Physicians Demand End To 20-Year-Old Ban On Gun Violence Research

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  • #46358

    Congrats. You have equated her wanting a semi-auto hand gun in her purse with her owning a nuclear powered submarine. I’ll use your own words in closing.

    “That kind of extremist hyperbole is the real “BS” here.”

    Well he didn’t equate the 2. Logically, it’s an example of reductio ad absurdum. The point is things are banned constantly because different societies see them as dangerous and unnecessary. We all agree private citizens should not own their own nuclear subs. What does that prove? THat we always draw limits. In fact that’s the very nature of being in a society.

    So saying that just demonstrates the absurdity of claiming that all socially and legally imposed limits are wrong or bad. Obviously that’s not true.

    The question then becomes, where is the line to be drawn?

    When it comes to everyone carrying MP 40s on their key chains, you come down on one side, he comes down on another.

    And no you did not literally specify everyone has to carry an MP 40 on their key chain. Not every point is made with literal language.

    That is a well worn Schmeisser! Yeah I know but thats what I always heard it called growing up. Actually had a chance to buy one over 20 years ago for $2500 that was in amazing condition but my wife insisted the house payment was more important. Women!

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

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    Avatar photowv

    I work with the poorest of the poor everyday. I hear their stories of life on the street. (And this is just a little town in WV). Their fears are justified. They cant rely on the police or the middle-class-folks safe in their homes or behind their gates.


    But that has ALWAYS been true. The few times I have lived in rough neighborhoods (primarily in St. Louis), you see immediately that policing and so forth are just different. You’re more vulnerable. And so on. But that has always been the american way.

    And the people you describe are not the ones buying AR 15s.

    In general, the “fear factor” among the majority of americans who are prey to that is just completely in their heads. It’s not just murder that has gone down—EVERYTHING has gone down.

    I agree with a lot of that, but i dont agree with the idea (dunno if u are saying this) that poor people should feel safe on the streets because “the stats show they are safer than some time in the past”. I dont think the fact that crime stats say things are ‘saFER’ means they are actually SAFE.

    I also dont really trust crime stats in general. I’ve seen too many stories about police departments cooking the stats. So, crime stats are especially tricky in my view. Cause the people making the stats have an interest in minimizing them.

    Without going on and on about this, I know for a fact its not as safe as it used to be in Morgantown — and the police have stats that say its ‘safer’.

    At any rate, i dont care about the stats. I really dont. Its not safe on the streets for marginalized, poor, people. The victims of corporate-capitalism. Thats my view. Its not safe. So, if any of those individuals want guns, fine by me.

    As for machine guns, nuclear weapons, bazookas, ray guns, anti-gravity-guns, shrinking-ray-guns, Freeze-guns, death-rays, or guns that fire toxic luna moths — I’m ok with a referendum on it. How bout we just vote on it.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photozn

    I agree with a lot of that, but i dont agree with the idea (dunno if u are saying this) that poor people should feel safe on the streets because “the stats show they are safer than some time in the past”.

    No… I was not saying that about poor neighborhoods. At least in part because I don’t know the income/neighborhood stat breakdowns on violent crime, and yet also in part because I know full well the police operate differently there.


    Wallace said the last time he had seen such a surge in gun sales was when President Obama was first elected into office.


    This illustrates the very reason why the second amendment exists in the first place…

    cuz the white man is afraid of the black man.

    No it was Obama’s-

    Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, the presidential hopeful said: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

    IOW he is an ignorant jackass.

    What about that wasn’t dead on?

    Lots of reason to ding Obama, but he hit that nail right on the head.

    My grandfather worked for Bethlehem Steel and I spent every summer in his house. I grew up every summer in the Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton PA area that got just smashed by the loss of Bethlehem Steel.

    Everything about that statement is literal truth. There’s no BLAME in it. It’s just what is. The folks in thousands of towns like Bethlehem and the neighboring towns got sold out. HARD. People were betrayed and were left with little ability to cope.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Wallace said the last time he had seen such a surge in gun sales was when President Obama was first elected into office.


    This illustrates the very reason why the second amendment exists in the first place…

    cuz the white man is afraid of the black man.

    No it was Obama’s-

    Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, the presidential hopeful said: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

    IOW he is an ignorant jackass.

    What about that wasn’t dead on?

    Lots of reason to ding Obama, but he hit that nail right on the head.

    My grandfather worked for Bethlehem Steel and I spent every summer in his house. I grew up every summer in the Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton PA area that got just smashed by the loss of Bethlehem Steel.

    Everything about that statement is literal truth. There’s no BLAME in it. It’s just what is. The folks in thousands of towns like Bethlehem and the neighboring towns got sold out. HARD. People were betrayed and were left with little ability to cope.

    Again you cannot follow. Try to pay attention. Obama’s “they cling to guns” was a slam against good suffering people who have the right to possess firearms due to the 2nd Amendment of the BOR.

    BTW I’ve spent time in Allentown and Ebensburg and Revloc and Colver. There are similar towns throughout the Southern Appalachians, midwest and south. Flyover country has been hollowed out by treasonous trade deals for decades.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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