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PA RamParticipant
No surprise.
Now he’ll be an all-pro with the Lions, of course.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantIt’s really no mystery why people choose a six-pack and a television rather than read books by John Stockwell.
We are so fucking doomed. I’m sorry to say it again. It’s been the main refrain of this board for a few years. But just nothing we know about the world suggests that we can fix its problems with a nice bit of legislation that allows people to pee in the bathroom of their choice, or whatever.
That’s why I have this dismal signature quote from Delillo. It feels like we’re racing madly toward our self-destruction. A Bernie supporter somehow feels like gunning down congressmen is the frustrated answer to whatever troubled him. Was he insane? Probably. But mankind feels insane now. People don’t just kill themselves anymore–they take others with them. It feels like a self-destruct switch has flipped. Yes–mankind may have always been on this course but it feels like it’s on fast forward now.
The institutions are openly corrupt now. Nothing seems to matter. Grab what you can on the way out the door .
Very sad.
I have no answers.
Go see a good movie.
I’m going to see “47 Meters Down” Sunday. It’s about two girls in a disconnected shark tank, surrounded by sharks and running out of oxygen.
Seems like everyday life, in other words.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantOkay, saw it.
It was okay. Not great. A bit hokey. A bit predictable.
Visually, it was good but we’ve seen it before. I like the female superhero running the show. That’s a good thing. I like the actress playing Wonder Woman. It wasn’t a bad film. But I’ll still take The Dark Knight trilogy as the standard for these things.
I will see Justice League. I have to. My wife is in love with Jason Momoa.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by PA Ram.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantI’m starting to think we may be closer to an authoritarian takeover of the government. Now Trump is talking about firing Mueller apparently. If that happens, and the Republicans continue to look away and whistle, we are in big trouble. The most disturbing thing to me is how easy this all looks like it would be, how the Republican party itself has become a part of this. It’s mindblowing. Are there things behind the scenes gong on we don’t know about? Have threats been made to people? Just what the hell is going on?
Dem candidates have dropped out of some local races now because of death threats. That’s scary.
I mean, who knows what is happening but Trump’s cabinet meeting which was more like a pledge of loyalty to a king was somewhat horrifying.
Will it need just one “shock doctrine” type of event for him to just seize all power? Or will it just be a sudden takeover?
This “experiment” in democracy is failing right now. The courts are holding up somewhat–for now. But congress? Not so much.
The media is already being presented and accepted by many Americans as “fake”.
This really COULD happen here.
I would never have thought that in any serious way. But after watching the failure of congress. Of watching these men put “party” above all else, and Trump above that, I just don’t know. I saw a video of Gingrich who praised Mueller only a month ago, come out with the narrative that he had to go because he was somehow, “Comey’s” boy. He could not do the job fairly. Maybe guys like Newt have always had a bit of an authoritarian streak, I don’t know.
Even as I type this it all sounds crazy to me.
And yet–also possible. Maybe not so crazy.
It feels like we are at some important fork in the road and the people in charge will have to decide which road we take. And as I sit here I’m not sure which direction they go.
It’s so bizarre. When you see a Marco Rubio come to Trump’s defense, after how he was treated you really have to wonder WTF is going on behind the scenes.
It’s weird, it’s scary and I have no idea how this movie ends.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by PA Ram.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantAh yes. I remember your speech in response to allegations that you were seen associating with women of the Byler Amish persuasion when you had a strict Swartzentruber Amish upbringing.
The stirring words you spoke at your shunning trial still resonate in my soul like the last note plucked from an angel’s harp…
“Byler oder Swartzentruber…Wie alles are Olde Order Amish. Can’t wie alles just getten alongen?”
Can’t we all just get along, indeed. <sniff>
As you well know…those Amish feuds can get pretty nasty. I still shun the Somerset scum after a certain incident involving a horse, a butter churn and two pounds of apple butter. They are the lowest of low. As for the Bylers. I just said that stuff because I like their women. VIVA LA SWARTZENTRUBER!!!!!!!!
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantI don’t like labels. There is too much overlapping most of the time and not many people will fit a strict definition of one thing or another. In fact, once labels start entering the conversation things get divisive. I’m not THIS I’m THAT so I have to believe THAT and not THIS. I just don’t like them. I believe whatever I believe and some of those things may fall under one term and some another. So does that make me neither? Do I need a third term? I don’t know. It just doesn’t work or matter to me if people call me liberal, progressive, leftist…antelope. Doesn’t matter. I’m just concerned about things issue by issue.
