Forum Replies Created
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantThe problem is she’s an MD. and is not an anti-vac. She is anti corporate control over drug safety which is a good thing. Science ? The science on mercury is undeniable , it is not healthy and there is no reason beside big Pharma’s profit margin to be dosing children with the shit. Why do you think Monsanto fights so hard against labeling GMOs ? Those who want to eat Glyphosate can eat all they want but the fact is if they labeled it nobody would buy it on
purpose. The yield bs Golden rice was going to save the world for the last 15 years , talk about junk science. Capitalism is not good science. It doesn’t boost yield it pollutes heirloom seed stock, that’s what it was designed for to monopolize the world’s food source for profit.
If you doubt this I have a challenge for you try to find some non GMO Glyphosate free corn. It is in every fucking thing including indigenous peoples breast milk.Mercury is used in medicines to prevent bacterial contamination. Mercury is dangerous because it remains in your body and can build to toxic levels. Not all mercury is the same though. Mercury in the form of thimersol is/was used in vaccines (it’s no longer used in children’s vaccines). Thimersol does not remain in the body so there’s no buildup and therefore it does no harm as studies have shown.
I’m not going to get into yet another discussion about GMO vs Organics. I’ll just leave this here. Read it if you want.
That’s not my debate Nittany, My question is why does Monsanto fight so hard against labeling GMO’s ?
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantThe problem is she’s an MD. and is not an anti-vac. She is anti corporate control over drug safety which is a good thing. Science ? The science on mercury is undeniable , it is not healthy and there is no reason beside big Pharma’s profit margin to be dosing children with the shit. Why do you think Monsanto fights so hard against labeling GMOs ? Those who want to eat Glyphosate can eat all they want but the fact is if they labeled it nobody would buy it on
purpose. The yield bs Golden rice was going to save the world for the last 15 years , talk about junk science. Capitalism is not good science. It doesn’t boost yield it pollutes heirloom seed stock, that’s what it was designed for to monopolize the world’s food source for profit.
If you doubt this I have a challenge for you try to find some non GMO Glyphosate free corn. It is in every fucking thing including indigenous peoples breast milk.Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantKush needs to play OG especially in LA , OG Kush
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantThe wrs are as much attributable to Fisher as anything. You have to go back 12 years to 2004 to find someone over 1000 yrds on the Titans. Drew Bennett had one good year then the Rams got him and he sucked.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantReal simple here is the difference with Clinton you will have the right to an abortion on your way to a nuclear exchange with Russia with Trump the white guys get an assault rifle of their choice on the road to Armageddon. Other than that which buffoon is chosen really does not matter at all. Clinton is the superior criminal but is more predictable.You know she’s going to sell you out.Trump is unpredictable like giving a chimp an assault rifle.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantEternal Ramnation
ParticipantEternal Ramnation
ParticipantHappy Birthday
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantRIP. It was Green who turned AZ around.
