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ParticipantIt’s not really accurate to say the UK voted for independence. Young people, the Scots and the Northern Irish voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU. It was primarily older, white Brits in England and Wales who voted to leave, and we’re already hearing from them that many regret their vote. There is a move for a second referendum, a do over of sorts, with more than two million signatures.
We’ve also learned that Google searches for EU rules, regulations and how this impacts Britain skyrocketed hours after the vote. As if they were, oh, perhaps, maybe lied to about what this all entailed, and frantically tried to learn how it actually does work.
In reality, the EU doesn’t dictate economic policy in Britain. The British government does. And it’s been imposing austerity and neoliberalism for some time. The EU didn’t make the Brits elect Thatcher, or any conservative party MPs. That’s on the electorate.
And, yes, the EU has some major problems and needs radical reform. No question. But the radical reform of the EU, IMO, is a far better option than ceding control to far-right, racist, xenophobic forces who really won with the Brexit vote. The racist, xenophobic forces won. Immigrants and refugees, especially brown and black, lost.
ParticipantNever thought that Darwin himself believed in Social Darwinism. But his concept of evolutionary change is easily hijacked by those who do. Twisted for their own purposes, etc.
ParticipantThanks, WV.
In Kristin Ross’s excellent Communal Luxury, she talks of Marx’s discovering Russian evolutionists, and their quite different theory of the rise of humans. Rather than seeing it all as “survival of the fittest,” they tended to view it as “survival of the cooperative.” That humans lived on if they banded together to fight the elements, not each other. My own take from this was that perhaps Darwin and others in Britain had been unduly influenced by Capitalism and its laws of competitive motion — consciously or unconsciously. Perhaps they read the present back into the past, at least a bit.
It’s also the case that inside any business with employees, they can’t survive via internal competition. If they don’t have cooperation, they fall. So there are dueling aspects happening, even under capitalism, constantly. And that internal cooperation, its necessity, tells me that the external, competitive kind isn’t at all necessary, because it (cooperation) could be scaled up between businesses. Though that would, of course, mean the end of capitalism, which I fervently desire.
So, anyway . . . . I just think it’s really interesting that the Brits and the Russians had wildly different ideas about what “evolution” actually meant for human beings.
ParticipantExcellent list, ZN. I’ve read all of those except for Otsuka and Adichie. Should have named Faulkner in my list for the greatest prose stylists, too.
Riffing off of Garcia Marquez, I think people who haven’t read the “Boom” artists of Latin American, and Magic Realism in general, would greatly enjoy them. Jose Donoso, Juan Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino and Jose Maria Arguedas, for starters. Another cool thing is they also wrote great short stories, especially Borges, Fuentes, Cortazar and the Italian, Calvino. Strange, weird, beautiful, fantastical stories.
Also long those lines, Franz Kafka (Czech), Bruno Schulz (Pole) and Fernando Pessoa (Portuguese) — and a contemporary of ours, Haruki Murakami (Japanese). Kafka is, in my view, the most important writer of the 20th century. Not necessarily the best, though he was great. But the most important. Primarily because of how he seemed to capture what would become the zeitgeist, the political imaginary that hit so much of the world after Kafka escaped it in 1924. Less “magical,” but nearly as astute, I’m also a huge fan of the novels of Joseph Roth (Austrian). He wrote of the dying world of 19th and early 20th century Mitteleuropa. Central Europe, etc. They make a great pair: Roth and Kafka. Tribune of the past. Herald of the future. Pessoa seems all to himself with his Book of Unquiet and his many masks, his separate, invented biographies. Schulz died in the Holocaust, but left us brilliant fantasies and drawings.
Murakami’s best work, IMO, is his earlier stuff. Dance Dance Dance, Wild Sheep Chase, Norwegian Wood. But it’s all very good.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Another thing I like about the show. With exceptions, it seems pretty consistent as a world. It rarely makes you say to yourself, “No way they would do this. That’s not at all logical or likely, given what we know about them.”
The stories are filled with fantasy elements, of course, obviously, which never could happen here, now. But they seem consistent within the general frame of that fictional world. They work within the world as it is.
