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  • in reply to: Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House #57992
    — X —

    Democrats have occupied the White House for 16 of the last 24 years, and for four of those years had control of both houses of Congress. But in that time they failed to reverse the decline in working-class wages and economic security. Both Bill Clinton and Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements without providing millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs means of getting new ones that paid at least as well.

    I submit that it’s THAT, and not some sort of White Supremacist movement, that got Trump in. And Killory appeared to offer no substantive change in the status quo. Just cliche’s and regurgitated ‘feels’. And she had the audacity to Champion the state of the Nation and the glorious job Obama had done up to that point. Really? Maybe to the Hollywood elite things were all sunshine and lollipops, but I don’t think she made a concerted effort to really *iisten* to the people. Trump did, and he probably structured his whole campaign around saying the things they all wanted to hear. As bad as that is (if true), how stupid do you have to be to argue against the things he was saying about the economy, and insult the very people who were buying into it? Any one of you on this board could have done a better job advising her throughout her campaign in the general. I’m 100% sure of it.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: 15 cartoonists around the world: on Trump #57990
    — X —

    Very creative. I can appreciate creativity.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Bernie on the Election #57988
    — X —

    Somebody ought to do one with Hitler having a view on the Fire Fisher v Keep Fisher

    As you wish.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57932
    — X —

    Wow, X. Your Jersey girl story isn’t that far away from mine. Long-distance, very young lovers stuff too. Mine lasted about 2.5 years, and it was like a drug for me. Just thinking about driving north on I95 made me crazy. I had it that bad for her.

    It was returned for most of that time, until it wasn’t. And her parents loved me too. Basically all but said they wanted me to be their son-in-law. Looking back on that aspect now, I think their expression of this was the beginning of the end for us. To her, at first, I was this cool, long-haired rebel without a cause, and no way did she want her parents to “approve.” I had won her heart with poetry and my amazing charm and charisma!!! — ;>) — but she was hot-blooded (Puerto Rican and Italian), and didn’t really like the idea of her folks liking her beau.

    I get nostalgic for her when I hear Bruce sing Tom Wait’s song. Those were the days!

    Yeah, I can relate. Picking her up from the airport, or waiting to see her while flying, was torturous. Man if we could somehow bottle that feeling, eh? Oh wait. Ecstasy. But yeah, I had it real bad for her too. She was an artist and a black-belt. I was a guitar player, and a boxer. So we had that goin’ for us. Which was nice. And her parents adored me too, but that’s actually what she wanted more than anything. They were a real tight-knit family with new age ideas and a fond attachment to Woodstock. Very eclectic people who I grew to love more than my own family (another long, long story).

    The thing that brings me back to those days is this song.

    It was playing our first time – in her bedroom in her parent’s townhome – on her oversized white down comforter with the faintest scent of sandalwood incense in the air from her parent’s room – and one small street light shining through her plum-colored curtains, giving off just enough light to see that perfect body and those big brown eyes. That’s a groundhog day I wouldn’t mind being stuck in for eternity.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57915
    — X —

    It’s a fun game. But I haven’t been in a long time. Used to be halfway decent at it, but never got to the point where I bought my own gear. I think I broke 200 once or twice and dated a girl back in the day who could do that regularly. She was my beautiful “Jersey Girl,” and I was damn proud of her and just being with her knocked me for a loop. She was so cool and gorgeous I really didn’t care that she kicked my butt in bowling.

    [Video omitted from the quote because … no.]

