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ParticipantLiked the movie, too, though I wish they had tried harder to stick to the likely dates for Arthur’s life — which are, admittedly, much in dispute, as is his existence outside of myth and legend.
Still, as a myth geek since the age of nine, I like to think of him as having lived. Most of the scholars who do, place him in the 450-525 range, give or take. After the Romans had left the island (410). They also see him as a kind of warlord, or Dux Bellorum (Duke of Battles), probably of Celtic-Roman ethnicity. Never a king. His chief role in history, if he existed, was to forestall the English invasion just long enough to force a different kind of conquest and a more “civilized” rule.
I really wish Hollywood would do a movie based on Sword at Sunset, by Rosemary Sutcliff, one of my favorite childhood novels.
But the truly unforgivable, grand-canyon-sized hole in my movie life is due to the absence of one about Cuchulain (pronounced, Cu-hool-in), the Irish Achilles. I have no idea why Hollywood hasn’t gone there. They could go back to Sutcliff for that, too, with her Hound of Ulster. Or Morgan Llywelyn’s Red Branch. Or much further back in time to Lady Gregory’s Cuchulain of Muirthemne
But make it they must!!
June 9, 2016 at 8:25 am in reply to: leave Hillary out of it in THIS thread…in his own terms, what is Trump #45705Billy_T
ParticipantYep. White supremacists love Trump, and they’re pretty much all Republicans.
Maher was correct when he said, “Not all Republicans are racists; but pretty much all racists are Republicans.”
The transformation of the Democratic Party on at least this issue has been nothing short of amazing. But it also tells us something tragic. Racism and bigotry don’t go away. They just shift home teams.
. . . . . Though I do think that societal shaming/shunning has strong effects over time, through the generations. A kind of war of attrition. But it’s still not going away. So the best thing to do is to render it impotent. That’s why I think the emphasis should be on class, rather than “identity politics.” As mentioned, if we pull down the pyramids, end hierarchies to the degree possible, end economic apartheid . . . there is no power anymore to support racism and bigotry and its effects. And the effects are really what matter. We can’t control minds, but we can do a ton to destroy those effects.
June 9, 2016 at 8:17 am in reply to: leave Hillary out of it in THIS thread…in his own terms, what is Trump #45704Billy_T
ParticipantThanks for the links, WV.
One thing that strikes me about Trump: It’s really amazing anyone can figure out what he thinks about most things — at least beyond the surface. If you listen to his speeches, they really don’t make any sense, and I think people give him waaay too much credit for his “communication ability,” as they did Reagan.
In reality, he’s one of the worst public speakers I’ve ever had the displeasure to listen to, and is all too much like Palin in his lack of logical progressions. There is no coherency to his bluster. But it seems to work and that is beyond baffling.
June 9, 2016 at 8:12 am in reply to: leave Hillary out of it in THIS thread…in his own terms, what is Trump #45702Billy_T
ParticipantThere were quite a few articles on Trump supporters and their views on race, gay people, Muslims and so on, throughout his campaign.
Here’s one of them:
Measuring Donald Trump’s Supporters for Intolerance
It’s stunning to think so many of his supporters thought the slaves shouldn’t have been freed; love the confederate flag; want all gay people banned from America, along with Muslims, etc. etc.
June 9, 2016 at 8:05 am in reply to: leave Hillary out of it in THIS thread…in his own terms, what is Trump #45699Billy_T
ParticipantNot sure if it’s particularly useful to say “the racism was always there.” Perhaps. But a key here is that the two parties really are quite different now when it comes to dealing with racism and bigotry. It’s one of the few, real areas of difference. Of course, it wasn’t always that way. Pre-1960s Dems were filled with racists, especially in the South, where they owned that part of the political map. The Republicans own it now. But, it’s really the religious right that swung the balance throughout the country. They decided to “get political” primarily as a reaction to federal efforts to desegregate schools (especially Bob Jones University), businesses, workplaces, etc.
