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— X —
ParticipantI am not a religious person. I do quite like eastern philosophy involved in Taoism or Buddhism, but my own take on religion personally is sort of its own thing.
Nice. Can you expand a little on what your own thing means?
So when people talk about freedom of religion they do not mean the Hindus, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Jews or even the Scientologists.
I do. I’ve been to mass, I’ve been to a Christian mega-church, I’ve been to temple, I’ve been to the Church of Scientology in downtown WPB (and barely escaped), I once dated a chick who was hardcore Wiccan, and I’m currently learning from a Roshi. That’s not all-encompassing, but it’s a pretty good mix. The prevailing message is peace when distilled down to its purest form. I want all of them to have the freedom to practice without interference from anybody. I want communities to benefit from those freedoms, and for those communities to expand and grow and reach out and do good. But you’re right that there are a lot of people who view Freedom of Religion to mean freedom to worship only ‘the One True God.’ But hey, as long as they can learn to be tolerant of other peaceful religions, then whatever. Believe there’s only one Caucasian God.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI’m just gonna drink my tea, slowly, and eat my toast. If someone has a better suggestion
let me know.Smell the toast.
Smell the tea.
Hear the birds outside.
Be aware of yourself.
Breathe in the universe.
Breathe it back out.
Butter and jelly. Always butter and jelly.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThat’s 36 minutes. Can you recap, or did you just post without listening?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantBut religion is about fairy stories
What do you believe? What’s the origin and ultimate meaning of life?
In 4 words or less, please.You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 11, 2016 at 1:50 pm in reply to: Quarterback controversy in L.A. is nothing new for the Rams #57754— X —
Participant“But I believe when they picked Jared Goff, they didn’t do it with a closed eye to his perceived flaws. They knew what they were getting.
“The fans are getting anxious — they want to see the kid, and understandably so — but you have to think there’s a reason. Organizationally, from the top down, they made the decision knowing it’s going to be a long-term process and that it was going to take some time. So I have to trust the process.”
Been saying the same thing all along.
The alternative theory is this.“Fisher sucks. He can’t evaluate QBs. He’s a relic of a bygone era. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
That said, if this team can’t produce a winning season this year, there will be legitimate beef with his coaching abilities. I know there are reasons for the records, but that’s not something you can get many people to embrace. They want the logo to hold a large piece of polished metal during winter, and there can be no settling for less. Our jerseys have to stand for something, and we have to be able to brag about the achievements of other men.
It’s in the MANual.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr SeussNovember 11, 2016 at 1:42 pm in reply to: As Ratings Plummet, N.F.L. Considers Reducing Ads and Length of Games #57753— X —
ParticipantDo they account for the huge number of people who are now streaming games on their devices as opposed to sitting in front of a TV? And the smaller, yet still growing number of people, who stream games illegally. Or the people who go out to bars to watch games because Sunday Ticket is so damn expensive? Lotta variables to consider, I think.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantPersonally, I don’t think we are now somehow “done”. I choose to view this as the
last bullet in the rural white man’s six shooter to defend against the country’s changing and darker complexion and a pie in the sky hope to somehow change our evolving culture.Pshh.
I don’t presume to know why most people voted the way they did. I can only speak for myself. I want my children (and grandchild) to be safe. I don’t care if Swedes were streaming across the board in record numbers. If they were coming in illegally, bringing scores of illegal drugs, taking jobs, and draining the economy, then my aversion to that would make me a race traitor, I guess. I also want the Fed audited. I want a strong military force capable of dissuading hostile actors from threatening my Country. I want a different approach to trade that *may* achieve a balance in an otherwise lopsided trade deficit. But I also want legalized marijuana (recreational). I want religious tolerance. I want the gubmint to stop making a profit on student loans. I want to invest in renewable energy, but I also want to tap into our own vast resources to bridge the gap between foreign oil dependence and energy independence. So no candidate was perfect for me. There were only two options, and one of them was an absolute non-option.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI do see that as a major imposition on our freedoms and liberties
Like? Specifically, what are you losing that makes one iota of difference in your daily life?
