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  • in reply to: Ellard: Maybe this is why my HOF candidacy has stalled #56115
    Avatar photojoemad

    Ellard averaged 17 yards per catch… not many receivers were better…..

    great punt returner too….

    in reply to: JT chat (selected) … 10/25 #56099
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    Which makes you wonder what has he been doing since the draft, and what have the coaches been doing with him? In the last several weeks, from people I know around the league, I’ve heard these 2 things:

    1.) Goff doesn’t appear to have much in the way of leadership skills. 2.) Behind closed doors in Thousand Oaks, the Rams aren’t as high on Goff as they are proclaiming publicly.

    by jthomas 2:14 PM


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    All i know is, it is unique — I mean that literally — unique — that we have a situation where an NFL coach has had four losing seasons in a row, and now has a losing record in his fifth season, and there is talk of “extending” his contract.

    Anybody ever remember anything like that before in the NFL ?

      I dont.

      In a weird way it gives me a perverse little inner smile. I dunno why.


    John McKay?

    I don’t know either…

    in reply to: I am enjoying the heck out of this board #56069
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    yes, this is a great group of Ram fans…..

    I look forward to reading this board everyday during FB season…..

    apple pie a la mode please….

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    Also…they just invested a ton of draft picks in Goff and Stan wants to turn around and Sam Bradforize him?….Stan is not a PIE (had to get that in) in the sky dreamer, he a realist and knows he has to do what’s best to get Goff going.

    I’m in alignment with most for this….., I can wait for Goff to be ready… If the coaches don’t see that Goff is making plays in practice, he won’t make them game time. That’s fine. “Gotta make plays in practice before making them in a game”

    The part I don’t understand is “Sam Bradforize” Goff….. Bradford was never a bad QB. If you mean that Bradforizing is physically injuring a QB, then I get the point, but if you’re referring to Bradforizing to playing mentally bad or just playing bad, Bradford doesn’t fit that bill… He never was a bad QB, he was actually very good. He was ROY on a very bad Rams team.

    I’d take Bradford the past 2 years over Keenum, Foles and even Goff any day of the week…

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    It won’t need to. Inglewood will sell on the basis of Inglewood, not on who is HC.

    You think the most glorious stadium in the world is going to open its doors, and people are going to say, “Wow! Fantastic! I would SO buy tickets there, but…enh…Jeff Fisher is the coach, so I’ll pass.” Seriously, the Cleveland Browns would sell the place out initially.

    And I don’t mean to predict or advocate that Fisher will still be coach. SK may decide to add some sizzle to his sizzle, and open a New Glorious Era with a new coach. But that will be sizzle. What I am saying is the HC will have no impact on ticket sales for the inaugural season there. That stadium is an Event all by itself with nothing happening on the field.

    Yes maybe for the first 1 or 2 seasons.

    2 year old Levi wasn’t exactly packed with 49 fans when Jim Tomsula coached nor today at 3 years old with Chip Kelly at the helm.

    Granted, Inglewood will be much much elaborate in scale and bells and whistles, than Levi, but Ultimately a winning culture is needed to put Ram fans in the seats.

    in reply to: Tell me why. Why? #56039
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    This is not a well coached group of players.

    58 penalties, tied for 3rd. These penalties are huge momentum turners. It happened again Sunday.

    Tavon on special teams. Doesn’t it seem that this guy always calls for a fair catch inside the 10 on a punt? He did it again on Sunday.

    the miscommunication on the last play. All this bullshit is lack of coaching.

    They should have won the last 3 games but these guys are not well coached to do the little smart things to win games.

    I can’t blame the playing calling too much, the Rams have had some decent time consuming drives while converting 3rd downs…although I was very surprised on the pass to Tavon in double coverage that was picked in the end zone only because they called the exact same play one play sooner when Quick mistimed the jump to make the catch…

    Case hasn’t been too bad, bottom line though is he hasn’t been blessed with clutchness..he wasn’t clutch last year in Baltimore (concussion didn’t help) or SF, nor this year in any of the past 3 games where he was in position to deliver.

    I think Case could be though, he fielded a bad shotgun snap to convert the 4th and 10 on the final drive and put the team in striking distance.

    Needbetter coached players to close a game out. I think all RAMS fans saw that final play and thought WTF?

