Seconding Dak, Happy New Year, all!

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    Hope everyone has the best 2017.

    One of my resolutions is to post a fraction of a fraction as much online, and concentrate more other things, like my novels. But did want to check in and make a coupla comments and then go back to the novel in progress . . . . which, I have to say, with much pride, is coming along really well. Nearly 30,000 words in less than four weeks. Kinda on fire with it, etc. I think this one may finally be “the one.”

    Anyway . . . so, those comments:

    Trump and his supporters appear to have given us an amazing political innovation, and with each passing day, I’m guessing it will pay many dividends for them, literally. That is, to just skip the middlemen and put billionaires, lobbyists and extremely rich CEOs in charge directly. Instead of going to all the trouble of putting “public servants” in office who work for the billionaires, lobbyists and CEOs, craft policies for them, jack up their profits, and maybe take a little cut of the action in the bargain — the time-honored way both major parties have always done things — Trump and company decided they can make even more money for themselves by just running the show up front. Almost no overhead that way.

    Conflicts of interest? Just call all of that “fake news” and move on with the profiteering. And if anyone really raises a serious stink about it, Trump will tweet them into submission and his supporters will frighten them into silence with death threats, etc.

    Major technical innovations as well as finance-wise.

    I’m guessing this will be easily the most corrupt administration in a century, and that Trump and his cronies will get away with it.

    Hope I’m wrong. Waaay wrong. But I don’t think so.

    PA Ram

    Happy New Years to you Billy!

    Good luck with the novel. I hope it’s a hit. I wish you the best.

    I’m starting off the new years with a tooth extraction on Thursday. They were going to put on a new crown but alas–the tooth is too far gone. So I’m one step closer to dentures!!!!! Very exciting.

    That’s my big news.

    Hang in there with Trump. We’re all on the Titanic together. We just aren’t the band playing while it goes down.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    nittany ram

    Hey Billy. Good luck with the writing but I hope you find some time for us. We miss you. At the very least you’re a welcome distraction from PA’s constant yammering about his dentures.


    Thanks, Nittany and PA.

    All of the best to both of youze this year and beyond.

    I go to the dentist tomorrow. Never the most pleasant way to spend one’s day. Hopefully, it will just be a routine checkup/cleaning, etc. No drama. I hope your visit is as routine as can be, PA Ram. Will you be doing Zazen to ease the journey?

    Well, it’s back to the novel. “Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .”

    Take care, all.


    Hope everyone has the best 2017.

    One of my resolutions is to post a fraction of a fraction as much online, and concentrate more other things, like my novels. But did want to check in and make a coupla comments and then go back to the novel in progress . . . . which, I have to say, with much pride, is coming along really well. Nearly 30,000 words in less than four weeks. Kinda on fire with it, etc. I think this one may finally be “the one.”

    Anyway . . . so, those comments:

    Trump and his supporters appear to have given us an amazing political innovation, and with each passing day, I’m guessing it will pay many dividends for them, literally. That is, to just skip the middlemen and put billionaires, lobbyists and extremely rich CEOs in charge directly. Instead of going to all the trouble of putting “public servants” in office who work for the billionaires, lobbyists and CEOs, craft policies for them, jack up their profits, and maybe take a little cut of the action in the bargain — the time-honored way both major parties have always done things — Trump and company decided they can make even more money for themselves by just running the show up front. Almost no overhead that way.

    Conflicts of interest? Just call all of that “fake news” and move on with the profiteering. And if anyone really raises a serious stink about it, Trump will tweet them into submission and his supporters will frighten them into silence with death threats, etc.

    Major technical innovations as well as finance-wise.

    I’m guessing this will be easily the most corrupt administration in a century, and that Trump and his cronies will get away with it.

    Hope I’m wrong. Waaay wrong. But I don’t think so.

    I know so. Happy New Year!

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Happy New Year, BT. And Fuck 2016.



    Happy new year. Have a good 2017.

    And stop sky diving without a chute.

    You’re usually in a bad mood for days after doing that.



    Happy New Year, Billy!

    I don’t have a New Year’s Resolution this year. But, I am compelled to follow the mainstream media news for the first time in my life. I’m reading it daily to see how they treat the President-elect and his party in power. That will give me clues as to how far down the road to fascism we will venture.


    Happy New Year to you as well, Dak, ZN and WV.

    And on this, Dak:

    I don’t have a New Year’s Resolution this year. But, I am compelled to follow the mainstream media news for the first time in my life. I’m reading it daily to see how they treat the President-elect and his party in power. That will give me clues as to how far down the road to fascism we will venture.

    I have no doubts in my mind that Trump’s rise to power has most of the hallmarks of a fascist coup, that his hate-filled, xenophobic, racist and incredibly bellicose rallies were all too similar to the Nazis. That said, I also think we’ve had a kind of fascism lite for long long time, if one sees fascism as right-wing, corporate control of government — the standard definition boiled down. So it’s not really a “coup” per se. More like a slide further right from where we were already.

    But Trump, as mentioned above, has decided not to even try to hide the corporate ownership of government, and has doubled down on that, putting multiple billionaires in charge, multiple lobbyists, multiple CEOs, to rule the roost. I mean, who would have thought anyone would have the nerve to put the CEO of a fast-food restaurant chain in charge of Labor issues in America? And one who opposes minimum wage increases and favors robots? Or Rex Tillerson, the CEO of Exxon Mobil, as Secretary of State? Or the lunatic Flynn in charge of national intel?

    Coupla good articles on his new cabinet:

    Climate deniers, conspiracists and one-percenters: Trump’s cabinet of characters The president-elect plans to surround himself with enemies of the environment, billions of dollars in net worth and people who are against their own agencies

    Schooled on Benghazi and Pizzagate, Trump team is heavy on conspiracy theorists

    Anyway . . . there’s always the prospect that the Rams are going to be amazingly good in 2017, with a brand new coach, Goff and Gurley playing at an All-Pro level, the defense Top Five, and rainbows and unicorns on the horizon.

    We can still dream, right?

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