This is why Corporate America loves Trump.

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    This is why they love him more than they love the corporate lovin’ Dems. And why shouldn’t they? He and the GOP keep slashing their taxes, destroying regulations, privatizing public goods, services and assets, and dismantling environmental protections, which were already too weak.

    *President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he may condition federal aid to states battling the coronavirus on those states eliminating sanctuary cities, payroll taxes, and capital-gains taxes.

    *”Well run States should not be bailing out poorly run States, using CoronaVirus as the excuse!” Trump tweeted.

    *”The elimination of Sanctuary Cities, Payroll Taxes, and perhaps Capital Gains Taxes, must be put on the table,” he added. “Also lawsuit indemnification & business deductions for restaurants & ent.”

    Notice how viciously clever he’s being by throwing in “Sanctuary Cities.” That will fire up his “base” of malicious yahoos, and make them forget about Trump’s gifts to billionaires. He’s telling them he’s going to slash their taxes again, protect them from litigation, and all but guarantee future austerity to protect those tax cuts. Cutting payroll taxes today means the GOP will push for deep social safety net cuts tomorrow.

    Of course, the mere idea that any president would withhold aid to states, in the middle of a pandemic, until they meet his demands — as if Trump owns those assets and they’re his to divvy up . . . . Has there ever been a president in our lifetime who blackmailed the rest of the country like that?

    In my view, it’s self-evidently the case that Trump is the most monstrous of recent presidents, and we’ve had some real doozies.


    The Rising does indeed pick on the Reps, BT 🙂



    Preaching to the choir, I know. Adding a bit to Saager’s comments: we’re in for Disaster Capitalism on a global scale. Not just in the way Naomi Klein wrote about about it, when individual catastrophes occur, like earthquakes and tsunamis. This is going to be the Third Gilded Age for global oligarchs, and we’re still in the Second one. Unless We the People fight back, our already record levels of inequality will go into warp drive . . . and perhaps my darkest thought, which I try to chase away (but can’t) . . . is this:

    The already poor, and the newly poor, will be the new sacrificial lambs. They’ll be given their starkest choice since the Great Depression, but with an additional burden that literally could kill them. It won’t just be obscenely unjust exploitation and appropriation of their labor. Their labor will be done on the front lines of a global pandemic, while the rich stay safe and sound in their pristine mansions. They can’t “work from home.” They have to go into work daily, on the front lines. And it’s going to kill record numbers of them.

    Btw, looks like the Dems did try for something better. But it got crushed. Don’t know why, or how hard they tried, etc. etc.


    A sidebar:

    The other day — may have been yesterday; the days are a blur for me lately — Trump and some of his minions visited an N95 mask factory, but didn’t wear masks. And this, of course, will spur on more Americans to refuse to wear them, which will literally kill their neighbors and their friends.

    (Or they’ll just kill them anyway, as happened recently to a Dollar General employee who had the nerve to ask a woman to wear a mask)

    Will they stop to think beyond the Dog and Pony show and realize that they can’t do what Trump does, when it comes to this virus? As in, Trump and his cronies are tested hourly, and anyone who believes that factory wasn’t disinfected to the nth degree and beyond . . . well, I got some great beach front property in Afghanistan to sell them. No “social distancing” and no masks on the truly odious Trump and his crew. But they’ll always be protected.

    99% of the nation can’t say that.

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