In regard to capitalism. I think SOME capitalism can be a good thing, as long as it is tightly regulated. My God–without it would we have fidget spinners?
However–we need a strong socialist element in society for it to function.
One place, for example that does not need capitalism, is health care. In fact, it is BECAUSE of capitalism that our current health care situation is such a disaster. I’m reading an amazing book about that right now called, ” An American Sickness” by Elizabeth Rosenthal(NY Times bestseller–not hard to find)that I highly recommend every American read.
This book details exactly the problems capitalism creates in health care. So called “non-profit” hospitals? Eh…not so much. It has all become profit and that’s the problem. Medicare must spend 98 percent of it’s revenue on patient care and 2 percent for administration. Insurance companies(because of Obamacare) must spend only 80 percent of revenue on patient care. The rest is for administration, and marketing and of course big CEO salaries. And frankly, that’s not enough for them.
Infinite growth. That’s what capitalism requires. And yet–that isn’t possible. It’s a myth from the start.
So yes–I have problems with it. At the same time, the free market can probably do some things better than government programs(IF regulated).
The question is really–can you have regulated and limited capitalism? Or…if you have it at all will the beast simply swallow the regulations time and time again with a corrupt congress and pursue the infinite growth model no matter what?
That’s a big question.
So far we haven’t seen that it can restrain itself. We haven’t seen any political will to restrain it.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by PA Ram.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantSeeing it Tuesday. I hated Batman vs. Superman and Suicide Squad. I’m giving DC one more chance.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantI think there is a solid reason for why we struggle with critical thinking. IMO over the years our ability to stay focused on a subject has become shorter and shorter caused by our own form of entertainment. I read an article some time ago in a Hollywood magazine that said the change in film sequences have gotten much shorter than the movies in the 40s and 50s. Meaning watching a movie then meant you stayed in a scene longer than today. Not too long ago my wife and I watched the HBO series “Big Little Lies” (highly recommended). Most scenes were short lived and the camera jumped from angle to angle and then to another subject-except one scene where Nicole Kidman is in a session with a marriage counselor. it lasted far longer than any of the other scenes. We saw this same scene with different people in our home and to a person the scene with the marriage counselor -where the camera does not change for a lengthy period of time-they became fidgety and some even said it was getting late and needed to go home, etc.
I think there is something to this. I even notice it in myself. I still love reading books, novels, etc. But I don’t seem to have the patience if it isn’t something that grips me and holds me. I have trouble staying with something that seems to be slow. I am on twitter a lot these days looking for quick bits of information. I don’t spend as much time diving into an internet rabbit hole of articles on a particular subject. I had more patience for those things years ago. I don’t know if it’s just getting older or if it’s the social media, modern media effect. But I do notice it. And I know a LOT of people who are in shallower water than I am.
I think the internet flood of information age has affected us and it is not all positive.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantHappy Birthday!
You’re still young. I just turned 55 on Friday. Now THAT’S old.
I know one thing–the body requires more maintenance when you get older. I’ve headed back to the gym the last few weeks. I’m tracking my food. When I do that I do at least feel better. Maybe not especially younger–but better.
Let’s hope the Rams don’t age us anymore this year.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantIt’s hard not to think the human race is doomed on so many levels.
And in these dark times? It feels like the clock is speeding up.
When I think about this sort of thing I always think about that scale which discusses advanced civilizations and the theory as to why we can’t find any is because they ultimately destroy themselves before they are able to achieve the sort of technological breakthroughs needed to travel the stars.
Would ALL civilizations that reach any sort of higher intelligence self-destruct? Would there always be different factions fighting one another for control of resources or wealth?
Is that some sort of universal constant that is a side effect of intelligence?
Maybe all intelligent life is doomed from the start. The universe does not seem to be flooded with life. And we don’t even know with certainty that there is life anywhere else. We think there almost HAS to be… or that at least there was at some time. But we don’t know. Maybe something in our “intelligence” is hard wired to fail because the universe doesn’t want or need us.
One thing we know to be true. Nature is all about survival of the fittest.
As a form of matter, humans would hardly be the “fittest” in this universe compared to something like a star.
When you take the idea of “survival of the fittest” and expand it to the universe–the human “accident” is just a flicker on the scale of time–barely registering.