    That’s a cool story. I had a girl like that once, and also from Jersey. Old Bridge, to be exact. Her cousin was my best friend in Florida and she used to come down to visit them and we hooked up. Absolutely the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen in my life. To the point that her other cousin used to get caught ogling her. lol. So I went up to NJ every few months (I was 18/19 at the time), and she would come back down every few months until it became obvious that a long distance relationship between teenagers was what it was. We just ended up meeting other people who were more readily available, but I still think about her from time to time, some 32 years later. I wouldn’t wanna run into her now either. I’d rather remember her as the super fine 19 year old black-belt [think: flexibility] that she was.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Spoiled Americans want to flee what they created #57911
    — X —

    That’s cool. I do love good food. And my long-time dream was to have a thousand acres of my own, grow all of my own food, have a coupla lakes and streams for fish and fowl, maybe breed rabbits too as a meat substitute. I’d have giant greenhouses as well, fill them up with every exotic fruit, plant and herb. Would do my best to make sure I never had to go to a grocery store for anything. Everything home grown and fresher than fresh.

    Also dreamed of having work shops for wood and metal. Make my own tools and musical instruments. The whole 19th century deal.

    Simplify, get back to the earth, get back to basics. End my dependence on corporations, etc. etc.

    Well that sounds awesome. I had a similar dream for a while, but not about the non-meat rabbits. *razz

    We did pick up 5 acres in Western NC with a steam in the back in a town that is almost entirely chain free with the exception of two lower-end grocery stores and a gas station. Lots of small independent shops, health food stores, soap and candle makers, an actual cobbler, a taco truck, and within 5 miles of a farmers market. We eat a lot of Quorn products too as a real meat substitute. If you haven’t tried it, I recommend it. Especially the Quorn burgers. Almost identical in taste to a real hamburger with the right seasonings and cooking temp. [review here]

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Spoiled Americans want to flee what they created #57901
    — X —

    Is that a balsamic reduction on those pancakes?
    Because that just sounds awful.

    Mrs. X and I are foodies. But not the shitty, ‘post immediately to Yelp as if I review Michelin Star restaurants for a living’ type foodies. We just like to try different stuff from all of the up and coming chefs and new restaurants/diners/dives in the area. We had Tapas the other day at Zambra, and it was really good. Expensive, but really good.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Please, for the love of God #57897
    — X —

    It’s as if he really didn’t mean all the nasty things he said, whipping his fans into a frenzy of hatred toward them, all to get elected.

    The subtext seems clearly to be:

    “I didn’t mean any of that. It was all for show. It’s just politics.”

    I thought that was fairly obvious while it was happening.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Spoiled Americans want to flee what they created #57894
    — X —

    Is that a balsamic reduction on those pancakes?
    Because that just sounds awful.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57891
    — X —

    Fuck it, let’s go bowling.

    188 average.
    Though, that fluctuates higher and lower depending on my BAC.
    I’ve found that a .102 BAC is the sweet spot.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57882
    — X —

    Btw, X,

    Can you re-post the link to that becoming a minister for the Dude thing?

    Maybe a bunch of us can get together someday and watch The Big Lebowski. Perhaps after watching the Rams trounce the Niners.


    Ha. I would love that.

    Get Ordained Free as a Dudeist Minister

    And after I read your book, you have to read ‘The Tao of the Dude’. lol

    The Tao of the Dude

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57877
    — X —

    This is all tip-toeing toward the edge. Remember the last huddle board fell apart because we let it fly and got into “sides bashing” (eg. “the left/right is universally [something bad]) and personal attacks. The new experiment is that we try to have an open public forum, where politics and social divisions among other things are uncensored topics, but we keep it within bounds.


    I have no intention of going sideways on your board, even though some of my past actions would lead people to believe I can go scorched earth at the flip of a switch. Won’t happen, and I’ve reached out to BT a couple of times to gain a better understanding of him. Yes, my remark was a slight escalation, and I admit it, but it wasn’t meant to incite him. It was just a gentle reminder that words have consequences. That said, I’ll try to rein it in a little out of respect for your rules.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57867
    — X —

    Fair enough. But this is a two-way street. And, whether you believe me or not, the OP was NOT directed at you, though I did use a phrase from one of your comments. It’s directed “out there,” and is a response literally to decades of witnessing this, along with reading histories on the subject of American protest movements, treatment of dissidents, etc. etc.

