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  • in reply to: Ukraine #137346
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    in reply to: saw the Kurt film #137345
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    Saw the Kurt movie on dvd. It was exactly what you’d expect in the “faith based” genre. I’ve seen four or five of these types of films and they are all exactly the same. They do not hit the viewer over the head with the Jesus-stuff. They have learned to do a tricky-balancing thing: Just enough Jesus to satisfy the core christian audience, but not enough to put-off the non-jesus folks. They want the film to cross-over into the mainstream audience for obvious reasons. As for the /production/acting — all good, i thought. The one really outstanding aspect of the movie was the Zeller kid’s performance. Non-actor. Played Brenda Warner’s blind son. The kid is a star. Stole the movie. Also, thought Anna Paquin (who I am not familar with) did an outstanding job. In the bonus feature she talked about playing the part of a christian even though shes not into that stuff. I thought she totally captured the essence of…that whole thing. Made me wanna watch a highlight vid of 99 🙂 w v

    Ana Paquin plays Snooky in True Blood.  If you’ve never seen it you should.

    There were many corny moments in the movie.  It wasn’t great, or even good.

    But I did find myself pridefully thinking “Yes!” during the reenactment of the historic plays Kurt made.

    in reply to: Rams tweets … 3/2 – 3/5 #137277
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    I like how Colin thinks.

    For some reason, for a long time, I was dismissive of him. I don’t know why. But he grew on me. Not just because he started loving the Rams. I would listen to his reasoning and he was always adding something to discussions.

    Same here.  I don’t always agree with him but his takes are usually interesting and thoughtful.

    in reply to: Rams tweets … 3/2 – 3/5 #137265
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    ======= I dunno. I hate the whole ‘who is the best player’ question. I mean, how in the world do you ‘compare’ Jerry Rice and Merlin Olsen ? Lawrence Taylor and Orlando Pace? Deacon and Lance Allworth? Its hard enough just to compare same-position-players from different eras. Like Merlin vs Aaron Donald. Can Donald do it as long as Merlin did? Merlin couldnt pass-rush the way Donald can, but Donald couldnt stuff the run as consistently as Merlin did. I dunno. If i ‘had’ to play one version of the game, best I could do ….Donald is the best DT of his era. His era being, somewhere around a decade or so. Also, Zooey is the one of the most annoying “California” posters of his era. w v

    I was comparing Donald to other DTs only if wasn’t clear in my post.  I agree it’s problematic to compare players from different positions with the goal of determining who is the best.  Is Aaron Donald better than Tom Brady?  Is he better than Jim Brown?   There are comparisons one can make (who had the bigger impact on the game, who was more important to their team’s success, etc) but they wouldn’t fully answer the question “who was the better player?’.  I’m a huge fan of Merlin Olsen, and before the advent of Aaron Donald I considered him to be the best DT to ever play.  I disagree that Donald can’t stop the run as consistently as Merlin could.  Merlin played in an era when stopping the run was a DT’s primary duty, and he did it better than anybody.  Donald plays in an era where a DT’s primary responsibility is to get inside push on the pocket so the QB can’t step up.  I think if Donald was asked to primarily be a run-stuffer, he could do that better than anybody.  It’s just that the nature of the position has changed.  Of course, that’s speculation on my part, but I think it’s true.

    I get what you’re saying. But to me a lot of it is era-dependent. The game changed and DTs in the 60s and 70s were different animals. Merlin Olsen for example fit his era perfectly. I think in the 60s or 70s Donald would have been a linebacker. Though I think one guy who would translate from the past to the present is Alan Page. Which takes nothing away from him, obviously. All the players who know the game and praise Donald say he is a unique blend of quickness and strength. Plus a lot of what he is comes from harnessing his skills and working endlessly on his game. Even the most dedicated players in the 60s and 70s did not work on their games at that level and to that extent. In fact they couldn’t even if they wanted to.

