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nittany ram
ModeratorTough win. Nice adjustments in the second half but this wasn’t one of McVay’s better games from a play calling standpoint.
nittany ram
ModeratorGiven how we already look at the poor of other nations as animals and are trying to build a wall to keep them out, there is little hope that we will respond humanely when whole populations of them are forced to move as climate change progresses.
nittany ram
ModeratorMultiple sources confirm there is friction in the #Rams #Chargers Inglewood Stadium relationship and the Chargers may not be pulling their share. This is a serious issue. The story Monday at noon @AM570LASports
— Fred Roggin (@FredNBCLA) September 22, 2019
This may have to do with the Chargers not holding up their end of the deal in funding the stadium. They projected $400 million in PSL sales. After two years, they still don’t have much of a fan base in LA. They have readjusted projected PSL sales to $150 million.
nittany ram
ModeratorI’m sorry, but the second somebody utters the phrase “progress them forward,” I’m out.
I can put up with a lot of things, but you may not tarnish the English language without consequence.
Demoff might be regressing them backwards.
vI wish he would regress them onward.
nittany ram
ModeratorIs there a yapper who deserves a paycheck less than Skip Bayless?
I’m not sure that anybody on the planet takes him seriously.
Well, his wife might take him seriously. I dunno.
Skip yells at his wife because he thinks opening a door in SoCal has some immediate effect on a pass play in KC.
As if we needed another reason not to take him seriously.
nittany ram
ModeratorLarry should be in the Hall based on his numbers and reputation with former players.
Hell, if John Hannah calls you the best, that should be enough for anyone.
nittany ram
ModeratorIF Jim Brown plays, the Browns have a good chance.
I was thinkin about Jim Brown the other day, when i listened to Weddle talk about Aaron Donald. Weddle said he was the best football player he’d ever played with, period. I started wonderin which players had risen to a completely different ‘level’ than the other players. Jim Brown did. Who else? I dunno, but maybe Aaron Donald is in that class. Maybe. When he’s healthy.
vChristopher Todd Massey.
nittany ram
ModeratorReport: Antonio Brown harasses latest accuser via text message
Antonio Brown may have crossed the line, as far as the NFL and the Patriots are concerned.
Robert Klemko of reports that Brown has sent harassing text messages to the unnamed accuser who shared allegations with Klemko regarding Brown’s behavior after Brown hired her to paint a mural at his house.
“I’m on my knees painting the [mural], and he walks up to me butt-ass naked, with a hand cloth covering his [penis] and starts having a conversation with me,” the woman told Klemko. “Unfortunately, I’ve been tried [by men] a lot of times, so I just kept my cool and kept painting. After that, it all ended abruptly.”
Brown reportedly has sent a group text message to the woman, accusing her of fabricating a “bull sh-t” story in an effort to “make up some stuff for money.” He also called her a “super broke girl with a lot of kids,” and he encouraged someone to whom Brown refers as “Eric B” to investigate her in order to “see how broke this girl is.”Brown also sent a screen shot of an Instagram photo of the woman’s children, adding that the woman is “awfully broke clearly.”
On Thursday night, the woman’s lawyer sent a letter to the NFL explaining that Brown is “intimidating and threatening . . . our client, in violation of the NFL Personal Conduct Policy.”“Our client . . . is understandably frightened by these text messages, which are clearly intended to threaten and intimidate her,” attorney Lisa J. Banks wrote. “While she certainly qualifies as a ‘starving artist,’ she has never approached Mr. Brown, nor will she, about seeking money to compensate her for his sexual misconduct, contrary to his allegations in the text messages.”
Amazingly, Brown’s lawyer was included in the group texts. Darren Heitner tells Klemko that Heitner did not advise Brown to communicate with the woman.
The league responded to the letter within an hour. Investigators will speak to the woman’s lawyers about the situation.“This sort of intimidation and harassment is the reason victims are often so reluctant to step forward in these cases,” Banks told Klemko. “We have confidence the NFL and the Patriots will step in and end this behavior.”
The Personal Conduct Policy expressly prohibits “talking, harassment, or similar forms of intimidation.” The fact that the behavior has been directed at a woman who has made allegations regarding misconduct makes the situation even worse for Brown. Employers routinely take swift and decisive action against employees who are accused of misconduct and who harass or intimidate those who have made the accusations.
