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  • in reply to: Bonsignore looks to the bright side of 2016 #61765

    Mine is that Fisher’s gone. Not kidding.

    Said in the offseason that the scheme was broken and nothing would change with Fisher.

    Was thoroughly disheartened when I found out about the extension.

    So I’m glad that 2016 yielded his departure.

    Because…now we can install and run a coherent offense.

    Preferably Sean Payton’s WCO.

    If not, Kyle Shanahan’s. I’ll repost what I wrote about it later, but …the patterns speak.

    And the pick is Payton. It’s not close.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Rams will be in Minneapolis next year. #61764

    Thought you were trying to say the Rams were moving again.

    I’m like, “wait a minute… Just cuz they lost the Lakers, doesn’t mean they get the Rams as a consolation…although this team isn’t much of a consolation *rimshot*”

    Next year’s team will be a bit of a salve for this past season. I really believe that.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Happy Holidays to All #61760

    Happy Holidays to all.

    Here I am sitting with my presents. I’m in my new computer chair, wearing my new Alliance robe, holding a new mug of Florida and a plushy Lil Chen Stormstout. But most importantly, the wife crocheted me a circular blanket from my Rams colors as a lap blanket for when I sit at the computer. She made it circular… so that it wouldn’t get caught in the wheels of the chair. Is that not the coolest??? My mom and daughter were saying the pattern was wicked hard, but she worked until this morning to finish it.

    I know it will bring us the mojo we need going forward! Go Rams!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Corporate-reporter questions activist-reporter #61574

    What kills me is that it’s not like the MSM CAN’T break big stories.

    Hell, Mary Mapes and Dan Rather broke Abu Ghraib.

    I really regret being part of that whole “font mob” when it came out. Funny you should mention that.

    I just saw the movie, Truth, based on the book by Mary Mapes with Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford. It was…illuminating. And it does make a pretty potent statement. Even without the documents, the big slam is that Bush likely went AWOL and Viacom and Bush had SIGNIFICANT corporate interests, prior to and after the report went on air including Bush’s veto of Budget because it included allowing one company to own 43% of all media in the country. People were super upset about that at the time. He settled for 39%, the exact amount Viacom owned so they wouldn’t have to sell any assets.

    Since Mary Mapes and CBS canning everyone south of the President of CBS who touched that story including executives overseeing the story, the MSM simply cannot be counted on to break another story about a sitting President.

    Now, it’s LAUGHABLE. At least the Bush story got on air. Now? Not a chance.

    That’s how crazy this all is. Even as compromised as the MSM was… as late as 2004, the MSM could still break a story about a sitting President.

    CBS won a Peabody for Mary Mapes reporting/producing work at Abu Ghraib. Amazing. And they touted their Peabody win, but I sure couldn’t find any positive attribution to Rather and Mapes. Just CBS saying, “yay, we won”.

    The hardest part about all of this is that we need BIG MEDIA for one thing. Lawyers. When the state wants to go after media, it takes resources to fight back. You think a fucking BLOGGER could have published the Pentagon Papers? You think Assange could publish WikiLeaks without funding and serious access to legal counsel?

    Sure, the current Alt-Media landscape can act like meta-critics and critique the media… but they can’t really BE the media because…resources. Very few venues can do what TYT did and send a reporter to Standing Rock for weeks and actually deploy a drone to catch the corporation lying. Normally, that’d be big media. But now that it’s corporate media… who fills that gap?

    It’s not some blogger or comedian.

    Now we have a Corporate media that merely plagiarizes the dying print media (“from a report in the Detroit Free Press… from a report in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer… from a report in the LA Times… etc). When print finally dies, corporate media won’t even have THAT content and infotainment won’t even have watered down info to peddle.