So one party has made a conscious effort to just flat out make the appearance of racism and bigotry unacceptable. The other hasn’t. The other, in fact, encourages it, primarily as a way to deflect attention from its donor class — the real reason for everyone’s economic woes. It’s the 1%, and the system they control, that screws everyone over. Not brown and black peoples, or women.
The Dems have yet to make that clear, though Sanders has started the shift for the Dems. But the GOP is still of the mind to consciously scapegoat POCs, along with the entire public sector, which, for many Republicans, are synonymous.
Boiled down: Trump is just using the GOP playbook, without the usual filters. He has no filters. Which is part of his appeal. The thing is, however, he doesn’t have any policies or programs, either, and every speech he gives is just incoherent word salad, like Sarah Palin. So his supporters are mostly just projecting their own fears and dreams onto him.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantI’ll be voting for Stein.
That said, I don’t think there are enough leftists to be spoilers — yet. There weren’t in 2000, either, though the Democratic Party line is still that Nader cost Gore the election. No, the electoral college doesn’t work that way. It’s cumulative. It takes 50 states. No one state, much less a third party candidate in that one state, can ever be “decisive.” It’s mathematically impossible.
Bush won 30 states. Gore won 20. Flip ANY of those losses (like, oh, say, Tennessee) to wins and Gore is the president, even if you keep Florida in the Bush column. And more than 308,000 Democratic Party members voted for Bush in Florida. Exit polls say 192,000 self-identified “liberals” did. And then you have the 50% of Dems who stayed home. Nader took roughly 24,000 votes away from Gore, so even if people chuck all logic and focus solely on Florida — again, the electoral college doesn’t work that way — he’s not the main factor in the loss. Democratic Party voters for Bush would be that factor. And the folks who stayed home.
Anyway . . . . one silver lining to this year’s campaign. I see a time on the horizon when leftists will be able to form their own party and compete with the duopoly. A decade from now, or two. And then America gets a shot at real hope again. I’ll almost certainly be dead. But it makes me feel better that there is a good shot that the world will finally wake up and move on from capitalism and the legal ownership of other human beings. That it will finally choose actual emancipation for all, instead of “freedom and liberty” for business interests only.
Am with you on that. I don’t have the energy for arguments these days, either. Though, every now and then, things boil up inside me and it comes out. Then I go back inside, way inside, and think: Why on earth did I bother? It’s not worth it, etc.
Too old, too tired, too many other things to do — too many much better things to do. So, yeah. I get that.
Also: I’m obviously new to this version of the board, and I don’t know bnw, really, at all. So I probably shouldn’t have included him with the general group I referred to. I also think it’s preferable to try to find common ground if it’s there. So, basically, just ignore what I said.
Beyond all of that: You’ve always been far more patient online, with all kinds of different people, and I give your props for that. I think I do a pretty good job of that in the real world, but not always online. Something to work on.
Anyway . . .
In solidarity.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantThere are some 66,000 chemicals being used right now, and our government only regulates something like a few hundred. It’s only ever banned something like five. Due primarily to “trade secrets” legislation, the EPA can’t even study most of them, much less apply new regulations.
I read righties condemning the EPA constantly for “crushing business” with regulations. In reality, it’s always been hamstrung by politicians — from both parties — and mostly goes after the lowest hanging fruit. It can’t go after thousands and thousands of potentially deadly compounds in our air, water, food, land, etc. etc. It’s not allowed. And with the TPP, there is even less ability to regulate. Trade agreements tend to always empower Capital to sue against proposed regulations and so on. And in recent trade agreements, foreign nations have newfound powers over our public safety regulators, if it can be shown that they might cause some difficulties for for-profit companies. Judges are invariably sympathetic toward the business view, from the getgo.
Everything is commodified, or about to be, and capitalism has become an almost sacred religion which can not be questioned.
Which reminds me: I wish the political compass test had some questions about capitalism itself, and alternatives. Like, asking if we favor public ownership of the means of production and so on. Asking if we thought it was moral or ethical for one person to be able to own another, even if it’s just for eight hours a day. I wish it had more things that were directly in the leftist wheelhouse.
