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  • TSRF

    Here in Connecticut, most open businesses have signs out front stating that masks are required. Two weeks ago, in a local supermarket, I only saw one person not wearing a mask. Since then, every time I’ve been, everybody has been wearing a mask.
    My 20 year old son has been given the green light to go back to his co-op job in Cambridge, MA. He’s been home with us since St Patty’s Day. He has an apartment in Mission Hill, and recently bought a bicycle. I guess it is safer than riding the T… I’ll be bringing him back this week.

    in reply to: Fauci, sexual assault, politics, lies #114748

    I wonder what the chances are that the woman currently accusing Biden is from the same ilk?

    Supposedly, Putin turns her on (at least according to Bill Maher).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by TSRF.
    in reply to: Basil #114746

    Moldy Pesto? Dude, you have to freeze it (basil the plant doesn’t like cold, but Pesto the sauce freezes great).

    We retrieved our son form Boston on St Patty’s day. He goes to Northeastern and was doing a Co-op in Boston (still working remote, which is nice, because he is applying all his Co-op income to tuition for the fall). Anyway, he has gone vegetarian on us, but also doesn’t like tomatoes all that much. It is good for all three of us, as we have sort of gone vegetarian too (but every so often, maybe once every two weeks or so, the wife and I will have a burger on the grill or a pulled pork sandwich or something like that. I think I’m going to get some PIE Mussels for Mother’s Day lunch tomorrow). Anyway, I thawed out a half pint of pesto and boiled up a bag of cheese tortellini. So friggin good, we made another batch the very next day.

    in reply to: Basil #114737

    Thank gods I didn’t listen to you and run out and plant some! My back deck is covered in ice. We had rain and then a freeze last night. Do you know what a freeze does to Basil? DO YOU??

    Anyway, yes. We still have pesto in the freezer from last year’s crop. I’m moving my seed in the ground date to May 21st because of this freakishly cold spring.

    in reply to: Leslie Nielsen | A Serious Talent | A Docu-Mini #114736

    Thanks for posting, Jack.

    We all enjoyed it.

    My Leslie Nielsen story: I went to the University of Bridgeport back in the 1980’s and they had this really cool audotorium that seated about 200 and looked like a flying saucer from the outside. They would play cult classic movies throughout the year. Anyway, this was shortly after “Airplane” came out. They were going to show “Forbidden Planet” on that Friday. To advertise the move, they would post reproductions of the original movie poster around campus. When I saw Leslie Nielsen was in it, I assumed it was a comedy and talked 10 or 15 of my friends to go.

    About halfway through the movie, I realized it wasn’t a comedy. I’m a sci-fi geek, so I loved it, but I thought everyone was going to be pissed at me because it wasn’t a comedy. We were all somewhat chemically enhanced (beer and pot) so most everybody enjoyed the movie.

    I never knew the back story until I watched the video you posted.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: US is Officially a Totalitarian Regime #114735

    I can’t see how anybody could love Trump. I don’t watch Fox News, but the spin there must be dizzying. I have been lucky enough to work from home, and living here in CT I got to watch and / or listen to Cuomo’s daily briefing, and then Trump’s daily briefing. The difference was night and day. The best part for me was the Q and A session with Trump. If there was any doubt he’s a jackass, those Q and A sessions should prove definitively that he is one.
    The man love himself and care about his interests and desperately wants to get reelected. Everything and everybody else can go to Hell.

    in reply to: stuplimity #114568

    That is the exact feeling I was getting watching Trump’s daily “Chinese virus” briefings. Bored because I knew I wasn’t going to get any real news, astonished at the new lows he was able to hit. Desensitized by the realization this is the new normal.

    in reply to: Are you a violet murderer? #113506

    My name is TSRF, and I am a Violet murderer.

    I hate them. I’m fighting a full scale bush war to keep them out of my garden (Man versus Nature; The road to Victory).

    Do you know what happens when you hit one violet with a rototiller? You get 10 violets!

    I’m also dealing with Karma here; we transported most of my father-in-law’s garden to my garden. He loved Violets, but always had them on the outside of his garden. Maybe I’m just lazy. He would move them to the outside of his garden. They are all over mine, so I’ve gone into full kill mode.

