All the recent evil in one post…

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House All the recent evil in one post…

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  • #65934
    nittany ram

    Found this on Facebook.

    In case anyone is getting too sidetracked by the Russian spy drama, the following bills have been introduced:
    1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
    2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
    3. HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education
    4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
    5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
    6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
    7. HR 785 National Right to Work (this one ends unions)
    8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
    9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)
    10. HR 808 Sanctions against Iran
    11. HR 622 Removing federal policing from National Parks turning over to local authorities.
    Please copy/paste and share widely. Call your House Representative and ask them to not only vote “NO”…but to speak up for our rights, health & safety, and our beautiful country.
    If your senators and reps aren’t saved in your phone yet, text your zip code to 520-200-2223. You’ll get a text back with everyone’s contact info. It gives you Federal and State. PASS IT ON (cut and paste, don’t share, for maximum views). This is participant democracy at work.


    IT’s amazing – I’d guess that most of them will wither and die but who knows.

    I ran across this democrat puff-opinion piece earlier this morning regarding lists – it was compiled last spring before the election was going full swing.


    Apparently defunding Planned Parenthood is going to be difficult, if not impossible, because Planned Parenthood isn’t an item in the budget. PP gets money from the government only as reimbursement for Medicare covered actions like Pap smears and so forth. Money is already prohibited from going to abortion, so Planned Parenthood gets government money as reimbursement for health care services rendered to patients the exact same way that any other medical clinic does. So you can’t just cut out PP. There would have to be language drawn up for qualifications to receive the reimbursement that would somehow apply only to PP, and good luck with that.

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