The one exception, off the top of my head, is bringing back various characters to life. I get that Jon is thought to have a special destiny by the priestess of the Lord of Light. But what is Beric Dondarrion’s? I must have missed it in the books. But I don’t get why he’s considered special enough to keep bringing him back from the dead. Why him and not, say, Robb?
ParticipantYep. I’ll be voting for Stein, as I did in 2012.
But I don’t get how any leftist could vote for Trump, and I’ve bumped into a few elsewhere only. At least they say they’re leftist. I really don’t get that. Yeah, Clinton is terrible. But Trump is worse. And he’s a moron to boot. Latest case in point, he went to Scotland and then praised them for their vote to leave the EU. Trouble is, Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay, and will likely now hold another referendum to leave the UK so they can go back to the EU.
I basically think my vote is useless. But I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for Trump — or (neocon) Hillary. If a person is against the duopoly/oligarchy, it makes no sense to me to vote for one half of it. Useless vote or not.
ParticipantI like the show, but agree it’s uneven. Its production values sometimes seem as if several different organizations are involved, each taking its turn, etc. Last week’s episode was excellent, for example. And the episode last year with the fight against the wights and the Night King was incredible. Other episodes seem cheap, thrown together.
I’ve read all the books, which was a real departure for me, as an inveterate book snob. Martin’s prose is clunky, IMO. It’s not really good prose at all. But his books are page turners all the same. I was hooked, despite my snobbery. Looking forward to the next two as well. Though, now, the show itself has kinda usurped the story arcs, and it may mess up my enjoyment of the books. Up until this season — if memory serves — the books were ahead of the show. Now the show is ahead of the books, and on its own.
Anyway . . . a fan of several of the actors, like Lena Headey, Peter Drinklage, Emilia Clarke, Nathalie Emmanuel. And a huge fan of their locations. It’s one of the best TV shows, evah, in finding beautiful landscapes and really cool castles.
Hope you and yours are more than just okay. Just heard your state has had massive flooding, with loss of life, and nearly every county is considered a disaster area.
We were hit with heavy rains, lightning storms and flooding too, but not nearly like the other Virginia.
Again, hope all is well.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantI think I’m the one that needs coffee Billy. What I meant was that the youngsters wanted to stay the oldsters wanted to leave. Which would make my earlier post about racism nonsensical.
No worries, Waterfield. It’s a very confusing world out there. To be really Zen about it all, we need to go with the flow and be confused and confusing ourselves. Something I’ve always been really good at . . . even before I discovered Zazen.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantWaterfield, unless I misread you, I think you’re contradicting yourself.
It looks like you first said the older voters were more likely to want to stay, and then with the last comment, more likely to want to leave.
Then, again, I think I may need some more coffee. So I might be wrong.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantThanks, Nittany. Very good article.
Younge is good. And I’ve come to view the Guardian UK as one of the best online newspapers. Really good for multimedia, too, book reviews, movies, etc. etc.
I don’t think any of the major American papers can match it.
For us leftists, Le Monde diplomatique is even better. But it doesn’t have the online bells and whistles of the Guardian.
ParticipantA side note on that No Fly list issue. Both parties are guilty of abusing this and being disingenuous. The Republicans want us to believe they just got religion on the matter of “due process,” and they hope we’re too stupid to realize that the No Fly lists themselves, which they fully support, are likely un-Constitutional. It’s not the denial of gun purchases that should be questioned. It’s the lists themselves. So real civil libertarians would be working to end them, not working to protect gun proliferation, a side issue related to those lists. The lists don’t appear to have Constitutional support. Gun control definitely does.
And the Dems? Their use of the No Fly lists to push for sensible, common-sense gun safety is also disingenuous, of course. To me, the best way to go about this is to work to end the lists AND to institute sane, effective gun safety laws.
ParticipantI dunno. The whole thing seems like a stunt to me. The bill is window dressing. This is the biggest wave of support for gun control the country has seen, and the Democrats are spending the moment to use it to stop sales to people on the No Fly list? That’s not going to make any measurable difference. Typical waste of time from the party that claims to be progressive.
