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  • in reply to: 1 game left in the PS, you can get it free #50758


    For the past five years I’ve watched Rams games on my laptop. You have to wade through the ads, but when you get through that games come in just fine.



    those are the 3 sites i have bookmarked to use


    zn, I’ve used the atdhe site as well, but I’ve also worried about viruses and spam ware with it. I have a security program, but still…
    I’ve never tried those other 3 sites. Which ones seem to log in quicker and give more consistent video feeds (the atdhe site seems to take a long time to load and the video hesitation can drive me crazy)?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by NewMexicoRam.
    in reply to: Anybody think Trump still has a chance? #50573

    Yes, I believe Trump could win. Not very likely.

    But, if Wikileaks keeps coming out with bigger and bigger bombshells on Hillary, who knows?

    in reply to: Latest Electoral Map #49315

    Western Illinois University has predicted it accurately every election since 1976. Down to the state, I believe.

    However, they predicted Bernie Sanders would win this time, so….


    The Democratic convention isn’t over yet. Tomorrow may prove to provide interesting entertainment.

    in reply to: will the 2016 Rams offense be "boring"? #49178

    Will the Rams offense be boring this year?

    I hope not. At least for the other teams’ defensive coordinators.

    I hope they lose more than a few nights sleep.


    Just yesterday I spoke with a patient of mine who is a very high ranking Democratic member of our New Mexico Statehouse and will be attending the Democratic Convention next week.
    Even though I am a registered Republican (which I don’t think I ever told her that), we get along very well and have interesting and civil political discussions when she is in the office.
    Yesterday, we discussed the presidential candidates and our total disgust with both of them.
    Our nation is not at a very proud moment of history.

    in reply to: Broncos extend record offer to Miller #48868

    Wonder what this means for their cap situation, along the lines of what info agamenon has posted before?

    Cause it sure seems sometimes like only the Rams have to follow the cap!

    in reply to: yeah, well…caption THIS #48520

    NFL Hall of Fame looks back at the early careers of the Rams inductees for 2035

    in reply to: FBI says no charges for Hildabeast #48086

    I hear the pressure may be on to remove Hillary’s security clearances. Not like that would prevent her from top clearances as President, but it is interesting to review the security clearances information at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security at the State Dept:

    Guideline K:
    Handling Protected Information

    33. The Concern. Deliberate or negligent failure to comply with rules and regulations for protecting classified or other sensitive information raises doubt about an individual’s trustworthiness, judgment, reliability, or willingness and ability to safeguard such information, and is a serious security concern.
    34. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:

    (a) deliberate or negligent disclosure of classified or other protected information to unauthorized persons, including but not limited to personal or business contacts, to the media, or to persons present at seminars, meetings, or conferences;
    (b) collecting or storing classified or other protected information in any unauthorized location;
    (c) loading, drafting, editing, modifying, storing, transmitting, or otherwise handling classified reports, data, or other information on any unapproved equipment including but not limited to any typewriter, word processor, or computer hardware, software, drive, system, gameboard, handheld, “palm” or pocket device or other adjunct equipment;
    (d) inappropriate efforts to obtain or view classified or other protected information outside one’s need to know;
    (e) copying classified or other protected information in a manner designed to conceal or remove classification or other document control markings;
    (f) viewing or downloading information from a secure system when the information is beyond the individual’s need to know;
    (g) any failure to comply with rules for the protection of classified or other sensitive information;
    (h) negligence or lax security habits that persist despite counseling by management;
    (i) failure to comply with rules or regulations that results in damage to the National Security, regardless of whether it was deliberate or negligent.

    35. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:

    (a) so much time has elapsed since the behavior, or it happened so infrequently or under such unusual circumstances that it is unlikely to recur or does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or good judgment;
    (b) the individual responded favorably to counseling or remedial security training and now demonstrates a positive attitude toward the discharge of security responsibilities;
    (c) the security violations were due to improper or inadequate training.

    in reply to: FBI says no charges for Hildabeast #48055

    It may not be over. Comey declines to comment on a question regarding people and organizations around Hillary.
    Could the Clinton foundation and its board be in trouble?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by NewMexicoRam.
    in reply to: FBI says no charges for Hildabeast #47915

    It’s out.

    I didn’t see that. Thanks. Will be interesting if there’s some reports on the content of those e-mails.
    Comey’s commentary was strange. He says there isn’t anything but careless handling of the server, but the law seems to include that as a means to prosecute. Think the Hillary/Bill hit man team had any pressure on Comey? I’m being somewhat facetious, but Comey probably knows more about that history than we do. He just sounded conflicted, maybe he was told to stop the process?

    in reply to: FBI says no charges for Hildabeast #47912

    The best gift ever to the Trump campaign. The hypocrisy of the insider for all to see. And it is so easy to see. Trump will ride this latest outrage to victory.

    I hear that Wikileaks says they will soon have a major release regarding Hillary and the e-mails.
    The bomb could fall yet. If so, that would be especially bad for the Dems if release after the convention.

    in reply to: One Kind of Salary Cap Model archive*** #47174

    Man, ALL of you guys could sure give Demoff a run for the money!
    Great analysis, all around!

    in reply to: what killed NFL Europe? #47013

    Sounds good.
    But leave my town, Albuquerque, out of it please.
    I just couldn’t bear to hear Albuquerque A-holes.

    in reply to: history of interpreting amendment #2 #46790

    Well, that makes sense, zn, and brings up a point I had forgotten to make.

