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  • in reply to: RIP Prince #42582
    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    I have become a political-cultural-curmudgeon in my old-age,
    which means that I regularly trash artists like Prince
    and Bowie, etc. I compare them to people like Joan Baez, Phil Ochs, Woody Guthrie, Joe Hill, etc.

    I mean to me… the biosphere really is threatened. And if a singer or artist aint sendin out messages about ‘that’, then I
    aint got nuthin good to say about’em.

    Thats just me, though.


    Watch this WV maybe you’ll have a change of heart.

    in reply to: Nader and Sanders #42555
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    1. Supreme Court nominations, Clinton benefits from the Citizens United ruling daily,she will not change a thing there and Roe vs Wade is not in danger so yes the exact same on nominations.
    2.Clinton’s record on climate change is abysmal, she’s sold fracking around the world supported Keystone XL among her largest campaign donor bundlers are fossil fuel lobbyists.
    3. Her gay marriage stance is whatever brings more votes not a good issue for her at all.
    4. Guns I am with Bernie on this issue , Clinton has taken lots of cash from the gun lobby and rewarded gun manufacturers with many huge contracts.
    5. Voting rights ? are you serious ?
    6. I think climate change and the environment are the same issue and she has been absolutely horrible on this issue.
    7. Her claim to fame on the Iran deal are sanctions that starve children as they did in Iraq. If you listened to her speech at AIPAC and managed to avoid vomiting you know exactly the direction her foreign policy is headed.
    8. Healthcare? she is so far in bed with the insurance companies and big Pharma, there is zero evidence she would be better than Trump on this issue.
    9.Food stamps ? The Clinton’s first with AR and later in the WH with both welfare “reform” and sanctions in the Middle East created more starving children than any President in this nations history.
    10. And she is under investigation by the FBI. Kindly explain how she’s ever allowed a security clearance again ?

    in reply to: Tweets 4/21 – Rams really like Carson Wentz #42363
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    I am going with the theory that they don’t know who it is yet. I don’t think there is a bad decision to be made. Wentz seems like a better fit in Fisher ball. Imagine what Martz could do with Goff.

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    I take Wentz. Pro style offense big physical can run rocket freaking arm and the guy is smart. Just a better fit than Goff who doesn’t like pressure. NDSU is like a pro team in ND . Can he make the jump ? Well we’ve seen spread offense guys struggle especially ones that don’t deal with pressure well. The guy just has the look imo Goff to me is kind of erratic.

    in reply to: Rams Trade For #1 Pick!!!! #41868
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    So who’s the pick ? If they keep the 1st overall.

    in reply to: wife goes in for hip replacement surgery #41373
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    Posivibes sent hope it all goes well!

    in reply to: Robinson Excelling in OL Performance Institute #41357
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    I’ll take it! Any improvement is positive. Looks to me like Bentley has lowered his cg and footwork looks much better. With those set and maturity his focus can be on the mental aspects. His mistakes imo were caused by overthinking, confusion. I don’t think anyone ever physically beats him and now hopefully he can use his advantages to dominate instead of covering for his previously less than optimal technique.

    in reply to: Clinton will lose to Trump #40720
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    If you want a revolution vote for Trump.Yes it will be awful but that is what it will take to cause a revolt.Trump is setting turnout records while every state Clinton wins turnout is way way down . Sanders wins when turnout is high, in MN we set a record for turnout and Sanders won by 20pts. The FBI investigation, the one Clinton calls a security review when of course the FBI doesn’t do “security reviews” is rumored to wrap in May so Sanders has got to stay in it at least until then. He’s got the money and is leading in 16 of 20 states left.

    Doesn’t matter. 16 of 20? And?

    Even if he wins those 16 of 20… which won’t happen now… thanx to the MSM basically acting as shills for Trump and Clinton because…why not, it’s a ratings fucking bonanza!

    And Hillary is going to win CA and she’ll win NY or tie which means Bernie won’t make up any ground.

    Even if Bernie won those 16 states, Bernie would have to DOMINATE and after her Super Tuesday sweep, the chances of that, short of being indicted, is NIL.

