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— X —
ParticipantAnd white on white crime is ridiculously disproportionate to black on white crime.
Cuz, by and large, they don’t live in the same neighborhoods.
Point taken. But I was clumsily trying to make the point that racism (white on black crime is considered the only true form of racism) isn’t as rampant as black on black crime. And yet, which gets the most press? Which is the most repugnant according to the media? Which of the two are people protesting right now?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 14, 2016 at 2:34 pm in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #58326— X —
Participantjust curious, did you really work this hard to understand Trump’s positions?
What are they? Other than increasing import duty on Mexican and Chinese goods? having the Mexican’s pay for a wall and putting HRC in jail?
Do you honestly believe that these are practical and will better the country?
Because we all know none of these will happen….
Of course I did. But I think you’re under the false impression that just because I voted Conservative that I’m 100% on board with anything a conservative President would do. I don’t walk in lock-step with anybody. But as far as your question is concerned (e.g., what are they?), I can answer that again if you didn’t catch it the first time.
I’m against NAFTA
I want to limit U.S. hegemony by not being the world’s police anymore
I’m for term limits on Congress
I want ethics reform to limit lobbyism
I want to eliminate health care monopolies like we have now
I’d like to destroy Islamic terrorists once and for all
I want decisions like legalized marijuana and abortion to revert back to the States
I’m against common core
I’m strongly in favor of immigration reform
I’d like to see him audit the FedAnd I saw through his rhetoric about hiring a special prosecutor to prosecute Clinton after the election. I said to my wife at the time, “Nobody’s that much of a dick. You don’t beat somebody in something as important as a Presidential Election and THEN make it your mission to further fuck them up by going after them personally.” Though, that might happen through the natural course of investigation. He just won’t appoint anyone with that particular directive in mind.
And again, I only had one other alternative. I could have voted for Johnson or Stein, or wrote in Bernie or Rand Paul, or even myself. But my vote was either going to put Hillary in office, or keep her out. So I used it to keep her out. Do I think he’ll deliver on all of his promises? I don’t have any idea. I do know that NO politicians deliver on all of their promises, so there’s that. But I do think he’ll be held accountable by his constituents if he fails to address them.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 14, 2016 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #58308— X —
ParticipantI sure would have loved to have seen a Trump vs Bernie election. That woulda been somethin ta see. An actual, real, choice.
Bernie would have forced some introspection. He would have made people take a hard look at his policies. He would have touched the working class of the right. But he was too far removed from some of the issues that were important to Conservatives. Personally, I would have worked really hard to understand his positions, try to decipher the practicality of them, and the practicality of how he would finance them. He might have even had a minute chance to flip my vote. To that end, all the people who are out there protesting, burning shit, and screaming and yelling about democracy, should be pissed at the DNC. Not the people who voted for Trump or even Trump himself. Their anger is misdirected, IMO. Their party was sneaky, underhanded, condescending, and offered nothing substantive to the electorate. What did they expect would happen? Change, or no change? That was their choice. With Bernie it would have been [this] change vs [that] change.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantNovember 14, 2016 at 12:26 pm in reply to: Dave Chappelle on SNL – Trump politics and other stuff #58287— X —
Participant(I know you disagree and want to give him a chance, etc. I dont need to ‘give him a chance’ because I have seen his appointees and i know what they want and I have read Trumps policy
statements. So, i know what he wants to do. Its not a m
ystery. He’s going to destroy the environment and cut taxes for the Rich, and turn the mega-corporations loose )And if that comes to pass, I, too, will become a critic. But let me ask you this. What does the U.S. need to do, realistically, to become energy independent? Not the Utopian dream of it happening overnight. How do you get there while simultaneously feeding the insatiable need for oil and coal in everyday life? Are you averse to us tapping into our vast oil deposits around North America as the first step of gaining energy independence? Or do you fear that once we do that, it’ll become a free-for-all destruction of every available resource in lieu of developing clean alternatives?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 14, 2016 at 12:06 pm in reply to: Dave Chappelle on SNL – Trump politics and other stuff #58281— X —
Participant“Obama did a good job. We will all miss him…”
Said another rich person who’s disconnected from the middle class.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantIMO we don’t make any advances in analysis by downplaying that.