So what is human potential? Is it dead before it really starts?
Or are we simply blowing it by not finding ways to cooperate for the benefit of the planet and the human race?
Ultimately, I guess, the question becomes–is it our own fault or is it all inevitable?
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
May 22, 2017 at 8:12 am in reply to: Right Builds an Alternative Narrative About the Crises Around Trump #69135PA RamParticipant“Doxing” is another problem. People who sign online petitions opposing Trump are being ‘investigated” and their personal information is being posted. This puts people in real danger. Not only that, it can affect their lives in many ways from relationships to jobs. These people are basically saying, “Bow down to the king–or pay the price.”
They desperately want to silence any voice of dissent.
Propaganda and alternative truths and feeding into the anger is the way of the world now.
Like so many things–the internet can save us–or destroy us.
I’m not hopeful.
In a world where anyone can find the truth they like–there is no truth. There are no facts. There is no tether to reality.
Collectively it’s a mental illness.
The world reflects that.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantThis is not a “country first” nation. It is a “party first” nation. If the Clinton had won and the Republicans were in charge she would already have been impeached. However, if Clinton had won and the Dems were in charge they would no doubt cover for her. There are few true patriots in Congress and wrapping a flag around yourself does not make you one.
This is about a two royal classes protecting their own self interests. The peasants in the middle do not particularly matter.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantThanks guys. I appreciate it.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantPA: I’m sorry to hear about you wife’s lymphoma. My wife was diagnosed with multiple myeloma a few years back. Hopefully your wife is in good care. We make the trip to Stanford-from So Cal-at least 4 times a year. Life always seems to give us enough to struggle with independent of politics. Wishing the best for you guys.
Thank you. She’s going to be seeing some specialists in Lymphoma at Penn University. She has a rare non-hodgkins called peripheral t-cell lymphoma. But we’re hoping that we got on top of it early. My best to you and your wife as well
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantBut as I have previously stated, I think 2016 was basically our last chance to avoid disaster to civilization anyway. I think even if Sanders got elected in 2020 with both the Senate and the House, it would basically be too late to get anything done in time to avert the destabilization of society from climate change anyway. We just aren’t even seriously taking on climate change, overpopulation, or dwindling resources in any way, so … goodbye. It’s not going to be pretty.
I hear you, Zooey. I just don’t have the mental energy for this anymore. I can’t invest in it emotionally. I have to step back–focus on personal things and just let this go. And like everyone else–I will have to just deal with the consequences. You can’t fight the ignorance of half the American people. What’s the point to it anymore? Screaming into the internet solves nothing. It only stresses me out and solves nothing. Yes–I’ll still donate to candidates and causes I believe in. I’ll still vote. But I’ve been sapped of all other political motivation. Good luck America. The future of this country looks very dim. And people will be waving flags and cheering the very people who are destroying them all the way into the abyss. I accept that now.
There will be no sudden realization by the masses about the train running off the tracks. It won’t happen.
So for me it’s going to be trying to laugh at something every day, read good books, practice my sleight-of-hand with cards in a very meditative way, help my wife get through her lymphoma crises, see my kids as often as I can and just live more in the moment. I hate being angry all the time. And it’s pointless. I will leave the angry resistance to others and wish them the best of luck.
I just don’t care anymore. No–I do. But I just don’t feel like being angry and hopeless forever. So I will do my best(other than an occasional angry rant) to leave it go.
That’s where I am today.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantOne problem that the Democratic party is that there just are not enough progressives to run.
Who carries the progressive flag next time?
Bernie would be 80 years old by the time he took office.
Elizabeth Warren? Maybe. But I’m not sure she connects the way Bernie does–and she isn’t as forceful about the progressive positions as Bernie is and in fact sat out endorsing anyone this time. yes–I like her and she may be the best bet–but she isn’t quite Bernie.
Tulsi Gabbard? I’m not really sure what she is. Sometimes I see her more as a political opportunist.
Sherrod Brown? He’s rated pretty liberal but how progressive he actually is–I’m not sure.
Anyone else on a list most people wouldn’t even know. They’d be less known than Bernie Sanders.
So who wins the primary next time? My guess is that the Dems–after seeing 4 years of Trump–believe they can just drop another corporate shill into the mix and win with it. Mark Warner–Kristian Gillibrand. Hillary again?