    Which means unless Hillary is indicted and unless Trump gets screwed at the RNC, it’s going to be Clinton V. Trump: the Lesser of Two Evils

    That’s why I said at least until May. Bernie’s doing well in CA. but yeah at this point it will take some kind of scandal. I know there are some law guys on this board, how likely is it they would give immunity if they had no case ? Even I know immunity is not given in a “security review”.

    in reply to: Clinton will lose to Trump #40663
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    If you want a revolution vote for Trump.Yes it will be awful but that is what it will take to cause a revolt.Trump is setting turnout records while every state Clinton wins turnout is way way down . Sanders wins when turnout is high, in MN we set a record for turnout and Sanders won by 20pts. The FBI investigation, the one Clinton calls a security review when of course the FBI doesn’t do “security reviews” is rumored to wrap in May so Sanders has got to stay in it at least until then. He’s got the money and is leading in 16 of 20 states left.

    in reply to: Pragmatism #40662
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    This is the trailer for a documentary “The Brainwashing Of My Dad” I

    Jen Senko, a documentary filmmaker, looks at the rise of right-wing media through the lens of her WWII vet father who changed from a life-long, nonpolitical Democrat to an angry, right-wing fanatic after his discovery of talk radio on a lengthened commute to work. In trying to understand how this happened, she not only finds this to be a phenomenon, but also uncovers some of the forces behind it: a plan by Roger Ailes under Nixon to create a media for the GOP; the Lewis Powell Memo, urging business leaders to influence institutions of public opinion – especially the universities – the media and the courts; and under Reagan, the dismantling of the Fairness Doctrine – all of which helped to change the entire country’s direction and culture, misinformed millions, divided families and even the country itself.

    And nothing can get better until them there laws get rewritten, and no way do those laws get rewritten until corporate dollars are removed from our “democracy,” and no way those dollars get removed until sheets of paper no longer have first amendment rights (i.e. are no long legally human).


    in reply to: Pragmatism #40610
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    But I believe that the rise of right wing radio and later Fox News has really been one of, if not THE single biggest driving force in widening the divide. The left has no such equal to that. So the anger from the left to me is a response to the right.

    i agree with this…. Right Wing radio has turned some of my old friends that barely passed HS Civics into political “experts” it’s a mess.

    you are correct. this is a great thread….

    This is the trailer for a documentary “The Brainwashing Of My Dad” I’ll be looking for that one when it comes out.

    in reply to: Pragmatism #40576
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    Somebody’s got to say it health insurance is not healthcare. Clinton’s (the Outsorcerer and chief) major accomplishments have been not just bad but catastrophic. Seriously Honduras, Haiti, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.The one constant is poor decisions.She is experienced in making horrible decisions that have cost hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of jobs and there ain’t nothing pragmatic about that shit.

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    Ruined his life ? If anyone not named Bernie gets in it could very well have saved his life.

    in reply to: Jaworski: Fisher is a terrible coach #40051
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    I agree with Jaws , Fisher is a terrible coach even the successful years a lack of discipline and consistency was evident. If they come out the first year back in LA at 6 or 7 wins it won’t be pretty. Who’s going to give Billionaire Stan the highest prices in the league to watch a team suck ass again?

    in reply to: Clinton will lose to Trump #40034
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    in reply to: Done with Caucuses. #39611
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    Millionaire white lady throws an African American woman out of a Southern Mansion and says “let’s get back to the issues”

    Why not Millionaire caucasian? Or why not black woman? Why is Hill a “lady” and the protester is a “woman”?

    I think my description is accurate. Clinton has as I am sure you are aware touted herself a champion of women and racial justice reform. Not sure how much of this is paid for by private prison profits. Millionaire Caucasian woman throws a Black lady out of a Southern Mansion and says “let’s get back to the issues” Hmmmmm,still sounds kind of wrong.

    in reply to: Alex Jones #39605
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    in reply to: Done with Caucuses. #39602
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    Millionaire white lady throws an African American woman out of a Southern Mansion and says “let’s get back to the issues”

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, zn? #39601
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    Happy Belated ZN! I was hoping it was this Saturday

    in reply to: defensive draft thread…CBs, DEs, LBs etc. #39347
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    in reply to: superbowl 50, & how the huddle sees it #38201
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    I think Newton holds up better than Manning, defense being both teams strength.

    in reply to: Janoris J or Tru J ? #38132
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    I’d take TruJo. He has come a lot farther than JJ and still going up , he makes plays JJ can’t.