It does build upon Adorno’s F Scale, with some of the questions being close to exact translations. . But I think it should include a lot more from leftist traditions. Broaden the scope a bit. All in all, it’s one of the best online, regardless.
ParticipantAnyway, back to my point — which was NOT about what ‘label’ we arbitrarily chose — the point is, do you understand that we are NOT Democrats. And do you understand that there are such things as “leftists” (or whatever label u want to use) who cant stand Obama, Clinton, the Republicans and the rest of the “system” politicians. Do you get that? Not lecturing here, just asking if you get that?
WV, I think you’re asking too much from “conservatives,” who really aren’t conservatives anymore. They’re right-wing radicals. The current American iteration is well to the right of the Reagan conservative, and they keep moving to the right. They pretty much do this each time the Dems stake out more of their old territory — which is constant — and feel the need to always and forever be to their right. The Dems are now planted firmly on the center-right, own it, after it was vacated by Republicans. The Republicans have in turn purged their ranks of the old guard, the Eisenhower Republicans, etc. . . . even the McCain of 2000 version.
This new breed of faux-conservative has been brainwashed to unprecedented degrees for forty years, and pretty much everything is the End of the World!!! for them. The slightest move from the Federal government means the Apocalypse is nigh. Reagan played into this with his talk about Medicare meaning the total end of all freedom for Americans. And with Obama? A year before he took office, you had large numbers of Republicans thinking he was the anti-christ. That number is roughly 25% now. Majorities believed he was foreign-born, a Muslim, a secret agent sent to destroy America, a Marxist, socialist, bogeyman, etc. etc.
They were fed this nonsense 24/7 by hate radio, their churches, and their reps, and it’s never stopped. This is why they can never see Obama for what he is — a true conservative, an pre-Reagan Republican. They’ve been told for years and years that he was, quite literally, the devil, that he “palled around with terrorists,” that he’s a Muslim secret agent, blah blah blah.
So they’re just never going to see how lucky they were that he was elected. They got an actual conservative in office, who implemented actual conservative policies, most of them falling waaaaay short, which was to be expected. But who gets the blame? “The left.” Even though Obama implemented center-right government. They couldn’t have written a better script.
And while you’re obviously, self-evidently correct about the massive gulf between leftists and Obama, if you spend any time on “conservative” websites or websites with large participation by “conservatives,” it’s pretty much an article of faith among them that Obama is “far left,” as are the Dems in generally. They simply believe in the myths, legends and propaganda handed down to them from hate radio, the Birchers, the religiously wrong, the Randians and so on. Now, bnw may not be like his peers, but I haven’t seen any evidence that he differs from them on this issue. He thought it was absurd when I said Obama has governed as a conservative — which he has — and I don’t think he’ll ever understand that the Republican party is no longer conservative in the slightest. It’s a radical, far-right party now. The Dems are now the true conservatives in America.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantObama doesn’t,t govern as a conservative! how bizarre!
Bizarre, fer sure. But it’s true. Obama has governed as a conservative.
Of course, no American president has ever governed with complete ideological consistency/purity. But, overall, the vast majority of Obama’s policies and proposals would have been supported by Republicans, as is, if he were a Republican. In many ways, in fact, Obama has been a much better Republican than presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Dubya.
As in: Obama pushed for massive deficit reduction and a deficit commission in the midst of a terrible economic downturn. He oversaw the loss of 800,000 public sector jobs during that downturn. He froze federal pay and hiring during that downturn. Reagan, Bush Sr. and Dubya all wildly increased spending in the face of recessions; oversaw the hiring of more than one million new public sector employees, each, on their respective watches; and they never held deficit commissions.
Obama re-upped the (supposedly temporary) Bush tax cuts twice and made them permanent. He rehired Bush’s Fed chairman, and his defense secretary. He kept Bush’s bailouts of Wall Street and Detroit going. He never went after Wall Street crooks, shielding them from prosecution. He shielded Bush/Cheney and their respective admins from prosecution, when they easily could have and should have been frog-marched into the Hague.
