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  • in reply to: Clinton's concession speech. #57315
    — X —

    Our young people are really are only hope to overcome the power of the uneducated white rural vote-who simply want to shatter the system and return to the 50s.

    I’ve always thought that whatever it is that has made the uneducated white males so unhappy and full of what I see as hate is a complicated set of issues -not the least of which is the darkening face of America and a rapid change in our cultural and sociological values. But because it takes work to look at what the causes and answers might be most uneducated whites look for the most simple of answers and also look to others to blame besides themselves. And of course the biggest and easiest target is the government itself. Hence the overturn and throw em all out philosophy no matter what kind of creep carries the sword.

    How do you qualify “uneducated” in this context?
    What does uneducated mean to you?

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: The People Won #57312
    — X —

    Clinton: 59,739,748 votes (47.7%)
    Trump: 59,520,091 votes (47.5%)

    Neither candidate has majority support, and Clinton has more total votes than Trump.

    I wonder how much of that is the result of people not wanting to vote for the other candidate. Meaning, the Never-Trumpers voting for HRC, and the Never-Hillaries voting for DJT. This has been a weird race from top to bottom.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Clinton's concession speech. #57309
    — X —

    My guess is few people here will go out of their way to see it, but I think you should. Just watched it and it surprised me.

    For most of this campaign, when I tuned in to see her, I found her to be rather wooden, with her shields up, mostly incapable of connecting on a human level with her audience. Too wonky, etc. Not really all that comfortable in her own skin, etc.

    But this speech, which may be her last in public? She did connect. The crowd seemed to be really moved. Her tone was just right, IMO, and her words were gracious and, at least relative to her political peers, “classy.” If Clinton had been like this from the start, I think we might have had a different election result.

    I heard it on the radio, and that was ultimately my medium of choice. I don’t even like to look at her, because she oozes condescension and elitism in her facial expressions. I imagine it was different this time if she has truly been humbled. It sounded good though. It sounded inspirational. But it also sounded very scripted, and it seems to me that’s the very reason she didn’t address her supporters last night. Nothing to say from her heart, so someone whipped up a speech for her to use the next day in order to manufacture some feelings. I don’t think she cares one iota about the people she claims to “love”.

    Just being honest. I trust that’s what you were looking for.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56638
    — X —

    Well, in a perfect world, the debates would have been between Bernie, Jill Stein, Rand Paul, and Mike Pence. Gary Johnson just doesn’t do it for me, so I uninvited him.


    I would add Lassie, myself.


    Lassie can’t read either, so I guess it’s apropos.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donna Brazile resigns in wake of wikileaks #56613
    — X —

    But so is Trump and the Repugnants. Sigh.

    I thought we were irredeemable.

    I redeem stuff, by the way.
    I use the shit out of Groupon.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donna Brazile resigns in wake of wikileaks #56611
    — X —


    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56605
    — X —

    That reminds me of Clingman’s Dome.

    It does look like Clingman’s dome. Maybe it is. That picture came from an NC website.

    I was only at Clingman’s dome once, in February, two years ago.
    Coldest day ever, and we had to climb up to that thing – uphill – while the path was iced.
    That was NOT fun. Coming down – also not fun.
    Great views though. Really great views.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56594
    — X —

    BTW, X; are the mountains in NC still considered the Smokies, or is that just SC and GA? I have a sister who lives in Norther GA, and I flew into Spartanburg, SC and rented a car and drove. Frigging beautiful area; bootlegger heaven from what I’ve been told.

    Best of luck to all of us.

    Yessir. Here’s the view near Asheville.

    We spend a lot of time hiking the Blue Ridge too. There’s a spot up near Graveyard Fields that has the most magnificent spot to camp. Fire pit, right on the edge of a babbling stream, 360 mountain views, and about a half mile from the lower falls. Just gotta keep an eye out for the bears.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56585
    — X —

    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    Billy loathes Hildabeast so much he wants people to vote for her.

    Well, in a perfect world, the debates would have been between Bernie, Jill Stein, Rand Paul, and Mike Pence. Gary Johnson just doesn’t do it for me, so I uninvited him.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56583
    — X —

    X, you state one of the main reasons you voted for Trump was because of worries about Clinton’s Supreme Court nominations. Trump states he wants his appointees to overturn Roe v. Wade. You’re OK with that? Why?