As an aside, I’m gonna try something different with you, and you can answer whenever you return. I’ve noticed – and maybe you haven’t – that you spend an extraordinary amount of time and energy trying to debunk what other people believe and spend very little time espousing the virtues of what you believe. Unless pressed to do so, and that’s mainly by me. The main problem between the left and the right is that they try extra hard to try and shame or ridicule the others for their beliefs, or try extra hard to provide evidence that what they believe is foolish. None of which ever – EVER – makes a difference. So let’s try this. I’ll accept what you believe in, and you accept what I believe in, and we’ll discuss the hows and whys like people who are genuinely interested in that. I don’t wanna go on the offensive or defensive while discussing ideologies, because it gets tedious and circular.
So, tell me about you.
What makes Billy tick?You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantYou mentioned you lean toward libertarian.
Only on issues with which I agree. I don’t label myself. I remember you guys had some sort of test on this board to determine your political views, and I took it. Your dots were all either bottom-left or top-right. I took that same test, answered all the questions truthfully as it related to how I felt about any given issue, and my dot was almost square in the middle. I embrace a bunch of different views and mix them up to form the awesomeness that is me. As it relates to religion, I don’t even think you can define me. I’m anti-organized religion, but I’m okay with the overlapping of church and state provided the intent is peace, honoring he fallen, and promoting a message of love. If it’s used to promote intolerance of other religious groups, then I’m not for it. And I’m certainly not in favor of it being the battering ram of war. Which, unfortunately, has been the case for generations across this planet. Just be pure, people. Try to be pure.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWhat does secularism promote? The peaceful coexistence of all faiths and the acceptance of that some people won’t have one. The only way to preserve and protect actual “religious freedom” is to prevent any one religion from dominated the public square. Since there are literally millions of places to worship in America, and anyone can worship inside their own heads, it’s pretty obvious that the best way to accommodate our diversity is to keep at least one place free of religious domination. No one is asking for any more than that. Just to keep a Switzerland free and clear so everyone is welcome and there is no pressure to conform to the dominate faith.
Is that so much to ask?
I know what it claims to promote. But if it’s so pro-coexistence, as you claim, then why are the vast majority of the posts on secular message boards anti-religious? The main purpose is to attack religion in general, and to hunt down and destroy any instances of the mixing of church and state. As you said to me earlier, you could care less about that monument in North Carolina, and I agree it was a stupid thing to attack, but how do you reconcile that with claims of tolerance and coexistence? Maybe Secularists should just start building tons of churches, reap the benefits of the same tax incentives, and start their own peaceful movement. As opposed to waging war against religion itself.
I nominate Jeff Bridges as High Priest.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantHe called her the devil. Now, that may be a compliment to some folks. It was for Mick Jagger, if memory serves.
Though, I doubt people were duped into actually believing she was Lucifer incarnate.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participanti wonder how bernie would have handled it. i don’t think he would have handled it the same way. i hope not.
I don’t think he would’ve, but you never know what people will do when attacked, viciously, non-stop, by another candidate and the media which purports to be impartial and bipartisan. IMO, he should have been the nominee, and I often wonder how he would have fared if he just ran as an independent. I think he would have bled both candidates dry at the ballots.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWell, you and I disagree about that.
You and I disagree about a great many things, apparently. But to quote the interrupting manic Tim Kaine, “We’re just having fun up here.”
Contrary to the way Trump and the right portrayed her, she isn’t unique, or a super-villain with great powers or exceptionally evil. She’s run of the mill.
Oh Billy. Just follow the trails.
If his supporters want to make the argument that they accept that he is or says those things, but they still like him for his economic ideas, I can see that, though I’d still say he’s conned them. But to try to spin his comments and his deeds, when it comes to race, immigration, women, etc. etc.? That just defies all logic.
On the contrary. It’s rather easy to unspin something that’s already been deceptively spun.
BTW, if you have trouble quoting me when I use multiple quotes like this, just highlight what you want to respond to – and while it’s highlighted – hit the quote button. It will only carry that snippet to the text area. I don’t know if you already knew that or not. I’m just trying to be a Helpy Helperton.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantBeyond that, we live in a secular society. No one should be allowed to force their religion on others
But we should go ahead and force the removal of religion from all things America, because … ? That’s hypocritical. As I stated earlier, I’m not a Christian, but I am a huge believer in peaceful religion being the catalyst for healing the social & racial divides. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Spiritualism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Shivism, Wicca… Why is it more acceptable to strip all of that away from people because a *minority* of the Nation is secular? What does secularism promote in terms of (in its purest forms) peace? It’s nothing more than a disguise for a militant anti-religious philosophy, and a movement to destroy the very fabric that holds communities and families together.