Or by excusing/ignoring the hypocrisy.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI think the Clintonistas love to OVER-emphasize that one ugly faction.
I think the Trumpites love to UNDER-estimate that one ugly faction.I think that’s fair. And I also think that’s what will sustain the divide. Trump supporters will continue to be labeled all the “ists” the left can muster. Democrats will continue to be labeled entitled pussies by the right.
We only have one life. We should all strive to do less of that.
In that regard, I’m more like you all than you might suspect.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThere is no doubt that Trump voters are worse than average in attitudes towards non-white Americans, immigrants, and women.
That’s nice. I’m a Trump voter, and so are many of my friends, associates and family. Including my mother and sister. We all have poor attitudes towards non-white Americans, immigrants, and women I guess. Never mind that a great many of the left’s voters are non-white, vote against Conservatism, and have an even worse than average attitude towards whites and non-whites alike. Black on black crime is ridiculously disproportionate to white on black crime. Black and Latino gangs killing their own and each other (not whites) daily, and in gross. And because Trump is a braggart perv, most of his supporters are also braggart pervs, it seems. That also means we’re all misogynists. Never mind the fact that Black women are almost three times as likely to experience death as a result of domestic and intimate partner violence than White women. And while Black women only make up 8% of the population, 22% of homicides that result from DV/IPV happen to Black Women and 29% of all victimized women, making it one of the leading causes of death for Black women ages 15 to 35. Statistically, they experience sexual assault and DV/IPV at disproportionate rates and have the highest rates of intra-racial violence against them than any other group. But the problem is white-american Trump supporters. They’re the perpetrators of hate, intolerance and misogyny. They’re the ones that impregnate multiple women and leave them with no support. They’re the ones who kill each other in Chicago to the tune of 3891 shot to date, and 689 of them fatally. Instead of condemning that, harshly, the left would rather court their vote with promises of hope and change while doing absolutely nothing to improve their situation.
Having stealthily, assiduously cultivated and nurtured the most regressive, dim, and hateful elements in its Redneck Wing for decades, the CEO Wing gaped impotently as Dogpatch was appropriated by a vulgarian who spoke to peckerwoods directly, not in code. He jettisoned the few Silverspooners and Coupon Clipper Bosses, stole their ground troops and mobilized their outrage.
And now we’re rednecks and peckerwoods if we live in middle America. And those are the only people (rednecks) who got Trump’s message about security, immigration reform, jobs, 2nd amendment rights, and sending unconstitutional S.C. decisions back to the States (aka, legal marijuana and abortion) where the people themselves can make those determinations. Nah. We’re just stupid, dim, regressive, and hateful in the red states. We’re just courted by all dem fansy and perdy werds. AIn’t need nuttin’ else.
For generations, Americans have been dosed with the ultra-nationalist poison of Exceptionalism, with its implicit racist subtext, and its sexism buried in a hoo-rah masculinity cult
Or, it seems, it’s manly-men overflowing with excess testosterone – the neanderthals of the Country – that are the plague. And because they’re manly-men, they’re also racists and sexists. A breed of devolved women hating, mexican haters. They probably hate mexican women more than anything else! Yikes! How do you leftists fix the Country in the face of that super gender? We’ll just kick the shit out of you if you try, and then we’ll rape your women and drive your Latino maids back across the boarder ourselves in our Ford F150’s. Watch your step, y’all. Y’aint’ know what y’all messin’ with.
And of course, they answer it by bashing immigrants and people of colour, vilifying Muslims, and degrading women.
Of course. That’s the only thing we know. We’re stupid.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI’m curious to see him play too, but I don’t think we’re going to see any appreciable difference.