    Fuck you, Violet! Not in MY garden!

    in reply to: Andrew Cuomo #113409

    Cuomo came out and stated that he is not running for president, he never thought of running for president, he never will run for president.

    I wish he would…like now, because I don’t think we can survive four more years of this.

    in reply to: Hearts of Stone? #113176

    Sorry to hear all that, Billy.

    You have always been one of my favorite poster, here and other places.

    Hope this cheers you up:

    in reply to: Logos/colors Monday … and … here it is #112882

    To me, it looks dead. Like the cow skull you’d see in a Western. Funny how some people see a penis in it, but some people see a penis in everything…

    in reply to: Will there be a season? #112840

    ZN quoting Ecclesiastes.. or was it the Byrds?

    Either way, just another Sign.

    in reply to: Coronavirus and Us #112839

    So… here we are.

    I’m 55 going on 56 in May but am at higher risk because I have asthma. My wife is 56 and is in very good health. My 20 year old son was doing a co-op at Draper Labs in Cambridge, MA. At the end of last week, they told all of the co-ops they could work from home. We went and got him on Tuesday. From a traffic standpoint, it was the best drive to Boston I have ever had.
    My 24 year old daughter was living in DC. She just got back from a business trip to London 2 weeks ago. Her boy friend recently moved in with her. He is a farm boy from IL. They decided the best thing to do was to go to his parents in the middle of nowhere and hunker down. They made it there late Friday. Hopefully, they aren’t the ones bringing the virus to that community.
    I’ve been told I am on a Work From Home protocol. That is fine by me. I’ve been doing a weekly 176 mile commute (one way) to Beverly, MA from here in CT.
    We just had our first confirmed case in town, but that is to be expected; we’re only 60 miles from Time Square and a large percentage of people here commute into NYC.
    Needless to say, this has been a very strange winter, now turned to spring. The three of us got out and did a lot of spring cleaning raking and leaf removal. Just in time as we’re going to be getting snow and rain today.

    All the best, stay well.

    in reply to: So what exactly are you people doing? #112502

    Just got back from Boston. My wife and I drove up to get my 20 year old son, who goes to Northeastern and is doing a Co-op that started in January. They will let him work remote and hopefully still pay him through the end of June.

    My 24 year old is in DC. She is planning on hunkering down in Illinois where her boyfriend is from. They are planning on leaving on Friday. The way this shit is accelerating, I’m trying to convince her to get out of Dodge as soon as she can. She can also work remote.

    I can work remote, and will.

    I have to curb my hoarder tendencies whenever I go to the Supermarket. I almost bought two cartons of cigarettes, but my wife talked me out of it. I don’t smoke, but thought they may come in handy down the road (a pack of cigarettes for half a deer, maybe?).

    Anyway, same, same here in Sandy Hook…

    in reply to: virus news … (+ some dark humor) #112432

    Thanks, Zooey.

    I was going to post an article about female urinals or other strange things, but that post just poured out of me.

    There are some inaccuracies and illetarations (and Sister Mary Francis would not approve) but there we go.

    Stay safe,

    in reply to: virus news … (+ some dark humor) #112398

    Sometimes I feel like I’m in the warm up band for the Four Horsemen.
    I saw the smoke from the World Trade Center on 9/11. I live in Sandy Hook, CT. We were in Boston looking at schools for the Marathon Bombing.

    This too shall pass. It may kill some of us, it may kill all of us but just remember; we’ll always have ’99.

    in reply to: Ashes to ashes #111830

    The American Dream.

    We’re fucked.

    “We know Major Tom’s a Junkie, strung out in Heaven’s High, hitting an all time low…”

    in reply to: A plea #111715

    I may be giving him too much credit, but maybe Trump is using reverse psychology here. As in, by saying he wants Bernie, he is hoping the DNC does the opposite.

    By the way, Ho Chi Minh would need to provide papers that he was born in the USA. I’m not sure, but that may be a problem for him.