The Patriots, who like any NFL team wouldn’t have signed Brown if they’d known about the sexual assault and rape lawsuit that was filed last week, likewise have not been inclined to terminate the relationship based solely on uncorroborated allegations in a civil action. If Brown sent these messages to a woman who chimed in with her own allegations of misconduct by Brown, that gives the Patriots a much more tangible basis for severing ties with Brown.
Regardless of what the Patriots do, the league can take action against Brown. The aggressive and angry response directed to an accuser could be enough, for example, to cause the Commissioner to believe that Brown “may have violated” the Personal Conduct Policy as to Britney Taylor, justifying immediate placement of Brown on the Commissioner-Exempt list.
However it plays out, Brown apparently has committed yet another serious error of judgment, one that has placed his current employment in real jeopardy.
Brown unabashedly harassed this women via group text – he even included the victim’s lawyer in the group.
He has the arrogance of someone who believes they are untouchable. Gotti/Trump level arrogance.
But in his case he’s also delusional because he can be touched. I hope the league suspends him.
nittany ram
ModeratorCould the Browns win?
Sure. Weird shit happens.
But only the most clueless could think they will win, or even should win.
Did they see the Titans game? The Browns were thrashed by one of the worst teams in the league.
Are they actually encouraged by the Browns’ performance against the Jets? I don’t know what they saw, but I saw a Browns team struggle for much of the game against a bad Jets team playing with their third string QB. So far Mayfield doesn’t look like he’s improved at all.
I expect that, as the season progresses, the Browns will steadily improve. They are a fairy talented team.
But it’s way too early in the season to think they are good enough to have a legitimate shot against the Rams.
September 19, 2019 at 1:02 pm in reply to: Do the Rams stand a chance against mighty Cleveland? #105305nittany ram
ModeratorIf the Rams don’t win this game by at least two touchdowns, then that’s a signal to light the torches and march on Castle Kroenke.
It’s bad enough that Vegas slapped the Rams and their fans across the face with that minuscule “3 point favorite” crap.
But to not win handily against a team with a QB named “Baker Mayfield”?…there are no words.
nittany ram
ModeratorAD is likely the most talented player there ever was.
nittany ram
ModeratorEspecially after they march into Seattle next week and beat Nittany’s favorite team back to the Stone Age.
Fat chance they beat my Seah… er, I mean Geaux Saints!
nittany ram
ModeratorI actually think Goff is prepared to return to his “regular 100 qb ratings” days from before the bye last year. I just think they had a game and a half of rust and are now hitting stride.
What do others think? What’s the “informal poll” on that?
I hope that’s true and would not be surprised if it was.
But there’s a lingering fear that teams have figured out ways to disrupt Goff, and it takes McVay/Goff awhile to adjust.
nittany ram
ModeratorRams defense dominated. Rams offense is showing life.
Saints Super Bowl window likely closed.
nittany ram
ModeratorRams’ 2018 rushing up the middle (per ESPN Stats & Information research):
vs. Eagles: 2 carries, 11 yards
vs. Patriots: 3 carries, 12 yards
vs. Bears: 3 carries, 21 yards
Average over the other 16 games: 10 carries, 53 yards per game
Rams’ 2018 rushing between the tackles:
vs. Eagles: 11 carries, 47 yards
vs. Patriots: 14 carries, 43 yards
vs. Bears: 10 carries, 52 yards
In every case except one (between the tackle runs against the Pats), the Rams averaged well over 4 yds/carry. In most cases they were averaging over 5 yds/carry.
Based on these numbers, defenses didn’t bottle up the Rams running game as much as McVay abandoned it.
nittany ram
ModeratorYou people dont know it, but wv-ram wears a lot of vests.
At the same time?
nittany ram
ModeratorWe occupy different realities. They FEEL like theirs is the Truth, and that’s that.
Their ‘truth’ is unexamined. It’s based purely on faith. I’m not saying that’s true for all conservatives, but it’s true of the Trump supporters/GOP. To me it’s hilarious to see them rail against extreme versions of the Muslim faith while being blind to the fact that right wing evangelicals and the Taliban are two sides of the same coin.
nittany ram
ModeratorThe name doesn’t matter it’s the policies. When arguing with folks stress that. The Nazis sided against unions, cooperated with capitalists, and declared “the bolsheviks” their great political enemy. Doesn’t matter if the person you’re debating keeps saying “but this one goes to 11.” Ask them to name one single socialist policy the Nazis backed or implemented.