I’m not sure I want to debate the virtues of religion, though. That’s another one of those rabbit holes.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participantin my opinion. he did more than that.
Like what? I’m not doubting you. Maybe I’m conveniently forgetting the hate-filled pejoratives he used to describe her as a human being.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantKillory. Why didn’t I think of that?
It’s short for Killory Robbem.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participantand you don’t think trump did that too?
Do I think Trump labeled Clinton a racist or xenophobe or rapist or islamophobe in an attempt to scare voters into disavowing her as a candidate? No. But he did label her as corrupt and a crook. Both of which are far more rooted in truth than Trump being any of the aforementioned.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI’ve worn New Balance for 25 years.
You should probably get a new pair.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
It might be worthwhile to explore what the alt-right IS.
It’s a very definite thing, and Trump went out of his way to court them and include them.
Every other republican candidate steered clear of them. Or at least in terms of visible actions, kept them at an arms distance. Trump sought them out and made them important in his inner circles. He treated them like allies, and that’s openly.
So then…who and what are they.
It is worth investigating if people are willing to surf sites like 4chan and the likes. It’s a disturbing movement, but it’s not anything new. It’s just old school bigotry with a man-bun. Hillary’s mistake was spotlighting it and stirring it up to somehow make a point about Trump himself. Had she just left that alone, and let Trump try to fend off the allegations of his indirect ties to that movement (laughable in and of itself), then she would have been much better off. She, herself, and not Trump, was the likely cause for their turnout at the polls, IMO.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantThe normcore favorite is getting some heated responses.
Less than 48 hours after Donald Trump was declared President-Elect of the United States, normcore staple brand New Balance has already thrown its support behind one of his trade policies.The brand has long advocated and capitalized on its sneakers being primarily made in America and they drove this point home with a statement about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (a trade deal that includes lifting tariffs imposed on shoes imported from Vietnam to the U.S.)
The Wall Street Journal’s Sara Germano tweeted out the following from New Balance’s VP of public affairs in regards to the TPP: “The Obama admin turned a deaf ear to us & frankly w/ Pres-Elect Trump we feel things are going to move in the right direction.”
New Balance: "The Obama admin turned a deaf ear to us & frankly w/ Pres-Elect Trump we feel things are going to move in the right direction"
— Sara Germano (@germanotes) November 9, 2016
Sneakerheads and fans of the brand, however, had a myriad of reactions to this statement, with many viewing this as an endorsement of Trump. In protest, people shared videos of themselves burning their shoes to express how they now feel about New Balance based on this statement.
.@newbalance for publicly endorsing a racist, sexist, hate mongering President elect
— J. Su (@jonnnysan) November 10, 2016
@SoleCollector @newbalance
— Jon Targaryen (@tbrooks__) November 10, 2016
@SoleCollector @newbalance
— austin (@uglytrashboy) November 10, 2016
— New Balance (@newbalance) November 10, 2016
People Are Burning Their Sneakers After New Balance Showed Support for Trump
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantFirst, he didn’t just talk about deporting the undocumented. He ranted and raved about them being criminals, rapists and murderers, and blaming them for loss of jobs and lower wages here
That’s false. He didn’t label them *ALL* rapists and murders and drug mules. He simply said that Mexico is sending us those kinds of people along with the other *illegal* aliens. But the simple fact is, there are large numbers of those degenerates streaming across the border. Surely you know that the Mexican and Colombian Drug Cartels are responsible for an enormous amount of the illegal drugs in this Country. And if even one illegal immigrant murdered or raped a woman (and one did), then he’s not incorrect.
He also repeatedly lied about the numbers of new refugees, claiming Clinton would bring in hundreds of thousands, and that she would add 650 million new immigrants her first week. He continuously ranted about the supposed threat from foreign lands. That’s classic xenophobia. It’s not even debatable.
