The Autopsy

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  • #115266


    Krystal said the leftist movement was ‘on the cusp of victory…’

    But it wasn’t. It was a mirage. The only reason Bernie won so many states early was the Corporate-Neolibs had spread out their votes among all those Corporate-Dems.
    As soon as the game got down to Corporate vs Bernie — Corporate dominated.

    When you add up the Corporate-Dems and the Corporate-Rightwingers… big is the ‘progressive left’ really?

    All ya haf to do is count that actual, real-life, real-left national office-holders. There’s AOC. There’s Bernie. And a few others.

    A handful. Christ there were more leftist officeholders in the 1920s.

    Ah well.

    Granted, as Noam noted, the left has made some agonizing, slow, progress. Medicare For All is not anathema among the Dems anymore. As far as i can tell…thats about it. Thats what we got, after all these years. That much.



    Krystal said the leftist movement was ‘on the cusp of victory…’

    But it wasn’t. It was a mirage. The only reason Bernie won so many states early was the Corporate-Neolibs had spread out their votes among all those Corporate-Dems.
    As soon as the game got down to Corporate vs Bernie — Corporate dominated.

    When you add up the Corporate-Dems and the Corporate-Rightwingers… big is the ‘progressive left’ really?

    All ya haf to do is count that actual, real-life, real-left national office-holders. There’s AOC. There’s Bernie. And a few others.

    A handful. Christ there were more leftist officeholders in the 1920s.

    Ah well.

    Granted, as Noam noted, the left has made some agonizing, slow, progress. Medicare For All is not anathema among the Dems anymore. As far as i can tell…thats about it. Thats what we got, after all these years. That much.


    Bernie may have won if the corporate Dems hadn’t all bailed and rallied around Biden. If the field had stayed spread out through Super Tuesday. If Pete and Amy and Mike stayed through Super Tuesday, Sanders would have won more delegates than anybody else, and had the appearance of inevitability. But…yeah. He probably still wouldn’t have had the majority of delegates, and they still would have screwed him at the convention. But it would have been a lot harder to sabotage him if he had made it that far.

    It is really amazing – and discouraging – to see that the Democrats are more energetic and effective at fighting the progressives than they are at fighting Republicans and Trump. I think that is the most depressing takeaway of the entire Sanders story. Democrats have completely moved into the traditional Republican camp, and Republicans have become Fascists, and there is almost no FDR Democrats left. The unions are basically washed up and sold out. The politicians serve Wall Street. The only trace of liberal compassion left is in identity politics and marijuana laws. That’s it. The only progressive accomplishments since the Civil Rights Act are the legalization of gay marriage and the legalization of pot in a handful of states. Oh…and gays can serve in the military. Sort of.

    That’s it. In the past 50 years, that’s it.

    Every other political sphere has regressed. And the courts are being stacked with assholes to lock up the next 40 years.

    It was nice knowing ya, wv. I hope Armageddon is good to you.


    It is really amazing – and discouraging – to see that the Democrats are more energetic and effective at fighting the progressives than they are at fighting Republicans and Trump.

    …It was nice knowing ya, wv. I hope Armageddon is good to you.


    I followed the Corbyn thing pretty closely. It was exactly the same dynamic. I dunno if you followed that story but there was a report that came out that said the British labor-version of the DNC smeared Corbyn with the ‘anti semite’ thing.

    There is, quite simply, a war against the ‘left.’ Old as the hills. Takes different forms in different places. I suppose, maybe the American-right has been the most successful in their theater of the war. I mean in America, you actually have two rightwing parties, and one of them is disguised to be the ‘left’ party.
    Its genius. Its brilliant. Philip Dick level fantastic. And the voters believe what they have been trained to believe.

    I tell ya, there….is….no….way….to have real change when the electorate is this brainwashed. It simply can not be done. Every single strategy you can think of fails with a brainwashed electorate. And thats what we got.

    I thought the internet might save us. It didnt.


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