    I don’t think you have a uterus, I know I don’t; why do you think old white men need to control what goes on there?

    You don’t know that I don’t have a uterus. It might be a magnificent uterus. I also don’t think that it’s cool to sanction the unconstitutional right to partial-birth abortions, so I kind of draw a line in the sand about that. It should go back to the States. I mean, I don’t know why you think children should be murdered before they get to experience the same life you enjoy.

    But I don’t wanna get into a huge debate about whether or not the Supreme Court should be tipped in favor of Liberals or Conservatives. Or whether or not abortion should be legal or illegal. That’s a couple of rabbit holes I’d rather leave unexplored. I know how those discussions devolve into an endless loop. Let’s just say I’d like for the Supreme Court to lean more toward the Conservative. It’s just a preference that you can’t talk me out of or convince me is somehow wrong. It’s just a preference not unlike yours.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56575
    — X —


    On a much lighter note. I’m a fan of The Big Lebowski. Not quite to the point where I’d travel around the country, going to university seminars and parties after the seminars — like some fans do. But it’s a cool film.


    That’s awesome. It’s more of a religion to me, though. =D
    And I’m actually ordained —

    Life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it. So don’t do anything about it. Just take it easy, man. Stop worrying so much whether you’ll make it into the finals. Kick back with some friends and some oat soda and whether you roll strikes or gutters, do your best to be true to yourself and others – that is to say, abide.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56572
    — X —

    Trump’s attitude towards women will certainly have an effect your kids.

    No it won’t. My children aren’t morons.
    They were raised by me, they know how *I* treat women, and they will model my words/behavior.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56563
    — X —

    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56560
    — X —

    Trump lied to investigators for years and years. And he shredded court-ordered documents back before we had email, and then thousands of emails when that tech hit. If this is important to you when it comes to Clinton, it should be the same when it comes to Trump:

    Is he currently under investigation and in danger of being impeached or indicted after he’s elected? I know he’s a dirty player. I know they ALL are. That’s the difference between you and me. I’m not trying to find a Saint in this wasteland of scumbags. I’m trying pick the WAY lesser of two evils and trying to elect the candidate who will be the equivalent of a Molotov Cocktail in Washington. I want change. I want disruption. I represent a vast majority of people who are sick and tired of the status quo, and who are sick and tired of dirty politics, and who are sick and tired of being bullshitted right to our faces about how we get to keep our doctor, and keep our plan, and how everything’s gonna be allllllllllllllright. I’d also like to throw a big middle finger up to the liberal media who has CLEARLY demonstrated a bias during this whole campaign.

    To quote George Carlin, “I root for the tornado.”

    Brace yourself. It’s either gonna destroy everything, or clear a path to a better future.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56558
    — X —

    This latest scandal is coming out too late to impact the election, but it looks more and more like Trump made his fortune by screwing over workers, contractors, taxpayers and refusing to pay people for the work they did for him. He used “other people’s money” to massively decrease his own tax liabilities so he could avoid them for two decades.

    Latest case of him not paying for work done? His own pollsters. He’s refusing to pay them roughly 750K.

    The man is fascist garbage, and he may well be our next president.

    So he gamed the system? Do you pay more than you’re supposed to pay on your taxes? Willingly? And I don’t slight him for refusing to pay for things he shouldn’t have to pay. How do you know there weren’t liquidated damages in place for some of the work he contracted and the contractor failed to meet certain benchmarks? Shit, I made a living on writing contracts with those provisions in them, and had a great Construction Lawyer to enforce them. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, and don’t do shitty work. Not saying I know for sure that’s the case, but you might as well hate me too, because I fucked a bunch of huge corporations out of lots of money for failure to perform.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56556
    — X —

    I like Trump’s ‘big picture’, and I think he’ll hire the right people.

    I keep seeing this comment that Trump will hire the right people?

    Who in the fuck are these people? Omarosa?

    Like Tony Soprano once said… 2 business that are recession proof.

    1) Drug dealing
    2) Gambling

    This fuck head certainly hired the “right” people to tank his gambling business not once not twice but 4 fucking times.

    This guy hasn’t demonstrated any business acumen in conducting business with any ethical or professional manner.

