Washington Post: Sanders a risk… the media hates Bernie thread

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  • #111288

    Is there a “media hates Bernie” thread yet?

    Bezo’s paper…..

    URL = https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/02/12/bernie-sanders-is-risk-we-cant-run-this-moment-national-peril/

    When you’re on a ship that’s sinking, it’s not time to rhapsodize about how someday you’ll build a super-yacht with all the amenities. Nor is it time to debate who will command that imaginary vessel. It’s time to grab a bucket and start bailing water — pronto. That’s where we are today. The ship of state is taking on water at an alarming rate. It’s Mayday time as President Trump continues to poke holes in the hull — the rule of law — that has kept U.S. democracy afloat for almost 244 years.

    Last week, Trump was acquitted of two articles of impeachment by a partisan Senate after a sham trial even though he was clearly guilty. He immediately vowed revenge and got it by firing not only two witnesses against him — Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Ambassador Gordon Sondland — but also, in a touch of pure thuggishness, Vindman’s brother, who also worked for the National Security Council. On Tuesday, Trump demanded that the military open disciplinary proceedings against Vindman, even though this Iraq War veteran did nothing wrong.

    At the same time, Trump publicly lashed out at federal prosecutors for following sentencing guidelines in asking for a seven-to-nine-year prison term for his confidant Roger Stone, who was found guilty of witness tampering and lying to Congress in order to stymie an investigation about Trump’s links to Russia. The Justice Department then recommended a lesser sentence. Four prosecutors quit the case — and one quit the Justice Department — in protest. As usual, Trump confessed on Twitter, writing: “Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought.”

    The president is politicizing the legal system to protect a crony who refused to testify against him while punishing those who did testify. This is what happens in banana republics. I never thought it could happen here. But it just did.

    I’m sending out an SOS — Save Our System! If a Democrat doesn’t win the White House in November, our democracy will be endangered. I will vote for any Democratic nominee — even Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is now the front-runner after a narrow victory in New Hampshire. But I devoutly hope Democrats do not nominate Sanders. He is a risk we cannot run at this moment of peril.

    The polls make clear that most Americans are very happy with the economy. In a recent Gallup survey, 59 percent said their personal financial situation has improved over the past year, an even higher number than in 1999 at the height of the dot-com boom. Under those circumstances, a normal president would have 60 percent support. But Trump’s approval rating is only 43.6 percent in the FiveThirtyEight polling average, because he has alienated so many people with his unconscionable words and deeds.

    So there is an opening to beat Trump with a candidate who will be seen as a pair of safe hands at the tiller — someone who will not alienate much of the country or imperil our economy. Sanders is not that candidate.

    Gallup just released a poll showing that most Americans would be willing to vote for a presidential candidate who is black, Catholic, Hispanic, Jewish, a woman, gay or younger than 40 — but not for a socialist. Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist. His signature issue is Medicare-for-all. That slogan tests positively. But in a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 58 percent are opposed to eliminating private health insurance and 60 percent are opposed to paying higher taxes for health care. Sanders’s plan calls for eliminating private health-insurance and paying more taxes. It’s an electoral loser — it’s the super-yacht we can’t afford and don’t need right now — whereas promising to defend and expand the Affordable Care Act is a proven winner that helped Democrats retake the House in 2018.

    As if that weren’t bad enough, Sanders carries decades of ideological baggage, having in the past praised Communist regimes and joined a socialist party that took Iran’s side during the Iranian hostage crisis. Sanders’ Democratic opponents haven’t exploited this record because they are terrified of offending Sanders’s supporters. You can bet that Trump won’t have any such reticence. He is champing at the bit to run against “Crazy Bernie.” His supporters in South Carolina are even helping Sanders in that state’s Democratic primary. Perhaps Trump’s confidence is unjustified, as Matt Lewis argues in the Daily Beast. But given the terrible track record of far-left candidates in the 2018 midterm election and in the recent British election (Jeremy Corbyn lost in a landslide), it’s a risk we cannot afford to run.

    nittany ram

    This entire article is ridiculous but I’ll concentrate on this…

    dAs if that weren’t bad enough, Sanders carries decades of ideological baggage, having in the past praised Communist regimes and joined a socialist party that took Iran’s side during the Iranian hostage crisis.

    What a load of BS.

    He praised Cuba for giving its citizens universal healthcare and free education. He also said living conditions weren’t nearly as bad as how they were portrayed.

    He commented on how efficient, clean and inexpensive the Soviet public transportation system was compared to the system (or lack thereof) in the US.

    That’s the extent of his praise for communist regimes.

    The Iran thing is fake news. He was never even a member of the Socialist Workers Party, which is the party the author is referring to.


    The establishment is terrified of Bernie as we knew they would be.

    Good lord, they’ve even wheeled out panic-stricken James Carville. …and who the fuck is Michael Bennett?


    Max Boot, Republican neocon, Bushie, and one of the biggest proponents of the invasion of Iraq. The supposedly “liberal” WaPo hired all kinds of writers just like him. Take a look at this list. You can find all kinda conservative Republicans and righties in general. The Post is swimming in them!!


