Election Day(s)

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  • #124070
    Avatar photozn

    But just the fact progressives have to fight another decade to get something the rest of the world has had for ages, says a lot about the Corporotacracy.

    Remember when we were on one of the first incarnations of this board and discussing Obama and Clinton and the dem. primaries? Back then discussing M4A (which wasn’t even called that then) was like having a conversation about Latvian medieval history. Very few people were in on that discussion. A lot of what we discussed was ground-breaking. And now? Biden has to openly declare he’s against it. So it’s on the menu. It may take 10 years but more than 10 years ago, it wasn’t even comprehensible discussion to a lot of people.


    To Wv: If Biden is just another centrist Republican like you claim Obama and Clinton are- tell me why do 40 million plus people think he’s a communist. I have yet to find a Republican communist in our recent history. What pisses me off is the following: I saw an interview today with AOC on CNN. She pleaded with progressives and moderate DEMOCRATES to come together and join to accomplish what is best for America. By calling Biden a moderate REPUBLICAN is no different than calling him a communist. Moreover, it is precisely what AOC is advocating against and will only further the difference within the DEMOCRATS. . Biden is not or now or ever has been a liberal, moderate, or right wing REPUBLICAN. To say that he belongs in that group is why people don’t trust progressives. Simply put, they know better. If you really want a progressive movement that can actually accomplish stuff just listen to AOC and stop fueling the fires that will never allow that.


    I highly recommend AOC’s interview with Jake Tapper of CNN. She acknowledges the fact that candidates for a House seat that supported Medicare for All won but she also recognizes the House lost power in the House to Republicans. At no time, whether you want to be cynical and call it “pragmatism” , or something worse, did she ever promote the notion that Biden is really a Republican. She acted like a smart adult and I felt profound respect for her. That is precisely how a progressive movement can have teeth and gather even more support that what they have now. She’s smart. She knows that the door is now open for a younger and more progressive movement to become much larger players in the democratic party-something that never would have happened had we seen another 4 years of Trump. I like her.

    Avatar photozn

    By calling Biden a moderate REPUBLICAN is no different than calling him a communist.

    He’s not a communist. None of his ideas, beliefs, policies, or political programs match anything remotely like communisim.

    His ideas, beliefs, policies and political programs do match those of moderate republicans like the 2 Bush presidents.

    Avatar photozn

    Democratic leaders play a ridiculous blame game with progressives


    If a football coach went into a game saying “we’ll rely on passing the ball,” executed that strategy, lost the game, then blamed the loss on running the ball, everyone would laugh at that coach. And yet that’s exactly the approach Democratic moderates are taking after Tuesday’s disappointing House and Senate results: Reject progressives’ suggestions, then blame those suggestions anyway for their failures.

    Remember, from the Democratic primary onward, party leaders warned against running on Medicare-for-all, a Green New Deal and other progressive ideas. That approach, they said, would lead Democrats to lose states such as Florida. (About that…) Instead, Democrats went small, focusing on saving the Affordable Care Act and providing a check on President Trump.

    But after the party lost House seats and failed to retake the Senate, the knives are out for the left anyway. On a House Democrats conference call on Thursday, party leaders and moderates blamed their failures on progressives. Majority Whip James E. Clyburn of South Carolina warned against running on defunding the police or socialized medicine. (Since 2007, Clyburn has collected more than $1.2 million from pharmaceutical PACs, among the most of anyone in Congress.) The attacks were best summed up by Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.): “We need to not ever use the word ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again. … We lost good members because of that.”

    Spanberger’s view was echoed by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on “Meet the Press”: “I don’t think the American people want to sign up for the Green New Deal. … I don’t think they’re interested in Medicare-for-all or higher taxes that would slow down the economy.” But this diagnosis is at odds with the numbers. A near-majority of voters in swing districts supported the Green New Deal. Fifty-three percent of Americans support Medicare-for-all (and 70 percent support a public option). In exit polls, 57 percent of voters expressed support for Black Lives Matter. In Florida, while moderate Democrats up and down the ticket fell flat, voters passed the $15 minimum wage that the left has been pushing for years. As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) observed, every swing-district House Democrat who co-sponsored Medicare-for-all kept their seat.

    Yet even if we assume that these polls and results are all misleading, as Ocasio-Cortez pointed out on CNN on Sunday, “not a single member of Congress that I’m aware of campaigned on socialism or defunding the police.” It’s understandable that congressional Democratic leaders want to blame something other than their own candidate recruitment process. But if a candidate didn’t run on defunding the police, yet still couldn’t avoid being tied to “defunding the police,” that’s the candidate’s fault. If a candidate ran on reaching across the aisle, yet got defined as a socialist, that’s the candidate’s fault. And if that candidate couldn’t manage to tie his or her Republican opponent to almost a quarter of a million covid-19 deaths in the United States, a tanked economy or a dozen other policy fiascos, at least one of which was probably directly relevant to the candidate’s district, that’s the candidate’s fault.