    What’s his business plan to bring MFG back to the US.increase import duty on goods made in Mexico?

    Trump has not fucking clue.

    Sorry for being politically incorrect but you voted for an asshole.

    You seem angry. lol.
    You can vote for the other criminal if you like, I won’t hold it against you.
    Or you can vote for the others who are sure not to win, and essentially cast a vote for her anyway.
    Either way, you’re fucking over my children by continuing to destroy their future.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56554
    — X —

    I know it’s too late, cuz you already voted. But if lying is your reason not to vote for someone, Trump should have been the last person you picked. Every independent fact-checking group has demonstrated that no one lies more than Trump, and he often does so for the most repulsive of reasons: To stoke up hate and fear.

    Yeah, I don’t buy into that. I know he uses way too much hyperbole, but he’s no different than any politician I’ve ever seen in my life. Even Reagan lied to people, so that doesn’t really move the needle for me that much. I don’t expect any of them to tell the truth all of the time, and I expect every one of them to pander. I set most of that aside and focus on the issues that are important. And being under investigation by the FBI, which could very well lead to an indictment, is fairly important. Lying to the investigative team and destroying evidence is pretty important. Accepting donations to appoint unqualified people to important positions, is important. Running what could very well be a criminal organization, is pretty important. Accepting HUGE donations from Countries that criminalize the very things she stands for? Pretty important. Important in that it lets me identify the hypocrisy between her rhetoric and her actions.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56546
    — X —

    Wait a minute. Did you not READ the terms of this board? It clearly states that bnw is the authorized, official Trump supporter.

    Thats his role. You think you can just come in here and stomp all over someone’s
    authorized official ROLE?

    I might have to sue.


    I’m a reluctant Trump supporter (and just voted for him 10 minutes ago). I also don’t really identify with any particular party, though I am right-leaning. Kinda just try to find my way through the labyrinth of bullshit both parties lead us down to find the hidden kernels of truth. Something that resonates with me, ya know? I like Trump’s ‘big picture’, and I think he’ll hire the right people. I kind of identify with him, even though we’re nothing alike. I don’t have the best words (lol), nor did I go to Wharton to receive the bestest education, but I applied myself and relied on my ability to hire the right people in order to meet and exceed my own goals; which subsequently led to me being able to sell a successful business and semi-retire to the mountains of Western North Carolina.

    Vote for a liar who’s currently under FBI investigation? lol. Yeah, no thanks.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56534
    — X —

    So you have competing visions of America, and that particular group felt strongly enough about theirs to seek redress in court. Be careful what you wish for, because if our government takes that away, it may backfire against your own preferred vision for society as well.

    Perhaps, but I’m willing to take that chance.
    The alternative, and current course, is pretty distasteful to me.

    But yeah, you’re right. We have competing visions of America.
    Thanks for the civil discourse Billeh.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56523
    — X —


    First off, you posted one example. Just one. And it’s about public space, that belongs to all of us. It’s not about suing anyone for expressing their “religious freedom” on their own property, or at their chosen place of worship. Just on “city” property.

    The founders and the Constitution were pretty clear about the separation of church and state. In fact, Madison and Jefferson, especially, as men of the Enlightenment, wanted to make sure America never devolved into the sectarian bloodbaths raging throughout Europe while this nation was forming, and going back centuries before that. They knew the only way to do that was to make sure governments never put their thumb on the scale in favor of any one religion, or in religious belief overall. They knew that the merger of Church and State was a death-knell for freedom and liberty. It’s always been exactly that.

    So if you’re concerned about the principles set forth by the founders and the Constitution, you would be in favor of that lawsuit, not opposed to it. And, again, it’s just one case. Given the fact that America is easily the most Christianized nation on earth, with the most churches, the most space set aside for Christian worship, the most carveouts when it comes to tax exemptions and other benefits . . . . . well, in short, to think of it as being under some kind of assault is ridiculous. No nation on earth supports its dominant religion like we do, and that, by definition, goes against the Constitution — and, for what it’s worth, the wishes of “the founders.”