    The Rams are there in talent, very close….Kicking and punting have been great, defense is solid, WR play has been very decent and starting to show signs of consistency, which will open up the running game.

    Need better discipline and coaching to ensure the little things are done right to win these close games.

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    Nobody with 50 years experience in big business is going to make any kind of ironclad declaration like that.

    Unless you’re Donald Trump…

    But I agree with you. Fisher is here through the season or maybe through the 3rd season in LA.

    It all depends on which HC is available because Fisher’s medocracy won’t sell the PSLs in Inglewood.

    in reply to: Who would you hire to replace Fisher? #55963
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    “””””Darrell Bevell OC Seattle Seahawks, and Ken Norton Jr. DC Oakland Raiders. “””””””””

    Norton’s defense is dead last in team defense…

    Seattle’s offense is ranked 27,

    No thanks….

    in reply to: Chat room for Giants game 9:30 AM et #55875
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    ZN, I had tried that during the game too, but it didn’t work either.

    Recent OS upgrade on my iPhone maybe that’S why..

    in reply to: Chat room for Giants game 9:30 AM et #55813
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    5′ 7″ Tavon Austin over the top double coverage sucks…

    Too bad Quick badly mis timed his jump the play earlier.

    in reply to: Chat room for Giants game 9:30 AM et #55812
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    17 -10 Giants

    Rams don’t make enough good plays to offset the penalties or mistakes..

    A pick by Barron would’ve been nice.

    in reply to: Chat room for Giants game 9:30 AM et #55809
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    Link hasn’t worked for me either

    When it was 10-0 Giants were backed with a 3rd and 7 when Donald had the neutral zone penalty. He didn’t appear to be offsides but the momentum changed after that play.

    Rams need to take over this game in the 4th qtr

    in reply to: Informal poll: will the Rams beat the GIANTS in London? #55679
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    Rams 33
    Giants 16

    Zuerlien remains perfect for the season.

    Josh Brown stays home.

    in reply to: informal poll: Bradford #55662
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    “”””It;s the same guy, just in a good situation (which mostly consists of Turner). He played well through stretches with the Rams (when they had a relatively healthy OL and a running threat) and that he was just due to come through. IMO the people who dismissed him when he was a Ram just underestimated him.”””””

    all of the above….
    1) Bradford was playing great and was having a great season when he got hurt in Carolina.
    2) Bradford was playing great in the preseason game in Cleveland.

    Bradford never had any accuracy issues….

    The guy was great in Oklahoma and was a good QB with the Rams with no surrounding cast.

    No doubt in my mind that the Rams would have been in the playoffs last year if he stayed in STL and would better than 3-3 today…..

    I think he lights up Philly this week…. but I’m surprised to see that the experts only have the Vikes at 2.5 favorites..

    I ALWAYS pick the home dog, but this week, I’m giving up the points and taking the Vikes….I think they destroy philly and the Vikes play with a little extra incentive to play hard for Sam against his old team.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photojoemad.
    in reply to: the fourth-and-goal #55549
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    I cant picture bill Walsh calling an offtackle play in that situation, btw.
    Or Jesus, for that matter.
    I always ask myself what play would Bill Walsh or Jesus call?

    I don’t know about Jesus, but Bill Walsh would, only he would have Guy McIntyre block as fullback or have Guy run the ball in.

    “”””That ’84 game was what gave Ditka the inspiration for “The Fridge.” Bill unveiled a goal-line formation with (guard) Guy McIntyre as a blocking back. He called it the “Angus Formation,” because Guy hung out so much at the Black Angus, at the bar. Ditka didn’t like that, so when they beat us in Chicago in (the ’85 regular season), he took it to another level and had (defensive tackle William Perry, a.k.a. “The Refrigerator”) run the ball on us. And a craze was born.””””

    In addition, it would work for Bill Walsh, because he put a high emphasis on Culture… I haven’t seen a priority in developing a winning culture from Fisher…..

    1. Developing a Successful Team Starts with Developing a Successful Culture

    In taking over a team with a 2-14 record the previous season, Coach Walsh knew the key to transforming the losing mentality of the 49ers was to implement a totally different culture; one that was top-notch instead of toxic. Walsh called the new winning culture his Standard of Performance. It was a totally different way of thinking and acting that was based on high standards, hard work, and a commitment to being first-class in everything they did.

