Assange on Trump

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    “Donald Trump is not a DC insider, he is part of the wealthy ruling elite of the United States, and he is gathering around him a spectrum of other rich people and several idiosyncratic personalities.”

    He added: “They do not by themselves form an existing structure, so it is a weak structure which is displacing and destabilising the pre-existing central power network within DC. It is a new patronage structure which will evolve rapidly, but at the moment its looseness means there are opportunities for change in the United States: change for the worse and change for the better.”


    The fact that he believes that there’s even the possibility for change for the better…

    isn’t just laughable, it’s criminally naive.

    And I didn’t get to respond in the closed thread, but no, I NEVER supported Hillary. EVER.

    I spent FAR more time critiquing her than Trump, actually.

    I supported Sanders, then Jill Stein. Never supported Hillary. Not for a second. She was and is a corporatist, lying, warmongering, lying… did I say lying…fascist. Yeah, I said fascist who doesn’t believe in democracy. The recording of her saying she didn’t support the Palestinian election…unless we had fixed the outcome. That so crossed the line that I don’t know where to begin. It certainly lends more credence to the fixing of the Democratic Primaries as many parties have alleged all across the country. I mean, she did everything she could to to “fix” the outcome including getting Super Delegates prior to announcing and having the DNC Chair be her former campaign chair, etc. When the Vice Chair steps down as a matter of principle…

    If anyone needed to know what the Anti-Jimmy Carter looked like… I give you Hillary Clinton. Think she’s gonna dump the pumps and awful suits (that still cost a fortune) and start building homes for the homeless? Or championing clean water?

    I could go on, but today’s not the day for hackles to be raised. I’m in too good a mood.

    As for Assange, he should stick with non-partisan document release and leave the punditizing to the punditry.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    The fact that he believes that there’s even the possibility for change for the better…

    isn’t just laughable, it’s criminally naive.

    And I didn’t get to respond in the closed thread, but no, I NEVER supported Hillary. EVER.

    I spent FAR more time critiquing her than Trump, actually.

    I supported Sanders, then Jill Stein. Never supported Hillary. Not for a second. She was and is a corporatist, lying, warmongering, lying… did I say lying…fascist. Yeah, I said fascist who doesn’t believe in democracy. The recording of her saying she didn’t support the Palestinian election…unless we had fixed the outcome. That so crossed the line that I don’t know where to begin. It certainly lends more credence to the fixing of the Democratic Primaries as many parties have alleged all across the country. I mean, she did everything she could to to “fix” the outcome including getting Super Delegates prior to announcing and having the DNC Chair be her former campaign chair, etc. When the Vice Chair steps down as a matter of principle…

    If anyone needed to know what the Anti-Jimmy Carter looked like… I give you Hillary Clinton. Think she’s gonna dump the pumps and awful suits (that still cost a fortune) and start building homes for the homeless? Or championing clean water?

    I could go on, but today’s not the day for hackles to be raised. I’m in too good a mood.

    As for Assange, he should stick with non-partisan document release and leave the punditizing to the punditry.

    Well that is odd. Very odd given your post of

    February 13, 2016 at 6:39 pm #38946
    In reply to: Celebrating Bernie Sanders’ Victory in NH


    Why not vote for Jill Stein?

    Well, because at that point, the effort to not triangulate would have failed.

    If… God Forbid, I am forced to choose between Hillary Clinton and one of the Republican candidates… then there is NO WAY IN HELL that I would embolden Republicans by giving them the White House.

    A nominal Republican in the White House isn’t just that. It’s staffers, it’s the relationship with Congress, it’s which bills get worked on and go to the WH to be signed.


    So, there’s no way with me living in the battleground state of FL that I’d let a Republican nominee have a chance.

    The Green Party is failing to make its case between elections that they are a viable electoral alternative and there’s no reason why Jill Scott or anyone else should become the next Ralph Nader and siphon progressive votes in a binary system that doesn’t allow for coalitions thus allowing for conservatives to take charge.

    At that point, it’s not so much triangulation as the basic life math that every functioning public citizen should know…

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Yes, I posted that.

    And Jill Stein made enough of her case and Hillary showed herself to be a soulless, lying, warmongering candidate that I couldn’t support even when she was running against Trump.

    I mean, I’m not ignorant of the politics, I just hate them. I realize that the Supreme Court is screwed (sorry, Scalia was among the worst jurists of the 20th century, right up there with the Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Buck v Bell if you have any questions…forced sterilization?), Clarence Thomas and John Roberts)

    I took the time to really listen and get to know each of the candidates (as much anyone could know Trump). And Clinton horrified me. Any notion that she was the lesser of two evils was lost on me by May, iirc. In February, Clinton being the LEV may have still been a thing, but not by May. Pretty sure by May or even April when all the shenanigans were being pulled, I was going to vote my conscience.

    And I voted for Stein in a battleground state without a moment’s hesitation.


    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    And you did a big time 180 considering Hildabeast was a well known commodity.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    And you did a big time 180 considering Hildabeast was a well known commodity.

    This is not about posters. You keep making it about posters and you will REALLY push my patience, which you do not want to do. This is not a place where anyone who wants to can launch a personalized inquisition. That’s beyond debate.

    Any reply to this will be deleted. Just take the warning as issued and go about your business.

    (If you want a real conversation with Mack about his own actions and beliefs, don’t be antagonistic or inquisitional, just ask questions and discuss in friendly ways. Anything that strays from that violates our rules here. )


    This is not about posters.

    From the rules:


    … avoid, in tone and language, being antagonistic, confrontational, or argumentative.

    Do not make individual posters the object of derision or antagonism, even absent posters from other boards. Posts are fair game, not posters.

    If a poster crosses the line and becomes insulting or antagonistic, do not respond in kind–politely remind that poster of the rules and let mods handle it. Mods quell conflict, they do not judge who is “right” or “who started it.” If a mod asks posters to move on from a volatile exchange, please do so without comment. (Note added by me today: EVEN if you think you’re right. The point is to diminish conflict in general, NOT to prevail in a contest over who is “right.”)

    The same rules apply to The Public House board. Controversial topics are welcome on that board, but avoid name-calling, insults, and derisive language. (Note added by me today: and the mods have considerable leeway in determining what is “derisive language”…and that will not change. That’s because the point is to lessen conflict, not to get into wars about who is “right.” If you’ve been asked to move on, take the hit and just do it. Arguing about it will not change anything.) Act like a respected debate partner, not like an argumentative board warrior.


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