    I didn’t think it was directed *at* me. I was just addressing the caricaturization *of* me. I made a mistake. I took the word of a spokesman from the NC Fraternal Order of Police who said many of the arrested had out-of-State IDs. I don’t know who told him that, because I couldn’t fact-check it in real time. Nobody could. I had no access to the paperwork within those jails as those people were being arrested. So I made a mistake trusting and repeating the statement of a police official. Shit happens. I usually follow stories to their source and then determine whether or not they have any credibility.

    I’d highly recommend this one, for instance:

    The Age of Acquiescence.

    I’ll check it out, maybe, but a cursory reading of the description tells me I mostly agree with it and have already studied the history and effects of corporatocracy. But as a favor to you, I’ll try to get a copy of this specific book and then maybe we’ll have something to discuss from a common ground perspective.

    And Trump? I have absolutely no doubt that he’s a conartist and that most of his supporters will soon see it too. If his surrounding himself with dozens Washington insiders and big time K-Street lobbyists isn’t enough, watching Ryan and McConnell ram through their agenda should be. He isn’t bringing any “change” beyond his vicious and vulgar public behavior.

    I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, but the prevailing opinion out there – from the right – is that his actions will be held under very close scrutiny, and he’ll be held accountable for his actions if he fails to live up to the promises he’s made to them. My personal twitter feed is littered with those very sentiments from highly regarded political commentators. So we’ll see how it shakes out.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Who owns the world? #57861
    — X —

    That article is 9 years behind the Zeitgeist film which said largely the same things.

    Ever wonder how the world might look if the $1 trillion spent on the USA’s ‘War On Drugs’ since 1971 had instead been spent on pursuing corporate tax evasion and prosecuting corrupt bankers? The USA has the biggest prison population on the planet with 2.4 million behind bars – but the owning class are not among them, instead they are making a fortune from running private prisons and militarising the police force.

    Can’t disagree with that. But again, not a revelation. Question is, how to rectify it. Nobody protests that stuff. Protests, by and large, are futile endeavors that rake tons of ad revenue as a result of their coverage. So waging one against corporations would actually benefit the corporations. It’s good for b’ness. Boycotts? Too late for that. I mean, I try to do my part by shopping mostly at independent health food stores, but even my favorite store, “Earth Fare” was recently purchased by Oak Hill Capital Partners and they completely commercialized it within 3 months.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57858
    — X —

    You obviously don’t know me well, cuz I’ve been expressing my views on a wide range of subjects, online and off, for decades.

    Well, yeah. Of course I don’t know you well. We’ve been exposed to each other’s views for what … 4 days? lol. And how would I know how you conduct yourself offlinefor decades?

    In short, X, you have no clue who I am.

    Again. Clearly. That’s why I asked. You know, to gain a little insight? To get to know you?

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Anti-Trump protests ARE peaceful and organic. #57850
    — X —

    if they’re left-wing, actually believe in non-violent action and resistance

    Maybe they’re not all left-wing. Maybe a great many are man-bun wearing, nose-ring having, or too content with government assistance to search for a job, non-voters. They can do whatever they want, and you can infer whatever you want, and I’ll just sit back in awe of the sheer ridiculousness of it all. And I kinda hope they keep interviewing these people too. That’s pure comedy gold right there. Can’t get enough of that.

    “There will be casualties on both sides!”
    “She should sue the United States!”
    “Fuck Trump Steaks!”

    “They’re shipping in anarchists, honey!!”

    Again, bullshit.

    Nope. Apparently they’re not. That seemingly originated from a spokesman of the NCFOP who later retracted his statement. His initial information was that a great many of Charlotte protesters had out-of-State IDs. No need to get so upset about it though. People make mistakes. And I assume you’re doing a caricature of me, because I’m the only one who mentioned that on this board. If so, nice touch. I’m beginning to get a better feel for how you tick.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57842
    — X —

    I see he gave Ben Carson a job, btw. wv-mom will be very happy about that. I wonder if Pat Robertson will be secretary of transportation.