    The discussion about restraint, original intent, living documents, etc seem to predominate and flows from one side to another side depending on the issue at hand or decision of the day.

    A major theme that is missing most of the time is the idea of limited federal government. That is, that the Constitution in many ways was to set limits on what the federal government could do, but was hands off in regards to what the states could do (exception being the Bill of Rights, which the states also must follow).

    So, as an example, the abortion issue has been narrowed down over the years to mean a judicial decision that affects what laws the states can make, which is what pro-choice people want. If the pro-life people got what they want, a new judicial decision reversing Roe v Wade, what would really happen is the issue would revert back to each state deciding what laws to make for themselves, but I bet most people would say a reversal of Roe v Wade would end all abortions (not the case at all).

    So, I’m being a bit winded here, we need to remember states rights, but the federal government, and the Supreme Court, lacks restraint that the Constitution was meant to enforce, which many times can make court decisions appear “liberal” or “conservative” when what is really happening is a violation of states rights by the federal government.

    I hope that flows enough to make sense of it. I’m trying to quickly get back to my dictating so I can get home before 8.

    in reply to: time to take the political compass poll again #46767

    I liked all of the pretty colors so much, I just couldn’t decide on one, so I tried to touch them all!

    in reply to: history of interpreting amendment #2 #46730

    Would you agree that we, as people in this nation, must be careful when we interpret how the Constitution is to guide us? The interpretations seem to change over time, especially when decided 5-4 with one person being the difference. That borders on making Constitutional changes without the process of Constitutional amendments, which is supposed to be an arduous process, which the founding fathers specifically thought was so important to implement.

    I know there is Dred Scott, among others, as examples of how changes in Constitutional interpretation where needed.

    But as a rule, judicial restraint should be followed more closely, otherwise it becomes “one vote” Constitutional “amending.”

    in reply to: garden pics #46722

    But it is very nice. We enjoyed your photos.
    That’s the difference with Maine and New Mexico. All plants need water and to make ours grow, we can’t wait on just the July rains, we have to irrigate. And that means localized distinct areas of plants, not spread out.

    in reply to: LA Rams radio rights #46721

    I wonder if St. Louis will ever host an NFL team again? 2 teams have left there, both were transplanted there from other cities, then left.
    Maybe if it’s a team totally original to St. Louis, not a team moving in?
    It is difficult to see that happening, with 32 teams already. It would almost require the addition of 4 new teams to the league, creating 18 teams per conference, 6 teams per division (change to 3 divisions each conference).

    in reply to: garden pics #46715

    My wife says “thank you”.
    I must add that I did do a lot of the digging, leveling, and laying of the paver stones. It took 6 months to do that.

    in reply to: garden pics #46698

    Thanks, zn, but as a newbie, looks like I still messed up the photos–too small and 2 are on their side.

    in reply to: garden pics #46696

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by NewMexicoRam.
    in reply to: garden pics #46692

    These links are from early to mid-June in Albuquerque.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by NewMexicoRam.
    in reply to: history of interpreting amendment #2 #46691

    Even with all of the extensive documentation regarding history and precedence, doesn’t it still come down to how one, that is jurists, view and interpret the Constitution? I mean, if one is an originalist, one has a different way to interpret the words than if one is a believer that the Constitution is a living document.
    So, to me, the argument comes down to Constitutional interpretation, not it’s history.
    Personally, I am more of a strict originalist. If the Constitution’s meaning needs to change, it needs to do so by amendments.

    in reply to: Graduation Parties #46690

    New Mexico has tons of graduation parties.
    We home school and all of our home school friends definitely host events.
    And all of the kids graduating from public school in the neighborhood and at our church have parties, too.


    I am not a Donald fan, not even from a distance. I will definitely hold my nose as I vote this year.
    But HRC reminds me of Richard Nixon. Everything is hidden, covered over, excused, and no one had better get in her way.
    Of course, I don’t like what she stands for, but this e-mail problem goes beyond that. She really compromised national security for her own purposes, whatever they may have been.
    I don’t know if the Justice Dept will do what is right and enforce the law in regards to the e-mails. If we see more people closely involved getting plea deals, then we know the hammer will fall.

    in reply to: time to take the political compass poll again #46678

    Here's mine.

    If it doesn’t show, I’m +2 on the y axis and 0 on the x axis.
    Close to dead center.

    in reply to: garden pics #46677

    Very nice. I know my wife would have loved to have walked through your garden while we were in Maine.
    I’ll have to figure out a way to post photos from my wife’s garden.
    She’s been working on perfecting it the last 13 years, so it’s pretty impressive, I think.

    in reply to: Fairley Coples Easley #44413

    For a second there, I thought your title said “copulate”

    Wow, it’s been a long day with 12 charts to finish yet.

    in reply to: 40 most hated NFL players of all time #44412

    For me…Fran Tarkenton and any of the ’70’s Vikings.

    in reply to: Rams sign Easley #44278

    I LIKE this signing. Hopefully, he will be able to stay on the field.

    zn, don’t you think it’s time to change the log in page so it says “Los Angeles” rather than “St. Louis?” 🙂

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