    And it’s the fault of a party that is far behind the times when it comes to campaigning online. During the George W. Bush presidency, Democrats dominated the digital space: Forums and blogs (the so-called Net roots) gave the party an edge in both advertising and organizing. But in 2020, sites like Facebook and (especially) YouTube absorb Americans’ attention spans, regardless of affiliation. Yet Democrats are still playing catch-up from 2016 on the former and have barely begun to mobilize on the latter. Progressives such as Ocasio-Cortez have built their brands in this new online space with techniques the whole party could learn from. Yet leadership has all but ignored their successes.

    Offline, things are little better. Black, brown and working-class voters delivered Joe Biden the presidency; the hard work of turning out those voters wasn’t done by the national party this year, but by grass-roots organizers over many years. Stacey Abrams, whose 2018 Georgia gubernatorial campaign cemented the organizational groundwork that turned the state purple this cycle, noted on CNN that “for minority communities, there has to be consistent engagement.” Running away from Black Lives Matter and real health-care reform is the opposite of that approach.

    This is not to say there is a one-size-fits-all approach to contesting 100 Senate seats and 435 House seats. But it is simply false to claim that standing up proudly for policies such as Medicare-for-all and a Green New Deal hasn’t worked, when the truth is it hasn’t been tried. For decades, congressional Democrats have run every cycle with a moderate message engineered by moderate, high-priced consultants. When this plan succeeds, the party establishment trumpets their wisdom. Yet when it more frequently fails, the leadership and moderates blame the progressives they rejected the entire campaign. It’s a “heads we win, tails you lose” approach, and it’s a farce. Until congressional Democrats stop punching left and start fixing their mistakes, more disappointments are sure to follow.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    UPDATE: Marshall police chief resigns after threatening social media posts

    An Arkansas sheriff called for death to all “Marxist Democrats,” and was fired, when this was discovered. But what about all the people in power who hold these views that we don’t know about, and want to act on them — or have?


    Makes me think of this great work/warning, Martin Niemöller:

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me

    Avatar photoZooey

    This is a video. I don’t know if I can embed it, so here’s the link. I hope this works.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photoZooey.
    Avatar photoZooey

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    Thanks for that. That was hysterical!


    And she didn’t even get to the best part. It was located between a crematorium and a porn-store.

    Avatar photozn

    This is a video. I don’t know if I can embed it, so here’s the link. I hope this works.

    Link works. Vid is there. Poor reporter in a sea of delusionals.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Trump’s next press conference will be in the parking lot of The Waldorf Astoria Tool and Dye Company.

    Avatar photozn


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    If a football coach went into a game saying “we’ll rely on passing the ball,” executed that strategy, lost the game, then blamed the loss on running the ball, everyone would laugh at that coach. And yet that’s exactly the approach Democratic moderates are taking after Tuesday’s disappointing House and Senate results: Reject progressives’ suggestions, then blame those suggestions anyway for their failures.

    erm… correct me if i’m wrong, but doesn’t that sound a lot like… trump tactics?


    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    It’s always been political malpractice for the Dems to chase after (non-existent) Republican fence-sitters. Election after election proves they’re the most likely voters to stick with their own team. Dems do too, but not at the same rates. As in, the GOP has an easier time peeling off disaffected Dems than the reverse.

    The best route for Dem victories has always been to excite and inspire more of their own base, more young people, more lefties, more POCs, etc.

    Oh, and the current food-fight between centrists and progressives is easily solved, if centrists actually want to solve it. Stop accepting the far-right frame for everything, including “socialism,” and never group slogans like “defund the police” with economic programs like M4A. That’s what the far-right wants. They have to be laughing with glee when a Spanberger does that. They want those things permanently attached at the hip, when they’re not at all — at least if we’re talking about how that slogan is perceived.

    Messaging. Focus on major (soc/dem) improvements via healthcare, education, environmental/works programs. Talk about “police reform,” not defunding the police. It should be a very easy sale. If Trump and the GOP can sell odious policies that only help billionaires, there is no logical reason the Dems can’t sell popular programs that help the 99%.

    Avatar photoZooey

    I think Edward Norton has it right, actually.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    Fight Club speaks the truth.

    Trump knows he needs the presidency to protect him from jail, and/or to cut a deal. He’s always known this. He admitted it way back at the start of the Mueller investigation when he said he was “fucked” after finding out how much they had on him. He didn’t think he’d survive any of that, and he wouldn’t have, if Republicans had even a shred of spine, courage or decency.

    Trump has always been the Blanche DuBois of politics, forever relying on the
    “kindness of strangers” to cover for his endless, record-shattering corruption, self-dealing, lies, grift, etc. etc. But unlike DuBois, he’s also needed obscene levels of credulity, bordering on idiocy, from his marks, his fans, and now his cult.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Trump has always been the Blanche DuBois of politics.

    I did not see that comparison coming.

    I read a couple of comments. Trump supporters telling Ed that acting obviously requires no critical thinking skills, and so on, and all basically suggesting that the simple reason Trump is doing this is that he is RIGHT, there was rampant cheating, and he’s fighting to defend America.

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