And the vikings had 8 winning seasons 1 8 – 8 and one 5 -10 and they drove him out of here like he was some kind of bum.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantNo she will not
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantMartz is the best coach the Rams have had in my lifetime and listing him as coach for 2005 is ridiculous. John Robinson won NFC titles ? Wow I completely missed 2 Super Bowls.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantExtreme carelessness is Gross negligence look it up. If they charged Clinton they had to
charge Obama and everyone else that knew about the server (the entire state dept.)Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI think an indictment after the convention would have been much more beneficial . Anyone not against Hillary at this point is not likely to be swayed by this.Clinton is crushing the Tiny fingered Cheetos faced Ferret wearing Shitgibbon in the poles and will simply manufacture any additional votes needed.Basically it all boils down to we’re fucked.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantBernie in the last debate in NY completely shut her down with his closing statement and the subsequent standing O requiring the network to cut away and a massive edit.She followed that miserable performance by ducking the previously agreed to debate in CA. Stein is brilliant and knows her facts and the ” woman card ” will not work on her. Trump is a pathetic debater he is easy pickens for Dr.Stein and even Clinton. His only chance is to turn it into a school yard street fight like the ridiculous Republican debates were. I am sure the msm will do their bought and paid for duty to marginalize Stein but without her I sure ain’t watching . I know Trumps handful of words much better than I want to and I’ve heard enough of Hillary’s BS as well.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantBernie ran because Warren wouldn’t. I can’t respect Warren or anybody that would endorse HRC and that was prior the shit show that was this primary season. I actually prefer Jill Stein over Bernie specifically on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and drone warfare.She’s at 7% in the polls now. I would love to watch Dr.Stein debate Clinton. Bernie had to fight with kid gloves , where Jill Stein owes the Dems nothing.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantDon’t say he lied. Give proof! Pocahontas Warren is a FRAUD. She gamed the AA system for advancement.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantIt’s hard to see them not improving they were dead last. Cooper and Goff develop like a Bradford/Amendola chemistry now that would be something. I like hearing Quick staying late and
working remember in 14′ he was doing that hitting the JUGS machine. That was a horrific injury, if the Quick Snisher drafed him to be shows this year it could be great. Everybody they got at
wr this year is known for their hands. Gurley all the way back a huge bruising OL there is a lot to be optimistic about. Just imagine if one of the new TE’s catchs fire.June 27, 2016 at 3:33 am in reply to: Player interviews, pics, & tweets (6/26): Easley, Gurley with Leroy Irvin, etc. #47190Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantEasley does not sound at all like a locker room cancer. Maybe a still maturing young man but my perception is definitely not a cancer
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantWith Al Franken walking back his Hillary allegiance and opposing Monsanto I can still hold out hope for a Franken/Stein monster ticket ! Just kidding of course Jill Stein gets my vote as well.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantAh the left, to win scream racism and when they lose scream racism. A trick that doesn’t work any more. But must feel marvelous trying? Old habits die hard.
I am curious BNW, what is your definition of racism ? I never really thought all that much about it just lumping all things ;racist, racism , prejudice,bigotry together. Imo racism is different, it’s an ism a system that’s rigged where as racists and bigots come in all forms of human.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantWell that didn’t go well I’m 9 lines Left of center and seven South.
Fixed it.
Thank you zn !
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantEternal Ramnation
Participant Well that didn’t go well I’m 9 lines Left of center and seven South.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI support your 2nd amendment rights, if you are a member of a well regulated militia you may have and bear a musket.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantEternal Ramnation
ParticipantI watched it , thought it was ridiculous . The GSOT got dinged for not having the TE a big part of the offense. Of course the Bolts had nothing remotely close the Faulk. Winslow was great but not Faulk great ! The Bolts didn’t go to or win a Super Bowl either. GSOT 2nd place yeah right.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantTake a look at mass shootings data while the ban was in place and then compare it to the last 12 years.
Yeah I had a feeling it be something like that. How bad can it get ?
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantBNW that is not at all an accurate definition. The M1 was an assault rifle , it didn’t get selective fire until 1944. At the time the 2nd amendment was written assault rifles were muskets. Semi-autos are not at all better for hunting. Bolt action hunting rifles are superior in accuracy and safety. An idiot with a semi-auto 30.06 is the reason I retired from rifle hunting. If I can take deer with one arrow you damn sure don’t need a 40 round clip on your AK or AR. My own thoughts on the problem in general are to concentrate on getting and keeping firearms out of the hands of crazy people. The current “background check” is a joke. It’s more of a customer service survey on the honor system than a legitimate background check.