    I think trans-generational comparisons can be reasonably made. Donald is considered the best right now mainly because of his play against the pass.  DT’s of the past weren’t measured by their ability to rush the passer as much.  However, picture Aaron Donald playing DT in an era that any incidental grabbing of the defender’s jersey or hooking of an arm by an o-lineman would draw a flag.  Imagine AD playing when the head slap was legal. 😉

    Donald is more dominant than any DT ever of any era.  Entire offensive game plans are constructed with Aaron Donald in mind.  What DT ever garnered the attention Donald does?  He routinely has to fight through double and triple teams.  The 60’s and 70’s could probably be considered the golden age of DTs.  Olsen, Joe Greene, Alan Page, Randy White, even Larry Brooks (John Hannah called him the best DT he ever faced) but none of them from an individual standpoint impacted the game like Aaron Donald.  It’s hard to even know which one of that group was the best, whereas Donald is head and shoulders above his contemporaries.  Sapp and Suh at their best aren’t in the same class.


    in reply to: Ukraine #137255
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    <script async=”” src=”; charset=”utf-8″></script>

    Well, at least we got to see the Rams win another Super Bowl before the world ends.

    Frankly, there were times in the past coupla’ decades when I had my doubts it would happen.

    in reply to: Rams tweets … 3/2 – 3/5 #137251
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    Donald is one of the best defensive player I’ve ever seen and I go back to Mean Joe Greene, Alan Page, and Randy White.

    One of the best?

    With all due respect to Mean Joe Greene, Alan Page, Randy White, et. al… they aren’t in the same class as Aaron Donald.

    I watched all those guys too, and none of them were as dominant as AD.  I get the reluctance to proclaim a player ‘the best ever’, and the desire to be respectful of the great ones of the past, but c’mon…

    It’s like saying Alaska is one of the biggest states in the US,  cheetahs are one of the fastest cats, Zooey is one of the most annoying posters…

    At this point, saying he’s only *one* of the best despite the statistical and videographic evidence to the contrary is actually disrespectful to AD.

    But hey, if you want to risk adding another chip to those hyper-muscled shoulders,  so be it.  I’m sure the Rams wouldn’t mind the additional Super Bowl titles.

    in reply to: Ukraine #137205
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    ‘Which do you think best describes Russia?’ Communist: 42% Socialist: 13% Capitalist: 11% Something Else: 17% YouGov / March 1, 2022 / n=1495 / Online

    That poll is depressing. The USSR was never communist, at least not beyond small enclaves. Communism being the absence of the state, you can’t have a communist nation-state. Nor was it socialist. It was state capitalist, as Lenin said. He said he had to yank Russia into the 20th century, establish capitalism to do so, and socialism could wait. And they waited, and waited, and waited, and it never happened. After 1991, of course, it went hyper-ultra-capitalist, outdoing even the US on those grounds. Pretty absurd that such a large number of people think post-USSR Russia is communist or socialist. Emma Goldman wrote this back in 1936:

    Well, that’s depressing, but not surprising.

    US citizens know nothing about the world beyond our borders.  And as the world grows smaller, it seems like we become more and more disconnected with it. We The People are willfully invested in not wanting to know about anything outside of the US.

    Climate change, habitat destruction, war – the world is on fire, and we’re relying on a population that doesn’t know or care what a fire hose is to somehow muster the political will to extinguish it.

    in reply to: Which QB would you rather have? #137197
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    Depends.  If  my entire focus is winning next year’s Super Bowl, then I wouldn’t take any of those guys over Stafford.

    If my focus is on continued success over the next decade, then Herbert, Mahomes, Burrow, and Allen.

    in reply to: The Rams had lost 3 in a row… #136974
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    So….what turned it around? What happened? w v

    Les made one last deal…


    in reply to: McVay’s clean, pale home #136973
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    Amazons are a nice touch but mine wouldn’t hunt for me.

    They would be in my state of the art lab culturing meat from bovine progenitor cells.  Lab grown meat.

    Yes, that does sound delicious.

    in reply to: Ukraine #136949
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    in reply to: McVay’s clean, pale home #136947
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    Sterile and stark.

    Hitler’s Encino bunker.

    I’ve always dreamt of having a Victorian style library in my home.  High ceiling with built-in bookshelves, walls covered in old portraits of family members who died decades before I was born, a giant globe, high-backed cushy chairs, fireplace etc.

    I could sit there in my smoking jacket, dog at my feet, sipping single-malt scotch and smoking one of those big curly pipes while I peruse my first edition copy of Bleak House or something…


    in reply to: Ukraine #136932
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    in reply to: Good article on Fred Dryer #136875
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    in reply to: Rams tweets … 2/20 – 2/22 #136846
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    in reply to: Veracity of rumors of Donald retirement #136407
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    McVay sorta (perhaps unconvincingly) dismissed the retirement talk surrounding him.  The Donald retirement rumor was new to me. Note that when asked Donald didn’t poopoo it.

    in reply to: Rams win #136405
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    Liked this…

    in reply to: Rams win #136392
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    Awesome finish. Clutch on offense and defense.

    in reply to: comics, jokes, one-shot memes, funny tweets, etc. #136355
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    in reply to: Jack Youngblood liked a tweet of mine #136339
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    We met up for drinks later. He said I was the coolest guy he ever met Thinks I would have been a great QB too. Better than him, he said.

