Media Silent as Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting in Progress at a South Car

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    Media Silent as Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting in Progress at a South Carolina Nightclub

    July 1, 2016

    Lyman, SC – A remarkable incident is being largely ignored by corporate mainstream media – as it doesn’t fit their “guns are bad” narrative. A man with a concealed carry license stopped a mass shooting in progress outside a South Carolina nightclub in the early morning hours on Sunday after an assailant opened fire in a crowed of people, striking and injuring three people.

    Jody Ray Thompson, 32, faces multiple attempted murder charges stemming from the incident, according to Spartanburg County deputies. None of the victims’ injuries were life-threatening, according to police.

    “His rounds struck 3 victims, and almost struck a fourth victim, who in self-defense, pulled his own weapon and fired, striking Thompson in the leg,” Lt. Kevin Bobo said.

    Police said that after getting into an altercation with another man, Thompson pulled out a firearm and began firing into a crowd of people that had gathered near the front of the club around 3:30 a.m., according to WISTV-10.

    As Thompson was firing at the crowd of people, one of his would-be victims, with a concealed carry permit, was able to return fire, striking Thompson in the leg and ending the mass shooting in progress.

    “Thompson was still on the scene when deputies arrived, but the initial scene was chaotic,” Lt. Bobo said. “It wasn’t until victims and witnesses were interviewed, and video from the scene was reviewed that Thompson was identified as the suspect.”

    Police confirmed that the man who stopped the attack had a valid concealed weapons permit and won’t face any charges. Thompson faces four counts of attempted murder, possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime, and unlawful carrying of a weapon.

    The interesting thing about this incident is that it flies in the face of the narrative that people would be safer if we make it harder for individuals to gain access to, or legally carry, firearms.

    There is a certain level of common sense regulation, such as not allowing violent felons or convicted terrorists to own guns. However, the push to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to access or carry firearms actually works against public safety, as clearly illustrated in this case.

    The current narrative on gun control is that “mass shootings,” defined by the FBI as three or more people shot in one incident, are at an epidemic level. This ostensible epidemic requires society to increase restrictions on gun ownership as a means of saving lives and lowering the U.S. homicide rate.
    It’s important to keep in mind that mass shootings in public places should never be the main focus in the gun debate for gun control. The reality is that on average mass shootings account for much less than a single percent of the U.S. homicide rate.
    Had this legal concealed carrier not been present when this gunman began opening fire, this incident would have likely had much more deadly consequences. The reality is that a legal concealed carrier at ground zero of an attack can stop the carnage sooner.
    When good people carry firearms it saves lives, not that the media will tell you that.


    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photonittany ram
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    “…Some might validly argue that the suspect’s intent in the Lyman nightclub incident (and whether the event fit a given definition of “mass shooting”) is irrelevant; all that matters is that a legally armed citizen was able to intervene in a shooting in progress and thereby possibly prevented additional injury (or even loss of life). That may be true, but in the absence of additional details about the event, unequivocally stating that a “mass shooting” was prevented is problematic….”

    Enh. I dont care whether it was defined as a ‘mass shooting’ or not.

    It is a case of one gun-carrier stopping another gun-carrier.

    People will, of course, interpret that scenario to mean different things….


    Avatar photozn

    So an angry guy just shooting people to me isn’t trumped by an armed guy defending himself.

    I am more concerned about the angry guy who could just walk around with a gun shooting people.

    Plus the fact that very few if any people would ever be able to tell in advance which guy would do which thing.

    Plus all of that stuff about what “the media never tells you” ( )… I think the folks who say that aren’t going to tell us about things like this:

    Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are Killing People, But Not In Self Defense

    Since 2007, at least 763 people have been killed by someone with a concealed carry permit. Those deaths are the result of 579 separate shootings, all initiated by someone who was given the legal right to carry a concealed weapon in our communities– our schools, churches, shopping centers, movie theaters and everywhere else.

    The NRA desperately wants us to believe that giving ammosexual assholes the right to carry guns into our public spaces is going to make us so much safer. They keep telling us that “only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.”

    And yet, out of the 579 shootings carried out by concealed carry permit holders since 2007, just 21 were in self defense. That equates to about four percent of all shootings in which the shooter was licensed to carry a concealed weapon.

    Even more telling, more than 97 percent of the 763 deaths caused by someone with a concealed carry permit were not related to self defense in any way.

    Concealed carry permit holders have been responsible for 29 separate mass shootings which took the lives of three or more people. In total, concealed carry permit holders murdered 139 innocent people in mass shootings during this time period.

    They’ve also killed nearly as many police officers as they have “bad guys with guns.” Concealed carry permit owners have shot and killed 17 law enforcement officers, compared to the 21 people they shot in self-defense.