    Walsh wrote in The Score Takes Care of Itself, “I came to the San Francisco 49ers with a specific goal – to implement what I call the Standard of Performance. It was a way of doing things, a leadership philosophy, that has as much to do with core values, principles, and ideals as with blocking, tackling, and passing; more to do with the mental than with the physical.”

    Your first job as a new coach should be to create a culture of success. You must model, communicate, teach, reward, and enforce the expectations and standards for how your program will operate – including how your athletes will train, practice, compete, win, lose, lead, and conduct themselves on and off the playing field.

    Creating, communicating, implementing, and sustaining the right team culture is the key catalyst to lasting success. Walsh said, “The culture precedes positive results. It doesn’t get tacked on as an afterthought on your way to the victory stand. Champions behave like champions before they’re champions: they have a winning standard of performance before they are winners.”

    Instilling the right culture almost always takes time. And inevitably there will be some who balk against your standards. But, you must have the courage to confront and even remove the dissenters from your program, even though they might be highly talented. Ultimately, you must believe that your successful culture will attract, support, and retain the right talent and people, which will help you prevail and succeed in the long run.

    “For me, the road had been rocky at times, triumphant too, but along the way I had never wavered in my dedication to installing – teaching – those actions and attitudes I believed would create a great team, a superior organization. I knew that if I achieved that, the score would take care of itself,” said Walsh.

    Questions for You to Consider:

    What kind of culture or Standard of Performance have you instilled in your program?

    How well do your people embrace it?

    Are you willing to confront and potentially remove those who do not embrace your standards?

    To learn more about creating a Championship Culture in your program, check out our new book How to Build and Sustain a Championship Culture.

    2. The Leader Sets the Tone

    We all have heard the saying, “It all starts at the top.” Bill Walsh lived it every day. If you want your athletes to model the kind of passion, commitment, and work ethic necessary to be successful, you must demonstrate it yourself in everything you do. You are the tone setter for your athletes, coaching staff, support staff, etc. They will take all their cues from you.

    Walsh writes, “For me the starting point for everything – before strategy, tactics, theories, managing, organizing, philosophy, methodology, talent, or experience – is work ethic. Without one of significant magnitude you’re dead in the water, finished. I knew the example I set as head coach would be what others in the organization would recognize as the standard they needed to match (at least, most of them would recognize it). If there is such a thing as a trickle-down effect, that’s it. Your staff sees your devotion to work, their people see them, and on through the organization.”

    In our Leadership Academies, we call it being “COMPELLED” on our Commitment Continuum. You must have an indomitable passion that drives your program and becomes contagious with all who are involved with it.

    Questions for You to Consider:

    What kind of tone are you setting for your program?

    Are you the hardest worker on your team?

    Where would your athletes rate you on the Commitment Continuum?

    3. Develop and Empower Effective Locker Room Leaders

    Coach Walsh realized that it wasn’t just his work ethic and leadership that would transform the team – he also needed leaders in the locker room and on the playing field. He needed a group of respected team leaders who would help him create, reinforce, and enforce the culture of the team.

    San Francisco assistant coach Mike White said, “He knew that organizations have leaders within, not just one leader, the CEO or head coach, but interior leaders who make possible or prevent what the guy in charge is trying to accomplish. In football they’re called locker-room leaders, and ultimately they play a major role in creating the culture of the team – instilling either a positive or negative mindset. Every organization has them, influential people who’ve got your back – or are putting a knife in it.”

    You must invest the time to develop and empower leaders on your team who have your back. They will help you develop a positive culture throughout the rest of the team. And you must be willing to identify, confront, and remove those negative leaders who are trying to put a knife in it.

    Walsh wrote, “In building and maintaining your organization, place a premium on those who exhibit great desire to keep pushing themselves to higher and higher performance and production levels, who seek to go beyond the highest standards that you, the leader, set. The employee who gets to work early, stays late, fights through illness and personal problems is the one to keep your eye on for greater responsibilities.”

    Questions for You to Consider:

    Who are your team’s locker room leaders?

    Which of your athletes and staff have your back?

    How will you empower them?

    Does anyone in your program seem to be sabotaging your culture?