    I don’t think he did. There’s one of those internet ‘read a tweet and make a story’ things going on with blogs – that are now being picked up by news outlets. It originated on a website, which cites another website called ‘buzzfeed’, that claims it obtained Trump’s short-list for cabinet positions and it had Ben Carson on there for Secretary of Education and Secretary of Health and Human Services. It was laborious trying to find from where that rumor originated, but there you go. It’s the equivalent of a rotoworld story in football. lol.

    Here’s where it all started:

    A source familiar with the list stressed it was not final, and it is unclear whether transition officials have narrowed it down or added more potential candidates for consideration by Trump.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: And the Parent of the Year Award Goes to… #57829
    — X —

    On a different note, Maine legalized recreational marijuana. If I still smoked dope (like I did when I was 20), that might be cheerful news.

    It’s like riding a bike.
    Only, don’t try to ride a bike afterward.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: And the Parent of the Year Award Goes to… #57828
    — X —

    On a more personal level, I know of several cases where families are essentially divided by this and it is leading to remarkably powerful emotional conflict. Members of families vowing never to speak to one another again, in public.

    As do I.

    But there is zero excuse for an adult taking a ‘charged moment’ out on a child. If you don’t possess the wherewithal to put your children first – especially when they don’t know what they did – then don’t have children. You’re not ready, you’re not capable, and you’re not qualified. That kid was actually proud to bring his assignment home and share it with his mother. He probably felt like he was inching towards adulthood by participating in adult things. For that, he gets to pack his shit and leave. Eight years old, zn. Eight. I understand what you’re saying on a broad scale, but this is indefensible.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57826
    — X —

    But protest is far more prevalent than violence and riots. There were literally hundreds of protests across the country like the one in Maine. Now I have not spent a good hour researching this, but what I gather so far is that the peaceful protests are far (far) more common.

    I hope you’re right. I’ve already heard talk about gearing up for a weekend ‘protest’ that involves importing anarchists. Which, subsequently, will make the ‘peaceful’ part of the protest very short-lived. And for the record, I’m not suggesting there’s *only* violence and destruction. There are people downtown where I live who have assembled and are demonstrating peacefully. I might check them out tomorrow too, and take some video to share here. It’s truly a sight when hippies protest. It’s almost like synchronized swimming it’s so organized. And yes, there are still hippies. They all moved to Asheville.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: And the Parent of the Year Award Goes to… #57824
    — X —

    There’s a ton of this stuff.

    I’m not sure how that stuff is similar to the child abuse I just posted.

    I mean, c’mon. That poor kid. Imagine how terrified he was. All that shithead mother had to do was sit him down and rationally explain to him what it is about Trump that she finds distasteful, and why he shouldn’t endorse him. But nah. Throw him out on the streets where he likely felt that he would never again see his family, simply because he didn’t have the intellectual or emotional development to distinguish between popularity and policy. He said he would have voted for Trump because he “saw him on TV before.” For that, he gets to be completely frightened and disowned (he thought) by his own mother.

    Shithead of the highest order.
    And I’ll say it again. Don’t involve your fucking children in your ‘adult’ issues.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57822
    — X —

    It’s a volatile time, and things can get worse. But I have to say, I know people who were in post-election protests in Portland Maine. None of the stuff you are describing happened.

    Oh yeah? Know anyone in Portland Oregon?

    About 4,000 protesters assembled downtown late Thursday chanting “we reject the president-elect!” the Associated Press reported. Some among the crowd vandalized 19 cars at a dealership in Northeast Portland, according to a sales manager, reports. Protesters then headed west, over the Broadway Bridge and into the Pearl District, where the windows of several businesses were smashed.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Draining the Swamp #57820
    — X —

    And then there is this today….

    backing off repealing Obamacare.

