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Well, who can argue with “sigh”? Congrats, bnw. You won the Internet today.
ParticipantThen explain why troops are being trained to confiscate weapons from US citizens? Why would various federal agencies OUTSIDE the DoD be buying so many firearms and millions of rounds of ammo?
Where did you get this from? Breitbart? Or Alex Jones? Come on. It’s just deeply paranoid, secret conspiracy nonsense.
ParticipantAlso, bnw,
In almost EVERY case, these mass shooters are stopped when they have to reload. They’re almost always tackled by very brave people without guns. The reloading part is what gets them, nine times out of ten.
Logic tells us that if we do away with all large capacity guns, ammo containers, accessories, etc, they’re going to have to reload a hell of a lot sooner, and this should dissuade all kinds of people from attempting mass carnage going in. If they know, up front, they’ll have just their six-shooter, with its internal chambers only, and will have to hand-load each bullet, one at a time . . . . rather than grabbing a magazine and slapping it in place . . . . their Rambo visions will disappear.
It WILL save lives.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Your quote from my post showed me how badly it needed editing. So I made some quick changes to clarify. Glad you understood what I was getting at even before the quick edits.
I think we agree on the basics here.
Not the tool. The venue is. He chose a venue in which firearms are not allowed. Common theme in these shootings.
There have been countless studies, many of them run by police departments and the military, showing how the presence of civilians with guns has no impact whatsoever on a mass shooter. In fact, there is no case of a “good guy with a gun” stopping a mass shooter in the last three decades or more.
And this is logical. The speed of the action, the chaos this causes, “getting the jump” on everyone, wipes out the chance for any effective response by someone with a gun, and we have countless examples of police — trained police — shooting innocent bystanders in the midst of a melee. Why on earth would anyone think untrained civilians would do better?
In reality, even if those “good guys with guns” had the time to react, chances are they’d shoot innocents by the score and add to the carnage. It’s only in movies and video games that they’d actually stop the killer. Not in real life.
ParticipantWell, personally, I don’t see your point at all on the effects of including states in with the definition. Honestly, I have no idea how that could lead to some sort of Islamophobic-only discussion. It doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Not in the slightest. In fact, I think by including states, it does the opposite of what you’re saying. It holds countries like Israel and the United States accountable for their actions against Muslims — among a host of others. And it includes state “terror” campaigns against a host of powerless domestic groups as well. As mentioned, striking workers, dissidents of all stripes, Occupy, blacks, Native Americans and other minorities, women, etc. etc.
Be that as it may . . . . I don’t want to get bogged down in definitions, either.
To be honest, I don’t think “terrorism” is an apt description of what Mateen did. I think he just snapped, and his toxic mixture of self-hatred and hatred for certain groups just boiled over. Easy access to weapons literally weaponized that self-hatred, and the rest of that toxic mix. It seems pretty clear that nothing he did by slaughtering those people could possibly further any “political” aims, so that part of the definition is out. Did he “terrorize” people? Definitely. But so do rapists and a host of other people who generally aren’t called “terrorists.”
In short, I think “mass shooter” is more appropriate than “terrorist.” Though pretty much anything we call him is really, in the scheme of things, in the midst of this tragedy, irrelevant.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantAlso: It’s not just the fact that semi-automatic guns allow for so many victims. The knowledge going in empowers the shooter to act. Knowing the capacity he holds in his hand empowers him to go forward with the plan of mass slaughter. The tool itself does that. The tool itself radically increases the sense of power for the holder.
Obviously, taking away that tool takes away that sense of power, which likely causes the would-be mass killer NOT to act. This is not always going to be the effect, but if it IS the effect, even one time in history, and the absence of the tool saves even one human being, it is more than worth the supposed “sacrifice” of its absence from our country. Just one life saved makes it worth it. No American’s possible joy in the legal use of these weapons should be able to trump that one saved life.
ParticipantThat said, I didn’t want to get bogged down in a discussion of definitions, either.
The main thing for me, is to do whatever we can to radically reduce these tragedies, if not end them altogether. To find ways to do this.
This particular case seems among the most complex in recent times, with the most seeming contradictions. But the bottom line for me is, he could not have slaughtered so many people without the tools to do so. And the tool of choice among mass shooters is a semi-automatic gun, most often an AR-15.
We can’t solve for the variable of hate — at least not right away. But we can solve for the variable of weapons. That’s within our control. Changing the way people think about “the Other” will take decades. Changing our gun laws can be done now. Yesterday.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantSo let me start over. Which I hereby do.
