4-7 year vets

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    from When Will It Turn Around?

    By Jim Fadler @jimiramsboy


    …how is this team positioned to compete in the future? Are they set up for success or the continuing failure that all fans have come to know recently.

    A very wise football man once stated that you could predict the success of a team based on how many players were on the roster between 4-7 years of experience in the NFL. That man was legendary offensive line coach Jim Hanifan who coached multiple Super Bowl offensive lines including the St. Louis Rams.

    If the Rams make no changes on their roster from 2014-2015 there will be 27 players next year with 4-7 years of experience on the team. There will also only be 6 players on the down side of the bell curve with over 7 years of experience.


    If the Rams make no changes on their roster from 2014-2015 there will be 27 players next year with 4-7 years of experience on the team. There will also only be 6 players on the down side of the bell curve with over 7 years of experience.

    I am not sure that is right. The draft class of 2012 will be completing their 3rd year this year. So next year they will have three years of experience. I don’t think there are 27 players on the Rams roster who came into the league in 2011 or before. I am guessing he means the players will be beginning their 4th through 7th years. This would include the 2012 players.

    Also, there will be a number of players in the “experienced” catigory who will not be with the Rams next year, though I know the statement said if “no changes”.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by TackleDummy.
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    If the Rams make no changes on their roster from 2014-2015 there will be 27 players next year with 4-7 years of experience on the team. There will also only be 6 players on the down side of the bell curve with over 7 years of experience.

    I am not sure that is right. The draft class of 2012 will be completing their 3rd year this year. So next year they will have three years of experience. I don’t think there are 27 players on the Rams roster who came into the league in 2011 or before. I am guessing he means the players will be beginning their 4th through 7th years. This would include the 2012 players.

    Also, there will be a number of players in the “experienced” catigory who will not be with the Rams next year, though I know the statement said if “no changes”.

    The way you count years, it’s “in x year” not “x years behind you.” So in 2015, the class of 2012 will be in their 4th year. That’s what Jimi means, I think. I’ve always calculated it that way, myself–the year they are IN = their year. That’s the way, for example, the Rams official site lists it–players from the class of 2012 are now IN their 3rd year.

    In terms of how many 4-7 year players there will be, according to the roster at the official site, counting IR, they now have 33 players who are in year 3 or more. Not all of those players will be there next year. Of those, I count 24 who will be IN years 4-7 (and are therefore now listed as being in years 3-6). If you go to the practice squad and count Conrath, it’s 25.

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