    How will you put a stop to it?
    4. Competitors Find a Way to Win

    Bill Walsh was fierce competitor. His competitiveness is primarily what drove him and his team to prove people wrong after starting 2-14. Two short seasons later, the 49ers shocked the world and won their first Super Bowl championship.

    In fact, Walsh’s competitiveness was the catalyst in creating his famous West Coast offense. As the Offensive Coordinator for the struggling Cincinnati Bengals, Walsh had to somehow find a way to compete with a quarterback named Virgil Carter who had a weak but accurate arm. Instead of throwing the ball down the field like every other team at the time, Walsh designed an intricate and highly innovative offense that made use of short, precise passes. Despite having what many would think an insurmountable weakness, Walsh and his team found a way to win despite the challenges, the hallmark of true competitors.

    Walsh wrote, “All successful leaders know where we want to go, figure out a way we believe will get the organization there, and then move forward with absolute determination. We may falter from time to time, but ultimately we are unswerving in moving toward our goal; we will not quit. There is an inner compulsion – obsession – to get it done the way you want it done.”

    As a head coach and general manager, Walsh made a point of looking for competitors when he built his team. He said, “Strength of will – is essential to your survival and success. The competitor who won’t go away, who won’t stay down, has one of the most formidable competitive advantages of all. In evaluating people, I prize ego. It often translates into a fierce desire to do their best and an inner confidence that stands them in good stead when things really get rough. Psychologists suggest that there is a strong link between ego and competitiveness. All the great performers I’ve ever coached had ego to spare.”

    Look for competitors when putting together your team – and look to enhance that fierce desire in your athletes to give you a formidable competitive advantage.

    Questions for You to Consider:

    Are you factoring in competitiveness when putting together your team?

    How are you developing the competitive fire in your athletes?

    5. Everyone is Accountable for Both Victory and Defeat

    Unlike many of today’s professional sports teams where the focus is almost solely on a limited number of prima donna individuals, Walsh continually emphasized the team approach. He wanted everyone in the 49er organization, from star quarterback Joe Montana to the office secretaries, to feel that they were responsible and accountable for the team’s success.

    Walsh wrote, “Victory is produced by and belongs to all. Winning a Super Bowl results from you whole team not only doing their individual jobs but perceiving that those jobs contributed to overall success. The trophy doesn’t belong just to a superstar quarterback or CEO, head coach or top salesperson. This is an essential lesson I taught the San Francisco organization: The offensive team is not a country unto itself, nor is the defensive team or the special teams, staff, coaches, or anyone in the organization separate from the fate of the organization. WE are united and fight as one; we win or lose as one.”

    Additionally, it’s very easy for certain segments of your team to blame others. For example, when things go wrong on many teams you will see the offense blame the defense, the seniors blame the freshmen, the parents blame the coaches, the coaches blame the athletic directors for the inadequate budget, etc. Everyone tries to point the finger at someone else rather than take full responsibility to improve their part. Walsh would have none of it in his organization.

    Don’t allow people on your team to blame a certain individual or segment of your program and make them the scapegoat for your problems – it will divide and destroy your team. No matter what their role, encourage everyone to do their job and provide unwavering support for every segment of the team.

    Questions for You to Consider:

    How do you emphasize team in your organization?

    Do you acknowledge everyone in your program, reserves, assistant coaches, athletic trainers, etc. when you are successful?

    Which segments of your team might be blaming another segment?

    To learn more ideas from Coach Walsh on how to build confidence, effectively enforce your team’s standards, and advance in the coaching profession, our Championship Coaches Network members can click on Part 2 of the article below.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photojoemad.
    in reply to: the fourth-and-goal #55546
    Avatar photojoemad

    Gurley was averaging close to 6 YPC up to that point. The line was getting push the 1st half……

    Give Detroit credit, they stuffed Gurley.

    Too bad the Rams didn’t score. …. I think we all felt at that point that THAT play would have ramifications down the line……

    Even the great 99 Rams lost in Detroit in heartbreak fashion…..after losing to Fisher in Tennessee 1 week sooner….

    The 99 Rams had a PI on the Gus Ferrote’s final drive, Detroit converted on 4th down for a game winning TD.

    AND, Warner ended the Rams comeback chances with a pick.