In my experience, most of them wouldn’t know what a socialist policy was. They don’t know what socialism is. They think they do, but all they really know is the caricature of socialism portrayed by Fox News and Limbaugh.
nittany ram
ModeratorI’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.
Your brother should think about North Korea’s official name:
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. What a nation or a political party decides to name itself is totally irrelevant. It’s what it does that matters. It needs to be judged according to that.
And, of course, Hitler’s Germany was a capitalist society, not socialist. It was also a workers’ hell hole, which included (literally) slave labor. And, the nazis got their start (in the 1920s) in the streets thuggishly attacking leftists, including socialists and communists . . . and once in power, slaughtered, jailed, tortured or exiled them and made the German Left flat out illegal.
Oh, and there’s the rather inconvenient fact that all neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups, political parties, individuals, proudly claim the mantle of “right-wing,” and are seen as right-wing by their enemies. Charlottesville’s “unite the right” march was a coalition of neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups. Same thing all across Europe.
There’s no historical support whatsoever for your brother’s view, or Carlson’s . . . but it’s been mainstreamed.
Yeah, the only reason it was called the National Socialist Party was because socialism was popular among the working class in Germany during the economic turmoil following WWI. The newly formed Nazi party simply wanted to tap into that.
I use the same argument you mention above whenever my brother thinks he’s scoring points by reminding me that the KKK was started by southern Democrats. Then I remind him which political party the modern KKK endorses. It shuts him up for about a week. Then he’ll rehash the same argument. It’s like I’m stuck in a bizarre, Trumpian Ground Hog Day time loop.
No matter how often I tell him that even though I’m a registered Democrat, I don’t really consider myself a Democrat. I’m a Dem only because in a two party system, I was forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Regardless, he still thinks he’s going to shock me into submission by reciting Dem transgressions. He can’t see beyond the Dem/Rep false dichotomy, or understand that the Left and Liberals aren’t synonymous.
nittany ram
ModeratorThis is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.
Up until roughly 20 years ago, this was fringe-right-wing nonsense. Now it’s mainstream right-wing nonsense. I bump into it all the time.
There’s a range, of course. From right-wing pundits who know better, but spread it anyway . . . to the rank and file who really believe it now. They apparently actually believe it’s impossible for right-wingers to be in charge of totalitarian systems, or for those systems to be right-wing. They see “fascism” and nazism” as left-wing, even though virtually no one did at the time these systems were in place . . . and when this is brought up to them, they dismiss or ignore the facts. They also dismiss or ignore the fact that all the resistance movements in Europe were led by leftists, and that fascists and nazis started to wipe out their leftist enemies even before they went after the Jews.
I’m currently rereading 1984. This is a replay of “those who own the present, own the past,” etc. etc. They’ve rewritten it to suit their beliefs. They’ve convinced themselves that “big government” is always already “leftist,” even though “conservatism,” going back thousands of years, entailed a massive, generally oppressive “state.” Or a massive, oppressive Church/State nexus, etc.
Right-wing ideology has always been extremely comfortable with Big Gubmint and authoritarian systems. Ironically, it’s “the left” that traditionally fought against them.
I’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.
nittany ram
ModeratorThis is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.
Up until roughly 20 years ago, this was fringe-right-wing nonsense. Now it’s mainstream right-wing nonsense. I bump into it all the time.
There’s a range, of course. From right-wing pundits who know better, but spread it anyway . . . to the rank and file who really believe it now. They apparently actually believe it’s impossible for right-wingers to be in charge of totalitarian systems, or for those systems to be right-wing. They see “fascism” and nazism” as left-wing, even though virtually no one did at the time these systems were in place . . . and when this is brought up to them, they dismiss or ignore the facts. They also dismiss or ignore the fact that all the resistance movements in Europe were led by leftists, and that fascists and nazis started to wipe out their leftist enemies even before they went after the Jews.
I’m currently rereading 1984. This is a replay of “those who own the present, own the past,” etc. etc. They’ve rewritten it to suit their beliefs. They’ve convinced themselves that “big government” is always already “leftist,” even though “conservatism,” going back thousands of years, entailed a massive, generally oppressive “state.” Or a massive, oppressive Church/State nexus, etc.