I am personally going to stay out of any discussion that seeks to leave behind the specific legal definition of terrorism (as defined in USA law or by the UN), because in my mind letting that definition get misrepresented by people afraid of islam, especially in relation to Orlando, is dangerous.
I am not saying what you could post nor would I. Just announcing I have a very specific and focused purpose in mind here in this discussion and will be sticking to it. That is simply a description of my own intentions.
I’m fine with starting over as well, and it’s obviously your choice when it comes to what you’ll discuss here.
On definitions, from Wikipedia:
There are many reasons as to why there is no universal consensus regarding the definition of terrorism. Angus Martyn in a briefing paper for the Australian Parliament has stated that “The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination.”[7] These divergences have made it impossible to conclude a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism that incorporates a single, all-encompassing, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism.[8]
In the meantime, the international community adopted a series of sectoral conventions that define and criminalize various types of terrorist activities. In addition, since 1994, the United Nations General Assembly has condemned terrorist acts using the following political description of terrorism: “Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.”[9]
ParticipantNo I’m not. But those calling for more gun control sure are…..and they are DEMOCRATS.
Those seeking gun control are responding to THE reason for these killing sprees. Easy access to weapons of mass destruction. The obvious and logical response is to get rid of those weapons. It’s beyond the political. It’s just common sense.
Btw, and this should be obvious. Not all Democrats favor gun control. In fact, few in the Democratic establishment want to deal with it at all. They’re too petrified of the NRA for that, and wrongly attribute Gore’s loss to Bush to his stance on guns. Dems haven’t added any new gun restrictions in decades, and have let Republicans loosen gun laws all over the country. Neither party has the guts to stand up to the fascists at the NRA.
Mateen was likely one of those Dems who simply don’t want any gun control measures. But we’ll probably never know.
ParticipantAnd so you can think what you want, but, I am staying within the intelligible parameters of understanding what the legal definitions are of domestic and international terrorism, instead of participating in the whole “have an agenda, change the word” phenomena right now.
I know you like to continue old fights, but I was done with the hiroshima discussion and fully acknowledge that we see it very differently. I know there was some “ah but my opinion is the truth” stuff going on with that but I regard that as par for the course in discussions like this.
My eye is on the actual legal definition of terrorism and what it means.
You assume far too much in these discussions. It’s the biggest reason why you and I have these disagreements. You are forever assuming you just know the real motives behind my posts, and you don’t. You never have. You’re actually quite tin-eared about these things, routinely, primarily because you’re so certain you do know the hidden rationale behind all things. Judging from the ways you consistently mischaracterize them, your certainty is misplaced. Severely misplaced.
Please just stop. Take them on face value, or please just ignore them altogether.
I said what I said because I believe it to be true, not because I “have an agenda.”
noun: terrorismthe use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
That would include states.
And, yes, of course, all the sides “did it” in WWII — and most, if not all, other wars. But we have virtually no control over what these other nations decide to do, with regard to future use. We have next to no ability to control other nations along those lines. We do, however, have control over our own actions. To me, that’s why it’s more important for us to recognize and admit to our use of terrorism as a tactic, when we’ve resorted to it over time. Against striking workers, dissidents of all stripes, Native Americans, blacks (and other minorities), women, etc. etc. and overseas.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantThe definition being used for terrorism easily places the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in that category. “Shock and awe” in Iraq, the firebombing of Dresden and Tokya, to name just a few.
Israel is also a terrorist nation, under that definition. There are many others, of course.
I think it’s time to include states in the mix with this too. If it’s politically correct to always name things as a certain kind of ____ terrorism, it should be done when states act in this manner as well.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantOh Billy….take away firearms and I guarantee you will have fascism. And don’t bring up Australia or the UK since I’ve been to both and they are not the USA. The UK may well wish it has a 2nd Amendment with the way that culture is heading.
First off, no one is suggesting that we “take away firearms.” Just banning certain KINDs, which would leave thousands of different kinds of weapons available. IMO, they should be limited to internal chambers only. Which would leave MOST guns available.