I kind of expect that’s how it will go.
And yes–they may lose again. Even to Trump.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantThe country is very divided.
The Republicans are not only divided between themselves. The Democrats are also divided.
The problem with the Democratic establishment is that they believe the leftist wing is crazy and radical for wanting to pull the party back to the left–where it belongs(in my opinion)because it has drifted right, in terms of corporate love for years.
The Clinton’s have established a cult within the party. The Clinton cult is not necessarily by nature corporate(at least the regular folks)but the cult is so strong it is like gravity, pulling those people toward corporate friendly positions by following the logic of incrementalism and fear of the extreme Republican agenda.
There is a reality to that.
And yes–because Trump was such a disaster waiting to happen I voted for Clinton. If Romney had been running I may or may not have voted for her. I think that margin of difference would have been much smaller. The problem is that the Clinton wing and “cult” projects the “cult” thing on the Bernie people and fails to recognize it in themselves.
But that wing also fails to realize how deep this split actually is–how fed-up people are with this corporate drift.
They still don’t get it and the powers that be are still keeping their thumbs on the scale. They will never give this up easy. Frankly, compromise will be a challenge. But Perez and Pelosi(who STILL won’t begin to support single payer)are in charge.
Still, I get most of Maher’s point. It’s WHY I ultimately voted for her. I think if the election was held again that probably more people would hold their nose and vote for her allowing her to eek out a victory. And they’d feel miserable watching her do the exact things they know she’d do–but at least the planet would not be destroyed by climate change sooner than alter, and health care would not be blown apart.
But this division within the party is real. If the Dems fail to find a way to address it they will keep losing elections. Right now they seem clueless about it beyond attacking something called “Bernie Bros”.
Good luck with that.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
May 7, 2017 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Kushner offers immigration visas to rich Chinese if they invest in his business #68465PA RamParticipantWe heard that there are rumors that he is the most likely to be impeached president in American history. That’s why I doubt this project.”
Not so sure about that. The Republicans have gone all-in on Trump. If he goes down–they go down. And they’re in charge.
The most corrupt administration in history will only get stronger and more brazen
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantI’m giving them a “C” but then I have no idea so it’s a fairly safe grade. There isn’t one pick who stands out to me that makes me go: “YEAH!”. It’s more like a bunch of bodies who may bring certain skills which will allow the offense to exploit things–as zn said.
I really was hoping they’d find a center somewhere in the draft but it didn’t work out that way.
Everett? A lot seems to be riding on “potential”. I’m not saying he wasn’t productive. But it was a smaller school and that always gives me the “Brian Quick” heebee jeebees. But of course–I hope he’s much better than that. And he can’t be worse, really. Obviously tight ends are going to be important.
Kupp? I just find myself wondering if a healthy Spruce could not have offered the same thing that Kupp will bring. But can Spruce stay healthy/ Good question. In any case, his value was fantastic for a 3rd round pick.
The others? Just names to me for now.
I hope they all pan out but some obviously won’t.
Still, I do think that these players were picked with Phillips and McVay in mind–and what they want to do. I see a bunch of role players–hopefully solid role players and championship teams certainly need that.
The stars will still have to be Gurley, Goff, and Austin. If those three perform then these role players will be just what the team needs. But a team needs some stars too and a coach with a plan.
Stay tuned.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantThey say he’s not a hard hitter. I don’t care as long as he can tackle and make plays. The “knock-em-out” guys can go play for Williams in Cleveland. I just want smart players who get the job done. This guy seems to fit that mold.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantThis name caught me by surprise but that doesn’t matter. He seems to be a “fit” player in that he will fill a need for what McVay wants to do and that’s a good way to win championships. Get the right players for the right scheme. This team does not appear to be thinking about the “star” receiver right now It seems more about roles. And if Goff can click with these guys that’s all that matters.
They do have an explosive guy in Tavon. And in Gurley.
Put in the right pieces and see what happens.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantOkay–I like the pick and hope for the best. But the one concern I do have with him is his speed. He is slooooooow. I looked up the 40 times for some of the guys he’s being compared to(Edleman, Amendola, Jordy Nelson)and they are all in the 4.5s. He could not break 4.6 at the combine. His second run was worse than his first.
He will have to rely on that route running to gain the separation but hopefully that’s enough. Another guy with great hands and a slow time is Nelson Spruce. He’s slower than Kupp. And he looked like he could play. So we’ll see.
