Wet Leg’s Chaise Longue.

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    My local alternative station plays this song every now and then, and I get a kick out of it still. Came out this past June:

    The duo (Rhian Teasdale and Hester Chambers) is from the Isle of Wight. Their first single is wonderfully weird and “cheeky,” as the Brits usedta say. Made me think of a cross between a Boris Vian novel (Foam of the Daze), and Sally Rooney’s first two, cuz, well, aimless, witty millennials, etc.

    The video is pretty cool, too, and reminds me of a much sunnier A24 film, if “Midsommar” and “The Witch” could ever be just silly and fun-weird, etc. Ominous things must be happening off-screen, though, and you’re never truly safe around straw hats. Anyway, thought I’d share.


    I heard this song on a Boston radio station on my way home from work on Wednesday. I first thought it was the Ice Cubes; sure sounds like English isn’t the native language of the singers (not sure what they speak on the Isle of Wight?).

    I kind of like it too.

    I never would have heard it if there weren’t so many commercials on Boston sports radio!


    OK, the Isle of Wight is SOUTH of England, in the Channel. Is she affecting an accent or do they truly have a very messed up dialect?

    I had my wife watch the video. She liked it.


    Not sure about their story. They’re pretty new, so it’s not easy to get a lot of info on them.

    But the station that introduced me to their music did say this: While they loved their first single, they may not be able to play their second one, which is apparently too “racy.” This surprised me, because I didn’t think that station cared about being too sexually provocative, etc.

    Quirky, “cheeky” band. I think they have a bright future.

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