    Not that it matters. The biz side will simply see it as “how do we get more viewers” and don’t see the News as a duty like the giants of news did. They don’t see producing the news any different than Big Brother or Survivor or any other reality show…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Where's Mr X ? #61572

    You mean Ladoc, I think.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: It's starting #61571

    Well I dunno. I dont know what you mean by ‘leftist bias’.

    It’s bs.

    If you look at any normal faculty ratio there are invariably as many conservatives as leftists if not more.

    This is the kind of thing said by people who swallow Limbaugh nonsense whole and do not really know the situation they’re trying to talk about.

    I know for a real hardcore fact it’s bs.

    Proof please.

    Does it matter if you won’t accept the proof?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Corporate-reporter questions activist-reporter #61570

    I really enjoy TJDS.

    Jimmy Dore is a hoot. I get that he’s a comedian, but he’s only pretty spot on.

    I mean he doggedly jumped on DAPL. He gets most importantly the DEAL about WHY it’s not okay to give in to corporatist, warmongering DLC Dems because the Reps are nightmares.

    For a comedian, he’s more clear about the mission of the fourth estate than almost anyone in the MSM.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Corporate-reporter questions activist-reporter #61569

    You act like it’s any surprise to anyone here that the US Gov’t has been offering aid and comfort directly to our own enemies not just recently, but for decades.

    Honestly, I don’t know who you’re responding to…

    It’s like there’s this phantom Hillary supporter that you desperately want to do battle with…except, they’re just not HERE.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Is October not before December? Can we not find out things since October?

    Sorry, the last day of October?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    hey bnw, this is a serious question.

    You have certain outlooks. Is there ANY data that would change your mind on anything.

    You took me calling you dogmatic as an ad hominem attack. I think it’s the exact opposite, but I’m really curious.

    What actual piece or pieces of data on ANY subject would change your outlook on ANY topic?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Watched movie "Passengers" starring Lawrence and Pratt #61563

    It’s amazing how much good writing is killed in the movies because of the “format”.

    Act I character and plot Intro

    Act 2 Conflict, partial resolution.

    Act 3 Desperate circumstances. Things look hopeless. Somehow, against all odds, there is a compelling resolution.

    EVERY script in Hollywood follows this 3 act template. Well, except for Memento and a very, very few others.

    Which is why such good writing from authors from Heinlein, Asimov, Herbert, King, Crichton, and more…have simply not translated to film. Their work transcends such overly simplistic templates.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Canada declares internet access a fundamental right #61561

    Imagine that… sanity breaks out.

    I figure we’ll either invade, overthrow their government or assassinate their PM any day now…

    Or maybe a string of CIA backed terrorists attacks so that they forget their humanity like we forgot ours…

    What? Too soon?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: GMO news #61560

    I’m sure the health profiles of Americans haven’t significantly changed in the 40 years since the wide spread use of glyphosate usage on crops that are essentially in everything…corn, alfalfa, wheat…

    Oh wait…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Blade Runner 2049 trailer #61559

    ZOMG!!!! That’s gonna be on my list of movies to see in the theaters.

    I see so few, but that one’s gonna make the list!

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Blade Runner 2049 trailer #61558

    Actually, if memory serves…there are NINE versions of this movie…

    I think in a moment of detente, the studio got everyone together and packaged ALL of the versions together in a single MASTER set for the ultra passionate Blade Runner fan.

    I’ve seen most of the versions and they DO actually come across quite differently. In some ways, the movie has a subtle, but really different feel.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    The one thing they have MORE of is the indignance that anyone would question their impartiality or their ability to function as the fourth estate when the examples of their full capitulation…not mere acquiescence, but complete moral, ethical, financial and journalistic surrender are legion.

    It goes beyond belligerent denial like one would see in an addict. Even an addict in denial recognizes at some level that there is an end…somewhere. The denial is generally of the nature of “I can fix all of this before I get to that bad end” rather than that the end, itself, is bad.