It is debatable. Watch. Clinton’s plan would let in 65,000 more Syrian refugees, according to Politifact, and that’s after the 10,000th Syrian refugee arrived in the U.S. on Aug. 29. If he wants to keep refugees from Syria out of the Country due to the sheer impossibility of properly vetting that many people from a terrorist region, then color me a Xenophobe too.
And, yes, hatred of gays. He may not personally hold those views, but he chose a VP who does, and his alt-right base does, and a majority of the GOP does, and a majority of white evangelicals do, etc. etc. You can bet his policies will be anti-gay. His base won’t let him be otherwise.
So by extension he’s a homophobe? lol. That’s the elaborate lie the left perpetrates. Guilty by association. And Pence is not a homophobe. He simply has Christian values that he strongly believes in. Nothing in his words or actions has ever spoken anything other than ‘hate the sin, love the sinner.’ And if his policies are revealed to be somehow slanted toward anti-gay, then he’ll be held accountable for that by the LGBTQ communities. Just because the left has evolved to new and exciting heights of tolerance and acceptance, doesn’t mean the rest of the world must march in lock-step. Personally, I don’t give a shit what anyone does with their own lives. I’m Libertarian-leaning in that regard.
Misogyny? Obviously. He bragged about his serial sexual assault. He continuously talked about women as nothing more than sex objects, to be tossed aside if they don’t rate highly enough. And he didn’t just say he loves to look at naked women. Be bragged that he did this because he owned beauty pageants. Dozens of contestants came forward to say they thought that was creepy and they didn’t say okay to that. And, remember, this included TEENAGERS.
That doesn’t make him a misogynist. It makes him, at worst, a creepy perv. Kinda like Clinton shoving cigars in women, or Kennedy and Dodd with their waitress sandwich. I’m willing to bet that upwards toward 75% of all of the Politicians in this Country (on both sides) have some sort of disturbing sexual fetish or a predilection toward using women and viewing them as objects. Let’s not close our eyes to the reality of powerful men.
Come on, X. He’s trash. He was always trash. If he wasn’t born with a silver spoon, and did the shit he’s done, he would have been jailed long ago.
Laughable. Jailed for being a perv? Then someone should do it. There’s no statute of limitations on rape.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantWe used to call articles like that little “outrage of the week” articles. You can dig up that kind of story on both sides anytime you want. There’s always examples of dum reps and dum dems to be found. Right?
vIndeed, but you’re not suggesting it’s incumbent upon me to be the only non-partisan poster, are ya?
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participantpersonally i don’t think he’s a racist.
i think he’s an elitist. and that’s more scary to me.
but that’s just me.
and we mean nothing to a man like him.
He’s not. It’s a manipulation of people’s emotions perpetrated by the left. He’s no more racist than Killory is antisemitic. Just because she called an aid a ‘fucking jew bastard’ out of frustration doesn’t mean she wants to kill all the jews. But god forbid Trump said anything remotely like that and it was discovered. He’d be a Nazi sympathizer in a nanosecond.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantDo you honestly think that just appointing a diverse group of people negates all the vicious things he said, or the obvious oppression of minorities implicit and explicit in his policy ideas? Come on, man.
Misogynist: Someone who despises or is strongly prejudiced against women. Nope.
Hompophobic: The hatred or fear of homosexuals. Nope.
Xenophobic: Fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin. Nope.His rhetoric can be taken any way anyone wants to take it. But he’s not any of those things. Wanting to deport illegals doesn’t make one a xenophobe. It makes one cognizant of security threats and drains on the economy and willing to correct it even if it’s an extreme solution. Hiring and promoting women throughout his own ranks to the point that they’re some of the highest paid professionals in the real estate industry doesn’t make one a misogynist. Sure he says some stupid shit, but so does everyone. You included, I’m sure. And he likes to look at naked women? I’m aghast at his stunted evolution.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantTrump publicly encouraged Russia to hack into our electoral system. We know that the Russians did. We also know that Wikileaks focused solely on Clinton and the Dems, using Russian intel.
Well cool. If it’s that easy to manipulate an entire Country, maybe he can encourage Iran to just chill out and send lavish gifts to Israel. Shit, this is gonna be easier than I thought.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantOnly you Billy would claim I was wrong. The mass appeal of Trump despite the 17 month savaging he received from the establishment is something which cannot be denied. I’d say he had more supporters that didn’t vote than Hildabeast did. Next time don’t nominate a corrupt traitor.