Zooey, I can see that view, and part of me thinks of it only in that way, too. As a stunt. But another part of me is so damn happy to see the Dems do ANYTHING that isn’t in the fetal position, I see it as a major step forward. And, from what its leaders were saying, it wasn’t just about the No Fly lists. It was also to push for things like the assault weapons ban. It was a “first step” kind of thing to help mobilize them, and I’m all for first steps, especially when we’ve seen full scale retreats for two decades.
It’s really about setting the table for future opposition to the NRA, which hasn’t been defeated on any aspect of the gun issue in close to two decades. Their movement has been unchecked for nearly that long, and if it takes some theater to change that, I’m all for it.
ParticipantWell your friend made an interesting unconscious comparison to an addiction.
And not just any old addiction. An addiction that kills the smoker and the people around the smoker. Which fits perfectly with guns. Science tells us, in fact, that a cigarette, sitting there in the ashtray, has a greater cancer-causing payload than directly inhaling it as a smoker. Smokers kill 40,000 non-smokers a year in America alone. Worldwide, it’s ten times that amount, at least.
I still can’t wrap my mind around the idea that it’s a major destruction of someone’s “freedom” not to be able to kill others — or wound them, or make them seriously ill.
June 22, 2016 at 8:31 pm in reply to: How racial prejudice helps drive opposition to gun control #46890Billy_T
ParticipantExcellent article, ZN. Thanks.
Reading the comments section to her article is enlightening as well. Kinda makes her points for her.
You’ve always tried really hard to understand others online. It’s pretty rare that this has been reciprocated, at least in my view. But you still try.
I used to try harder to understand than I do now, primarily because, after twenty years online, arguing with others, mostly on the right, I just go by what they keep telling us. Over and over again. I just listen to them and take them at their word. And what they tell us is they don’t really understand themselves, and they don’t want to understand us, either. They couldn’t care less about the rest of us.
For instance: The expressed fear of the government and its “jack booted thugs” seems only to involve them, how this might effect them, and primarily their guns. But the same right-wingers who decry those jack booted thugs strongly favor the government sending jack booted thugs against the poor, the powerless, immigrants, refugees and undocumented workers. Time and time again, these same people, in my experience, almost without fail, support police brutality, shooting and killing unarmed black teens, beating and pepper spraying Occupy protesters, and before that, antiwar protesters, strikers, leftist dissidents, etc., going back as far as I can remember. Time and time again, they support the government coming down like a ton of bricks on people they don’t like, and they only scream out in complaint of government when they think it might put constraints on themselves.
“Don’t tread on me” is not a rallying cry in support of all Americans, for instance. The range of empathy for the oppressed is severely limited when it comes to the right. And its latest standard bearer, Trump, endlessly repeats this very narrow conception of an “us” against the much larger “them,” with that “us” being almost exclusively white, Christian, male and angry, and that “them” being primarily black, brown, female, LGBT, etc. He has called for jack booted thugs rounding up 11 million people who look like Elian Gonzalez. And jack booted thugs to keep Muslims out and shut down their mosques.
You have said in this thread and elsewhere, how you think we waste our time and energy on seeking gun control. IMO, based on twenty years online of discussing these issues with right-wingers, and a few decades offline, the real waste of time is trying to “understand” people whose circle of empathy and concern is nearly non-existent beyond their own bodies. They simply can’t conceive of interests beyond their own, and they keep telling us this, over and over and over. It’s time we listen.
As mentioned before, a focus on guns doesn’t prevent a focus on all kinds of other issues. We can deal with many things at the same time, and that’s the norm.
That said, to me, cars are quite different from guns, in a host of ways. But this one is key: They are designed to transport people safely from one place to another. They are not designed to kill, though they do sometimes. Guns, OTOH, have one purpose: to kill. They can’t take you to market. You can’t eat them. You can’t drink them. They’re designed to kill. Cars aren’t. And when people do kill others with their cars, it’s virtually always accidental. People intentionally use guns all the time to kill, or rape, or kidnap, or overthrow democratically elected leaders, etc. etc.