    The confetti isn’t even swept up yet, and Donald is backtracking on all those straight-talking promises.

    Just being pragmatic. He’ll either repeal it and replace it, or amend it until there’s nothing left of it aside from the two provisions he told Obama he’d consider keeping. The prohibition against insurers denying coverage because of patients’ existing conditions, and a provision that allows parents to provide years of additional coverage for children [up to age 26] on their insurance policies. If that’s backtracking, then okay. Of that whole law, he said he’ll consider keeping two provisions.

    I will be keeping an eye on his cabinet appointees, though. I’ve feared he was gonna bring in the people who stuck with him during his campaign. I swear if Palin gets anything other than Press Secretary, I’ll flip my lid.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57819
    — X —

    If you do a search for recent vids showing racist incidents in the wake of election, there are many. Many, many. Here’s a few more. I submit that we are far more likely to have to worry about stuff like this:

    Certainly possible. There are shitbags on both sides here. I hear the “they go low, we go high” crowd across America is now resting in order to gear up for a weekend melee – er, I mean peaceful demonstration – wherein they’ll damage more struggling small businesses, destroy people’s personal property (cars, etc), hurl objects at the police, and attack their detractors. Of course that will all be made right by their “Love Trumps Hate” signs they’ll proudly display as they spew their profanity-laden hate-speech into the ambient air. I must say, the “Fuck Trump Steaks” chant was truly inspired.

    Ah, love.
    The only force truly capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
    God bless’m.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57815
    — X —

    Let’s not forget, I have seen on the net that the KKK are planning parades for Trump’s victory. One is in North Carolina. That is disgusting. Hoping the state will not allow them to do it. Same goes with other states as well. Can’t let it to be Amerikkka. That is what we are seeing.

    Yeah, that’s what we need to worry about. Assembly.
    Not stuff like this.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57813
    — X —

    I realize this will read like the ramblings of a madman–but, as I said–words fail. God is non-verbal. Expressing what it means to me in words is futile.

    Nope. You’re on the path.
    Thanks for sharing too. I appreciate it.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by -- X --.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57791
    — X —

    Religion in 4 words?

    “There are no gods”

    Except for the 12 in Ancient Greece. I’d love to hop in a time machine and just walk around listening to people worshiping all of those different deities. Of them all, I think Bacchus would have been my choice.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: two bald eagles stuck in a sewer drain… #57788
    — X —

    Well, most of the mountains have been blown up by the out-of-state-coal-barrons
    or fracked into toxic-soup by the out-of-state-Oil-barrons.

    So there’s that.

    I’m very sorry to hear that.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Looking for SOMETHING positive #57783
    — X —

    I’ve attended Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, Unitarian and Brethren services.

    I also attended a taping of “The PTL Club” with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.

    My mother was a big fan so we stopped at their studios in Virginia on the drive back from a vacation in Florida. I was only 14 or so at the time. I don’t remember much but what I do remember was surreal. We were seated in upper part of the balcony. I remember a young boy walking down to the front of the balcony to take a picture of the stage where Jim and Tammy Faye were. Before he could even get the viewfinder to his eye, a couple security guys grabbed it from him and confiscated it. The boy ran crying back to his mother. I don’t know if they ever gave the camera back to the kid. I just know I couldn’t wait to get out of there. It felt very ‘cultish’ to me.

    In college I dated a girl who said she was a witch. She told me she was 400 years old. She was a computer science major. Very smart and pretty. I went to her apartment once and she had lit candles everywhere. She dumped me pretty quickly though. She was into motorcycle guys and I was a VW Beetle guy.

    Those are cool stories, man. Thanks for sharing them.
    I’ll post a follow-up of my experiences at a later date.
    It’ll be fairly voluminous.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: two bald eagles stuck in a sewer drain… #57772
    — X —

    “Now and again it is necessary to seclude among deep mountains
    and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life.

    You’re surrounding by that stuff, aren’t you?

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

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