Second, if you think the presence of guns in America, in private hands, is what stands between us and fascism, you’re living in a fantasy land. In fact, the easy access to guns currently makes fascism far more likely, not less. And, if you agree with Ben Carson and others about gun control in Nazi Germany, you’re misreading history there, too:
Participantbilly. people do like to shoot weapons just for the sport and fun of it.
you may not understand it. but a lot of people do. i’ve never owned a gun. don’t plan on owning a gun. i have shot an ar-15 before and it’s an amazing piece of technology.
still don’t want a gun. i don’t believe i would be more safe owning a gun. don’t really care much for the right to bear arms.
but i understand why people like them.
so i feel for them. but you also make a good point. when is enough enough? why not sacrifice your own desires for the benefit of our society?
it’s tough.
I know people “like” to shoot guns. And I’m not talking about taking that away from them. I’m just talking about certain KINDS of weapons. In a sane society, we don’t let people have the capability of mowing down dozens of their fellow citizens with ease, and especially not so we can protect target shooters.
Society must constantly make decisions about competing interests and claims, and it should make those decisions with the general health and safety in mind. If it’s ever a choice between saving lives or keeping things people “like to do,” we should go with saving lives.
Think about driving. I used to race cars on the street when I was a teen. We went waaay over the speed limit to do this, and, though we didn’t think of it at the time, we were endangering lives. Should society get rid of all speed limits because there are people who “like to drive fast”? Should they have accommodated us because we really loved driving extremely fast?
Why are guns considered by some as being beyond all common sense laws, regulations and restrictions? Of all the things to exempt, exempting deadly pieces of metal, DESIGNED to kill, is easily the most insane thing about America.
ParticipantYes the keeping pace with technology was the reality at the time of the Revolutionary War and the BOR and has been interpreted as that ever since through the various advances in firearms technology.
No, bnw. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or the BOR to support that reading. Nothing. “Keeping up with the pace of technology” does not exist in our “founding” docs. Not implied, suggested, remotely, indirectly, etc. etc. Not implicit or explicit.
And no one but fringe gun fanatics ever push that “interpretation,” which is really cover for an even fringier ideology: That certain citizens believe they must keep up with the firepower of our military in order to crush it, if they deem it “tyrannical.” Of course, the Don’t Tread on Me crowd sees things like taxes and Medicare as “tyrannical,” so they’re not really the best folks to listen to when it comes to government overreach.
And I say that as someone who sees our political system as illegitimate. I see both parties as illegitimate. I want an end to the capitalism regime of terror and oppression. Yesterday. But I want it to end through the democratic process, non-violently, not through guns. The Don’t Tread on Me crowd, OTOH, has a collective Red Dawn (death wish) fantasy, and if we go down that road, tens of millions will die and we’ll likely end up with fascism.
In short, fuck that.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantWashington mandated weapons for the militia, and that citizens pay for these themselves. It was perhaps the very first mandate in American history.
I have no idea why you’re not getting this. There is no confiscation of weapons being proposed by the Dems. None. If we ban the sale of certain KINDS of weapons — weapons of mass destruction like the AR-15 that no civilian should be ABLE to get — you still can buy thousands of different kinds of guns. Your “right” hasn’t been touched. Your SA rights are still 100% intact.
Again, nowhere in the amendment does it say you have a right to any kind of gun your heart desires, without limitations, forever, forever able to keep up with the latest technological advances in lethality and capacity. Nowhere. It’s not in there, implied, hinted at, suggested, implicit or explicit.
So we as a society SHOULD ban weapons that make killing sprees easy. It’s insane not to. No one has any need of such weapons UNLESS they want to go on those killing sprees.
Think about it, bnw. There is no other reason to own one.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Participantmore than gun control i think there has to be a shift in the way we treat one another. there’s this general contempt for people who are not like us. not this board but people in general. whether they be christian or muslim straight or queer white or black. it’s disgusting.
get rid of guns. fine. but when are we going to treat each other with love and compassion and understanding?
Agreed. But we can do both at the same time. And the gun thing is something we actually have control over. We can’t control the way people think and feel about others. But we can control the availability of weapons of mass destruction.
So while we work on the peace, love and understanding part — which I’m a thousand percent in favor of — we should radically reduce the availability of things that haters can use to slaughter others.
To me, this is just common sense.
ParticipantNo, bnw.
The right as put forth in the BOR was a collective one. It was ONLY in the context of a well-regulated state militia, for the purpose of protecting that state. It doesn’t say, anywhere, that you get to keep up with the latest technology or purchase military-style hardware, if you’re not in the military.
Yes, you have the right of self-defense. But that was yours centuries before the BOR was written. The British recognized that right among the colonies.
