Yet what are the odds JT never asked a question like this before?

    That means there’s a protocol they have that has been in place for a long time. JT asks, they don’t lie, though we also know from the past that JT DOES sometimes say in effect “I am not at liberty to discuss it.”

    Fisher must know that JT had heard things about the trade. JT was basically saying, I will put this story to rest on the basis of your word. Fisher would also know that coming out with an official denial would make JT look bad after the trade.

    I usually don’t take the PD’s side against the team. For example, I thought the entire “equipment manager scandal” thing was absurd.

    But I cannot help but think Fisher comes across as a prick on this one.


    The story leaked, and they contained it. They contained it by denying it. The front office met together – clearly – and decided as a team to deny the rumors. Fisher stuck with the game plan of denial. That’s all we know.

    We don’t know that “there was no reason to keep it a secret.” There obviously WAS a reason. We don’t know what it is, and we might not like it if we heard it, but the front office consciously decided to keep a lid on it as much as possible. Maybe Philadelphia wanted to keep it quiet, too. The last thing GMs want is the media and fans all going berserk with their trade scenarios. You’ve heard fans. Rams fans would be calling the radio saying they want Foles and the next two 1st round picks from Philly, and Philly fans would be saying the same thing, and both fan bases would be even more pissed off at the actual trade. Who needs the media shitstorm that would come with trading a QB? I’d want to keep talk to a minimum beforehand if it was me, that’s for sure.

    That’s just a top-of-my-head rationale for lying about it. There could be other reasons.

    I do think it was a bad move on Fisher’s part because it isn’t a matter of insignificance to alienate a reporter. That’s not a good idea.

    in reply to: If the draft were in fifteen minutes… #21029
    Avatar photoZooey

    I take BPA at #10 regardless of position. Even if he’s DL.

    Crazy talk. Thats just Richard-Parker
    level madness.


    Could maybe trade the #10 to Philly for Sam Bradford.

    in reply to: JT chat….3/18 #21027
    Avatar photoZooey

    JT is really, really pissed off.

    Snead and Fisher apparently broke the unwritten rules about playing the game cagey, but not blowing your credibility with your team’s beat reporters.

    I still haven’t really heard a good theory about why they played it this way.

    They did NOT want the story to leak. They considered a leak of that story to be an unacceptable risk. Of what, we don’t know.

    Also, maybe they just don’t care because at this time next year, JT will be covering high school football.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoZooey.
    in reply to: The Longest Joke in the World #21011
    Avatar photoZooey

    the lesson of the moth

    i was talking to a moth
    the other evening
    he was trying to break into
    an electric light bulb
    and fry himself on the wires

    why do you fellows
    pull this stunt i asked him
    because it is the conventional
    thing for moths or why
    if that had been an uncovered
    candle instead of an electric
    light bulb you would
    now be a small unsightly cinder
    have you no sense

    plenty of it he answered
    but at times we get tired
    of using it
    we get bored with the routine
    and crave beauty
    and excitement
    fire is beautiful
    and we know that if we get
    too close it will kill us
    but what does that matter
    it is better to be happy
    for a moment
    and be burned up with beauty
    than to live a long time
    and be bored all the while
    so we wad all our life up
    into one little roll
    and then we shoot the roll
    that is what life is for
    it is better to be a part of beauty
    for one instant and then cease to
    exist than to exist forever
    and never be a part of beauty
    our attitude toward life
    is come easy go easy
    we are like human beings
    used to be before they became
    too civilized to enjoy themselves

    and before i could argue him
    out of his philosophy
    he went and immolated himself
    on a patent cigar lighter
    i do not agree with him
    myself i would rather have
    half the happiness and twice
    the longevity

    but at the same time i wish
    there was something i wanted
    as badly as he wanted to fry himself

    ~ Don Marquis, Archy & Mehitabel

    in reply to: If the draft were in fifteen minutes… #21010
    Avatar photoZooey

    I take BPA at #10 regardless of position. Even if he’s DL.

    in reply to: The Longest Joke in the World #20980
    Avatar photoZooey

    I read it all in one sitting, although I did skip ahead once to see how much more I had to go, and I considered bailing on it. But I didn’t read the end, and I didn’t skip.

    My wife came upon it (I left it on the screen), and I thought for sure she would skip to the end because she’s not a finisher in many respects. But she read it all the way through, too. I was in the room, sort of spying on her.

    Avatar photoZooey

    And they should get to know their teammates. And, of course, get to know the locker room.

    Because that is what it’s about.


    I think it’s important for me to be who I am. I think I’m sarcastic, and that’s okay. I’ve been getting away from that, from my core beliefs. I’ve been trying to do too much, I think. And I really believe that if I can just be the best me I can be, that’s what it’s all about. That just makes me a better poster. So I think it’s good that I’m starting over fresh at being me.

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    Jed York: 49ers got away from “core strengths” under Jim Harbaugh

    Michael David Smith

    San Francisco 49ers owner Jed York thinks replacing Jim Harbaugh with Jim Tomsula is a step toward winning a Super Bowl.

    York told Bloomberg Television that he doesn’t think the 49ers were playing up to the standards of the franchise last year, and change was needed.

    “We’re trying to win a Super Bowl,” York said, via the San Francisco Chronicle. “We haven’t been able to do that. And I think what we’re trying to do is build a team that focuses on our core strengths. I think we got away from that a little bit. I think we tried to do too much and be something that we weren’t. …”

    I agree with that totally. You know, the 49ers just need to be themselves, who they are.

    And they should get to know their teammates. And, of course, get to know the locker room.

    Because that is what it’s about.

    in reply to: Lineman with Boudreau connection visiting #20904
    Avatar photoZooey

    zn wrote:
    Rams announce they have signed OT Garrett Reynolds; probable third tackle.

    Third? I didn’t know we had a 2nd.

    And the guy plays better at OG. So we sign him for #3 OT? I can’t help but think that he’ll be mainly at OG.

    I wonder if this suggests that we are close on Joe B.

    And of course we need to see the $ he signed for.

    They don’t have a #2.

    But they don’t have to sign these guys in order of prestige.

    They need some depth. This guy has experience, Boudreau knows him, he fits, he’s cheap (probably).

    in reply to: Lineman with Boudreau connection visiting #20848
    Avatar photoZooey

    They need more than a C, G, and RT. They need depth, too. They lost Person, right? They need bodies in camp.

    I doubt the Rams are thinking of him as the “answer” as a starter. They won’t stop looking because they get Reynolds.

    And they may not even offer him a contract.

    in reply to: Wagoner: Foles looks forward to fresh start #20820
    Avatar photoZooey

    I’m excited that Foles is committed to remaining himself. And that he wants to get to know his teammates.

    Because that’s what it is about.

    in reply to: Chris Borland retires #20775
    Avatar photoZooey

    I think we may see more people hang it up after concussions, but for this kind of money, I’m pretty sure almost everyone is willing to risk that first concussion for sure, and maybe a second before even considering retirement.

    Boy, the 9ers are certainly headed the wrong direction it seems. At least in personnel. Probably coaching, too, but nobody knows there for sure.

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