He expanded the Bush wars, increased the size and scope of the “GWOT.” He expanded the surveillance state, and went after Occupy. He pushed for TPP and other very conservative trade agreements. His state department was/is aggressive in ramming capitalism down the throats of other nations, especially in Central and South America, advocating (for our capitalists) the privatization of public sector after public sector.
The ACA is a very conservative law, based on the Heritage Foundation proposal, later implemented by Romney in Massachusetts. Obama and the Dems prevented any talk of Single Payer, and kicked even the public option under the bus. Rather than try to resolve our health care debacle through non-profit, universal care, he and the Dems chose the “market solutions” approach, by keeping it for-profit and selective, which is why it’s so expensive in the first place.
The above is just for starters.
I’m pretty confident you can’t name any of his policies that aren’t conservative, outside a coupla “culture war” things like Same Sex Marriage. When I bring this up to conservatives, they never can. But they still insist Obama is a “liberal,” despite the record.
Good points.
Clinton and the Dem establishment are much closer to people like Mitch McConnell and the Republican establishment than they are to virtually any Sanders supporter. And the gap is even greater between the Dems and the anticapitalist left. Sanders doesn’t really go there, and I’m guessing the core of his support doesn’t either. But it’s still night and day, Clinton and Sanders.
Obama fits in there, too. I have always liked the guy on a personal level, but he’s governed all too much like a Republican. As did Bill. It’s really amazing how much hatred they both seemed to inspire from “conservatives” while governing as conservatives.
This really needs to change: America has long had the choice of A or B, instead of an A to Z range. Two wings of the same party. Wildly different styles. But the same basic imperatives:
Protect the ruling class, at all cost. Expand capitalism throughout the world, regardless of costs. Keep the people as docile as possible, for as long as possible, by any means necessary. Not sure how much longer the center can hold.
ParticipantI first bumped into Hanauer via his TED talk.
The thing is, while he is a breath of fresh air, he doesn’t show how to fix this mess, either. He’s of the “reform it, don’t end it” school, which is preferable to the current mode, but still falls waaay short.
In reality, in a properly functioning, moral, humane, sustainable economy, no one should ever be able to accrue vast fortunes — even if their purpose is to someday give it all away to charity. And if employers paid employees fair wages, they couldn’t. It’s mathematically impossible. Vast fortunes are only possible because of the massive difference between workers’ pay and the value of their production. The massive difference comes from unpaid labor, essentially. Close that gap, match up surplus value with wages, end the legal practice of unpaid labor, and no capitalist can make his or her personal fortune.
Another key. Watch any movie about the rich. Think about their interactions with all “the little people” along the way . . . the waiters, maids, go-fers, taxi drivers, bellhops, etc. etc. . . . the armies of the seen and unseen “downstairs” folk. Ask yourself how long rich people would keep their vast hoardings if they had to pay fair wages to all of these people they interact with.
Our system is set up to make life very, very nice for the wealthy, all across the board, 24/7, in millions of ways, big and small . . . . not only because they can legally treat their own employees like slaves, but everyone else’s, too. Extreme wage suppression is a part of the woodwork, and it’s what keeps the rich rich — in myriad ways. The system itself endlessly reproduces fundamental, profound inequality and unfairness at pretty much every turn.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantThanks, Ozone.
It sounds fascinating. And I was expecting a much bigger price tag.
ParticipantWe can probably thank the Soviet Union in general, and Lenin and the Bolsheviks, in particular, for a great deal of the distortions. If, for instance, mainstream Marxist, socialist and communist traditions had won out there, instead of right-Marxist Bolsheviks, history may well have seen a large scale demonstration of left-anarchism, which is anti-authoritarian by nature. It would have been nearly impossible to associate “the left” with authoritarian or totalitarian governments.
Of course, given that we have had many examples of supremely authoritarian governments coming from the right — Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Spain, Portugal and Japan, etc. etc. — it’s more than bizarre that “the right” has escaped from the same kind of association. This may be due, at least in part, to a highly successful propaganda campaign, pinning those political forms on the left — which has gained steam in the last two decades. Once the stuff of fringe thinkers, this absurd view of fascism and nazism has gone mainstream, even among some Republicans pols. Dictionaries and encyclopedias once said up front that fascism and nazism were right-wing ideologies. Few say so now.