    No…no. The MSM truly is psychotic in that it believes something that is so far from reality that the only way to describe it is a collective psychosis: they believe that they are actually fulfilling the role of the fourth estate; speaking truth to power, holding power accountable and bringing more real information than ever to the people with greater transparency than ever.

    That this belief is so wrong for so many reasons isn’t really the issue. I mean, it is wrong for a great many reasons.

    But the problem is that the MSM truly believes that they are the functioning legacy of Murrow… They don’t see that rather than speak out against a Senator McCarthy, this media would have put him in the White House with a Congress to help him fulfill his legislative agenda because it was good for ratings. They don’t see their role in this age of Americans being the least informed since Mass Media became available.

    I mean, when viewers who watch various news channels are actually LESS informed than people who watch NOTHING… what else need be said?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Mark Blyth – Global Trumpism #60531

    Maybe I wasn’t looking closely enough or he simply let the facade slip, but he clearly showed his neoliberal orientation.

    That was bad enough, but he really became a partisan hack who devolved into little more than a pundit during this election cycle.

    I knew he was done when his basic answer to the economist who disputed his blanket dismissal of one of Sanders’ proposals was to, rather than bring evidence or contradictory data, to say, “do you know who I am?”

    That was Krugman jumping the shark.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    The MSM won’t let it go because to do that would mean actually becoming the fourth estate of Murrow, Severeid, Reasoner, Cronkite, and lastly Moyers.

    They frankly LOVE the model where they’ve totally sold out and simply get to plagiarize dying newspapers while they ESPN the news with “panels” talking about the news…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Mark Blyth – Global Trumpism #60524

    When I get home, I’ll post some more vids. Honestly, his perspective isn’t so much fresh because it’s new or different or innovative, but it simply acknowledges what’s real, what actually happened in recent and near history and looks at the actual economic data with a dispassionate eye.

    Contrast him with someone like two Nobel laureates, both of whom are frauds to me, Milton Friedman and Paul Krugman.

    Both when projecting their “ideologies” have seen disastrous results.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Xenophobia, post-truth named words of the Year #60066

    Stephen Colbert was upset about post-truth.

    He said it infringed on his 2006 Word of the Year, Truthiness.

    Man’s a dang genius. And he’s right.

    I’m just sorry my word, bullshisponsibility didn’t catch on…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Tom Tomorrow #60065

    You’re killin’ me, Smalls…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Bernie on whether he'll run in four years #60064

    Wow, partisan buzzkillary…. sweet.

    We used to have William F. Buckley, Jr debating Noam Chomsky.

    Our discourse has diminished to “Hildabeast v. Drumpf”

    I fucking hate people, sometimes…

    Well, as i recall, Buckley threatened to punch Chomsky in the nose.

    So, ya know, politix does make it hard to get along.
    It takes a lot of effort. And practice. And stuff.


    Buckley could have mud wrestled with Chomsky and it would have been more intellectually honest and had more integrity than most anything happening in the public discourse right now.

    Most of what’s out there is a gigantic hippo spraying shit all over everything, tail a blur.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Bernie on whether he'll run in four years #60063

    bnw, a question.

    Do you not understand that you and maybe Waterfield are the only partisans here?

    I’m certainly not a damn Democrat, so you spitting some anti-Democrat screed is just misplaced. Who are you talking to? I didn’t vote for Hillary, I think the name calling is juvenile, by the way, and I can assure you no one is interested in tilting with you regarding partisan nonsense.

    Hildabeast? Really? That’s your aspiration? (inb4 “yeah, well, there’s been criticisms of Trump on the interwebz, so I have a blank check to be as bad as I wanna be because standards and principles are for elitists, apparently.)

    You got policies? Bring those. Awesome. Let’s talk about those all the live long day.

    But whatever. I gotta learn to just leave all these posts alone.

    But c’mon.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #60062

    That’s like saying, “for 65 million years, the planet was intact. For the last 10 minutes, it’s been in pieces due to cometary impact. But really, what’s the better data set? The last 10 minutes? Or 65 million years?”