I sure hope he’s a nice clutch go-to guy for Goff.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantYeah, I don’t want Cam Robinson. I hear he has his worst games against top talent. That bothers me.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantUnfortunately I work during the draft but I will be recording it. I actually don’t have any real preference this year so I’ll just be interested to see who they select and hope it’s a good pick. But I love the draft. I’ll be checking in from work.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantI doubt that the Rams will be trading up for anyone this year–unless someone slips a few places above them in the 2nd round, maybe they’ll bite. From what I’ve been reading there’s a lot of value anyway in the mid rounds.
This guy will probably be long gone.
I am wondering if John Ross will slip because of his medical history though and what they might do if he gets close.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
April 18, 2017 at 12:08 pm in reply to: Facebook argument and more thoughts on our political situation #67604PA RamParticipantI forget what comedian said that we cheer for laundry.
It was Seinfeld, coincidentally to your post it’s the same show where Woody Allen gave Kramer a line in his movie…… “These pretzels are making me thirsty”
Lol! Everything in life can always come back to Seinfeld. What a brilliant show.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
April 18, 2017 at 10:19 am in reply to: Facebook argument and more thoughts on our political situation #67602PA RamParticipantThanks, zn.
My daughter was a Sanders voter. She actually could not stand Hillary. My wife was a Clinton voter. And while I can be guilty of simplifying her reasons or reasons of any woman, I understand this is all more complicated than just “gender” teams. But I do believe, from talking to various women who voted for her, that the “symbol” this time around was a strong motivator. Now certainly that does not apply to all women. But for those who did vote that way–for the ones who it mattered, I believe it mattered a lot. I believe that it did make this very personal. And I believe that it is why there is so much anger from those voters toward Bernie.
But the issue is not a simple one at all. Still, there is the “team” factor of politics to consider as well. Clinton was the REAL Democrat. Sanders was the Independent running as the Democrat. I’ve gotten into many arguments on Democratic Underground about this whole “team” thing. The attitude is that if we don’t vote for the REAL Democrat label we don’t belong in the party. The counter argument is that real democrats vote their true progressive values–not corporate values masquerading as a progressive agenda.
The “TEAM” players will have none of this, of course.
Years ago I worked in a pretzel factory. This was a popular brand of pretzels in the area and people loved them. But these same pretzels with their fancy logo and name were the same pretzels that were packaged in generic grocery store brand bags. And yet–some people would not buy that generic bag. They wanted THEIR brand.
So put a corporate candidate under the right brand and it’s THEIRS.
This works powerfully on people.
We cheer our hearts out for Chris Long. But when he puts on a different helmet we’d just as soon he loses.
I forget what comedian said that we cheer for laundry.
That’s okay–we like our laundry–and after years of cheering for it we build a history and connection that can’t be broken.
So yes–there is a team mentality among voters of both parties. That and the gender issue made this all emotional warfare.
And yes–there were probably Russian trolls stoking the flames. They probably still do. Putin is no Democrat.
It’s all very complicated–especially when you involve emotion. And yes–cognitive dissonance will cause people to dig in harder on things they are clearly wrong about. Humans are flawed. But we aren’t robots either. Emotion will always play a role. And emotion can be manipulated.
If Donald Trump knows nothing else–he knows that.
I could not stand Hillary–but, like you–I voted for her because I knew this guy would be a disaster.
But as far as the future–and where the Democratic party goes from here–I could not tell you. It feels split right now, between progressives and traditional Dems. And then there are large numbers of people who have already quit on politics. They give up. Or maybe they just don’t care.
Trump is horrible.
And I’m not convinced he won’t win a second term.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
April 18, 2017 at 9:22 am in reply to: Facebook argument and more thoughts on our political situation #67599PA RamParticipantNow despite everything i just said, as humans we still have to live out our lives. So whether we are on the titanic or not, we still have to ‘do’ and ‘act’ — so, i still think we should “do what we can.” I’m not saying we are doomed so sit on your ass and watch tv. I’m saying we are doomed, make your own choice, but as for me, I’ll still “do what i can” because…i choose to. I mean Waterfield likes Viktor Frankl if i recall. Its a V.Frankl thing — even if you are in Auschwitz you can choose to “do what you can”.
Yes, I’ll still vote.
