Board Rules & Policies

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    Originally written June 30, 2014

    The mods take it that the very act of posting here means implicit agreement with these rules.

    All the usual message board rules regarding copyrights, spamming, threats, and trolling apply. Post under only one handle; do not manufacture fake handles. Do not post anything generally regarded as obscene, disgusting, or pornographic. Refrain from using racist or sexist or homophobic language. If you post articles from the net, always include a link. If you post something written on another board, at a minimum credit the original poster.


    This board is the home of a longstanding net community, one which values wide-ranging discussion and enjoys new and challenging ideas, but which does not abide personalized conflict. In that spirit, avoid, in tone and language, being antagonistic, confrontational, or argumentative.

    Do not make individual posters the object of derision or antagonism, even absent posters from other boards. Posts are fair game, not posters.

    If a poster crosses the line and becomes insulting or antagonistic, do not respond in kind–politely remind that poster of the rules and let mods handle it. Mods quell conflict, they do not judge who is “right” or “who started it.” If a mod asks posters to move on from a volatile exchange, please do so without comment.

    The same rules apply to The Public House board. Controversial topics are welcome on that board, but avoid name-calling, insults, and derisive language. Act like a respected debate partner, not like an argumentative board warrior. Do not raise issues involving politics on the football board–they will be moved to the Public House board.

    Posts that violate the letter or spirit of these rules may be deleted; if a conflict breaks out, the offending thread may be locked. Posters who violate the letter or spirit of these rules may be banned temporarily or permanently, depending on the frequency and/or severity of the offense.

    These rules are open to discussion and revision. However, any and all discussion of board rules and policies belong on this board, not the other two. If they begin on one of the other boards, they will be moved here.

    We ask you to help foster this community while making it genuinely your own. Help make posting here an interesting experience for everyone else. Develop your own voice, digress at will, bring all your talents, interests, knowledge, and opinions to the table, and encourage others to do the same.


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