    (under Opinion Writers)

    Thiessen, Gerson, Kagan, Rubin, Lane, Abernathy, O’Rourke, Brooks, Daniels, Hewitt, McCardle, Olsen, Will, Parker, plus several centrists who could be from either party, like Ignatius and Samuelson. That’s just me skimming the list.

    Admittedly, some of the folks above are now “Never Trumpers,” but they haven’t stopped being right-wing, and 99% are still Republicans.

    No Dem and no one further to their left should give a damn what Boot says about Sanders. However, I do give him some credit for at least critiquing his own party’s slavish devotion to Trump. He’s been pretty good on that subject. But no one should take his advice when it comes to who should be the Dem nominee. He’s an old-school wingnut/neocon, with some regrets and reassessments, cuzza Trump.





    I am going to endorse the following candidates: Pete Buttigieg, Elizatbeth Warren, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, Mike Bloomberg, and if all else fails, Donald Trump. Thank you.


    Thank you guys for all of those examples. Tragically sad and strangely funny at the same time.

    First time I noticed how bad it was was when John Heilemann, on Morning Joe said (and I’m paraphrasing):

    “Bernie is just kinda sitting there — at the top (in a very dismissive voice). But Klobuchar and the others are really making their move.”

    Most of the guests were lauding the rise of everyone but Sanders, harping on that, and kinda making Sanders sound like he was losing by being Number One. I think it was Scarborough alone — a Republican conservative (Never Trumper) — who tried to give Sanders some kudos.

    Strange Days, indeed.



    Here is a comprehensive Media Hates Sanders article with screenshots: Too difficult to cut and paste with all the images and videos.

    The Bernie Blackout Is Real, and These Screenshots Prove It



    Yeah. There is ugliness all over, and it’s no accident that Sanders supporters have been singled out for responsibility. Truth is…as he says…there is ugliness all over. But only Sanders supporters seem to be “known” for this.

    Somebody asked earlier today what arguments he could use to convince a Buttigieg supporter that his supporters are worse than Sanders’. And I said, forget it. You can’t win that argument. There is no empirical data on this. People believe what they want to believe. And in the case of Sanders, it’s some baloney that Clinton started to emphasize that she’s a woman (Bernie Bros), and you repeat that often enough, and see a couple of examples of it…and there you go. You can’t convince people that it’s exaggerated.



    imo one of the most incredible scams in media is the washington post letting jennifer rubin churn out daily anti-bernie vitriol then claiming in the same pages he has “escaped scrutiny”



    Fabiana Jung@JungFabiana
    There is a white lady on MSNBC right now suggesting that Latinos are voting for Bernie because the pro-Bernie kids in the family are manipulating their parents who can’t speak English. #NevadaCaucus



    And…Bernie is now a….drum-roll….wait for it….a Russian Tool.

    No, its not Fox saying it — Near the end of this vid, Carlson quotes a coupla Dem-MSM stooges:


    it seems bernie has lost that most beloved demographic, vastly overpaid media assholes who know nothing and whom everyone hates

    Linda Sarsour@lsarsour
    It’s like everyone wants more young people to vote, working class folks, immigrant communities and then when they do their choice is questioned. Unless those groups vote the establishment choices, somehow they are uninformed & making the wrong decision. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
    All the anti-Sanders op-eds, the endorsements against him, the warnings from party leaders, the dirty ads from DC groups, the CIA leaks.

    None of it matters. They no longer have power. And they know it. That’s why they’re freaking out.

    Their last hope: beg Bloomberg to stop this



    Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
    With the Sanders surge, one MSNBC host – one of their highest-paid and most prominent ones – now positioning himself to back Trump’s re-election after 4 years of non-stop alarmism about Trump the fascist dictator Russian puppet posing an existential threat to US democracy:


    Centrist-Corporatists discussing the crisis.
    The Republican ex-Bush corporatist, sez Bernie is ‘not a Democrat.’


    Apologies if this has already been posted:

    Blowback Hits MSNBC After Chris Matthews Compares Sanders’ Win to Nazis Conquering France

    Blowback Hits MSNBC After Chris Matthews Compares Sanders’ Win to Nazis Conquering France

    “Why is Chris Matthews on this air talking about the victory Bernie Sanders, who had kin murdered in the Holocaust, analogizing it to the Nazi conquest of France?” MSNBC guest Anand Giridharadas asked

    MSNBC host Chris Matthews is taking heat for comparing Bernie Sanders’ win in Nevada on Saturday to the 1940 Nazi invasion of France.

    After being asked about his take on Sanders’ win, Matthews said, “I was reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940. And the general, Reynaud, calls up Churchill and says, ‘It’s over.’ And Churchill says, ‘How can that be? You’ve got the greatest army in Europe. How can it be over?’ He said, ‘It’s over.’”

