Trump, Biden, Harris, and my humble request to leftists with audiences.

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    This, of course, isn’t directed at folks here, or any leftist, anywhere, who lacks an electronic megaphone to one degree or another. It’s not directed at “rank and file” leftists, IOW. To them I say the fiercer the critique, the wider the condemnations, the bigger the blast area the better, as long as it’s reality-based, at least.

    But at this particular juncture in American history, given the existential threat Trump and the GOP pose, and not just to America, but the planet itself, I’d like to see leftists with audiences keep their powder dry, at least until the results of the election are confirmed. As in, I’d like to see them leave the Dems alone (for the most part) and concentrate their considerable firepower on Trump, the GOP and the political right in general.

    (I don’t think that’s too much to ask for 90 days, give or take.)

    It would be tragic if “the left” did in 2020 what we were falsely accused of doing in 2016: handing the election to Trump.

    Just my take from the Island of Misfit Leftists.


    I;ve said it before. It’s a choice between losing your leg or gangrene. So I am with you on this.

    Not to the point of arguing about it with comrades. If someone can’t do it, they can’t do it. I get it.


    I;ve said it before. It’s a choice between losing your leg or gangrene. So I am with you on this.

    Not to the point of arguing about it with comrades. If someone can’t do it, they can’t do it. I get it.

    Well said, especially the last part.

    If, say, Giuseppe Leftista, with his own column in Jacobin or Current Affairs, just can’t refrain from blasting the Dems for X, Y or Z, so be it. If Gudrun Sigurddóttir, with her ezine, youtube show and surprising column in the NYT has to do the same, so be it. That’s their right. I won’t argue, not that they’d care what I had to say, regardless.


    I just (fervently) hope they’d refrain. At least for another 90 days or so.

    If by some miracle all the crooked, corrupt, malicious and anti-democratic dirty tricks we all know Trump will try fail . . . and Trump/Harris end up in the White House on January 20th, confirmed, etc. etc. . . . then leftists with audiences should have at it, guns ablazing at both major parties and the System, whenever this is warranted.

    Which is nearly. All. The. Time.

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