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Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI think Fisher has lost this team,
That wouldn’t explain their top play on defense.
We’ve seen it when a Rams coach loses a team (Linehan) and we know what it looks like, and I don’t think that’s what we’re seeing.
And it’s not the worst offense in the NFL. It only looks that way if you factor the numbers from the first 2 games into the average. But they improved after the first 2 games, and that’s even accounting for the recent slump. A much more realistic picture takes the 1st 2 games out of the average. When you do that, they’re ranked 22nd. That’s not where we want them to be, but it’s not last.
I wouldn’t expect it to look like when Linehan lost his team or anyone else it’s a different set of circumstances. To me when Hill plays lights out ball against the Jets , outplaying Gaines and then decides to drive to practice drunk it signals somethings wrong with the team.
I’m not sure if you’re joking about the offense or serious? Why on Earth would you leave 2 games out of an average? If we just count the Tampa game we’re averaging 37 points a game GSOT territory. Of course if you just use the last 3 games , a much more accurate measurement of the current state of the team they are averaging under 10 points a game.Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI think Fisher has lost this team, they have stopped buying into his system. This is as healthy as they’ve been in a decade and it’s still the worst offense in the NFL. I’m hoping Goff can pull off a miracle save and pull this team together.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantNot sure why, I know we won, but it does not feel like it. Anyone else have that feeling.
it’s not easy for West Coast teams to travel back east and win.
“”””Since the start of the 2003 season, West Coast teams have gone just 61-111 (35.5%) against East Coast teams.””””
Unfortunately the Rams are 76 and 131 over that same period so they will find a way to lose regardless.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantThat is our 22 starters until Barnes and TA missed plays but damn compared to the rest of the NFL they’re super healthy. Britt looked good Gurley got going somewhat . Defense played well after the 99 yrd drive. TA has bad hands. They seem lost Keenum is inconsistent , he’s gutsy a fighter but he just isn’t that good, Hecker is !The D locked it down in the 2nd half.Cooper ran the route to the sticks!
November 13, 2016 at 6:12 am in reply to: Informal poll 2…what has been wrong with the running game? #58030Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI think Keenum is telling the defense where the play is going pre-snap, Gurely loses that time that the defense would be reading the play the result is his first contact is about 3 yds. behind the LOS. If the Rams had good coaching at the position it would’ve been fixed by now but they seem unaware of it
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantHey, why’d this thread get merged???
It’s incoherent now… /sadface
Hey my heart smiles to see you here Mac hope you’re doing well!
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantIt’s over FL goes Trump Ohio as well
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantIf they’re on the same page I would think they’re both huge fans of bad fantasy novels.
November 8, 2016 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Full video, not cherry-picked, of Obama and Jane the Virgin star. #57201Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantReading my original post BT pre Kava instead of post 3 shells it was poorly constructed, I shouldn’t have used the word “you ” at all. Anyway I agree with your post and as always it’s a well written easy to understand post. As Leftist we are constantly bombarded with nonsense like Obama is a radical Marxist NAZI, I feel like my auto response has been conditioned. The leftist position is that of kitty litter under the tires of a corporate dems bus while the right dems argue with the right repubs over whether we should nuke’m till they glow or nuke’m till the glow.
November 8, 2016 at 9:53 am in reply to: Full video, not cherry-picked, of Obama and Jane the Virgin star. #57181Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI don’t know guy’s , it really bothers me when you describe Obama or Clinton as Left or even center Left . The Right wing owns all of the media and both Democratic and Republican parties as well as the Libertarians . It’s all just corporate branding
Unless I missed it, no one here has done that, Eternal.
The collective you not you or anyone personally BT. I am basically agreeing with you here:
Here, on this site, I fear I’ve fallen back into some bad old habits, and I need to take my own advice:
Be a leftist who doesn’t waste any time with endless wingnut bullshit. Gotta stop posting about that aspect of politics, and the end of this crazed election will make that a hell of a lot easier for me.