At least not right away. So with that, I’m fine with Keemum playing. He doesn’t bother me.
The crowd in stands at home, on the other hand …. they’re done.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThey’re just one of many categories of falsifiers and seducers.
I guess I’d rather be a falsifier.
I can deal with itchy skin.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI didn’t believe it until I looked at it several times, but….
That punt was 82 yards in the air.82 yards. (from the 8 yard line to the opposing 10 yard line)
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI didn’t want to make a new thread. Figured this could fall under the category of ‘funny as shit’.
Electrify your Trump sign for instant justice! 🙂
— Dan The Deplorable (@Daniel_Ohana) November 7, 2016
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
I see fake news being spoon fed to Trump followers, and they’re eating it up.
Why post something like that, when you have no idea who created it, no idea if anyone responded to it, and no idea if it’s even real?
Look up a coupla posts and see an actual craigslist ad.
With organization name.
with contact info.
with phone #.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantAnd here’s another ad from 24 days ago that’s still active.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantIMO, Dude, you need to raise your skepticism meter up to eleven whenever you see this kind of thing, and check sources. It makes no sense to try to counter the MSM’s “bias” with whacked out, fringe, tin-foil hat folks on the far right.
lol. It was a real Craigslist ad, and people screencapped it.
It’s not outside the realm of possibility that someone with tons of disposable income (Soros, maybe?) would orchestrate an inorganic protest in order to keep the movement going. It’s not a big deal, and it’s probably isolated, but it’s worth noting. I don’t see the benefit of sticking to the “these are nothing but organic and peaceful protests” narrative if there are instances where it isn’t. I mean, you don’t want your news spoon-fed to you, do you?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Come on. He’s an editor for infowars. Alex Jones is his boss. Deeply paranoid far-right fringe is his internal geography, and you shouldn’t believe a word he or anyone from that site EVER says.
It was a cellphone screen cap that got passed around.
Hell, *I’d* protest Trump for a day if it got me $350.00.
Fresh air, sunshine, three fiddy. Sign me up.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantTell them to fucking set down their reading material, and go play with their kids, or take a hike along a river with a friend, or lend a hand in some charity. Get back to living life, and make some positive connections with other humans.
Stop all this mopey bullshit and make a stranger smile somewhere.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantNot sure how organic these things are, and they’re becoming increasingly less peaceful.
Another ad for paid Trump protesters. This is a fake astroturf movement.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 13, 2016
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThat is the best “Hitler on…” mock up that I’ve ever seen.
Hey thanks Nitt.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantIf they don’t win this game, I just don’t know anymore.
It’s like Lombardicus, the God of Football, is trying to gift us this one.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 13, 2016 at 1:54 am in reply to: Informal poll 2…what has been wrong with the running game? #58028— X —
ParticipantGurley’s stats last year were helped by a few long runs due to being able to break through a crease here or there. He’s not been able to do that this year, and there have been opportunities to do it. That said, it’s not all on him either. The line has been getting pushed back a bit more than last year, it seems. That, and I think the run game scheme was different last year as well. So, 3 problems? Your guess is as good as mine. I just dunno.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantYou have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 13, 2016 at 1:15 am in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #58025— X —
Would you take a moment and address this?
Trump is breaking with more than a century of precedent by refusing to place his large business holdings in a blind trust. His children, who are a part of his transition team, will be taking over all of that, directly. Trump obviously knows what he owns, the stocks, the companies, the land, the deals in place and pending. If it was questionable or worse for the Clintons to run a charity while HRC was at State, why is it not an even greater issue when Trump is in the White House and his kids continue to run his business empire?