The BOR merely encoded a collective right for purposes of staffing and stocking state militias. And since they no longer exist, the entire rationale for that “right” is gone. It no longer exists, like those slave-catching militias.
We, as a society, have always had the right to prevent people from arming yourself to the teeth and going off on killing sprees, and nothing in the Constitution, and nothing in the BOR transcends society’s right to protect itself from them.
It’s time we grew up and ended our sick gun fetishism and our fear of the NRA. Literally millions of Americans are dead because of that fetishism and that fear.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantRespect for the dead demands we can’t say he is a registered democrat? I disagree. The democrats are using this to try to deny our 2nd Amendment right. You know it too. It was an act of terrorism. You know that too.
No. The Democrats aren’t trying to do that, bnw. Nothing they have EVER proposed would take away your Second Amendment right. Nothing. Nothing they’ve EVER proposed would come within light years of doing that.
Again, you’ve never had a Second Amendment right to an AR-15 or any weapon of you so desire — without restrictions. That’s never existed. Not here. Not in any nation on earth. Never. And if we do someday wake up and realize that it’s utterly insane to allow the manufacture, sale and possession of weapons of mass destruction like the AR-15, and then ban them, at every possible level, we STILL won’t be taking away any of your rights. None. You never had the right to unlimited consumer choice in the first place. There was never a right to the total absence of restrictions on your purchasing and possessing weapons.
Btw, you should capitalize “Democrat.” Hopefully, we’re all “democrats” here. As in, lovers of democracy.
ParticipantI like Hedges a lot, too. Very strong leftist, and a great activist. He’s walked the walk and risked his life on numerous occasions. But he’s not perfect. Like any person, he has his blind spots — as do we all.
David Graeber points to one here, and it was an important one. Kinda long article, but worth a read. I don’t know if Hedges ever did change his mind about anarchists and Black Bloc groups.
Concerning the Violent Peace-Police
I am writing this on the premise that you are a well-meaning person who wishes Occupy Wall Street to succeed. I am also writing as someone who was deeply involved in the early stages of planning Occupy in New York.
I am also an anarchist who has participated in many Black Blocs. While I have never personally engaged in acts of property destruction, I have on more than one occasion taken part in Blocs where property damage has occurred. (I have taken part in even more Blocs that did not engage in such tactics. It is a common fallacy that this is what Black Blocs are all about. It isn’t.)
I was hardly the only Black Bloc veteran who took part in planning the initial strategy for Occupy Wall Street. In fact, anarchists like myself were the real core of the group that came up with the idea of occupying Zuccotti Park, the “99%” slogan, the General Assembly process, and, in fact, who collectively decided that we would adopt a strategy of Gandhian non-violence and eschew acts of property damage. Many of us had taken part in Black Blocs. We just didn’t feel that was an appropriate tactic for the situation we were in.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantIn short, we’ve never, ever had the right to an AR-15. We could easily ban their sale, manufacture, trade, import, export and possession while still adhering to the Second Amendment.
The Equal Protection Clause, General Welfare Clause, Necessary and Proper Clause, and Commerce Clause, all support this.
And we should. We should stop making it so easy for Americans to slaughter each other. That’s just pure common sense. Any sane society would do as much.
ParticipantRight on, bnw!
I want to exercise my 2nd amendment rights. I want a 40 mm grenade launcher. Better yet, I want artillery, 155 mm. What, I can’t? But why, don’t I have the right??
Please understand, to me, your argument of exercising your 2nd Amendment right with regard to long guns just makes you sound silly.
Exactly, TSRF.
There never was a Constitutional right, anywhere in the world, in the past, or in the present, to unlimited consumer choice of weapons, of unlimited firepower or numbers, without any restrictions. Never. The one in our BOR, which just so happens to be just one of two in the entire world, doesn’t come within light years of creating such a right. It just says you get to keep and bear arms if you’re in a well-regulated militia. Not any kind of arm you desire. But one regulated by that state militia. And since those state militias no longer exist, the amendment is actually null and void.
But even if we do away with the most important part of the amendment, and ignore the militia context, it’s still never been a “right” to a consumer’s smorgasbord of guns. This is the chief way gun rights nuts misread it — willfully or out of ignorance. The second way they misread it is perhaps even more absurd: That the so-called “founders” purposely set things up so the people could topple the new government they had risked everything to create.