    The NRA claims that owning a gun empowers people to “defend their lives.” Yet while only 21 concealed carry permit holders used their weapon in self defense, 223 of them used a gun to end, not defend, their own lives.

    For years the NRA’s allies in Washington have blocked federal funding for the study of guns and gun violence in the United States. There’s good reason for that. Facts destroy NRA myths, lies and talking points.

    All across the country, right wing state and local governments are forcing insane gun policies down the throats of their constituents, with zero evidence to show that those policies are in the best interest of the public.

    A new project from the Violence Policy Center is collecting the data that the NRA and its right-wing allies in Washington do not want the public to see. That data on shows that the push for expanded concealed carry laws is an immediate threat to the health and safety of every citizen in the U.S., including law enforcement officers.

    Not only are expanded concealed carry laws unnecessary (as they do nothing to reduce crime) they are completely irresponsible.

    Think about it. Thanks to the NRA, “bad guys with guns” have the same access to concealed carry permits as any supposed “good guys with guns.” Any attempt to weed out criminals or people with mental illness, is treated as “an attack on the second amendment rights of gun owners everywhere.”

    As it turns out, when you look at the facts on shootings perpetrated by someone who had a concealed carry permit, these are anything but “good guys” killing in self defense.


    Armed good Samaritan tries to stop carjacking, accidentally shoots victim in head

    Armed good Samaritan tries to stop carjacking, accidentally shoots victim in head

    A carjacking in Houston, Texas, turned bloody when an armed good Samaritan opened fire on the car thieves but hit the carjacking victim instead, reported Raw Story:

    As the men struggled with the car-owner, a passerby produced a gun and fired multiple shots, missing the thieves but striking the victim in the head.

    Apparently the not-so-heroic shooter was well aware of what he’d done as he “quickly gathered up his shell casings from the pavement” and then fled the scene of the crime that was made immeasurably worse through his involvement.

    So, while ostensibly trying to help, all the man succeeded in doing was going from innocent bystander to wanted man in record time and sending an innocent man to the hospital. Luckily for everyone involved the victim of the carjacking turned shooting is reportedly in “stable condition.”

    You can see how this sort of thing can easily happen when an untrained civilian with a gun witnesses a crime and gets involved, barrels a’blazing. It’s an important reminder that the nutty claims that emerge after every shooting, claiming that the solution to gun crime is more guns, are a crock.

    The chorus usually goes something like: “If only more people in that movie theater had had guns, lives would have been saved!” …Or more would have died in a chaotic shootout. It could really go either way. Everybody wants to be a hero but introducing more bullets to a situation rarely improves matters.

    Avatar photoMaddy

    Hey, some gun violence data is being interpreted in that article. That’s illegal.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Can’t remember if I posted this here already or not:

    Important article on the conceal carry movement:

    Making a Killing The business and politics of selling guns. By Evan Osnos

    ars in the Old City neighborhood of Philadelphia let out at 2 A.M. On the morning of January 17, 2010, two groups emerged, looking for taxis. At the corner of Market and Third Street, they started yelling at each other. On one side was Edward DiDonato, who had recently begun work at an insurance company, having graduated from Villanova University, where he was a captain of the lacrosse team. On the other was Gerald Ung, a third-year law student at Temple, who wrote poetry in his spare time and had worked as a technology consultant for Freddie Mac. Both men had grown up in prosperous suburbs: DiDonato in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, outside Philadelphia; Ung in Reston, Virginia, near Washington, D.C.

    Everyone had been drinking, and neither side could subsequently remember how the disagreement started; one of DiDonato’s friends may have kicked in the direction of one of Ung’s friends, and Ung may have mocked someone’s hair. “To this day, I have no idea why this happened,” Joy Keh, a photographer who was one of Ung’s friends at the scene, said later.

    The argument moved down the block, and one of DiDonato’s friends, a bartender named Thomas V. Kelly IV, lunged at the other group. He was pushed away before he could throw a punch. He rushed at the group again; this time, Ung pulled from his pocket a .380-calibre semiautomatic pistol, the Kel-Tec P-3AT.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    What the conceal-carry folks don’t ever want people to know is this: The vast majority of the time that someone pulls a gun in “self-defense,” there never would have been any escalation into deadly violence in the first place if not for guns.

    99 times out of 100, you’d get a scuffle, a fist-fight, then everyone goes home, alive. Sore, perhaps, with bloody lips. But they get to go home and live to fight another day.

    Conceal carry culture, however, says, no to all of that. It says, “Let’s skip the fist-fights and just go straight to DEFCON 1 and kill each other.”

    This is what happened with Tayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. If no gun, they both go home alive. Zimmerman goes home after getting his butt kicked by a sixteen-year-old, and that sixteen-year-old gets to live to go to his prom, graduate, maybe go on to college, get married and so on. But because Zimmerman had a gun, he doesn’t. He’s dead.