    Isn’t Mr. Magoo already VP?

    in reply to: Bloomberg #111397

    Which circle of Hell did we just descend into?

    in reply to: Saturday Morning Observations: Surgeons and pain #111371

    Hang in there, Billy.

    If your doctor knew both needed additional work, he should have tried and scheduled it to do both at the same time (unless you had to drive yourself home; then I can see why they wouldn’t do that).

    From a clinical standpoint, I think doctors don’t consider short term pain at all. They are focused on the end result.

    By far and away, the worst surgery I have had was tonsil removal at 25. They cut them out and then basically took a flamethrower to the back of my throat. I couldn’t eat for a week and dropped about 10 lbs.

    On my follow up, at 2 weeks past when I was basically back to normal, I asked my doctor why he didn’t warn me how shitty I was going to feel. He laughed and said, “You may never have brochitis again. Isn’t that worth it?”

    I think that is how the majority of them think.

    in reply to: Rush Limbaugh #111181

    I hear you, Jack. And how about how “surprised” he was to be honored?

    I’ve been told that holding hate in my heart is bad for my eternal soul. I’d sacrafice a few millenia in Limbo if those two go straight to Hell…

    in reply to: Does anyone sharpen their kitchen knives? #111176

    Yes, yes, a million times yes!

    The most dangerous thing in a kitchen is a dull knife (second is a fully stocked liquor cabinet).

    I worked a summer as a barback at a Chi-Chi’s down here in CT. Barback is like a busboy for the bar. Stock the glasses, fill the ice bins, switch out the empty kegs, mix the margarita and sangria (on tap) in the basement, keep all the mixers full and cut all the fruit. Anyway, they had a rule that I had to get 10 lime circles per lime, and when I started, all they had were dull assed knives (never, ever put a good knife in a dishwasher, dulls it out in no time). Anyway, after three or four deep cuts, the head bartender took pity on me and told the manager the knives had to be sharpened. The manager brought in one of those roundish sharpening stones, presumably from his knife set. Anyway, I got pretty good with it and don’t think I cut myself there again (maybe once, but a sharp knife cut doesn’t hurt near as much as a dull knife cut)…

    I hope this helps.

    Sharp axes are good too.

    in reply to: “Rams to meet with Todd Gurley to discuss 2020 status” #111094

    But you can tell him, we are going to trade or cut your ass if you don’t take this pay cut…

    I’m thinking that is where they are at, and the Rams know they can’t trade him…

    in reply to: Trump’s State of the Union Speech #111042

    Bern, Baby, Bern!

    in reply to: Spags #110975

    I’m happy for Spags. Was so impressed when his Giants D took down the previously undefeated Pats. I thought we had hit a home run with him… My guess is he will be VERY good head coach his next time out.

    in reply to: superbowl thread including reactions & highlights #110717

    I am so rooting for the Chiefs it makes the hair on my head (what is left of it) hurt.

    in reply to: RIP Terry Jones #110716

    Always Look at the Bright Side of Life
    Bruce Cockburn

    Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say.
    Some things in life are bad,
    They can really make you mad.
    Other things just make you swear and curse.
    When you’re chewing on life’s gristle,
    Don’t grumble, give a whistle!
    And this’ll help things turn out for the best
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life
    If life seems jolly rotten,
    There’s something you’ve forgotten!
    And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing,
    When you’re feeling in the dumps,
    Don’t be silly chumps,
    Just purse your lips and whistle — that’s the thing!
    And always look on the bright side of life
    Come on!
    Always look on the bright side of life
    For life is quite absurd,
    And death’s the final word.
    You must always face the curtain with a bow!

    in reply to: WV #110706

    I always thought it was an ELP song.


    I don’t know.

    I think we would have been a lot closer to contending if we kept Son of Bum, since he was shaping this D and may have had his best iteration in 2020.

    Hopefully the new guy can mold this D as good or better than Wade would have.

    in reply to: Former Rams linebacker Carl Ekern #110402

    That is a great read. Didn’t know Carl was dead. I think he played in the “Eagle” 2-5-4 D’s back when the Rams had an abundance of LB’s.

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