    I appreciate your thoughts on this, but I think missed the point of that article. That monument has been on that property for years, has caused harm to nobody, and has been the focus of honoring sacrifice and celebrating ALL religions – not just Christianity. And yet, a group whose motivation is likely FAR removed from promoting tolerance and unity, decided to use a Supreme Court ruling of 45 years ago to further their own agenda of intolerance. Are you really suggesting that leaving that monument alone, and leaving the citizens of that City alone, is somehow going to prove to be the catalyst for a sectarian bloodbath? Just because there’s a means to cause disruption and promote intolerance doesn’t mean it *has to be* used. And yes, it was one example. Would you like me to waste both of our time and find you hundreds more? You know full well that this is not an isolated incident perpetrated by one intolerant group. It’s a reoccurring theme.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Minority votes are already being suppressed #56518
    — X —

    Not saying you’re doing this, but I’ve noticed that his supporters are rather selective in what they believe coming out of his mouth. When it’s inconvenient to accept it on face value, it’s just “Oh, he doesn’t really mean that!!” When it is convenient, they believe it all without question, even though he’s never once gone into detail about any of his policies. He never, ever tells us how he would do the amazing things he promises to do.

    I believe that he believes he can achieve those things with the right staff. I believe that he’s a ‘big picture’ kind of guy who has a vision and then works tirelessly to see it to its conclusion. I also believe that he’s a misogynist, but I also believe that 90% of the men in the House and Senate are also misogynists. They just don’t get caught on tape proving it.

    And he does broad-stroke the details in his policies. People are just quick to discount them as unattainable before the whole plan is even developed. He wants to build a wall, but apparently he can’t because it’s an impossible task and people are too preoccupied with laughing at how he’ll get Mexico to pay for it. He wants to destroy ISIS, but apparently it’s not going to happen because of the hyperbole he uses (knows more than the Generals). Never mind that he’ll likely hire, and let loose, all of the top military minds in the Country who have already had his ear all these months. He’s already described his tax plan, but apparently it’s just “trumped up trickle down” economics without even having seen the specifics of said plan. He’ll likely hire some of the most brilliant economists and implement his own knowledge of how the system works to iron out all the kinks. He said he’ll introduce much more competition into the health care industry, but apparently that’s a bad idea because Obamacare is such a rousing success that only needs to be built upon and tweaked. Meanwhile half of the Country is saddled with premiums they can’t even pretend to afford. Never mind that Hillary will steer this Country toward a single-payer healthcare system if she can’t succeed in making Obamacare remarkably worse than it already is. And I could go on and on and on, but apparently it doesn’t matter because it’s all to easy to discredit anything he says without having even the smallest clue as to how his experts will work to correct all of these failed policies and issues plaguing the Country. So, he does tell us how he’ll do things. The problem is that nobody believes the explanations, or they’re too busy ridiculing the very premise of them.

    And again, meanwhile, everything has just been cruising along so fabulously to date.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56515
    — X —

    I think I may not understand the “anti-PC” crowd. I cannot put that sentiment into a favorable light in my head. Seriously, all I hear when people complain about “PC” is something like, “Yeah, it takes too much energy and effort to be considerate of people who don’t think the way I do, so they should just toughen up and get over it. Since their concerns are not my concerns, they aren’t worthy of my respect.” That’s what I hear.

    It’s not about being considerate (to me). It’s about catering to the vocal minority at every turn. I have no problem with the Libertarian model of “live and let live”. What I do have a problem with is the “this offends me, so I’m gonna sue the living shit out of everybody until I feel vindicated” crowd. For instance.

    I don’t want to live in a society where this is not only permitted, but encouraged. I get the whole separation of Church and State angle, but this is borderline ridiculous, and it’s becoming all to prevalent. So don’t get me wrong, Zooey. I have no desire to tell everyone to “get over” whatever it is they feel is holding them back. I do have a problem with people actively seeking ways to tear at the fabric of what is a pretty important part of our Country’s history. And I don’t subscribe to the inalienable right to sue whole communities for having the unmitigated gall to passively celebrate their right to religious freedom. If we get up to 3 or 4 more Liberal judges on the Supreme Court, I fear there will be very little left of the principles that formed our Constitution. And I’m not even a Christian. I just happen to believe that peaceful religion is a very important catalyst in repairing the social and racial divide in this Country. I’d hate to see that all go away in favor of a society where people are allowed (and encouraged) to be offended by everything and everybody, and then subsequently sue to get their way.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Donald Trump Can't Read? #56500
    — X —

    I don’t care if he has a 3rd grade reading level if he hires the right collection of geniuses to attack and solve the Nation’s problems. Another 4 years of watching this Country deteriorate into a politically correct safe haven for litigious self-appointed ‘Champions of the Cause’ who are offended by virtually everything? Yeah, no thank you very much.

