Bad family news on two fronts

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    So, I’m the youngest of seven, so I have family all over the place. There have been two recent incidents that I guess I need to talk about and see what you all think.

    My 2nd oldest sister lives in Georgia. She is in her mid 60’s and is gay and has lived with her partner in northern Georgia for over 25 years. Shortly after the mid term election, somebody entered their house while they weren’t there (I can’t say they broke in, because they never used to lock their doors). Nothing was taken, but two dog collars were left. One in the kitchen, and one in the next room, but whoever left them could have thrown the second one from just inside the door. My sister and her life mate are very low key; they aren’t grand mastering the local gay rights parade by any means. They have a friend who is retired GBI. He told them that this was a lynching threat. Needless to say, my sister is completely distraught, and asked me if I thought she should get a big dog, a gun, or both.

    Meanwhile, closer to home here in CT, my 4th oldest sister’s husband has been rehabbing from shoulder surgery (skiing accident). He is early 60’s. He has been walking a lot, and was down near a secluded lake. He was approached by three men, who didn’t say anything, but just started to punch and kick him once he fell to the ground. He thinks they were Hispanic, but couldn’t make a clear ID on any of them. No broken bones, but definitely a change in attitude. I won’t be surprised if he goes and gets a gun too.

    For my sister, I feel very bad and think that it is a direct result of Trump stirring up the hate base. For my brother in law, you need to know where you are and who is around you, but I can see him becoming more xenophobic.

    Really don’t know what to say to either of them.


    Good to see you can get that off your chest. I don’t know what to say either. Any advice I personally offer is just me freewheeling it without any basis in experience. As for your sister and her partner, if they don’t feel safe, they need to do something to feel safe. What that is, is a matter of personal preference for them.

    Your brother-in-law? If he is a confidante you can talk to, remind him that a few random bad apples don’t represent anything but themselves. It’s shocking that some guys would just get off on beating up a guy for no reason. If he doesn’t feel safe it’s probably a good idea just to take walks where there are people present.

    All this sounds thin and corny on my part, but I do appreciate you speaking up.


    Those are alarming stories. I am sorry to hear that these things happened.

    I don’t have any advice, either, but I would make a comment…those guys didn’t beat up your brother-in-law because they are Hispanic.

    They beat him up because they are assholes.

    The two things are not connected.


    Thanks, guys.

    Zooey, I hear you. The issue as I see it is that my brother in law was always a Republican at heart, and I’m just afraid this is going to push him into the Trump “Build the Wall” mindset.

    He happens to live in a very affluent town, but it borders Bridgeport, which is one of the poorest cities in the Northeast. I see it as a lapse in situational awareness.

    As for my sister, she has always been very reactionary. Her partner the opposite. A week after the fact, her partner is thinking of getting a gun too.

    I understand fear, and their reaction to it, but I know the statistics state that more people get shot dead by guns in their house if they own guns than people who don’t own guns.

    Not sure where we are going here…


    One correction: They just didn’t beat up my brother-in-law, they took his wallet too (which was most likely the goal all along).


    Well i got nuthin. Cept you might wanna watch the Coen brothers latest movie on the randomness of violence outcomes among humans.

    The coen brothers dont have any answers, either.


    i’m sorry to hear about this TSRF…. criminals short on cash will always steal….. collar incident on your sister sucks….

    I always believed that goodness will ultimately prevail….. i’m not so sure anymore….


    So T update us. Any new developments on these fronts?

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