    Sanders’ communications director, Mike Casca, took to Twitter to express his dismay with Matthews’ comments, writing, “ never thought part of my job would be pleading with a national news network to stop likening the campaign of a Jewish presidential candidate whose family was wiped out by the Nazis to the Third Reich… but here we are.”

    Author and Time magazine editor at large Anand Giridharadas was a guest on MSNBC Sunday morning and went after Matthews, while also taking others from the network to task about how Sanders’ success is being analyzed and who is doing the analysis.

    “This is a moment for curiosity in America,” Giridharadas said. “I think about this network, which I love, which you love. And I think we have to look within also. Why is a lobbyist for Uber and Mark Zuckerberg on the air many nights explaining a political revolution to us? Why is Chris Matthews on this air talking about the victory Bernie Sanders, who had kin murdered in the Holocaust, analogizing it to the Nazi conquest of France?”

    Sanders Denounces Reported Russian Election Interference by ‘Thug’ Putin


    — PoliticsVideo23 (@politicsvideo23) February 23, 2020

    Matthews was also criticized earlier this month after he voiced fears of a Sanders presidency and talked about socialist-led “executions in Central Park.”

    Some called for the host to resign over his latest remarks while others, like Sanders supporter and congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, advised people to “listen to what Anand is saying.” She added, “Mass movements are beginning to transform our political landscape in a way we haven’t seen in a long time. This kind of politics is an important shift away from saviorism. It’s not about ‘the one’ — it’s about the many.”


    I have no idea why he still has a job there.

    Unfortunately, it’s all across the media. And it seems all the newscasters and pundits have received a memo to say “socialist” as if they’ve just bitten down on a bad lemon, and to say “capitalist” as if they just won the lottery.

    It’s especially annoying to see blacks on TV do this. I wish someone would remind them that MLK, W.E.B Dubois and most of the first wave of civil rights leaders were socialists . . . and that Frederick Douglass leaned that way.

    In short, my thing isn’t just the treatment of Sanders. It’s the blatant gaslighting regarding socialism itself, as well as capitalism. Journalists aren’t supposed to put their thumbs on the scale like that, and they’re not even trying to hide it. It’s almost embarrassing to watch them make such asses of themselves on behalf of oligarchs and plutocrats.



    That Krystal Ball vid is worth watching. At least the last three mins or so.

    What I wonder is, what will the Dem-MSM actually DO, if Bernie gets the Nomination?

    Will they torpedo him? Because, think about it — if you are corporate-centrist, whats the best-case-scenario? If Bernie loses to Trump, the Dems will NEVER put up another progressive. At least they wont for the next 20 years.
    What we’ll get is ‘fake progressives’ like Warren and Buddachex.

    So a lot is riding on Bernie. The whole American progressive movement.

    He’s gotta win.



    That Krystal Ball vid is worth watching. At least the last three mins or so.

    What I wonder is, what will the Dem-MSM actually DO, if Bernie gets the Nomination?

    Will they torpedo him? Because, think about it — if you are corporate-centrist, whats the best-case-scenario? If Bernie loses to Trump, the Dems will NEVER put up another progressive. At least they wont for the next 20 years.
    What we’ll get is ‘fake progressives’ like Warren and Buddachex.

    So a lot is riding on Bernie. The whole American progressive movement.

    He’s gotta win.


    But…the old guard is over 65, and dying off year-by-year. The young’uns perceive the status quo as an existential threat. Not just a difference in opinions about policies, or philosophy of government. They don’t want to live in a Mad Max movie that starts with a completely trashed environment. The gig is up for corporate polluters. It is. It’s over. So we can either do this peacefully, or those Millennials that everyone thinks are so happy to hang out in Mom’s basement are going to emerge with some baseball bats. I am seeing a most stronger commitment now than I did in 2016. It ain’t a scientific sample. But it’s what I see. It’s a matter of time.


    To add to that.

    The young’uns were told they had to go to college, so they did. What they got was a monthly payment the size of a housing payment, but with no housing.

    They were promised good-paying jobs. They got minimum wage jobs and internships, so they’re living in mom’s basement.

    We stuck them with crappy medical insurance that they have to pay for in order to subsidize other people because statistically, they don’t use it much.

    We told them to be scared of Muslims, but they don’t see any scary Muslims. And they don’t care about gays, and they don’t remember a time when there was no black president. Meanwhile…you all forgot to scare them about socialism because you thought you won that battle forever. So they aren’t scared of it. You made them scared of shit that doesn’t exist.

    Sorry, Boomers. That’s the generation you raised, and the demographics are bringing them and multicultural urban areas into dominance. That’s happening, and Stephen Miller can’t stop it.

    Meanwhile the world is on fire, and we aren’t doing anything about it. So they see that, too.

    Welcome Bernie Sanders.


    But…the old guard is over 65,
    and dying off year-by-year…
    The gig is up for corporate polluters.
    It is. It’s over.
    So we can either do this peacefully,
    or those Millennials…
    are going to emerge with some baseball bats….


    You are such an optimist.


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