In reality, the right to self-defense was already a part of common law, going back centuries. It wasn’t at all needed in the BOR. It was assumed for all jurisprudence that citizens could defend themselves. The BOR just made it clear that militias were to be a part of the self-defense of the state, for the state, by the state, and the chief way this happened back then was to put down slave rebellions.
It was never, not within light years, supposed to be in support of domestic rebellions, as the Ron Pauls and Alex Jones of this world would claim. It was always about the protection of the state, and, especially, slave holders.
And back then the people who could buy weapons was already restricted to white males. Blacks, other minorities and women couldn’t, though they could through the black market of the time.
ParticipantRegistration = Confiscation
An a-hole can commit mass murder with a suicide vest too. With a car. With a gas can. With chemical reactions producing toxic gases. With an airplane. With a drone aircraft. It is literally limitless and stems from a sick mind not a firearm of any kind.
We have to register our cars. Has that led to confiscation? No. It’s pure alarmist nonsense to try to equate registration with confiscation.
Our government exists to serve business. That is its Prime Directive. Gun sales are BIG business. It’s not going to confiscate guns and destroy that business. It’s nothing but paranoid delusion/Alex Jones conspiracy nonsense to suggest otherwise.
As for the rest. Logic tells us to do our best to minimize the chances of death. To radically improve the odds in the favor of our survival. Parents do their best to “child proof” their homes, for instance. Sure, you still have tragedies. But you have far fewer because smart people move the poison to some place their kids can’t find. We have speed limits not in order to create total perfection and the total absence of accidents and deaths due to speeding. We do it to reduce them to the degree possible.
Tell me, why wouldn’t you willingly trade in your easy access to high powered weaponry, in order to secure the lives of thousands? Why wouldn’t EVERY American make that all too minimal “sacrifice”? In exchange for a modified range of weaponry, and a little bit of extra paperwork, why wouldn’t you jump at this when it means saving lives? And it does. And your continued insistence that we can’t have common sense restrictions on guns means the continuation of tens of thousands of Americans dying because of guns. JUST because of guns.
ParticipantYou’re against semi-autos. Semi-autos are great. Much more fun to shoot. Much better for hunting, plinking or target practice. More issues in safe handling though. If you’ve ever had to hand load any mags without stripper clips you would know why a well functioning mag of more than 10 rounds is worth it. Even with stripper clips if you have to load enough of them it still is a pain. I like the tubular mags as long as they can hold more than 15 rounds.
A citizen’s right to live without fear of being gunned down trumps your desire to have “more fun” due to how “cool” semi-automatics are. We regulate all kinds of dangerous products in America and ban them. That we don’t ban weapons of mass destruction like those semis is absolutely unforgivable. It’s beyond demented.
Time to get all of them off the streets and close down their manufacture, sale, import, export, trade and so on. No one needs them, and the Second Amendment doesn’t protect them.
I’m saying ban all of them. Semi-automatic, assault weapons, whatever you might want to call them. Anything with any kind of detachable, external ammo container, of any kind, of any size. Ban ’em. Ban all accessories dealing with them.
The only allowable guns should be those with internal chambers only, and max that out at six. You should have to load your bullets by hand, one at a time, and no gun should be able to accommodate more than six at a time.
That, to me, is the best compromise. This ensures the ability of all citizens to own weapons for self-protection, hunting and target practice, but it doesn’t give them the ability to rapidly slaughter dozens or hundreds of their fellow Americans.
Throw in licensing and registration, which we do with cars. End the ban on gun violence research, which was a fascist form of suppression in the first place.
Force “smart gun” technology as soon as it’s technically doable.
100% gun checks, on everything, via the licensing system. No exceptions or loopholes. No gun show exceptions, etc.
The above will save thousands of lives each year, and it won’t cost anyone their “rights.” Again, no one ever had the right to unlimited firepower, quantity, consumer choice and so on.
ParticipantTo be clear, I consider any gun that will fire every time you pull the trigger and has a magazine of over 10 bullets an assault weapon. Why the fuck would any law abiding US citizen need something like that?
There isn’t any need for it. IMO, the best way to regulate that is to ban all weapons with detachable ammo containers of any kind, shape, size, etc. etc. That way, you don’t run into the absurd semantics game that gun nuts love to play. They want us to get hung up on what these weapons are called, and to forget what they do.
Keep it to old-style six shooters, and no higher. Keep it to guns that must be hand loaded, one bullet at a time.