    Shit happens in Detroit…..

    in reply to: Gamebook – Rams vs Lions #55503
    Avatar photojoemad

    2 big penalties on that Detroit drive… The offside that you noted and the PI.

    Both on 3rd and long…

    It is bad enough when a team converts on 3rd and long… but when aided by a penalty, it’s just a killer…

    I’m optimistic… offense is clicking….

    Rams need better pass pressure next week to give the secondary a chance against the NYG receivers…..

    in reply to: LIONS game reaction thread #55435
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    The play right before half came back to bite the Rams in the ass. That was a huge play in this game…

    Lions converted 4th downs, the Rams did not.

    I’m not saying that they should’ve kicked the FG, I’m saying convert a play to get 3 inches…

    Too bad for Case… threw in very heavy traffic to end the game.

    in reply to: Quick has come a long way to get back on track #55223
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    “””””Quick, Britt, and Austin have all done better than I expected.”””””

    In fairness to Britt, he really had no one at QB to compliment his ability while a Ram… he’s got the tools and strength that the Rams have lacked for the past dozen years….

    Quick, historically had the dropsies….. he has been a pleasant surprise this year…

    Austin, at 5′ 7″ (I don’t believe that he’s 5′ 9″) is a tough sell for me….I still don’t get him being drafted #8.

    I want Stedman Baily back…..

    Avatar photojoemad

    Zooey, do you see yourself in the photo? I might have been sitting right across from your seats in the stadium….

    I dig that place and I very much want to go back for another game this season. the Bills game was really the only game that worked for our sch as well………..I’m hoping to find time for the Falcon’s game….., this will be a yearly event for us. we dug it and soaked it all in…..

    The game experience exceeded our expectations… I heard horror stories of traffic, heat exhaustion, etc from the Seattle game, but we got there early and left late, we where prepared for the beautiful 88 degree weather …….. like you, we hung out in the shade until kick off……..

    we parked in a USC campus garage and met another group at the tail gate lot… when we left the game, none of the attendants or police could tell us where Parking Structure 2 was, so we walked the campus until we came across our car lot….

    I watched the reply of the game last night… the main difference I noted from TV vs being live… The Bills QB looked better live than on TV……

    McCoy and the turnovers killed us….

    the Rams need to convert some of the drives into TDs… It seems that the Rams don’t have a good feel of calling effective plays in the redzone….. not thrilled of delay of game penalties by Case …..I could see the game clock 97 rows up, and Keenum had a brain freeze of time management during a crucial drive….

    Nice group of Rams fans around us, but I’m not sure they followed the team as deeply as we did while they were in STL… they didn’t know much about the player history prior to this season…..

    in reply to: Why does Fisher deserve an extension? #55006
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    Need to stop with the injury excuse. The Pats won without Tom Brady, even though it was it was not injury but suspension. Still with two backups, they went 3-1. Heck, Fisher blamed the fans for the failed faked punt

    Rams went 3-1 with a backup too…. Case is not a starter, he’s a been a fill in his entire career, including this season.

    Only 8 teams have a better record than the Rams do this season….at this point in time with Case Keenum as the helm…. I’ll take it.

    I’m losing my patience with Fisher too… but I think the Rams can win in Detroit and beat the G-Men in the UK.

    Rams need to start converting TDs in the redzone ……. too many drives went to waste against the Bills last Sunday…..

    in reply to: LA Report #54993
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    DOOD!! I was there on Sunday……

    I met up with Les (LSJ1962) from the herd board who scored us the tix and parking….. he had a great tailgate going….

    we were in row 97, one row from the very top….. field view on the 10 yard line… despite the distance from the field… the seats were actually pretty good………. we had blast despite the outcome and Fisher’s game day management…..

    I seen the Rams play in Seattle, Candlestick, Levi, Oakland and Anaheim…. now I’ve finally saw them at LA Coliseum, which is very cool, definitely old school.

    We drove down on Friday, stayed in Santa Barbara and Ventura and drove into on Sunday for the game, followed up the game with some cruising in Beverly Hills and drove home from Ventura on Monday…. I want to go back to another game this season……not many games to choose from left…. SF and Arizona is out of the question because I can’t go during the holidays…..maybe ATL or Miami.

    I’m trying to like Case, but he just doesn’t have the arm strength to throw the out routes……

    What happened to the fucking run defense???????