It is absolutely the ACCURATE description. The M1 to which you refer is the carbine. Granted according to the moronic rules of the ’90s it indeed possessed the attributes the Clinton Administration created to confuse the public and profit its campaign donors. The government and the press called the legislation the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 whereas the the actual name of the legislation was the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. For those unaware of the moronic rules of that legislation for an assault rifle-
Under the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 the definition of “semiautomatic assault weapon” included specific semi-automatic firearm models by name, and other semi-automatic firearms that possessed two or more from a set certain features:[11]
Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
Folding or telescoping stock
Pistol grip
Bayonet mount
Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one
Grenade launcher mountSemi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip
Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, handgrip, or suppressor
Barrel shroud safety feature that prevents burns to the operator
Unloaded weight of 50 oz (1.4 kg) or more
A semi-automatic version of a fully automatic firearm.Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following:
Folding or telescoping stock
Pistol grip
Detachable magazine.That law confused people who do not know firearms. It also made political supporters of Clinton a lot of money by importing weapons such as the M1 Carbine which met the ridiculous criteria but in no way was ever considered an assault rifle. I asked this very question of an ATF agent at that time who agreed with me and further stated the agency is not at all concerned with that rifle. The imported M1 carbines brought increasingly higher prices by the restriction on imports. Pure profit to the importers. Increased prices for all pre-ban variants of other firearms too. It was never about safety. It was always about money.
Cosmetic features[edit]
Gun control advocates and gun rights advocates have referred to at least some of the features outlined in the federal Assault Weapon Ban of 1994 as cosmetic. The NRA Institute for Legislative Action and the Violence Policy Center both used the term in publications they released in September 2004 when the ban expired.[13][14] In May 2012, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence said, “the inclusion in the list of features that were purely cosmetic in nature created a loophole that allowed manufacturers to successfully circumvent the law by making minor modifications to the weapons they already produced.”[15] The term was repeated in several stories after the 2012 Aurora shooting and Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[16][17]ER,
Had to leave earlier so couldn’t fully address your comment on the M1 Carbine until now. The carbine was not intended for front line fighting. It was for support troops that might find themselves in a fight. It replaced the side arm issued to these troops since it had far greater accuracy at much greater range. Since it weighed much less than the M1 Garand and the Thompson submachine gun many troops went out of their way to acquire one in the field. The M1A1 was a carbine with a folding stock only which was reserved for paratroops. The M2 Carbine was the full auto version. Since minor mods were required to enable the M1 Carbine to fire full auto many were later converted as well.
You blew past quite a few points there, automatic weapons are exactly that automatic weapons The were illegal long before the assault weapons ban. Spears swords and axes were all assault weapons too. When that ban was put in place an AR 15 was a M16 minus the automatic sear which can still be bought online starting at about 25 bucks.The bans purpose was to stop psychopaths from “playing army” and going to war with the public. I think a little honest research would net some telling numbers on just how much good that ban did.Take a look at mass shootings data while the ban was in place and then compare it to the last 12 years.
No you don’t understand. Why do you think full automatic weapons are illegal? Even the Firearms Act of 1934 didn’t make full auto weapons illegal. Full auto weapons are Class 3. I’ve mentioned this before a few times. Fill out the paperwork and pay your $200 Class 3 fee and you can buy your machine gun, silencer, grenade launcher etc. Most people I know who have Class 3 bought for an investment since most people can’t afford to feed it the ammo. Silencers are the most useful but their price is still very high.
BTW the AR-15s made DURING the ban still were functionally the same semi-auto rifle. The pistol grip was modified and smaller capacity mags were the norm for civilian sales, though pre ban high capacity mags would still fit those rifles made during the ban. However all pre ban AR-15s were still legal to buy and sell.
Class 3 weapons require an extensive background check and the local authority usually a sheriff must sign off on it. This is not a matter of simple paperwork, and why do it when you can make your AR 15 an automatic for 25 bucks ? Again you are looking at the ban and say it does nothing but when you look up stats it was a massive success. Believe me I know gun nuts generally good people but I also know just plain nuts that shouldn’t be in the same state as a firearm .Seriously I have heard “I wish I would’ve had my gun” and worse from someone applying for a concealed carry permit. That is not a “good guy with a gun” That is a guy that should not even be driving.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantIn a 2011 analysis of FBI hate-crime statistics, the Southern Poverty Law Center found that “LGBT people are more than twice as likely to be the target of a violent hate-crime than Jews or black people,” said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the center. Because the population of LGBT Americans is relatively small, and the number of hate crimes against that group is significant, LGBT individuals face a higher risk than other groups of being the victim of an attack. “They are more than four times as likely as Muslims, and almost 14 times as likely as Latinos,” Potok added. Sexual orientation motivated roughly 20 percent of hate crimes in 2013, according to the FBI; the only factor that accounted for more was race.