November 8, 2016 at 5:39 am in reply to: Full video, not cherry-picked, of Obama and Jane the Virgin star. #57173Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI don’t know guy’s , it really bothers me when you describe Obama or Clinton as Left or even center Left . The Right wing owns all of the media and both Democratic and Republican parties as well as the Libertarians . It’s all just corporate branding
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantCavuto is a moron purposely misunderstanding a very simple clear interview. She is Citizen asking if her family will be tracked down and deported through her vote.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantTo me the whole offense is, I don’t even know the word but the opposing defenses know the plays. I don’t know if Keenun is keying them or what but it’s striking how quickly defenses read this offense. Fisher doesn’t want to set Goff up to fail but he has set Gurley up repeatedly. And what happened? This same team’s run game looked unstoppable in the pre-season now it’s near the bottom and we’re healthy , very strange. One thing I do not like is Keenum’s lack of consistency . One play he’s ambidextrous Houdini , the next he’s taking 3rd down sacks for huge losses or throwing wounded ducks into triple coverage
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI think the talent is better than this on offense. Anyone think Norv Turner would score more points with this group? I do.
Yes I do but I also think Norv would be wary of Fisher at this point.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantFisher looked distraught at the end when the Panthers knelled, maybe the rumor is true? Keenum is not a starting QB . Why not start Mannion and let Goff sit behind him? Keenum can’t throw over that huge line Fisher drafted to protect Nick Foles. Run game is as bad as ever. Quinn is Quinn again Donald MVP, MVP ,MVP.I’ll probably take some heat for this but it’s just an opinion, I think the problem with this team is the stupid. This has to be the collectively stupidest team I’ve ever seen from coaches to players, stupid stupid stupid.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantBritt is playing well ,Quinn is back, Keenum is not doing well at all.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantKeenum over throws a wide open Quick TD
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantThis one is working well for me
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantKeenum booed off the field 3 times still in the 1st Qtr. This could get ugly.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantKeenum 3 batted throws so far not good.
November 6, 2016 at 6:07 am in reply to: at long last, finally, there are now articles on when Goff should start #56938Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantSo the Rams are a QB away from being a playoff team trade two years draft picks away to move up and past at least 3 day one starters including Wentz who was perfect for the Rams offense and pick Goff who can’t help for a year oh yeah, and they already have Mannion who already sat for a year. I may have to write in Jeff Fisher Tuesday.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI thought the show was spot on. Hard to logically argue with any of it.The msm does lean conservative, watch any one of the “Sunday Shows” and take note of the advertisers , the only people that can afford that time slot Big Pharma Big Oil War Profiteers Wall St. Investment firms and Insurance Companies all among Clinton’s top donors. Clinton is a pro-choice neoconservative not a democrat and Trump is one of the very few people she is slightly left of. The FBI did go after Trump on his Russian ties and found a supersized nothing burger, the secret sauce being Clinton campaign chair Podesta’s intimate relationship with fellow Panama Papers alum Putin’s favorite bank. Trump inherited his money from his bigoted slumlord asshole father which is legal while the Clintons earned half a Billion giving speeches to some of the worst people on the planet in exchange for lucrative defense contracts disguised as charity . Describing this as shady or questionable is seriously negligent.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantIn fairness the vikes starting OT’s are on IR , they are actually starting Jake (get Bradford killed) Long at LOT . It’s bad . I also noticed Kush in a Bears uniform Monday night.
October 31, 2016 at 3:42 am in reply to: What to do? Which games will you watch with the Rams off? #56407Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantWatched Wash. vs Bengals Great game and watched Atl vs GB another really fun game to watch.
October 25, 2016 at 11:17 am in reply to: Fred Roggin of NBC says Fisher has four games to prove himself… #56066Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantI don’t buy that at all Zooey , going to a game just for the stadium I mean. If there’s no hope of relevance people in LA aren’t going to waste 4 or 5 hours and thousands of dollars to watch a depressing shit show just cause the building is new. There is way to much fun to be had in LA especially for the kind of money you’re looking at in the new place.For it to become the the place to go the Rams need to become the team to watch.It’s just not enjoyable to watch a team suck year in and year out.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantQuote from John Robinson “Well, as the Rams’ only spokesman these last nine years, it’s my job to announce to you that I have submitted my resignation, and it has been accepted,” Robinson said.