Those will still allow self-defense, hunting, target practice and so on. And none of those restrictions would abridge the Second Amendment . . . which was, afterall, composed within a context of single-load, one-bullet-then-fire worlds. And there isn’t the remotest of a whisper in the amendment that says citizens get to keep up with the latest tech, choose the latest firepower, choose the most lethal weapons available. Not one iota of a suggestion is there about that. It just says “keep and bear arms.”
If we had an amendment that said “keep and wear suits,” and we banned all polyester suits, the right to keep and wear suits would still be intact. Not infringed. Not endangered, etc. etc. Because the right was never about unlimited consumer choice. Consumer choice never had anything to do with it. It was about the ability to keep and wear suits, etc.
A sane society must constantly deal with competing conceptions of rights, responsibilities and desires. It’s pure madness that we allow a fringe group of gun zealots to take away the normal, natural role of society in adjudicating between competing claims. It’s pure insanity that we allow their absolutism to destroy all vestiges of common sense, give and take. We have allowed them to take control and destroy all attempts at sensible compromise and sensible resolutions to those competing desires — and for what? For what reason? So they can play Rambo on weekends, while 33,000 Americans die each year from guns?
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantIMO, America is insane when it comes to guns. We’ve reached the point where the very idea that Americans might trade away their idea of unlimited consumer choice, take on a little bit of inconvenience, in exchange for saving thousands of lives each year, is simply unthinkable. We’ve reached the point where guns have become the one kind of product that defies all the rules of common sense. Hell, we took asthma inhalers off the shelf, because some kids were getting high from them, but we can’t make weapons of mass destruction illegal?
I think we need to do the following, and all of this would adhere to the 2nd:
Ban the sale, manufacture, trade, import, export, gifting or possession of all weapons with external ammo containers, and those containers. Limit legal guns to those with internal chambers only, with a max of six chambers. Limit those legal guns to those which must be loaded by hand, with your fingers, one bullet at a time — again, max of six bullet chambers.
Require licensing and registration for all guns/gun owners. Plus insurance.
Require smart guns.
Have a national gun buy-back program to get the now illegal guns off the streets. Then melt them down.
End the embargo against government studies on gun violence. In fact, require that the CDC and NIH study this in depth, and constantly. Treat gun violence as a public safety issue, and act accordingly.
End the embargo on asking potential victims of gun crimes if they have a gun in their house.
Make these laws, regs, etc. etc. national, and no state can override them.
The above would save countless lives, and at worst inconvenience some Americans. No one’s “rights” would be affected.
The Second Amendment does not, and never has, protected your right to buy any kind of weapon you so desire, in any quantity, for any purpose. It’s a very narrow, limited, basic “right,” and it has absolutely nothing to do with consumer choice, much less unlimited consumer choice — which is the way gun nuts grotesquely misread it.
It just says “keep and bear arms,” if you’re a member of the militia, which no longer exist. If we really read it as is, it would be null and void because of that fact alone, because we no longer have or need militias, which, at the time the amendment was written, were primarily used to suppress domestic revolts, especially slave revolts.
But, let’s go with the “modern” reading which isn’t tied to the militia. Let’s accept that this is not a requirement. What we’re left with is a protection of a right to keep and bear AN arm. Not ANY arm. If the American people decided, for instance, to limit gun purchases to one, single-shot pistol, it would easily be in keeping with that amendment. Easily. Again, because it never had anything to do with unlimited consumer choice, or keeping up with the latest tech, or protecting oneself against the government. The latter part is the most ludicrous reading, of course, as the entire point of the amendment was the insure strong militias, in hopes of avoiding a permanent standing army, and for those militias to put down domestic, as well as foreign, attacks against the government — and slaveholders.
In short: Gun nuts don’t have any legal standing for their argument, but they have had, in recent times, a few reactionary, fascist-like judges — like Scalia — who support those grotesque misreadings. That will not always be the case, and eventually enough Americans will get sick enough of the fascist NRA and the entire right-wing gun nut crowd to say, No More!! No more of these massacres.
ParticipantThanks for the video, WV. It’s a keeper, and something for me to spend some time with.
What did you think of my essay from 2008? I tried to add a Rothko painting here, which is included on my site, but I don’t have the same control over jpeg size, etc. So I deleted it (here, not there).
You might be interested in Susan Sontag’s seminal Against Interpretation. I bought and then read the book a long time ago, and it’s time for a reread. She has a lot of thought-provoking things to say about art, including Warhol.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by