The vast majority of those crimes are not carried out by Muslim extremists, Potok said. “It’s a mix of white supremacists and their ilk and people who would be considered relatively normal members of society,” Potok said. “The majority of attacks on gay people do not come from people who are members of organized hate groups.”
The numbers for Muslims attacked might be higher except for the idiot white supremacists mistakenly kill Sikhs because they think they are Muslim.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantBNW that is not at all an accurate definition. The M1 was an assault rifle , it didn’t get selective fire until 1944. At the time the 2nd amendment was written assault rifles were muskets. Semi-autos are not at all better for hunting. Bolt action hunting rifles are superior in accuracy and safety. An idiot with a semi-auto 30.06 is the reason I retired from rifle hunting. If I can take deer with one arrow you damn sure don’t need a 40 round clip on your AK or AR. My own thoughts on the problem in general are to concentrate on getting and keeping firearms out of the hands of crazy people. The current “background check” is a joke. It’s more of a customer service survey on the honor system than a legitimate background check.
It is absolutely the ACCURATE description. The M1 to which you refer is the carbine. Granted according to the moronic rules of the ’90s it indeed possessed the attributes the Clinton Administration created to confuse the public and profit its campaign donors. The government and the press called the legislation the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 whereas the the actual name of the legislation was the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. For those unaware of the moronic rules of that legislation for an assault rifle-
Under the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 the definition of “semiautomatic assault weapon” included specific semi-automatic firearm models by name, and other semi-automatic firearms that possessed two or more from a set certain features:[11]
Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
Folding or telescoping stock
Pistol grip
Bayonet mount
Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one
Grenade launcher mountSemi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip
Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, handgrip, or suppressor
Barrel shroud safety feature that prevents burns to the operator
Unloaded weight of 50 oz (1.4 kg) or more
A semi-automatic version of a fully automatic firearm.Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following:
Folding or telescoping stock
Pistol grip
Detachable magazine.That law confused people who do not know firearms. It also made political supporters of Clinton a lot of money by importing weapons such as the M1 Carbine which met the ridiculous criteria but in no way was ever considered an assault rifle. I asked this very question of an ATF agent at that time who agreed with me and further stated the agency is not at all concerned with that rifle. The imported M1 carbines brought increasingly higher prices by the restriction on imports. Pure profit to the importers. Increased prices for all pre-ban variants of other firearms too. It was never about safety. It was always about money.
Cosmetic features[edit]
Gun control advocates and gun rights advocates have referred to at least some of the features outlined in the federal Assault Weapon Ban of 1994 as cosmetic. The NRA Institute for Legislative Action and the Violence Policy Center both used the term in publications they released in September 2004 when the ban expired.[13][14] In May 2012, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence said, “the inclusion in the list of features that were purely cosmetic in nature created a loophole that allowed manufacturers to successfully circumvent the law by making minor modifications to the weapons they already produced.”[15] The term was repeated in several stories after the 2012 Aurora shooting and Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[16][17]ER,
Had to leave earlier so couldn’t fully address your comment on the M1 Carbine until now. The carbine was not intended for front line fighting. It was for support troops that might find themselves in a fight. It replaced the side arm issued to these troops since it had far greater accuracy at much greater range. Since it weighed much less than the M1 Garand and the Thompson submachine gun many troops went out of their way to acquire one in the field. The M1A1 was a carbine with a folding stock only which was reserved for paratroops. The M2 Carbine was the full auto version. Since minor mods were required to enable the M1 Carbine to fire full auto many were later converted as well.
You blew past quite a few points there, automatic weapons are exactly that automatic weapons The were illegal long before the assault weapons ban. Spears swords and axes were all assault weapons too. When that ban was put in place an AR 15 was a M16 minus the automatic sear which can still be bought online starting at about 25 bucks.The bans purpose was to stop psychopaths from “playing army” and going to war with the public. I think a little honest research would net some telling numbers on just how much good that ban did.Take a look at mass shootings data while the ban was in place and then compare it to the last 12 years.