No, bnw. I think any objective person would look at the results of the election, and all the data prior to it, and the exit polls, and all the video and audio of Trump’s racist, xenophobic, misogynistic statements/policy ideas, and the 4,000 lawsuits against him, and his six bankruptcies, and his bragging about being a sexual predator, and his endless lies, and reach the same conclusion.
As for your last sentence: I didn’t nominate her. I’m not a Dem and don’t vote in Dem primaries. And there is no proof she is a “traitor.” That takes intent. You have to prove she intentionally exposed classified documents with malicious intent. Just being tech-stupid, arrogant and careless doesn’t add up to “traitor,” unless you’re a part of the right-wing lunatic fringe.
His list of potential cabinet appointees include women, gays, and blacks. So much for being a racist, or homophobic, or a misogynist. And please. You can’t honestly believe that Killory is THAT stupid that she didn’t understand the lucid instructions given to her about the handling of classified information. Careless? lol. Intentionally defiant would be a more apt description. Let alone lying about it. Let alone allowing someone without security clearance (her maid) print out and view classified materials. And yes, that falls under the category of traitorism.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
Participantthis affirms to me why humans will never survive.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantI was waiting for the punchline.
Two bald eagles stuck in a sewer drain.
One turns to the other and says, ‘wow – this place is a shithole’.Hey, did you know shithole is in the Oxford dictionary? lol.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantTo me the solution is obvious. But neither party is willing to do it, because they’re both beholden to corporate interests.
Direct public funding for jobs. Direct creation of permanent public works. Direct hiring of every single unemployed person in America who wants a job, and at a guaranteed minimum wage.
Since we can’t trust the private sector to employ everyone, the obvious and logical thing to do is make that happen via the public sector. Private sector wants to ship jobs overseas? Okay, then fuck them. We’ll build that stuff ourselves, do it better, pay better wages, and make sure the income is allocated in as egalitarian a fashion as possible.
In the private sector, the typical corporation pays its top execs several hundred times what it pays its rank and file. We could set up public sector jobs and make that what it generally is in that sector. Roughly 4 to 1 instead, top to bottom. That way, we can also keep prices down and increase “value” overall for customers. Instead of paying execs tens of millions, we sink that money into the rank and file and product quality instead. The more you “spread the wealth,” the better the economy performs overall.
To me, that’s the logical solution under capitalism. As mentioned, I’d prefer to repeal and replace it altogether, though.
Thanks. I’m not well-versed on PEP, so I’m not going to criticize it or endorse it unless or until I’ve been able to thoroughly study it. I’ve only got a rudimentary understanding of its implementation back in the 70’s, and I’ll admit I haven’t dedicated much time trying to understand its pros and cons or how checks and balances work within that structure. You’ll have to give me time on that one. Understand, also, that I’m one of the ‘uneducated white males’ referenced on this board in other threads. I have an 11th grade formal education (for reasons I won’t divulge), but I am trying to get my Doctorate via informal education. Or I could just be like Bon Jovi and get an honorary degree simply by being awesome.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss— X —
ParticipantNothing Trump has suggested would have the slightest impact on that. Nothing he has suggested would fix the obscene immorality of globalized capitalism, or increase wages for Americans or anyone overseas, or “bring jobs back.”
It’s just warmed over voodoo economics.
But again, we don’t know the whole plan yet. Dude is shrewd. I’m beginning to think that he could actually use the media AND social media to get Corporations to return. How? By getting them pissed off at said Corporations when he announces his incentives and then promptly announces how they were rejected. That would subsequently result in a hashtag revolution #banApple, #banFord, #banCarrier, etc. If that even puts a dent in their profit margins, or results in their image being that of an evil corporation who exploits foreigners and hates ‘Murica, then it could bring them back to the table in a hurry while putting them on the defensive. What if that was part of the plan? Because using the media to his advantage, and using social media to start a revolution is what got him there in the first place. Well, that and Killary’s vapidity.
You have to be odd, to be number one.
-- Dr Seuss -