Greenland shark can live for 400 years

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Greenland shark can live for 400 years

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  • #50671
    nittany ram

    Man, that is almost as old as Waterfield. Imagine that. That shark may have seen Norm Van Brocklin in his prime.


    “…Because radiocarbon dating does not produce exact dates, they believe that she could have been as “young” as 272 or as old as 512. But she was most likely somewhere in the middle, so about 400 years old.

    It means she was born between the years of 1501 and 1744, but her most likely date of birth was in the 17th century…”


    And she is likely the REAL author of Shakespeare’s plays.


    And she is likely the REAL author of Shakespeare’s plays.

    Yup. They killed Shakespeare.

    This shark may have been alive in the time of Shakespeare – and fishermen just killed it

    “…Some of the sharks bore signs of humans’ impact on the planet – such as the radiocarbon signature left by open-air nuclear bomb tests in the mid-20th century and possibly a chemical time marker caused by emissions of fossil fuels, which has been detected in the marine food chain since the early 20th century.”


    She looks her age.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Sad way for the oldest known vertebrate to die. My coworker saw the headline about the 400-year-old shark and asked me how could they know the age? Me, not being a marine biologist, had no idea. I thought, well, if you’re really interested, go find out. I was busy working, as I usually am at work, but she was spending time on her phone, which she is want to do at work. So, I’m thinking, maybe she was in a better position to find the answer to that question. It was a good question, and I meant to look for the answer later, but I had forgotten till I saw Nittany’s post. Thanks, Nittany, now I know. But, I won’t bring it up to my coworker, because she’ll have follow-up questions, and, again, I’m not a marine biologist.

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