1917, the movie.

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    Watched it the other night. Late to the party, etc.

    Beautifully filmed. Some scenes just knocked me out. Surreal, night-time visions of bombed out towns, especially, with the protagonist running through the bombed out streets, evading gunfire.

    The story seemed a little thin to me, kind of a WWI, British version of Saving Private Ryan, with fewer personas to deal with. But in a way, it actually worked better. Understated, almost egoless. Seemed far less Hollywood than SPR, which I love despite all of that, despite knowing you’re being manipulated. And there was no glorification of war that I caught, at least on first viewing.

    Worth seeing overall, but especially for the cinematography.


    That’s one of several movies I’ve been interested in seeing. The films I want to see never come to Netflix.


    That’s one of several movies I’ve been interested in seeing. The films I want to see never come to Netflix.

    Our local cable company has this free movies thing this week. I think 1917 was via Starz. Have cut back on the streamers I had, thinking it was just too much, and there aren’t enough hours in the day, etc. So that came in handy.

    A lot of the early hopes for “cord cutters” have been dashed, as the market is nearly saturated with umpteen separate streamers now. Far too costly to try to get everything you’d actually like to see, cuz they’re on separate platforms now. So I dropped most everything, at least until next Winter, most likely.

    I’m always on the look out for free weeks and trials. The Criterion Collection has its own streamer now, and will probably sign up for that later this year. Krzysztof Kieślowski — had to use Wiki for the spelling! — is a favorite, and his stuff is pretty much never on any of the major streamers. The Double Life of Veronique is the best of his best, IMO, and I’ve been dying to see it again.

    Anyway . . . 1917 is really good, as mentioned. I also rewatched Butch Cassidy. First time in decades. It still holds up as excellent film-making, but my attitude toward the protagonists has changed. It was a lot easier for me to root for them when I was younger. Now, all kinds of “critical thinking” aspects kick in, even when I don’t really want them to.


    Still enjoyed it.


    I was channel surfing between commercial breaks and came across this movie shortly after the 2 soldiers began their journey in the trenches…. my channel surfing stopped… great filming sequences, I couldn’t stop watching it…

    I rewatched it again in it’s entirety… but you’re right Billy, it develops a similar storyline to Pvt Ryan…


    I was channel surfing between commercial breaks and came across this movie shortly after the 2 soldiers began their journey in the trenches…. my channel surfing stopped… great filming sequences, I couldn’t stop watching it…

    I rewatched it again in it’s entirety… but you’re right Billy, it develops a similar storyline to Pvt Ryan…

    I need to rewatch it too.

    The trench scenes were great as well. The pacing, the sweep, and there were no wasted moments. Nothing I could see out of place. It all fit together and drove the narrative on. I also like that it started off with a twist of sorts. Won’t spoil it for others by saying what happened, but the surprise change-up worked for me. It’s more “realistic” that way.

    If you’re interested in another really good movie about WWI, you should check out “Joyeux Noël,” about a Christmas truce in the trenches. Based on a true story.

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