    WHOSE HOUSE???????????????

    in reply to: My view of the team so far #54607
    Avatar photojoemad

    Get well soon and stay active.

    I think Brit and Quick are just beginning to click.

    Take care of yourself….

    in reply to: NFL viewership is dropping #54566
    Avatar photojoemad

    “””””One explanation I heard is that there are just too many alternate ways to take in a game. You don’t have to sit down on Sunday and watch the live version with commercials. “””””

    I suspect the same reason, as this applies to me.

    in reply to: informal poll: can the Rams beat the Bills? #54537
    Avatar photojoemad

    it’s been 13 years since the Rams won 4 games in a row…

    Last year, they came close to winning 4 games in a row….. unfortunately, a blocked FG in OT at Levi denied the Rams……

    Bills do not have a good west coast record

    Fisher and the Ryan Sisters have a history that goes back to Chicago and Buddy…….

    Roberta Ryan left abruptly in 2013 to become DC in New Orleans…

    Buffalo defense very similar to Rams… give up yardage, but stingy with points…..

    13 years is a long time to wait to win 4 games in a row…..

    in reply to: Same ole rams…kinda. In a way. #54450
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    Yeah Gurley was clutch big time..I thought this was a huge play in the game… 3rd and 8, this Set up the game winning TD pass to Quick, otherwise the Rams would’ve settled for a tying FG…… Gurley made a nice step to stay inbounds, juke the defender and moved the chains… huge play in that game…his one handed catch was awesome too, Both Marshall-esq plays…

    This was huge:
    3rd and 8 at ARI 17

    in reply to: Same ole rams…kinda. In a way. #54448
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    A tipped ball here, a sack there.

    That’s the difference of the same ole.. The past 3 weeks the Rams have put themselves in position to win some close games by making those plays

    Only 1 team wins a game……and it’s the team that executes more plays …to consistently put themselves in position to get lucky with those
    tipped plays, stripped sack etc..

    Last season the Rams needed a striped sack or a lucky tipped pass in Minnesota, DC, Baltimore, GB, SF and vs Pitt…..those were all very winnable close games.

    The Rams need to continue to learn to put themselves in position to make those types plays…

    One same ole that hasn’t changed is Fisher’s staff gametime management decisions. to go for the 2 point conversion last week in Tampa. He did that shit in Minnesota last year…..the obvious reply challenges yesterday… Who is in the booth to tell Fish to challenge that?

    20 years in the league is too long to have a staff with choke brain fart decisions like that.

    in reply to: Rams beat ARZ reaction thread #54382
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    a big part of this team’s success has been about field position, with the help of special teams play.

    Punting and punt coverage….. Hekker has pinned opponents; yesterday 2 punts in the 4th qtr pinned AZ inside the 20 (1 inside the 10) I believe Hekker hasn’t punted a Touchback this year yet… one of those punts went to waste with the horse collar tackle, but ultimately resulted in an INT.

    Greg Zuerlein 5 for 5 in FGs thus far….. and perfect in XPs……he was difference vs Seattle and TB…. yesterday, his points were just as important.

    Defense played great… came up big….. I think Tru Jo’s int was inconclusive and shouldn’t have been overturned…. anyway, TJ put the game way with a fair catch int to end the game….

    Arizona’s defense is still tough and keyed on the Gurley, but the Rams still need to put drives together to consume the clock and put games away.

    Fisher needs to use his replay “get out of jail free cards” a bit more wisely……

    in reply to: this week's Goff commentaries #54117
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    in most cases, in the final week of preseason, most starters only play 1 or 2 series…

    If Goff quit while he was ahead after the 1st drive of his last preseason game I think fans and the media would be even more obsessed with wanting Goff to start……

    Goff was 4-5 with a nice TD pass to cap off the 1st drive in that final preseason game …. I was thinking to myself, “damn this guy looks pretty good” He looked good, calm confident and executed very well…..

    then a few series later, Goff suddenly turned into Alan Alda from the movie Paper Lion, (at least he didn’t run into the goal post)

    They’re 2-1, that’s what matters………..I bet George Allen wouldn’t start Goff either…..

    like WV said, the staff evaluate these QBs everyday, they know much better than we do…… in addition maybe they sense that Goff himself doesn’t feel ready……

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photojoemad.
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