Right-wing ideology has always been extremely comfortable with Big Gubmint and authoritarian systems. Ironically, it’s “the left” that traditionally fought against them.
I’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.
September 10, 2019 at 8:09 am in reply to: the one-shot tweets thread (diff'rent stuff, funny angry interesting) #104918nittany ram
ModeratorRemember Tanya McDowell?
She got 12 yrs for sending her son to school in Norwalk CT while she ‘lived’ in Bridgeport. She was homeless.
She was convicted of “stealing“ an education.
Felicity Huffman gets 30 days for bribing her daughter into college.#CollegeCheatingScandal
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) September 9, 2019
nittany ram
ModeratorWhoopi to Sanders: “Would you force corporations to pay taxes?”
Other questions asked by Whoopi…
Whoopi to a bear: “Do you shit in the woods?”
Whoopi to the Pope: “Do you where a funny hat?”
nittany ram
ModeratorI could see AB in Seattle or San Fran.
Not sure if that would be good or bad for the Rams.
nittany ram
ModeratorI wouldn’t extend Peters. Not based on what we saw last season. As a Ram, he has only looked good when Talib was on the field with him. Without Talib’s steadying influence, Peters was a wreck. I think the Rams can get better production from more affordable CBs.
Littleton I would keep. The guy makes plays.
nittany ram
ModeratorOne advantage of having Aaron Donald, is the new OLinemen get to practice against the best.
vMerlin Olsen once said that the reason the Rams O-line of Scibeli, Brown, Iman, etc got so good was because they had to practice against The Fearsome Foursome.
August 30, 2019 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Gluten does not induce gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy people #104486nittany ram
ModeratorI feel the same way about killing animals.
I try to eat less meat, but I can’t give it up completely.
I tried that plant-based Impossible Whopper the other day. I can’t tell the difference between it and a regular ‘meat’ Whopper. Both sucked (not a fan of Burger King), but it gave me hope that used in different applications, it might be ok.
Right now the Impossible burger is only sold in restaurants, but it’s going to be available in supermarkets starting in September.
And, lab-grown meat could be affordable soon…
nittany ram
ModeratorThis poll is, of course, way too soon to matter all that much, but given the likelihood that the economy will be worse in 2020 than it is now, it may well hold:
August 28, 2019 – All Top Dems Beat Trump As Voters’ Economic Outlook Dims Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Dem Primary Stays Stable With Biden Holding The Lead
Trend Information
Sample and Methodology detailIf the 2020 presidential election were held today, 54 percent of registered voters say that they would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, while only 38 percent would vote for President Trump. Matchups against other top Democrats show:
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump 53 – 39 percent;
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren ahead of Trump 52 – 40 percent;
California Sen. Kamala Harris beating Trump 51 – 40 percent;
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg leading with 49 percent to Trump’s 40 percent.Looking at all of the matchups, President Trump is stuck between 38 and 40 percent of the vote. These low numbers may partly be explained by a lack of support among white women, a key voting bloc that voted for Trump in the 2016 election. Today, white women go for the Democratic candidate by double digits in every scenario. Though it is a long 14 months until Election Day, Trump’s vulnerability among this important voting group does not bode well for him.
Biden isn’t the only candidate who can defeat Trump, by any means.
I think Bernie, Biden, or Warren could beat Trump. They could lose too.
I wouldn’t put too much stock in the polls. The polls had Clinton beating Trump pretty handily. Clinton was up by 7 points a month prior to the election.
August 27, 2019 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Boots Riley on Tarantino Not Depicting Manson Family as White Supremacists #104384nittany ram
ModeratorManson thought there was going to be a race war. However, as time went on and nothing happened, he feared he was losing control of his followers. For this reason he tried to bring the war on. That’s what the Tate and LaBianca murders were about. He thought the Black Panthers would be blamed.
Manson thought the blacks would win the race war. However, he also believed blacks were too stupid to lead themselves. His plan was for him and his followers to come out of hiding after the war was over and with his superior intelligence, enslave the inferior blacks.
August 27, 2019 at 1:12 pm in reply to: Gluten does not induce gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy people #104365nittany ram
ModeratorI prefer non-GMO gluten products.
(Subtle joke.)
You’re in luck, cuz the grains that contain gluten (wheat, barley, oats, etc) are all non-GMO.
Wait a min…
Good one.