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  • #37639
    nittany ram

    I hear people talking about getting a vet QB and names of losers like RGIII and Kaepernick get tossed around.

    There is one name that people seem to be going to great lengths to avoid saying, as if the name was “Biggie Smalls” and they feared that upon its third articulation, his rotting visage would appear in front of them.

    So I’m just going to come right out and say it.

    Sam Bradford.

    Yep, I went there.

    He got hit a lot with the Eagles, and although he did eventually get injured and miss a few games, the injury was relatively minor and did not involve his knee.

    He also played pretty well all things considered.

    Is he going to be expensive? I doubt it since the injury thing is still dogging him. Maybe he could be signed to an incentive-heavy contract.

    He wouldn’t be the first QB to return to his original team after stints elsewhere either. Ever hear of Fran Tarkenton? He only led the Vikings to three Superbowls after returning there from the Giants in 71.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by nittany ram.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by zn.

    I just don’t think the Rams go back to Bradford.

    Though you’re right, after a rough start, he settled down and played well. In fact his last 6-7 starts were pretty good.

    I gotta say, the knee thing never spooked me. I read around on it, and knee people said odds are not AS good with 2 knees but he still had good odds. I also never bought the “china doll” thing. Each of his injuries had a specific thing to it. Heck the 2 knees were freak things, which is what I saw.

    But having said all that, I doubt he ever crosses the Rams radar. IMO they would be instant winners if they did. But, I don’t see it.


    Is Chip Kelly still interested in Bradford?

    Chip Kelly said Wednesday that he wanted both Sam Bradford and Nick Foles on the Eagles, but that he could not acquire Bradford with only draft picks. He needed to surrender Foles to acquire the Rams quarterback in the March 10 trade.

    Maybe we could trade Foles back to him?


    nittany ram

    I just don’t think the Rams go back to Bradford.

    Though you’re right, after a rough start, he settled down and played well. In fact his last 6-7 starts were pretty good.

    I gotta say, the knee thing never spooked me. I read around on it, and knee people said odds are not AS good with 2 knees but he still had good odds. I also never bought the “china doll” thing. Each of his injuries had a specific thing to it. Heck the 2 knees were freak things, which is what I saw.

    But having said all that, I doubt he ever crosses the Rams radar. IMO they would be instant winners if they did. But, I don’t see it.

    Bradford got smacked around last season with the Eagles more than he did in all of his years with the Rams combined and he wasn’t gunshy. He never got happy feet. He’d hang in and deliver passes with defenders in his face.

    This team has so many pieces in place to make a run but it’s missing the most important piece and finding a reliable QB is so difficult. At some point if you want to win a championship you will need a QB that can do more than just manage games. Anybody watching this season’s playoff games can see you not only need to surround your QB with weapons, you also need a QB that’s a weapon in his own right. Bradford is the only available QB out there that has that sort of talent.


    The ink is barely dry on Chip Kelly’s new contract with the San Francisco 49ers and already the intrigue over the moves the new head coach will make with the team begins. While it was widely assumed that Kelly was brought in to rejuvenate the once great Colin Kapernick’s career, ESPN analyst Joe Banner is presenting an alternate scenario with Chip’s former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Sam Bradford.

    On the surface, this would seem to be a ludicrous move on the part of Kelly and San Francisco GM Trent Baalke. While the often injured Bradford did manage to remain relatively healthy all season — minus a shoulder scare and concussion that kept him out of two games this past year — Sam doesn’t seem to fit the mold of the type of quarterback needed to run Chip’s up-tempo system. Whereas Colin Kapernick, he has the speed and durability that seems like a perfect fit.

    “The ‘Chip Kelly Offense’ is all about up-tempo offense, and he likes to use a running quarterback. While at Oregon, Kelly had Marcus Mariota, whose skill set is similar to Kapernick’s; Strong arm, capable thrower, and dangerous with his legs. Kaepernick isn’t a great quarterback. Great quarterbacks can maintain their play regardless of who they have around them. But when he has help, Kaepernick is capable of being a very good quarterback.”

    Which makes the rumor of a Kapernick for Bradford swap all the more surprising.

    Of course, anything to do with Chip Kelly isn’t a surprise to those around him. In his three seasons in Philadelphia, Chip dismantled the once talented roster, preferring to bring in guys he thought were best suited to his system. That meant jettisoning Pro Bowl running back LeSean McCoy in favor of free agent acquisition DeMarco Murray, a move that was highly questioned before the season even began and was ultimately proven to be a mistake.

    Another move, or in this case non-move, was to let Jeremy Maclin walk to none other than the Andy Reid lead Kansas City Chiefs. Devoid of the same talent Kelly enjoyed in his first two seasons, the Eagles failed to reach the post season in an otherwise decrepit NFC East that saw 9-7 Washington eventually assume the crown in the division.

    It also made Kelly’s immediate hiring in San Francisco a bit surprising considering Chip’s reputation among players started to erode as the season wore on. Of course, the 49ers went from Super Bowl contenders to also-rans in just one season after a front office battle with former head coach Jim Harbaugh resulted in the Harbaugh bolting to Michigan. This made ownership desperate to land an innovative thinker who could turn the club around after coach Jim Tomsula was let go after the season ended.

    According to many pundits, the gamble is worth the risk, as USA Today points out.

    “Kelly’s talent is worth saving, too. His missteps in Philly don’t erase the reality he’s a brilliant, innovative coach. And Kaepernick is a far better fit for Kelly’s up-tempo offense than anybody Kelly had with the Eagles, who won 10 games each of his first two seasons.”

    What do yo think? Should Chip Kelly and the San Francisco 49ers ditch Colin Kapernick in favor of Sam Bradford?




    What do yo think? Should Chip Kelly and the San Francisco 49ers ditch Colin Kapernick in favor of Sam Bradford?

    The world just keeps doing unexpected stuff.


    Don’t know if you all saw this yet but the Rams are reported to be pursuing Pat Shurmur as the OC. You know and I know that Bradford was rookie of the year in Shurmur’s offense and probably the thing that hurt Bradford early in his career was Shurmur leaving to be the head coach in Cleveland. Probably hurt Shurmur too as Cleveland is a place where coaches go to die.

    Shurmur was again involved with the Eagles offense last season and who was the quarterback? That’s right Sam Bradford. And who had his best season as a pro since his rookie year? That’s right, Sam Bradford.

    The Rams had one thing in particular hold them back from being a playoff team last season. Decent quarterback play. Yes, I know, I screamed louder then any of you to get rid of Bradford prior to last season. I was one of those who viewed Bradford as a injury prone China Doll and a alleged elite QB who had never really proven himself to be elite.

    Well, if the Rams had Bradford just playing as he did in Philly last year they would have been a playoff team.

    The Rams need to win in LA. The Rams clearly need a QB. They are going to be hard pressed to get a veteran signal caller who can win. The top two free agent QBs available, believe it or not are Sam Bradford and Drew Brees and I don’t see the Saints giving up on Brees that easily. Also, Sam is only 28. Brees is 9 years older.

    Call me crazy but if the Rams are bringing Shurmur back as the OC can a push to get Sam Bradford be far behind?

    As crazy as it sounds, they may even have to overpay to get him back but, you are not going to win with a rookie QB and Case Keenum is not the long term answer.



    My head is spinning.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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