    in reply to: anyone going to watch Denver/NE? #37903
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    I watched a couple of minutes of the Cheats Vs. Chiefs. Brady got knocked down instant flag storm, roughing the passer. Smith was hit late and much harder about 3 times and no flag. I told myself nope I seen this before.Might be less home cooking because it’s in Denver but it’s sure to bring up some bad Ramemories but Denver does match up with them well.

    in reply to: happy birthday RM #37786
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    Happy Birthday RM!

    in reply to: sorry to hear that Mike #37412
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    Sorry to pretty much repeat the same thing I just posted at Rampagers:

    I’ve got nothing but relentless negativity that would not be good for this or any other list or forum.
    This team and this league have proven utterly unworthy of anyone’s support, in St. Louis or otherwise.
    As for me, my fall weekends are going to be a lot different from now on.

    To me, city and team are inseparable. I became a Rams fan in the name of proving that St. Louis was a good football town.
    You know what? I was right.


    I’m sad to see you go Mike.You were a bright spot in all 16 games this year and that includes 9 losses.I have a suggestion and
    only that but if and when you are ready. How about reporting on this asshole super rich owners class using your super power plus channeling the negativity into something useful ? Just a thought. Thanks for making those dreaded post loss periods a little better!

    in reply to: board response to the NFL vote…Rams to LA #37159
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    I’m glad they’re coming home but sad for St.Louis fans. I grew up in LA and watched an owner dismantle a great team for her own selfish reasons and now I’m watching another ultra rich asshole do it again hurting a lot of great people I never would have met if the Rams stayed in L.A.

    in reply to: … relocation stuff (from before the vote) #37010
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    The thing is, the NFL doesn’t want the Raiders in LA.

    No matter what else happens, they are pretty deeply committed to that.

    So that just leaves the Rams and the Chargers, and how that is going to work.

    Maybe I’m wrong. But we shall see.

    Please welcome your….. St.Louis Raiders

    in reply to: top 1o all time Rams qbs #36937
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    1. Warner
    2. Waterfield/Van Brocklin
    3. Bulger
    4. Everett
    5. Gabriel
    6. Ferragamo
    7. Hadl
    8. Harris
    9. Haden
    10. Green

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    . If a coach has no accountability

    This is all “record” v. “context.” In my view he DID turn the corner, but 2014’s OL and qb injuries, plus the 2015 qb meltdown, delayed that.

    That’s not not holding him accountable, that’s looking realistically at what happened. I am a context guy and always have been. To me the “just look at the record and shoot” method is just…nothing. I’m like Will Smith in the first Men in Black, during the test to determine who gets to be a MiB. Remember the shooting scene with the simulation? Quote below.

    And Jack, I don’t see how inappropriately racializing the issue is even a tiny bit relevant. That’s just some talking head going off the rails.

    Well, first I was gonna pop this guy hanging from the street light, and I realized, y’know, he’s just working out. I mean, how would I feel if somebody come runnin’ in the gym and bust me in my ass while I’m on the treadmill? Then I saw this snarling beast guy, and I noticed he had a tissue in his hand, and I’m realizing, y’know, he’s not snarling, he’s sneezing. Y’know, ain’t no real threat there. Then I saw little Tiffany. I’m thinking, y’know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit, Zed. She’s about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I’d say she’s up to something.

    ZN I’m not saying hold him accountable for the injuries , I do think he bears some responsibility for the “meltdown” though . I’m talking about all kinds of stuff, GRob’s head is swimming his rookie year and Fisher does the musical chairs with him. Starting 2 rookies and the still raw GRob and what the hell lets change to the zone blocking scheme that nobody’s run before. The penalties the penalties the penalties .Showing up in Wash.,Balt and S.F. with that team the one that looks like it doesn’t have a coach. MN,Balt, Wash, S.F. winnable games that weren’t won. The Bears game, that was ridiculous. Then there’s that Fisher thing where he brings in Cook and Britt from the after the contender day’s at Ten.Never did like Sherman as WR coach one constant is they never seem to run to the sticks and can’t catch it anyway especially when its 3rd down. Slants were rare as hen’s teeth but on the rare occasion they threw one it was unstoppable. Dedicating to run the spread in 13 and bailing a couple weeks in even though they were scoring enough points to have gone undefeated with ’15’s D. My view is it’s been misstep after misstep. He did build a contender but that team followed the same graph as the GSOT and was a lot less fun to watch. IOW the contender is singular not plural or multiple. My questions were serious though what is his job what is he accountable for what would warrant his firing?

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