I’m also guessing that the ever increasing consolidation of media has much to do with this. Money talks, etc. etc.
ParticipantAbout this test:
On another forum, nearly a year ago, I had the toughest time trying to get through to a right-libertarian (propertarian) about how the scores were done. No matter how I reworded things to say the top to bottom scores had nothing to do with the left to right scores, he just wasn’t buying it. In his mind, apparently, the further left someone goes on the spectrum, the more authoritarian they have to be. I actually placed well below him on the anti-authoritarian scale — almost to bottom (meaning extremely anti-authoritarian) — but because I was also very much “far left,” he refused to believe I was anything but a Stalinist. He was incapable of seeing any leftist as “libertarian” or anti-authoritarian, even though, historically, the left wrote the book on those things, not the right.
Societal brainwashing, etc. etc.
One would think in the Age of the Internet this would be less prevalent than it is. But if you investigate how leftist thought is depicted (when it isn’t silenced altogether), how “socialism” is defined (and by whom), it’s not surprising. Web software, the kind used to customize your news sources on this or that app, for example, has become blatantly tilted to the right. Search for “socialism” in the Itunes library, for instance, and you’re likely to find “definitions” from or some other propertarian organization, and pretty much never by actual leftists. Same goes for Google apps.
Silicon Valley is dominated by right-libertarian billionaires, as gatekeepers, and they do what they can — consciously or subconsciously — to steer the average Joe or Jane away from leftist thought. The main method for doing this appears to be . . . never let leftists speak for themselves. Never point to actual leftist writers and writings, if you can, instead, point to third and fourth-hand accounts coming from the right.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantThe Scots, Welsh, Irish and Manx are Celtic peoples. While there are (especially) recent reevaluations going on about them, they are definitely distinct from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes who made up the “English.” The English basically destroyed Celtic dominance in “Britain,” and dispersed it to the West and North, especially.
At one time, the Celts roamed across most of Europe, and dominated large swaths. Surprisingly, they once had a strong presence in Italy and sacked Rome before the Romans became a great power. Centuries later, Julius Caesar got his revenge, coming close to wiping out the Celts in Gaul — which seemed to be his desire. Full scale genocide.
Fascinating book on the Celts is The Discovery of Middle Earth, by Graham Robb. It’s amazing how advanced they were in the sciences of their day. The druids, from what we know, were great astronomers, among a host of other skill sets.
(I’m mostly Celtic. Irish, Scottish and Spanish. Would love to see how it all breaks down, though. Need to take that DNA test.)
Right click on the image, left click on “copy image location.” I put it inside the Huddle’s “img” code.
ParticipantYour Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -9.0
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.67May 31, 2016 at 9:04 pm in reply to: US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies" #45143Billy_T
ParticipantWe were forced into a “bargain” of sorts, with the capitalist system. No one asked us for our accent. We were forced. But the basics are:
Democracy is not allowed within the boundaries of capitalist commerce. It is not allowed in the workplace — if that business is still to be “capitalist.” It is not allowed inside the employer/employee relations, or they wouldn’t exist. Democracy has its own sphere, the public sphere. It doesn’t get to be in the private sphere, though it can sometimes act upon that private sphere from the outside.
The reason why this is a major problem is because capitalism’s laws of motion force it to forever seek expansion into new markets. It must always grab up more, Grow or Die. It is the first truly imperialistic economic form in world history, and one of the results of this internal drive is the wiping out of the Commons, all over the world, including in America. Its internal desire is to commodify all things, make everything a sale, a private sector exchange for dollars. And that includes matters of life and death, as in, health care.
We the people should fight back against this intrinsic, internal, perpetual drive and take back as many life spheres as we can — if not all of them. We the people should “democratize” and de-commodify as many aspects of life and death as we possibly can. That means grabbing hold of health care, from the payment and the delivery sides, and yanking it out of the private, for-profit sphere and placing it all, instead, in the Commons. Once in the Commons, we can radically reduce costs for care from the ground up. All of it. Not just from the payment side, and not just from the provider side.