    I want him to win for no other reason than to keep ‘her’ from appointing those kinds of judges to the Supreme Court.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: What is an 'average' QB-rating these days? #56486
    — X —

    As you know, there’s a fallacy out there about Keenum–that he can’t throw long. Actually of course what he can’t do is throw medium with velocity. If he can loft a touch pass in the 11-20 or 21-30 range, medium and deep medium, he’s fine. But as we all know he can’t throw lasers–the lower the trajectory past 10 yards, the less effective he gets. But he can throw long, he just has to add air to them.

    That whole ‘lacks velocity’ thing that fans throw out doesn’t resonate with me too much. There are times when a bullet pass would be needed, but it’s not essential for a QB to have that in order to be successful. When I used to watch Manning, I didn’t see anything even remotely resembling velocity. He just knew exactly where a QB and defender would be at any point in time. So while Keenum lacks velocity, it’s not that, per se’ that gets him in trouble. It’s that, coupled with less than elite anticipation that holds him back. Also, I’ve seen enough passes out of Case where he hits Britt (mostly) in the seam where there was enough zip on it to qualify as a “tight window” completion. He has a lot of all the little things you like in a QB, but they don’t come together in a way that his weaknesses are offset by his strengths. Shame, really, because he’s got the moxy you want.

    Lotta moxy.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    — X —

    Welp. Here’s my only concern. They game-plan to stop the passing game, and do, but Carolina’s running game takes over. I really don’t see how they contain Cam on the ground. If you give him too much time in the pocket, he’ll pick a running lane and probably get more on the ground than he would have in the air. Williams needs to dial up a ton of pressure via stunts and blitzes to make Cam get rid of the ball quickly. I also don’t see anyone in our back 7 big enough to stop Cam if he turns into a RB.

    All that said, I agree with zn. If *everything* clicks, there’s no way the Rams lose.
    There’s the rub though. Have we seen a complete game in all 3 phases yet?

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: Goff & Air Raid qbs in the NFL #56476
    — X —

    I really don’t understand how so many people know so little, and say such really tremendously stupid things about Goff vis-a-vis Wentz and Dak and whoever.

    Because clicks =

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: What is an 'average' QB-rating these days? #56474
    — X —

    All I know is, with Case, they need to just attack the intermediate zones.
    No more short passes, and no more ridiculously deep passes.

    And here’s a quick look at how Wentz’s QB Rating came to be (so far).

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by -- X --.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    — X —

    But you read this stuff around on the net. How much of it measures up?

    And I would say certainly some does, but then, you have to be selective.

    Not much of it is any good. And, honestly, some of the guys who write for TST are totally jaded to the point that they have lost almost all objectivity. The ‘realist’ attitude has permeated most of the independent internet ‘news’ sites, and I don’t pay much attention to any of them anymore. There are a good amount of fans on message boards who do a lot more studying of the games via NFL Rewind, and some of them have past experiences as players or even coaches. Others do a diligent job of keeping track of quotes and timelines as well. Those are the guys I pay attention to. You being one of them. I only write for them when I wanna turn an obscure quote by a reporter or coach into an allegory of sorts.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    — X —

    Agreed. It’s these silly blogger kids.

    Hey. I write for TST on occasion.
    You watch yourself, mister.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    in reply to: the receiver situation #53158
    — X —

    The Rams have to hope that Cooper and Spruce become above average WRs. If Spruce can become a healthy version of Amendola we’d at least have a “chain mover” that could keep the O on the field more.

    Keep an eye on Mike Thomas. I’ve done a lot of research on that dude, and have spoken to some pretty good talent scouts, and he has the potential to be an Isaac Bruce 2.0. His only (ONLY) knock is that he has a tendency to come up with the dropsies once in a while, but he makes up for that with some pretty spectacular catches and has really, really good range and athleticism. Really good at high pointing the ball in traffic too.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

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