I’ll probably continue to be ignored by some people from time to time for pointing out political things. But I’m trying to become less invested emotionally in the whole thing. I’m trying to become more like a scientist examining an interesting bug. “That is a very deadly bug. But look how odd it flies. Hmmmm.”
I just can’t see the point of carrying the stress of it all when it seems beyond my ability to change the situation. I’ve cut back on some of the politics for my own sanity. I’m watching more movies, practicing more with sleight of hand, and just getting through life as best I can. I have spent so much energy over the years arguing with the Sally’s of the world and found that in the end I only got frustrated. I just kind of give up in a lot of ways.
I get the sense that this whole human experiment is winding down.
I might as well enjoy the ride.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
April 18, 2017 at 8:30 am in reply to: Facebook argument and more thoughts on our political situation #67594PA RamParticipantWell, I thought you made a fantastic, well-thought out argument, Zooey. But I’m on the same side, of course. I can’t really understand how people think the way she does, or why that “symbol” of a woman in the white house mattered more than the policies. And yet–it DOES mean more to some women. No matter what Obama was going to be—the black vote was going to show up for him because that symbol meant everything.
I discuss politics with my wife all the time and though she doesn’t always pay attention to me, I can safely say she’s a progressive who would have preferred Bernie’s policies. And yet–she voted for Clinton. I kept sending Bernie donations and one day my wife gets something from Clinton in the mail. It’s a plastic , “Woman’s Card”. Yes–it says that. It’s a piece of propaganda that basically says(not literally)if you hold this card you are “ONE OF US”.
That meant more to a lot of women than I can ever understand–that symbol. And Hillary played it for all it was worth. So there were women who willfully put on blinders for this election because…the symbol of a woman in the white house meant everything.
It became personal. Hillary became THEM. Any perceived sleight against Hillary, any challenge, was a challenge to THEM personally. The battle was against any man who had discriminated against them for their gender, insulted them or degraded them. Hillary put the black hat on Bernie and there was no taking it off. Substance did not matter anymore. It was all about style now.
While your argument was crushing and left her with no good answer–she didn’t need one. You just were another guy with a black hat who hated women. She wasn’t going to turn “her” Democratic party over to you. You were a woman basher, a Bernie Bro and you would always stand in the way of a woman in the white house–this important symbol that she needed more than the actual polices that would help her themselves. The symbol was everything.
And a woman can not take the blame for that. So the blame HAS to go somewhere. It makes no sense that she lost to Trump. Women did not fail. They were victims once again to male misogyny. Hillary will never be looked at as a failure to these women. She will not hold any responsibility. She will be the victim. Forever.
In any other election–if no woman was running, Bernie would have had their vote. This election was different. And I’ll go even further. If Warren was running even SHE would not be allowed to carry the “woman” card for this election. Clinton owned that. She’d been printing them for years. She was THE woman. She was THE symbol for all these women this election. It was her turn and everyone needed to get out of the way.
So there is no logical argument to make. This is about emotion.
Emotion wins elections.
Trump tapped into some very dark angry emotions and played them for all they were worth.
He won.
He didn’t even win the popular vote–but he didn’t have to. He played the right notes in the right places.
Clinton just played on weekends and assumed she could not lose.
The electoral college disagreed.
While she won the women’s vote easily–she lost the white women who did not go to college. Obama won those votes. And since she ran such a gender driven campaign she really lost the white males.
So how split is the Democratic party? That remains to be seen. I’d say pretty split right now. What does it mean going forward? I don’t know.
But I’m kind of like wv, right now. I kinda think it doesn’t matter anymore. Much of the public is happily ignorant on issues and will be moved by their emotion. The gerrymandered districts won’t really let the Republicans lose the House and the Democrats have yet to show that they can win these former blowout losses. They can make them close. Big deal. A loss is a loss. And we’re already talking about candidates like Mark Warner, and Corey Booker and Kristian Gillibrand for 2020. There is no other Bernie.
The population is happily ignorant. You can’t win a race against that.
It’s not just that I’ve lost faith in the politicians. I’ve lost faith in my fellow Americans.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick
PA RamParticipantFrom watching his hearings I had the feeling he would be the biggest asshole the court had ever seen.
He’s not proving me wrong.
This guy loves to hear himself speak. He believes he’s the the smartest guy in the room and no one should forget it. He will never decide the cases by argument. He will never be swayed. He will have an opinion and you’d better share it.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick