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ModeratorSaw that on Twitter (where I dwell sometimes) and that guy is a massive asshole.
Glad she didn’t back down.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
July 2, 2019 at 8:15 am in reply to: the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters #102547Mackeyser
ModeratorI’m in a single payer system: Medicare-and I love it. Do I think it will work in this country for everyone ? No. There’s no comparing Canada’s system w/ roughly 35 million people to the US w/ roughly 300 million people. I’m attaching what I consider a scholarly article from Forbes that goes into detail on this subject. I urge you to read the entirety of the article even though it was written by a doctor. (i.e. “I couldn’t get past the fact that the author…”) IMO the comparison to Medicaid and Medicare (both government run) is quite telling.
“until we find an effective way to limit healthcare spending, American healthcare will continue to fail — whether it is funded by private individuals, by competing insurance companies, or by a single payer… The drivers of cost inflation are drug prices rising at double-digit rates, new medical technology increasing expenditures on procedures, wages going up in response to labor shortages, and expensive regulatory requirements. Price controls in this environment can’t work.”
IMO the most logical answer is to carefully look at how we can improve the Affordable Care Act ( ObamaCare) and have to the guts to implement those changes that are needed.
I read that article when it came out and it’s just wrong on so many things. I apologize but I’ve talked about it in other spaces and I’m all talked out about it.
The whole point of the currently proposed Medicare for All is that while there is a transition period, Medicare is bolstered significantly to account for the disparity in private/public payments. The article does a poor job iirc in speaking to how some hospitals will see MORE money because they are actually getting paid for care they were not being paid for before. Moreover, in a M4A situation where everyone is covered, they can see a GP well before they need to go to the ER and thus can save thousands per person in underserved areas.
it also ignores that the single biggest impediment to entrepreneurs growing their business is employee cost and healthcare is the biggest hurdle.
Two things trouble me, tho.
1) The minute there’s a M4A option, various insurance companies will drop out of the market entirely because a) it’s never a good idea to stay in a dying industry and b) creating havoc will only weaken the attempt to remove the profit motive from other fields… like incarceration. That means that things like freezing insurance rates prior to the M4A launch is a must or we’ll see the same shenanigans we saw prior to the ACA launch. The M4A law has to account for MILLIONS of people entering the system all at once and plan for a ROBUST launch.
2) Cost controls HAVE to be baked in from the start. Otherwise, the private market will simply choke the public system. Bernie’s right that it’s not enough even to pass M4A. if there isn’t broad pressure to get all the parts right, it won’t be enough and the 1% will kill it and we’ll be back to before the ACA and the debate will be dead for a generation or more.
Now, imho, we should also confront the Pharma manufacturers and make clear to them that much of what they make they got from US lab development. If they want to sell in the US, they’re going to negotiate. If they threaten to move overseas like they did with vaccines, then we’ll just nationalize that medicine like we should nationalize the vaccine program, seize their research and facilities under legal grounds of both National Security and Eminent Domain and distribute the medicines out of the FDA at cost.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
July 2, 2019 at 8:01 am in reply to: the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters #102546Mackeyser
ModeratorI didnt watch the debate. Didnt even know they were having one, to be honest. I no longer have any desire whatsoever to keep track of ‘the rigged system’ or whatever we wanna call it. But thats just me
I did talk to a nice, centrist/conservative/WV-democrat the other day at the courthouse. She likes Biden, more or less. She winces at the mention of Bernie’s name. She sez “he wants to give everything away.” She blames the poor for making bad choices and thinks Bernie would enable people by giving away too much ‘free’ stuff. Thats how she interprets things. Bernie is giving stuff away for free. People should have to work for things.
I wish the rapture would come, and these people would all disappear.
vHahahahahahahahaha!!!! That was a GREAT line!
It’s funny how decent people who know nothing about how our gov’t works or even what certain basic terms mean have these rather involved opinions.
YEARLY Worldwide oil subsidies are nearly twice the GDP… OF THE UNITED STATES!!!
As for Bernie, I don’t want him changing anything. The whole point is that the dude’s been a broken record for 30+ years and it’s his consistency that is his strongest attribute. He’s opposed regime change since the 80s and likely back to the 60s as a student. I watched a speech of his from the late 80s and it’s basically the same damn speech.
The problem is that he’s only recently gotten a wider audience as millennials led the charge toward him as they saw en masse that the current system of parasitic capitalism wasn’t even going to allow them the fantasy of the Matrix while sucking their life forces as if they were batteries.
Most people no longer hold illusions of fairness or upward mobility, but SOME hold out hope, because the alternative is too horrible for them to contemplate.
I’ve found with my own mom that boomers are REALLY going to struggle with how we have to redefine everything as the entire nature of work shifts.
We have WAY too much work capacity in most fields and as automation kicks in on an exponential level so much massive change is coming that they will struggle. Firstly, we can’t simply “work” our way out of economic problems because all the investment isn’t in human capital, but specifically to remove humans from the means of production.
We’re going to see a MASSIVE shift soon. Right now there aren’t enough truck drivers. There are as many as 3.5M truck drivers and another 7+M people in support of that industry from mechanics to truck stops to all the logistical support to container repair technicians, etc. Well MUCH of that is going away…and right soon. And you aren’t going to get a truck driver with a HS diploma and 30 years in a rig to become a coder in 9 months anymore than a bunch of coal miners became coders.
Moreover, as self-driving cars become more reality and fleet leasing becomes the preferred mode of “ownership”, You’ll have vehicles that ALWAYS follow the rules. They won’t overstay a meter or exceed the speed limit or make an illegal turn.
As of 10 years ago and I’m certain not much has changed, LA county got something like 35% of it’s operating budget from traffic control. With no DUIs, no parking violations and no moving violations, how are cities big and small going to make up that revenue? In some small cities near interstates, it can be higher than 90% (one in Maryland is like that).
Everything from how we consider ourselves and our role in society to how we fund our services is going to have to change and radically.
The baby boomers who are maybe the generation most connecting of their value to their work is going to struggle the most with it.
In 2019, there are people who make their living on Instagram and putting content on Youtube or Twitch or other platforms.
I should just write a paper or something so I can quit going on all these rants… Think of all the pixels I would save!
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
July 2, 2019 at 7:38 am in reply to: the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters #102545Mackeyser
ModeratorGood to see you, Mack. I was just wondering about you a few hours before I opened this thread up.
I think Bernie needs to freshen his message. I can see why W sees him as running on “Fuck the rich.” I don’t think that’s what Bernie means, but I can see how it comes across that way.
Personally I think the winning message is a Vision of a green future with economic prosperity created through green industries. New jobs, new possibilities, a high tech, low carbon footprint world full of flowers and cute little wild animals.
I don’t think it’s enough to run Against Trump. The Democrats need to sell a Vision. People will buy that. Right now, it’s “Trump Sucks…and here’s a vast smorgasbord of policies.” I’d be out there talking about self-driving green cars, booming alternative energy industries, cellulose-based “plastics,” AI/Robots, colonizing Mars, Virtual Reality, high tech surgery, the whole Star Trek thing. All free from foreign oil entanglements. Democrats haven’t offered a vision since Kennedy. This country is still clinging to Reagan’s vision – in spite of the fact it has brought us HERE – because nobody has hit the Reset button.
I think Biden is going to fizzle in an embarrassing way if he continues to run on a “Obama 2: The Sidekick” trail. People want change. Trump offered it, and won. There are a lot of people out there saying, “No, not that kind of change,” but a return to the status quo isn’t enough for the people who are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and that’s half the country or more. They want a vision of a world that includes THEM in an economic expansion, not just a removal of Trump, and not just a redistribution of wealth through taxes and programs.
It’s interesting that the debates are on Bernie’s ground, though. The issues front and center are the issues he raised, and the DNC doesn’t like it, but the cat is out of the bag. The Overton Window has moved. I just can’t believe that the Green New Deal isn’t in the center of it. The DNC can limit questions on climate change, but I am surprised that none of the two dozen candidates if forcing the issue. It’s polling as the most important issue to people. The MOST important. And it’s a second or third tier topic, down there with expanding social security, or something.
I didn’t see the debates, but the “viral” bits were not about the GND.
Long ways to go, here. I will say I expect the Center to pull behind Harris, rather than Warren, should Biden’s hull take on too much water. This thing looks to me like it’s headed towards a brokered convention, though, because Biden, Harris, Warren, and Sanders are all going to get delegates. And maybe someone else, like Buttigieg, could catch on.
That seems to be the plan. folks like Mayor Pete, Warren, Harris and maybe one or two others including Biden will do everything to stay on until the convention. Then after the first vote doesn’t yield a consensus, it’ll go to a brokered convention and the super delegates kick in and then we’ll have Harris and Harris will slay at the debates and Dems will think it’s in the bag and we’ll see billions in negative ads and Trump will once again win because it will be all to easy for the RNC operatives to get someone like Harris spinning like a top with all the flip flops and policy changes which sometimes change day to day.
I did see the debates and it seems like the plan is to feed Biden to Harris to show that she’s the toughest. Also with such a wide open field, they’re also draining a lot of Bernie’s money insofar as plenty of people want others like Tulsi, Booker, Yang, Castro and others to be included in the debates and thus mentioned in the reporting.
With 1.2 million volunteers, Bernie OWNS the ground game for sure, but most of the rest of the Dem candidates are doing a Clinton and leaving much of the ground game to generic DNC stuff which is minuscule in comparison.
I dunno.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
July 2, 2019 at 7:24 am in reply to: the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters #102544Mackeyser
Moderator“One wonders if they’d support Trump over Bernie?
vWell, they did before, in large numbers.”
Your saying that moderates in the Democratic party,like me, in large numbers, supported Trump over Bernie ? Where and when was that? I didn’t think they ever faced each other. Maybe your referencing some sort of poll where some moderates “said” they didn’t care for Bernie and even “liked” Trump better ? I don’t recall anything resembling that. Assuming that is true I don’t see that translating into actual voting for Trump as opposed to Sanders if he had been the nominee. Not by the time the election was at their doorstep.
Sorry, I misread (and subsequently deleted a long harangue about DNC malfeasance. You’re welcome.).
The answer is if moderates/indys would support Bernie over Trump, the answer going back to early 2016 is a resounding YES. Even after the convention when Clinton should have had a bounce, Bernie STILL beat Trump by 10+ points on an almost daily basis and it was always a super close call up to the election.
But I misread, so mea culpa.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
July 2, 2019 at 7:09 am in reply to: the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters #102543Mackeyser
Moderator“… for establishment centrists, Warren was emerging as an acceptable alternative to Sanders…”
Yeah, and this is exactly what i expected. They’d love Biden, but if they think Biden cant win, they’d hold their nose and support Warren.
Anyone but Bernie for the centrists.
One wonders if they’d support Trump over Bernie?
vWell, they did before, in large numbers.
I’ll just put this out there.
Trump is GOING to get re-elected because the DNC is feckless. Bernie NEVER had a chance and the DNC would rather fundraise another four years on Trump’s tweets than actually engage in representative democracy that is responsible to the constituent base as opposed to corporate donors. That’s why campaign finance was never going to happen.
I really tried for a minute to hold out hope for a Bernie candidacy, but when the DNC argues in open court that they do not have a fiduciary responsibility to the Bernie supporters who gave money and that they can use the money in any way they like and appoint a candidate in a backroom if they choose because violating their charter is not criminal… well, that was game over.
I’m glad Bernie is running insofar as he is the gravity to keep this from being a 1981 Republican vs a 2019 Trumpian, but unfortunately, I’m not sure even the gravity of a black hole could move the Dems to the actual center left, let alone to the left (Bernie being on the Center left and all).
Oh, also, hi all. Mea culpa, I’m an ass for not posting… at all. Between medical issues and my damned “outta sight, outta mind” functioning, I’m just terrible at communicating, it seems.
Hope this little ray of sunshine finds all of you well. Only the ray of sunshine is meant sarcastically, of course.
Hey Mack, send me an email sometime. I got some Braz. Jujitsu questions
vI don’t do email anymore, but you can text me any time you like. Can we do DMs on this site? If not, I’ll just email you my contact info.
LOVE to answer some BJJ questions!!!
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
June 29, 2019 at 9:15 am in reply to: the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters #102450Mackeyser
Moderator“… for establishment centrists, Warren was emerging as an acceptable alternative to Sanders…”
Yeah, and this is exactly what i expected. They’d love Biden, but if they think Biden cant win, they’d hold their nose and support Warren.
Anyone but Bernie for the centrists.
One wonders if they’d support Trump over Bernie?
vWell, they did before, in large numbers.
I’ll just put this out there.
Trump is GOING to get re-elected because the DNC is feckless. Bernie NEVER had a chance and the DNC would rather fundraise another four years on Trump’s tweets than actually engage in representative democracy that is responsible to the constituent base as opposed to corporate donors. That’s why campaign finance was never going to happen.
I really tried for a minute to hold out hope for a Bernie candidacy, but when the DNC argues in open court that they do not have a fiduciary responsibility to the Bernie supporters who gave money and that they can use the money in any way they like and appoint a candidate in a backroom if they choose because violating their charter is not criminal… well, that was game over.
I’m glad Bernie is running insofar as he is the gravity to keep this from being a 1981 Republican vs a 2019 Trumpian, but unfortunately, I’m not sure even the gravity of a black hole could move the Dems to the actual center left, let alone to the left (Bernie being on the Center left and all).
Oh, also, hi all. Mea culpa, I’m an ass for not posting… at all. Between medical issues and my damned “outta sight, outta mind” functioning, I’m just terrible at communicating, it seems.
Hope this little ray of sunshine finds all of you well. Only the ray of sunshine is meant sarcastically, of course.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorWell, WV, last time I was called a Lizard Lord was a really weird weekend in Vegas.
But it was honorary, was only for the weekend and I wasn’t really allowed to BE a Lizard Lord.
And Zooey, I’ll email you today with contact info.
I’m at
I know, super original…
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorAfter all these years, I dunno what to think about 9-11. I really dont. I dont trust the official version anymore, but i dont trust any of the alternative versions either. I ‘lean toward’ the official version but I am not totally convinced. I wish there were sources on this i could trust.
Another example of wv-ram not-knowing-somethin.
Anybody on this board a 9-11 agnostic, like me? Just curious. I know at one time Mack was, but then he moved toward the official theory. …where the hell is Mack, btw?
vI don’t trust the official story in this sense:
It didn’t really deal with government’s failure to prevent it, or its role in indirectly provoking it.
I think they got who did it right. And I’ve never believed the Alex Jones bullshit about it being a false flag. It just never made any sense that the powers that be would blow up their own key installations, especially not major seats of economic, military and political power.
Not that the government is beyond major operations to provoke wars. But if they’re gonna do them, they’re gonna make sure it’s overseas and doesn’t result in major losses to their own key assets.
Plus, it’s really not that hard to persuade enough Americans that we need yet another war. Our history shows this. Why take all of that risk, blowing up key assets at home, in the centers of power, when there are so many other ways to start a war and get a buy-in?
Matt Taibbi wrote some really excellent pieces concerning the Truthers back in the day. He dealt with much of the above.
I am here.
Wish I had the money because I’d buy the site and make it both mobile friendly and not take forever to load. I have FiOS running 150mbps with usually 14ms latency to anywhere in the world…and this site loads like Compuserve from the early 90s. And…mostly I’m on my phone and this site doesn’t do well on the phone, so I tend to avoid the aggravation. I love that there IS a site and love the people…but it’s kinda like not visiting friends who don’t live too far away, but the only road is completely torn up with construction so it takes forever and in my computing vehicle, it difficult to navigate.
All that said, I’m just a text away if anyone needs to reach me. I can DM anyone who is interested.
As for the 9/11 stuff, a few things.
The engineering is sound on the post mortem. NO ONE blew up any buildings with shaped charges. The buildings were brought down with fire and the unique construction of the buildings is what led to their collapse.
Al-Qaeda did it. Osama Bin Laden planned it with the express goal of catching us sleeping and then bankrupting us in fruitless overreaction. He’s basically succeeded in that. We’ve lost our way of life, our freedoms and nearly bankrupted ourselves turning our entire country into a prison state.
As for it being a government inside job. It wasn’t. That said, it’s not like that equation wouldn’t balance. It’s hard to argue with folks who assert that it was…not based on the buildings (many believe the government colluded with the Saudis), but based on what happened after. If you believe in the deep state, then NOTHING was better for the deep state than 9/11. While even the CIA and FBI had checks and balances, once basically everything got rolled into Homeland Security, those checks basically went away and any questions became “unpatriotic”… which is as fascist as it sounds. So, even though it wasn’t even close to a government job, this theory is like a puzzle piece whose shape matches perfectly…only when you look at the actual picture…you can clearly see it’s not the right piece. Many can’t get past the fact that there is more than one piece that fits very well if not perfectly.
As for peer-review, I tend to focus on the specific bits. Like the original Popular Mechanics “take” as an effort to debunk was real crap. It was the engineering team from Purdue, iirc, that properly modeled the physics of the collapsing buildings. Now, when you got the Popular Mechanics articles, it is basically a summation of the Purdue Engineering Dept findings. When I saw their paper, I INSTANTLY stopped questioning because they nailed the physics. Period, end of story. But I understood what to look for when someone was going to try and talk about the physics such as why the melting point of UL rated steel mattered and why it wasn’t a function of the melting point (which the fire even with a “flueing” effect didn’t get hot enough to melt the steel), but rather the point at which steel loses a certain percent of its tensile strength.
So maybe because I understood a) the foreign policy basis for why it was a Saudi-based terrorist org that would and did pull this off and b) the physics, that I didn’t really feel the need to read any peer-reviewed analyses.
We really have all the facts in front of us. And while people doing the analysis is crucially important, unlike in some instances like Lockerbie or Flight MH17 that crashed in Ukraine and was shot down by a Russian missile, we don’t really need it for now, but posterity.
For Lockerbie and MH17, we need these analyses because there are crucial pieces which had to be interpreted by experts coupled with the fact that the public doesn’t have access to all the pertinent facts.
Also, I love you guys bunches and I’ll make a greater effort now that I’m back on my ‘puter to jump in.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorEverything you’ve all said thus far is right except this: there’s just not enough of us.
That’s just not true.
The two parties make up less than 53% of the electorate.
Of the remaining 47%, MOST agree with the progressive agenda and policies (and that Venn diagram overlaps almost 80% of Dems and over 50% of Reps)
If Bernie were to run as a third party candidate, he’d cannibalize significant vote from BOTH parties AS WELL as bringing in new people to the process.
NO candidate is perfect.
That said, Bernie is one of very few politicians who’s not a “lesser of two evils” candidate.
I mean, even moderate Republicans respect him and actually agree with him on many, many issues. Moreover, there aren’t that many attacks that stand up from the Left.
Yeah, he voted for the Crime Bill in ’94, but he spoke out about the issues at the time and voted for it because of the domestic violence provisions, not to enable mass incarceration. The thing with Bernie having a one-track mind is that he’s consistently saying the same thing for 30+ years.
It won’t be perfect, but he’s on record early and often.
It helps that he finds ways to get progressive things passed WITH the help of Republicans.
Neither Clinton or Obama could do that and HRC wasn’t even interested in trying.
Anyway, there ARE more of us. On Twitter #DemExit and #DemExodus are a real thing and there are MILLIONS of people who are working hard to enact things like open primaries and Ranked Choice Voting so that alternative candidates have a chance.
I’ll give Trump this, his election has mobilized people who would never have fought this hard if HRC was elected (sorta like even the left went soporific at times under Obama…or they were Chloroformed by the DNC folks, either way)
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorOne add has already been released and especially on Twitter, there is a concerted movement to have ALL of them released.
As well, instead of the 270 Russian accounts, they’ve found over 2700 accounts and that’s likely the tip of the iceberg.
There ARE ads specifically that were part of the Russian agenda (and they’re pretty obvious if you even take a second to look).
As more get released, I’ll see if I can post them.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorMan, twitter is blowing up over this.
I dunno if folks now, but it was in many cases Twitter investigative journalists…private individuals who found ways get information that has really driven this.
Especially with the fourth estate exchanging their integrity for access, this wouldn’t have happened without the incessant digging of the twitterverse.
Lots of it was just bad and/or wrong which turns every twitter user into Ben Bradlee, but at least we get the raw feed.
Every significant story I’ve seen in the MSM, I’ve seen AND gotten significant depth and detail days or even months before on Twitter.
Left twitter is not only a real thing, but it’s no joke.
Manafort was the easiest target, but Flynn is either next or just after.
The biggest deal is Papadapoulos. It’s likely he wore a wire for at least 3 weeks and maybe even 3 months.
Apparently, 4 different sources in the WH have confirmed that Trump has asked about resigning. He’s just asking, but it seems pretty clear that if Mueller continues on this track that he’ll do a Nixon and resign and be pardoned, likely by Pence.
This presumes that Pence doesn’t go first (which, honestly, I’d prefer).
Everyone who has any authority on this (be they formerly involved with Watergate or former Federal prosecutors) has said the dominoes have started to fall and it doesn’t look good for anyone other than Chris Christie who dodged a bullet being shunned…
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorIt helps that the job market there isn’t seemingly only retail/service jobs.
And we found some places that would be really great for a multi-generational home.
What’s cool is that we’re looking to be not too far from Snow.
I dunno where Eternal Ramnation is (I think he said, but I forgot), but I know once I get there (6 months…2 years??? no idea) that we’ll all have to get together and watch our World Champion Rams defend their championship!
I was thinking of trying to head back up in Winter, but with the Super Bowl in Minny this year, it’s not even worth trying to plan anything until after it’s over and people have left.
I didn’t realize how much I’d missed “weather” until it was snowing and I actually felt invigorated.
And yes, Snow took it to the next level. Was…awesome!
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorThis thread is gold!
I actually think that after the 2018 election, if the Dems really crap on progressives, that Bernie will start immediately to get on the ticket in all 50 states and start campaigning.
He’s already doing a lot of ground game going around the country and his engagements are still selling out.
The alternatives that are palatable, but not perfect are Tulsi Gabbard and Nina Turner, but good luck making any of that happen. I mean, we’re talking about two women of color with legitimate progressive credentials and Tulsi has the resume to do the job (I fully admit that Nina Turner, while most excellent at speechifyin’ is light on the resume side)
That said, I’m certain the DNC is going to rally behind Kamala Harris. Book it. Presuming Hillary doesn’t run again with the idea to make Kamala Harris the VP.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorHonestly, I’m just done with the inferiority complex of too many Americans.
The President is a ridiculously complex and difficult job if done well.
Honestly, there are few who could do it well and thanks to our retarded two party/same donors system, we get zero options that are actually competent to fulfill the position and take the duty of the job more seriously than the political concerns.
And the current knucklehead knows nothing other than his baseless opinions and has exactly zero interest in learning a damn thing.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorI have a lot to add about transgender issues as well as a few other points, but I’m at the VA right now so I’ll have to participate later. Just wanted to plant a seed.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorWe are so blessed. No dmg at my mom’s house and only dmg to my house was an oak tree fell into my pool cafe. Silly tree, oaks can’t swim!
Anyway, below is a pic of the dmg. Beyond that we seem okay. Power restored to my mom’s house, but it wasn’t on at home when we went to check the dmg.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorYeah we’re provisioned okay. Got gas yesterday and it’s a good thing because stations are out.
Prolly will see if we missed anything at the store tomorrow.
Gonna be putting up the storm shutters at my mom’s tomorrow and we’re gonna hunker down there.
The video of the direct hits is just stunning. Miami has plenty to be worried about.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorI live just south of Tampa very near Tampa Bay (the water).
I live basically a mile or so as the crow flies from this junction of I-75 at US HWY 301.
Sooo… leaving is going to be VERY tricky. IF we leave, it’ll have to be around 2am or so on Friday. We’re waiting until then to see if/where it turns.
It won’t be Sunday to wait, we’ll know Friday. If she still hasn’t started moving north by then, it’ll be awfully tough to stay unless they’ve gridlocked the roads.
Virtually all the models show a strong northerly turn, the only question is when. The high that’s over Texas now as well as the evacuating Jet Stream will hopefully pull her sooner rather than later.
That said, Miami is gonna get hit and bad.
And I’ve said before, if Miami is hit by a monster hurricane, there’s no guarantee that they rebuild it. They certainly won’t rebuild the poorer neighborhoods and it’ll be awfully hard to justify rebuilding the rich neighborhoods.
All I know is that we have a plan to shelter in place unless we have to go and we’re working on being packed for that, too.
Praying for everyone.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorIRMA’S A CAT 5!!!
For us in Florida, we need to stock up NOW.
I still think because of the high in the Atlantic that’s massive, that it’s going to push west and hit the panhandle or even Mississippi or Alabama, but now is the time to stock up. Shelves are already getting bare in South Florida, so wait even a day and there may not be much to pick from.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorVirtually every model now has it getting south of Miami and making a complete right turn and running up the east coast of FL.
I just don’t see it, but we’re gonna prepare more for it tomorrow if the models hold out.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorWe all know that if the US and western countries actually had to pay their fair share in lives and treasure for their actions, things would be markedly different.
Sorta like women’s healthcare would change if men could also have babies…
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorWelp. It sure looks like Irma wants to stay on the south side.
Unless something changes, she’ll hit Florida or slide into the Gulf…
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorDon’t watch most of that although I hear Power is a pretty good show.
Heck, I’m not even caught up on my Ray Donovan and I hate to admit that I’ve never seen The Wire.
It’s totally on my list, but with all the stuff in the news, I gotta pace myself. I get too worked up.
That and I wanna binge watch the Sopranos.
Also, happy Birthday…early.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorExcellent, zn! LOL
Also, if you visit this site
Scroll over the days (it reminds me of the old Netscape Navigator days and HTML 3.0).
That shows a forecast incorporating the Jet Stream (I mistakenly called it the gulfstream somewhere), and it also shows Irma hitting the border of North and South Carolina.
I dunno why I’m so obsessed with this and I still hold out a glimmer of hope that Irma swings north, but with the Atlantic high seemingly growing stronger and the forecast for the Jet Stream swinging south and then heading north very fast, I dunno if there will be enough to steer Irma northward at all. I keep looking at it after the Jet stream moves out in day 8 and 9 wondering what beyond surface winds is there to steer the storm north at all.
We’ll see. I’ll be stocking up probably tomorrow if the models don’t show a reason for Irma to head north smartly.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorI thought and said there was a good chance that Irma would take the southerly track and…unfortunately it is.
Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic will likely be hit but on the windward side, so look for wind damage, but less rain than if Irma went to their south and they got hit on the leeward side. (If you divide a hurricane in half based on the direction it’s traveling, the windward side is the right side and the leeward side is the left side. Flip that in the Southern Hemisphere. The windward side has most of the water and the leeward side returns at higher speed due to less moisture. Over water, hurricanes tend to look pretty symmetrical, but once over land, they sometimes look like a Nike swoosh.)
The Bahamas are looking to take a direct hit.
Beyond that, who knows?
I mean, it could stay south, hit Puerto Rico, Dom Rep/Haiti and even Cuba before getting to the Gulf, but that’s unlikely unless the Gulfstream swings south and strong.
It’s much more likely to stay on this southerly swing and depending on how strong the High is in the Atlantic, do-si-do around it and head north.
I really think there’s a very good chance that it hits the US between Florida and North Carolina.
My very amateur meteorologist instincts tell me that it will get close to Florida, but hit the Carolinas.
Lastly, don’t be lulled by the 115mph sustained winds. It’s in a dry patch of air and will have smaller spin-ups and slow downs as it exits the dry air and has interactions with land, but the water around the Bahamas is very warm and very wet, so expect a pretty substantial spin-up between Thursday and Friday. I expect we’ll see models on Monday or Tuesday that show speeds at landfall to be in the 135-140mph range.
If there’s one good thing about Irma is that she’s hell bent for election. She’s moving at 14mph which is pretty damn fast for a hurricane. Irma won’t do the kind of water damage that Harvey did, but she’s gonna pack a punch.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorIrma tracked a bit south, lending credence to models that forecast the Atlantic high would be strong enough to push the storm on more southerly track.
While it still doesn’t look like there’s much probability of Irma entering the Gulf of Mexico, landfall with the US, between Florida and North Carolina are looking more and more likely with each model with North Carolina seeming to be the likeliest landfall. That said, if the Atlantic high remains a strong influence heading into Sunday and Monday, then Irma may be headed for Jacksonville.
No matter what happened, this bears watching.
If anyone doesn’t have flood insurance, as those in Houston are about to find out, homeowners insurance not only won’t cover you, but your mortgage holder is still gonna expect to get those payments. Actually, they’ll probably foreclose right away because there’s no improved property to secure the loan and if they can get the losses on the books prior to Oct 1, they can have an extra year to offset income and amortize the losses against future revenues.
Flood insurance is a way of life in Florida, but there are many, many places that face hurricanes where people don’t have it (only 15% had flood insurance in Harris County where Houston is).
I dunno why, but I just have a bad feeling about Irma. I sure hope I’m wrong.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorSaid before and will say again: original Antifa? Virtually all of America during WW2 and even before. Mass demonstrations against fascism were happening in the 30s.
Anyone railing on about Antifa who isn’t railing longer and louder against fascism and Neo-Nazis is either a Neo-Nazi or Nazi sympathizer.
I have very little patience for the Whataboutism and equivocation that’s going on with this.
Neo-Nazis and fascists are bad. Unequivocally. End of line.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorThank you SO MUCH for that. Just read it to the wife and it’s very helpful.
From the pics, it’s hard not to build it up as “House Charming”…like Prince Charming, but a house. Knowing that it’s a house and is gonna have things here and there is super helpful.
How did you like the kitchen?
And again, I can’t tell you how much I APPRECIATE THIS! This was so very cool!
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
ModeratorI’m thinking about writing a short story on “drone swarms”.
They don’t have the AI to cover that…yet, but they’re close. At this time, drones require a 1 on 1 control. (that we know about. I think there are some proof of concepts out there that use more than one, but nothing like a swarm of thousands or millions of drones)
However, the key will be using “queens” that are controlled and then having the swarm already programmed to behave in a certain way. Thus, the swarm would be predictable from an offensive standpoint, but nearly undetectable from a defensive standpoint and even if detected, nearly impossible to disrupt or predict.
There are multiple offensive vectors, from millions of small detonations to biological pathogen release to simple fear and disruption.
Question is will my short story be done before we see a swarm of drones on Youtube???
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.