To me, if we don’t do this, we will continue to have “rationing,” “death panels” and long waits for a very large portion of society. Only the wealthy do fine, basically, in our current system. That, to me, is obscene.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
May 31, 2016 at 8:56 pm in reply to: US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies" #45142Billy_T
ParticipantOn the health care issue again. There is no reason for Single Payer to produce wait times. Those are almost entirely a result of the ratio of patients to doctors, and have next to nothing to do with the kind of insurance system in place. The real way to fix those wait times is to make sure there are plenty of doctors, hospitals and staff to support the needs of every community/region. And a great way to guarantee this is to make all public colleges and universities tuition free. This will also do away with the need for doctors to charge high enough rates to cover their student loans — which can set them back well over 150K.
When it comes to rationing, that’s a different issue. In the capitalist system, “rationing” is done according to who can afford to pay for care. We have long had “death panels” for the poor, for the working poor, and for many a middle class person, even those with insurance. In my own case, I have to forego certain medical care suggested by my GP and oncologist, outside the scope of the seemingly urgent. Last year, this included treatment for Sleep Apnea. This year, other kinds of care. There are millions of Americans in worse shape than I am, too. “Rationing” is a part of our system, because of its profit motive and privatized nature, and most of it will vanish if we go to a truly non-profit, Single-Payer system. Most but not all. The rest would, if we decommodified all of it.
Other issues will crop up, as mentioned before. But they won’t be “rationing” or “wait times.”
May 31, 2016 at 8:46 pm in reply to: US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies" #45139Billy_T
Am truly sorry to hear about your loss. There are no adequate words to express that. I’m just sorry.
ParticipantIf you google the TB scare, you mostly get Breitbart. Which is easily one of the worst “journalist” outlets in America, discredited (on a daily basis) by its loathsome views and endless lies and right-wing propaganda. Breitbart was a notorious serial liar, and his outlet hasn’t improved with his death.
Beyond that, the whole reason why we know about levels of TB in America is because we DO screen immigrants and refugees (among others). And it takes refugees roughly two years to get through the process here, which is arduous. If we were a moral and humane society, we’d do our best to shorten that process and make it a matter of days, rather than years. We could do that rather easily if we actually reversed the trend of slashing public sector jobs, and started adding them to the degree needed. The very same people who scream about the supposed dangers of immigrants and refugees are always calling for deeper and deeper cuts to the public sector.
We now have a million fewer federal employees than we had in 1962, and we have roughly 150 million more Americans for them to deal with.
That’s just pure insanity.
But that’s all it is. An interpretation. An argument. I find that people who tend to advocate the “not militarily necessary” interpretation are strongly pre-disposed to that interpretation to begin with. If you survey the vast field of research on this, and I mean all of it from every angle, it never appears that simple.
That works both ways. I find that people who think it was necessary are strongly pre-disposed to viewing it that way from the getgo, and are not willing to look at the issue from all angles.
I have. You say you have. We’re at an impasse, etc. etc.
It’s not really a helpful way of debating when you say the other guy isn’t looking at all the evidence, or from all the angles, or is being too simplistic. We’re both guilty of this. Perhaps most people are. But it’s not helpful.
You are correct that it’s a matter of interpretation. Problems can arise, however, when it becomes a matter of “Well, my interpretation isn’t simplistic like yours.” Or, “My interpretation takes into account all the angles, unlike yours.”
Again, I’m guilty of the above, too. And with that, I bow out of this discussion for good.
We’ll never agree on this one. I think the evidence shows that it was absolutely unnecessary from a military point of view, that we had dozens of alternatives that would have brought about the end of war and truly saved lives. Those 300,000 Japanese dead on those two islands count too. No lives were saved by the bombs. Huge numbers of defenseless humans were slaughtered, needlessly, instead.
To me, the decision to drop the bombs was despicable, contemptible, unconscionable, and I doubt FDR would have made the same choice. I know Henry Wallace wouldn’t have.
