Thank you, Monroe

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    Sandy Hook School PTA and Families Thank Monroe as They Begin ‘Transition Home’
    The PTA said Town of Monroe and officials gave families and staff ‘the time, space and strength to begin the healing process together.’

    Newtown, CT

    By Wendy Ann Mitchell (Patch Staff) – June 18, 2016 11:35 am ET
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    Sandy Hook School PTA and Families Thank Monroe as They Begin ‘Transition Home’
    Monroe, CT — As Sandy Hook Elementary School students and staff prepare to say goodbye to Chalk Hill and get ready to go to a newly constructed school in Sandy Hook, the PTA sent a public thank you to the town , fire, police, EMTs and countless volunteers who made the move possible.

    Chalk Hill Middle School, Monroe’s first multi-storied school building was built near the chalk mines in town 46 years ago. Hours after the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School took the lives of 20 children and six educators, the Town of Monroe offered use of its building.

    The new Sandy Hook Elementary School is set to open in the fall of 2016 on Dickinson Drive in Sandy Hook after the previous location was demolished.

    The following is a letter written by Sandy Hook Elementary School’s PTA as they say goodbye:

    “Like any year, children are excited that summer vacation is here. But for the children of Sandy Hook Elementary at Chalk Hill, it’s also time to say good-bye and embark on the next part of our journey – the transition home.

    On behalf of the Sandy Hook Elementary PTA and families, we’d like to express our sincere thanks to the residents, police department, town and school district of Monroe, CT, for their compassionate accommodation of our school community over the last 3 ½ years.

    Many of our current students were new to the district since the move to Monroe. For them, Chalk Hill was a simple solution to an obvious problem – it was a place to go to school. However, for those of us who had children at SHS on 12/14, it was a much more profound gift. Monroe didn’t just lend us an empty building — they offered us sanctuary. A quiet and protected refuge, close enough for convenience but removed from the chaos and the cameras. A place to catch our breath, collect our wits and find our voice. When the Newtown and Monroe Officials jointly announced the planned move to Chalk Hill during a community meeting, you should know that news was met both with tears…and a standing ovation.

    In the wake of our tragedy, we know swarms of volunteers worked tirelessly over the holidays to deal with logistics and necessary building modifications to accommodate our youngsters. Others worked tenderly and with the utmost sensitivity to recreate an environment of familiarity. You decorated rooms, moved desks, planted flowers and adorned the streets leading up to the school with welcome signs. We were greeted with personalized tours, a team of comfort dogs and of course, the security and confidence provided by the Monroe Police Department. A move that under normal circumstances would have been planned out months in advance, was carefully orchestrated and accomplished in a matter of just a few weeks.

    Your kindness and generosity helped restore our faith in our community and in one another. You gave the Sandy Hook Elementary staff, parents and — most especially our children — the time, space and strength to begin the healing process together.

    We understand there is no end to this journey. Instead, we will forever carry both the burden and the gift that comes with perspective. We’ve learned to cherish each other and simple pleasures. We’ve been inspired to pay it forward and give back to others in need through memorial charities and other efforts. And, we’ve experienced the power and humility of simply saying “Thank you.”

    In loving memory of those lost on 12/14 and in honor of all those affected every day since, we thank you Monroe. Thank you for offering hope when it seemed lost. Thank you for giving us your time when it seemed to stand still. And most of all, thank you for the courage to take this next step.

    Your neighbors and friends,
    Sandy Hook School PTA and Families”

    The new $50 million building was built by Consiglii & Sons. Svigals + Partners designed the new school based on community input. See photos here.


    Thanks for posting that, TSRF.

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