A. He’s not the President yet, so he’s not doing anything wrong — yet.
B. Did you expect him to totally divest and put his holdings in the hands of 5 other people within 4 days?
C. Trump’s fortunes are largely built on his brand. How do you put a “brand” in a blind trust? Anything Trump does as president will affect the value of that brand anyway. His kids are also a huge part of his businesses too, so how does he then eliminate the conflict of interest between the business and his job as POTUS? Divest his kids? If one of them creates a new business in the next couple of years, is there a conflict of interest for Trump if he signs a bill into law that ends up benefiting *that* business? Do they also need to put *their* holdings in a blind trust?Is it only “crony capitalism” when anyone but a Republican does it? Is it only a conflict of interest and “pay to play” when anyone else but a Republican does it?
Are you suggesting I’m being hypocritical somehow?
Or is that one of those questions you just threw out there into the ambient air?-
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
-- X --.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participantlol. Trigger something?
Just showing how people on the internetz try to pull stuff over on us.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 12, 2016 at 11:37 pm in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #58013— X —
ParticipantWell that’s enough but in short, I just see the entire thing differently. My neighbors are all pro-Trump and they’re trying to get reactions from me, but I am being my usual diffident self and steer the conversation to how to dispose of our shit-tons of autumn leaves. I did bet one neighbor 5 dollars that within 4 years the economy is NOT going to get any better.
I know you do, and I respect that. And I know there are a lot of other reasons why people voted for Trump – including having a deep-seeded need to bring the Country back to old school Christian values. Which, by extension, includes some people who would prefer the majority of the Country be a little more pale. But there are a lot of people who specifically cited the economy, and the shit job the previous administration had done with trade, that encouraged them to vote for someone they felt had superior business acumen. Without going into his bankruptcies, or his alleged tax evasion, people really do see him as someone who can use his negotiation skills and already formed relationships with foreign countries to tip the scales back in favor of the U.S. Personally, I think it takes a little more than that, so I’m maintaining hope that he can draft from the pool of some pretty brilliant economists to help, and to challenge him. No “yes men”. He needs people who can tell him no.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantYou have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 12, 2016 at 8:21 pm in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #58005— X —
ParticipantBut we already know how the GOP does things. We already know their desires to slash taxes for the rich and deregulate the financial sector even more. Trump agrees. We already know that his tax plan would add tens of millions to his own bottom line each year, and potentially hundreds of millions for his kids, when he gets rid of the estate tax.
We know all of that already.
If Trump really were the answer for the working class, why on earth would he promise to end an estate tax — a favorite plan of the GOP too — that doesn’t apply to anyone in the bottom 99.8% of the country? Why would he call for slashing taxes on millionaires and billionaires like himself? That’s not going to help one single solitary working class bloke, and the lost revenue will force the rest of us to pick up the slack.
When the plutocrats skate on their taxes, that means the rest of us pay more — and/or have our benefits slashed.
I know how it was done.
I’m waiting to see how it’s done now.Maybe it’ll be different, maybe it won’t, but I’m willing to see it play out first. Maybe you aren’t, and that’s fine, but I’m not going to judge the works before the work has even started. Hopefully through smarter regulation, incentives for small business owners, an end to bailouts, a little tort reform, and simplifying the tax code, we can spark a little something. And please, I know you’re going to be cynical of everything I just said there, but understand that I’m not up for debating it right now. Maybe let me just ride on the wave of promises if only just for a little while. Some of us are hopeful. But also, understand, nobody will be more critical of this new Administration than me if they fail to deliver on their promises. Wait until I’m an ally, in other words.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 12, 2016 at 7:34 pm in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #57999— X —
ParticipantNeither threaten the power structures and both will/would increase inequality
and enrich the banks and corporations.I know you disagree. We shall see in the next four years.
I don’t know that I do disagree with that. I never called him a unifier.
I’m leaving that open, because I can’t presume to know how this will turn out.
He’s already getting a little wishy-washy early on. But yeah. We’ll see.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantSomebody ought to do one with Hitler having a view on the Fire Fisher v Keep Fisher
controversy.As you wish.
LoL. Orange Fanta??
vDon’t act like you wouldn’t kill for one.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss -
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by