    I was a bouncer when young. I broke up numerous drunken brawls. Today, now that 50 states have conceal carry, and some even allow guns in bars, those brawls may soon become a thing of the past. Quaint, even. Folks won’t throw fists at each other. They’ll just go straight to semi-automatics and gun each other down.

    It’s time to radically reverse all of the deadly business of the gun cultists and the gun industry they work for. All of it.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.


    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photowv

    Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are Killing People, But Not In Self Defense

    Even more telling, more than 97 percent of the 763 deaths caused by someone with a concealed carry permit were not related to self defense in any way.

    They’ve also killed nearly as many police officers as they have “bad guys with guns.” Concealed carry permit owners have shot and killed 17 law enforcement officers, compared to the 21 people they shot in self-defense.


    Well ‘that’ was full of powerful stuff.

    Very interesting facts. If they are true.

    …still wont make a dent in the
    political situation, coz people are afraid.
    Crocodile brain is gonna trump mammal brain
    almost every time, i think…

    Big-scary-Guns lead to deaths/shootings,
    Deaths/shootings lead to fear,
    Fear leads to wanting-more-guns.

    I just dont see any way out of that
    there screwed-up dynamic.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photozn

    …still wont make a dent in the
    political situation, coz people are afraid.


    More than one study has shown that fear of crime leads to increased backing for gun control.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    The article from the New Yorker I linked to above was an eye-opener for me. Tipped off about it from a radio interview, it’s kinda altered some of my focus. While I still think it’s very important to ban all semi-automatics, all “assault” weapons, all military-style weaponry, convertible or not, the more immediate danger to the health and well-being of Americans is conceal carry and its proliferation. The more immediate danger is the highly successful campaign to bring guns into every possible, day to day situation we encounter. It’s just sheer madness.

    If we don’t stop this movement, we’re going to have guns at sporting events, at concerts, in bars, in schools, churches, grocery stores — with no place to escape from them. And what this will mean is that anger will escalate to shooting rather than shouting. Anger will escalate to shooting rather than a few punches thrown. Anger will escalate from bloody lips to body bags. And it will be as common as colds and flu in December.

    We’re heading down a path of no return, and the gun industry is loving every second of it as it laughs all the way to the bank.


    …still wont make a dent in the
    political situation, coz people are afraid.


    More than one study has shown that fear of crime leads to increased backing for gun control.

    Interesting. Fear of crime. Not fear of gun crime. Gun control but not crime control.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Confirmation Bias.

    No. Matter. What.

    And I don’t think the media was silent on this story. BNW saw it, and I also saw it earlier in the day. So it was out there. It just isn’t actually that big of a story. 3 people shot. Happens multiple times every day. The fact it wasn’t a Big Story isn’t censorship. It’s not a Big Story.

    It is only the spin on the story that matters to NRA folks. The thing is, even if the spin is accepted (concealed carry stopped a violent situation from getting worse), it doesn’t “win” the argument. Especially when statistically this kind of incident is insignificant compared to Concealed Carry Gone Awry – which happens FAR more often.


    Confirmation Bias. It doesn’t matter. It isn’t a debate. It’s posturing.

    Avatar photowv

    …still wont make a dent in the
    political situation, coz people are afraid.


    More than one study has shown that fear of crime leads to increased backing for gun control.


    Yeah, i’ve read that argument, but i dont buy it. Though I dont discount it either. I think its complicated.

    I think fear of crime leads to all kinds of things, including cognitive dissonance. I think it leads to some people wanting some forms of gun control. But i also think it leads some people to want hand-guns in the home. Etc and so forth.

    I dont think its as simple as “fear of crime leads to more folks wanting gun control”.


    Avatar photowv

    Confirmation Bias…. It isn’t a debate..


    Well….right. Not a debate. So, in my case, I adopt different posting styles for different situations.

    And it raises posting-questions…if its not a ‘debate’ what is it? And what can it be? Whats the best we can hope for on a pol-message-board, and how do we get there? Etc, and so forth.

    “You have come to the shore. There are no instructions.”
    Denise Levertov

    Avatar photozn

    …still wont make a dent in the
    political situation, coz people are afraid.


    More than one study has shown that fear of crime leads to increased backing for gun control.


    Yeah, i’ve read that argument, but i dont buy it. Though I dont discount it either. I think its complicated.

    I think fear of crime leads to all kinds of things, including cognitive dissonance. I think it leads to some people wanting some forms of gun control. But i also think it leads some people to want hand-guns in the home. Etc and so forth.

    I dont think its as simple as “fear of crime leads to more folks wanting gun control”.


    This is where we get into “what studies show” v. “I think xyz.”

    All I can say is, I found the studies convincing.

    You know the real reason the NRA has so much power, btw?

    John Oliver nailed it.

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