I’ve never accepted the old chestnut of “all is fair in love and war.” I think what we do in war says profound things about our character, our principles, our worldview. When America dropped the bombs, it told the world that so much of our rhetoric was hollow.
May 31, 2016 at 10:59 am in reply to: US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies" #45080Billy_T
ParticipantAlso, as much as it pisses me off to know that a huge amount of my premium dollars go to making insurance execs rich, it also pisses me off that medicine in America is so expensive — far more expensive than anywhere else on the planet — so that insurance companies have to keep raising their prices to keep up with the providers. And when I say “have to,” I don’t mean as the response to a moral dilemma. I mean as a response to the capitalist system itself, which is the real problem here.
Another angle on this: Without insurance, I would have died in 2003. I couldn’t have afforded chemo treatment on my own. I had just purchased a house, so I didn’t have any equity in that to sell. Yeah, I could have afforded a few doctor’s visits. But not the full treatment schedule. That first year’s chemo regimen was in the neighborhood of 100K, which the insurance company covered. As mentioned above, it’s double that now. When I go through a year of this, it’s costing the insurance company itself roughly 200K, give or take.
If every American has access to a new Single Payer system, and everyone goes to see their doctors, instead of choosing food or lodging instead, as they do now, something has to give. Some combination of non-profit medicine along with an huge increase in funding is going to have to kick in. We won’t just be able to wash our hands of this issue even if we get Single Payer — and we should. It’s going to be just part of the process toward sane, humane health care, and the best way to get there is separate it from the capitalist system itself.
(I’d prefer seeing the end of capitalism altogether, but that’s a different story.)
May 31, 2016 at 10:47 am in reply to: US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies" #45078Billy_T
ParticipantI think it’s disingenuous for an organization of doctors to call for Single Payer. They’re actually just as much a part of the problem as the insurance companies. They have every incentive in the world for a Single Payer system to come into place (they’ll make more money), and no doubt believe they could “capture” it via lobbying, as do Big Pharma, Hospitals and Medical Equipment folks, among others.
Yes, we need Single Payer for the insurance side. We need non-profit health insurance for everyone. But in America, if we leave it at just that, the costs of medicine itself will not go down overall, and may well go up in many cases. As long as medical providers operate under capitalist laws of motion and incentives, those prices will continue to escalate. They, not just the insurance companies, keep raising their prices too on everything from simple 10-minute (almost symbolic) checkups, to surgery, to chemo — with cost pressures also coming from Big Pharma, etc.
The cost of one chemo treatment, for instance, has literally doubled since I started on this journey. From roughly $15,000 to $30,000. And that’s for a single treatment, roughly 4-5 hours in a chair, with a single chemo drip bag and maybe two nurses in attendance (who also look after other patients). I’ve never had an insurance company turn down the chemo, though I have had them say no to a PET scan. Change it to a CT scan, and we’ll cover it, they said.
To make a long story short: We need to make both insurance and delivery of health care a right, not a commodity. Decommidify all of it. Remove it from the capitalist laws of motion. End the profit incentives from both sides of the equation. If we do just the insurance side, we open ourselves up to a gold rush of abuse from medical providers, who will attack the new cash cow with armies of lobbyists and kill it, if they can’t control it.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
But the point of recent historical research is that it (dropping the bombs) didn’t bring an end to war.
I did not read that as recent historical research supplanting other positions. I read it as one possible interpretation among others, and not, to me, a complete or completely historically grounded one. I actually don’t buy the argument.
This issue is an old discussion and has swirled in many directions at once over the years.
That’s fine. We disagree on this one. But doesn’t it at least give you pause that so many generals (and admirals) said it wasn’t necessary at all, including Ike and Nimitz? I listed some of their quotes. They said it wasn’t needed to end the war. That Japan would have surrendered months earlier if we hadn’t been so adamant about “unconditional” surrender. And their only “condition” was to keep their emperor as figure-head. An extremely small price to pay to really, truly “save countless lives.”