    “I’m pretty sure the planet is fine.”

    Meanwhile…among the chunks of planetary debris…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Mark Blyth – Global Trumpism #60059


    Amazing punch line. I watched the full 90 minute vid that was derived from. The Hillary apologist next him was….worthless. She grated on my ear nubs.

    His concision and precision in describing these economic phenomena is fantastic.

    If I’d had a prof like him, I’d have stuck with Econ.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Bernie on whether he'll run in four years #60037

    Wow, partisan buzzkillary…. sweet.

    We used to have William F. Buckley, Jr debating Noam Chomsky.

    Our discourse has diminished to “Hildabeast v. Drumpf”

    I fucking hate people, sometimes…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist #60035

    That’s bullshit.

    The earth is only 6000 years old, ya freakin’ commie.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: Tom Tomorrow #60034

    holy shit…

    sometimes the comedy cuts a little too close…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    in reply to: How many promises will he break before inauguration? #60024

    I just don’t want to live in the Holy Christian Fascist Caliphate that substitutes for what was the USA. Well, that seems to be the plan, anyway…

    I mean, you’re free if you’re a white male evangelical Christian.


    If a few more state houses go Republican… you think Mike Pence won’t work with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to use the Nuclear option in the Senate to eliminate the filibuster and then start passing and ratifying Amendments to the Constitution that MOST Americans actually don’t want, but thanks to gerrymandering, corrupt Dems and hard right evangelical Christian Republicans… we could easily see…

    An Amendment criminalizing homosexuality. Not just gay marriage…but homosexuality en toto. Those statements are already on the table and we’re only a few state houses away from this being a reality.

    An Amendment enshrining the permanent lack of privacy. Forever. Domestic spying will become not only the norm, but we’ll have gone from “we have privacy” to “if you have nothing to hide…” Habeas Corpus is already becoming a distant memory…

    An Amendment which establishes that America is a Christian nation. Yep. That’s coming. BELIEVE IT.

    I also expect everything just south of an amendment enabling the expansion of coal, oil and nuclear power with subsidies. Even as the problems with all of these continue to become more evident…and the business case for each becomes more tenuous in the changing economy (the economic case for innovation used to not just reside in Silicon Valley)… and the social and environmental costs are born including potential disasters (we have old nuclear power plants near major population centers. Indian River Nuclear Power plant is near NYC AND is near a fault line, so when the Trump federal gov’t forces through national fracking as is likely… Indian River isn’t capable of handling even a 5.0 earthquake. And it’s the same design as Fukushima….and NYC is within the fallout radius. What could go wrong?

    I just don’t get it.

    I mean…I do…and I don’t.

    It’s being made abundantly clear that through shrewd political gamesmanship, this minority viewpoint will be attempted to be made manifest.

    Based on the last few weeks and how the Dems are looking to corporatists Corey Booker and Kristen Gillibrand, two massive corporate hacks and basically an Obama and a Hillary doppleganger, respectively, I have little hope that there will be any progress in the 2018 elections. And the MSM will still be scratching their heads… “how can this be happening???”

    What if I want to live with atheists? Gays? Lesbians? Transgendered people? Muslims? Hebrews? Hindus? Buddhists? Disabled (other than myself)? Black people? Hispanic people? Asian people? Middle-Eastern people (Arab, Semitic, etc)? What if I WANT to live in a diverse country that CELEBRATES that diversity?

    I thought that is what America stood for. I thought that is what America, ultimately, after all the crap was washed off was about.

    So, when the White Christian Caliphate legislation stuff starts coming…and it will… are those who are going to say that this post is an overreaction going to stand up and fight against it?

    Or is everyone supposed to magically become evangelical white males?

    Remember, I’m the pattern guy. This may not come to pass, but the pattern has been laid for it to happen. And forces are being put in place for it to happen. That’s a fact.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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