“It was a situation of mutual arrangement. Rams management and myself felt it was the right thing and the right time for this to happen. We’ve had a good nine years. Unfortunately, the last two years we have faltered. This year, particularly, was difficult for us. We tried to make a lot of changes in the football team, and we just didn’t get it done.”
Robinson, 56, leaves as the winningest coach in team history with a 79-73 record and six playoff appearances in his first seven seasons.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantThere is so much about Fisher that bugs me over the years but this deal with Case and Goff is bad. If Goff isn’t a huge upgrade over Case than mortgaging the future of the team for Goff was a mistake. Quick was going to be a monster but raw he needed coaching GRob was raw but has all the tools of an all pro LOT. Goff has elite arm talent but needs extensive coaching having never been asked to play under center or read defense. So we have 3 high picks that require superior coaching to yield a player commensurate with their lofty draft position. To me that doesn’t seem to be happening nor is there much hope that it ever will.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantIf your players that have been together a while now are still not communicating properly in the 7th game don’t point at them, either coach them up or get rid of them and bring in teachable players put your fucking finger away.
When he said that about the receivers, he was standing up for Keenum. That’s all that was.
Maybe Zn but there’s a weird dynamic there and it’s not the first time he’s done this. He could have accepted the blame himself and protected all the players but he as he has done time after time singled out one particular group . Add to that two int’s were absolutely horrible throws and some of the completions exposed the wrs to vicious hits. The guy is a turnover machine. Then throw in Wentz making the entire organization look like imbeciles today. Watching this team is like going to the dentist hungover.
Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantMy reaction is to stop watching this team until Fisher is gone. Is it all Fisher’s fault? No but through all the offenses some irritating constants exist. The worst one IMO started with Mike Jones and “The Tackle” and continued through today. I don’t care if it was Quick’s mistake or Keenum’s Fisher needs to accept accountability. If your players that have been together a while now are still not communicating properly in the 7th game don’t point at them, either coach them up or get rid of them and bring in teachable players put your fucking finger away.
Above all else Mr. Fisher you are just not that smart and ego driven belief that you are got the Rams to where they are today.October 23, 2016 at 1:53 am in reply to: John Pilger: Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump #55802Eternal Ramnation
ParticipantPilger is right about American empire and our history of horrific actions. But where he goes wrong, IMO, is in thinking Trump won’t be at least as bad, if not worse. I think on all the issues Pilger talks about, Trump will be substantially worse. He’s actually asked, with a straight face, why can’t we use our nuclear arsenal? Why have them if we can’t use them? And he’s always talking about how Obama has gutted our military, including our nuclear arsenal, and he’s pledged to rebuild both.
So, yes, Obama has radically increased US military power — much, no doubt, covertly — including nukes, and Hillary will do more of the same. But Trump (and the GOP in general) says they’ve wiped out our military, that we’re weak and waaay behind the Russians, and that he’ll make us Number One again. He is forever going on about how weak the US is, and how we have to show toughness to the rest of the world, and that it’s because we haven’t that forces like ISIS arise.
To me, the only way to deduce that Trump and the GOP would be less war-like than HRC and the Dems is by ignoring what they actually say, what they’ve actually said and done for the last several decades. Their bellicosity is a part of their supposed appeal. Their base expects this. They cheer this on with beer-hall-putsch chants of USA!! USA!! Seriously, anyone who thinks Trump isn’t going to at least be equally warmongering has just pretty much ignored this entire campaign and the GOP’s past.
Imo you have to ignore what both of them say because they are both pathological liars. One is a scary smart untouchable and the other an imbecilic buffoon. To me it’s imperative to look at actions , what they did , and match it up with the lies they’ve told us.Trump has done little to nothing and compare it to the blood of 1,200,000 Muslims on Clinton’s hands . All there is on Trump is speculation and bad acting. When you look at the last Republican prez and administration don’t project that on Trump when GW Bush GHW Bush and Jeb Bush along with a whole slew of neocons have endorsed Clinton. That said a vote for Dems or Repubs simply cannot be justified morally. Exactly what do they want ? They want you to believe your vote matters and you only have two legitimate choices. Myself , I’m done legitimizing their bs I will vote Green wherever they are running and against the incumbent where they are not.