Dropping the bombs obviously didn’t save any. It cost at least 300,000 civilian deaths that first year. Who knows how many have died since that first year, due to radiation, etc.?
Anyway, I’m more than convinced by the arguments from others I presented (going back to the start of the thread), and do see them “well-ground” historically. I also see them as brave. Very brave. It’s all but “sacred ground” to argue against WWII policies and our sense of the “greatest generation.” I’ve seen this among conservatives and right-libertarians, especially. The same folks who believe in all kinds of “false flag” ops and basically consider our government evil, simply will not accept that dropping the bomb was wrong — strategically or morally. They draw the line there. Obama is supposedly purposely trying to destroy America, but no way could Truman have gone in a different direction.
Oh, well. I just want peace. Won’t live to see it. But I want it for the youth of the world, at least.
But the point of recent historical research is that it (dropping the bombs) didn’t bring an end to war. I listed all kinds of key military personnel who said, at the time, and later, that it was totally unnecessary and had little to do with Japan’s surrender. There is debate about what those other causes were, but it’s pretty much agreed upon by recent historians that it wasn’t the bomb that did it . . . . and, that Japan was ripe for full surrender months before it. If only we had been willing to grant one condition that we later granted anyway.
Zinn, Chomsky, Gar Alperovitz, among others (including Einstein and most atomic scientists), all say this. And Chomsky adds the horrific note that Nagasaki wasn’t even the end of our bombing. We continued after that world-historical war crime to kill more Japanese civilians.
Personally, I can’t begin to wrap my mind around the idea that it was at all necessary to kill 300,000 unarmed and totally defenseless civilians, especially in order to “save lives.” As Zinn points out, we would be horrified at the suggestion that we should drop a bomb on our own children, which would kill 100,000 of them, for the purpose of shortening the war. But it’s okay to do so on Japanese children?
It didn’t save any lives. It slaughtered 300,000, in the most horrific way imaginable. We had no need to continue on with the invasion (prior to the bomb), as several generals noted at the time. Japan was on the brink of national death. Russia was about to end its neutrality with Japan. It was over. We could have surrounded the islands, blockaded them, worked toward a surrender, and Japan would have taken it. They only had one condition, going back months: let the emperor remain the symbol of the nation. That’s it.
IMO, it was an unforgivable act. Unconscionable and indefensible.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantWe can add MacArthur to the list of those against the bombing as well.
Opposition to dropping the bomb
MacArthur biographer William Manchester has described MacArthur’s reaction to the issuance by the Allies of the Potsdam Proclamation to Japan: “…the Potsdam declaration in July, demand[ed] that Japan surrender unconditionally or face ‘prompt and utter destruction.’ MacArthur was appalled. He knew that the Japanese would never renounce their emperor, and that without him an orderly transition to peace would be impossible anyhow, because his people would never submit to Allied occupation unless he ordered it. Ironically, when the surrender did come, it was conditional, and the condition was a continuation of the imperial reign. Had the General’s advice been followed, the resort to atomic weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki might have been unnecessary.”
William Manchester, American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964, pg. 512.
Norman Cousins was a consultant to General MacArthur during the American occupation of Japan. Cousins writes of his conversations with MacArthur, “MacArthur’s views about the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were starkly different from what the general public supposed.” He continues, “When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted. What, I asked, would his advice have been? He replied that he saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb. The war might have ended weeks earlier, he said, if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor.”
Norman Cousins, The Pathology of Power, pg. 65, 70-71.
ParticipantSome more articles showing why the bombs were not necessary.
From Wikipedia: Opposition to the BombThey include a host of very high-ranking military personnel who felt the same, at the time, along with a commission from 1946 which also determined the bombs weren’t needed.
Howard Zinn later came to this conclusion. He was a bomber in WWII himself.
The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan.
— Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, [69]The use of [the atomic bombs] at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons … The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children.
— Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to President Truman, 1950, [79]The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.
— Major General Curtis LeMay, XXI Bomber Command, September 1945, [80]The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment … It was a mistake to ever drop it … [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it …
— Fleet Admiral William Halsey, Jr., 1964, [80]-
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