    I don’t believe that for a second. Everett has told me personally that he doesn’t drink. (When we met over coffee.)

    Jim said he had a clingy fan-boy stalker that would feel threatened by our friendship.

    Up to now I assumed it was zooey…

    in reply to: Jack Youngblood liked a tweet of mine #136334
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    Jim Everett DM’d me.


    We met up for drinks later.

    He said I was the coolest guy he ever met

    Thinks I would have been a great QB too.  Better than him, he said.

    in reply to: Ag’s last post was Jan 13, 2021 #136291
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    Come back soon, Ag.


    in reply to: Rams tweets etc. … 2/7 #136246
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    Stop the presses {yawn}. Skip Bayless hates the Rams more than he hates the Commanders. That’s unnatural for a Cowboys fan. There has to be an Inciting Incident, and I’d like to know what it is.

    == Well, he does indeed hate the Rams, but it might just be media-schtick with Shannon Sharpe. Cuz Shannon always takes the Rams’ side. Ya know. Bayless calls McVay ‘mc-yay’ ever since McVay ran down the sideline to congratulate desean jackson on the long td pass. w v

    I think it’s because McVay is 3-1 vs the Cowboys and 3-0 against his favorite player (Tom Brady) since he became a Buccaneer.

    in reply to: Rams tweets … 1/31 #135930
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    in reply to: Wagoner on the title game (deserves its own thread) #135902
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    And with all that success — they still barely won. The 49ers are just beasts. And one would think SF will be better next year. Add a weapon or two. NFC West. w v

    True, the 9ers may be beasts next year – depends on how quickly their rookie QB develops.

    But the reason the game was so tight was largely due to the Rams shooting themselves in the foot.

    – Stafford forced a pass to Kupp that was tipped and picked off in the end zone. That cost the Rams 3 pts.

    -Kupp dropped a pass that, had he caught it, he likely would have been able to run inside the 9ers’ 10 yard line.

    -Skowronek dropped a TD pass.

    -Gay missed a long but make-able FG.

    -Ramsey dropped an INT deep in 9ers’ territory.

    The Rams should have won the game by a comfortable margin.

    That said, I am always impressed with the 9ers’ toughness. And Debo may be the best weapon in football.  Fortunately for the Rams, Jimmy G was an anchor around their necks last night.  His limitations are the only thing holding them back. If Trey Lance develops into a good QB, look out.






    in reply to: our reactions to the NFC title game #135871
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    Rams set new NFC title game record for the largest deficit overcome 10 pts.

    The Rams made a ton of mistakes but had the grit to overcome them.  Hard fought win against a tough team.

    in reply to: setting up the NFC title game #135750
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    They’re righting at the peak time. Or. Uh. Something like that…

    It’s timed at the right peak.

    🙄 Amateur…


    in reply to: setting up the NFC title game #135747
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    Ernest Jones should make a difference as well.

    Earnest Jones likely wouldn’t miss that tackle on Fournette like Reeder did on that 4th and 1.

    Game over right there if the unblocked Reeder makes that tackle.  I’m not picking on him because I think he played well overall, and he made that right read and was able to shoot the gap untouched – but ugh- ya gotta make that tackle.

    in reply to: Do you trust Matt Stafford? #135726
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    Yeah, I trust him to be like Favre. Not Brady. And yeah, I’ll take it. But it aint always gonna be pretty. w v

    To me Stafford is like Elway only in the sense that he’s a gunslinger and has Uber-confidence in his arm and his ability to fit the ball into tight places.  Now he’s way more accurate than Elway ever was but, like Elway, when you have that attitude and the arm to back it up it means that you’re going to make a lot of hi-lite type throws, but you’re also going to throw some picks. We just got to hope that the former continues to occur at a higher frequency than the latter.

    in reply to: plays, highlights, break downs–Bux game (w/ Baldinger) #135718
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    Orlovsky said that there wasn’t a defensive breakdown on that 70 yd pass to Kupp. He said Stafford held the safety in the center of the field with his eyes so that Kupp could break open.

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