Also, whipping up a frenzy of fear and paranoia, so more and more people buy guns — the right’s speciality — helps corporate capitalism. A lot. Placing common sense, public safety regulations on guns would actually hurt their bottom lines. In a small way, it’s fighting corporate capitalism, while at the same time saving lives.
Btw, I’m in favor of reducing speed limits too. Not sure what the science tells us is the ideal. But, yeah. That’s an excellent idea.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
June 22, 2016 at 12:07 pm in reply to: The bizarre concept of "law abiding citizens" and its misuse. #46846Billy_T
ParticipantAnother way to make the point:
It wouldn’t make any sense if parents decide NOT to move poisonous stuff out of the reach of their children, because their kids haven’t swallowed any yet.
June 22, 2016 at 11:38 am in reply to: The bizarre concept of "law abiding citizens" and its misuse. #46843Billy_T
ParticipantAn example:
We don’t set up speed limits like this:
“Bob, so far, you haven’t broken the speed limit which is currently set at 70. We’re changing that to 60 next month, but you can ignore the change because you haven’t broken the old one. The new one won’t apply to you. You’re one of those ‘law abiding citizens’ we hear so much about, so don’t worry. We don’t want to punish you, so you’re exempted.”
“Sorry, Sam. But you broke the old limit, so the new one applies to you.”
June 22, 2016 at 11:23 am in reply to: informal poll–how many favor limits on certain firearms #46838Billy_T
ParticipantI also think legally-mandated, NRA-led restrictions on research into gun violence represents this 1984-style weirdness.
I don’t buy for a second that government will take our guns away, but I already know a lobby group took our research away.
Agree with your edit, too.
IMO, government’s main client is Big Business. Always has been in America. It’s not going to hurt Big Business with a mass confiscation, ever. It will never, ever “go there,” at least as currently configured.
Ironically, the side of the debate in favor of violent revolution to topple “tyrannical government,” using guns, would most certainly engage in gun confiscation of its enemies. To me, anyone who believes they would remain consistent “gun rights” advocates, once in power, after a bloody revolution, is beyond naive.
Of course, they’re also beyond naive if they think they could topple the government by force in the first place.
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June 22, 2016 at 11:16 am in reply to: informal poll–how many favor limits on certain firearms #46833Billy_T
ParticipantMy view of all this: supreme court precedent has already established that reasonable limits and restrictions and controls on firearms are viable. And I am for that.
It’s all a matter of voting.
Other than that I think it’s a “religious conflict” between competing worldviews. No “fact” is going to win a debate like that. Neither is any particular quip or slogan.
That makes sense. It is a matter of voting. And it would appear that, with no majority to support Heller any longer, the SCOTUS may help further change the voting course. It already has, allowing two states to maintain their assault bans in recent days. My guess is, if Scalia were alive, we’d have a 5/4 ruling against those bans.
That said, even under Heller, restrictions and regulations are Constitutional. Even Scalia said the right was not unlimited and that government could impose limits.
But, yeah, religion.
ParticipantGood for her.
We have a police state. You must deal with that on a daily basis, WV.
It’s amazing how selective the supposedly “small government” GOP is when it comes to these sorts of things. Almost without exception, the right comes down very hard on the side of Big Government, if the helpless, the powerless, the poor and minorities are involved.
Breyer’s vote is seriously disappointing.
June 22, 2016 at 8:56 am in reply to: informal poll–how many favor limits on certain firearms #46821Billy_T
ParticipantGuns should be registered and users should be licensed. Semi-autos should be banned.
Not sure if this breaks the informal rules of the thread, but I second Nittany. That was quick, concise, to the point. Something I struggle with on online forums.
June 21, 2016 at 11:33 pm in reply to: informal poll–how many favor limits on certain firearms #46808Billy_T
ParticipantMy two cents: I’d strike a balance between the two extremes of the gun debate:
No guns
No restrictions on gunsTo me, this is the best way to balance the interests of gun owners and public safety, and it easily conforms with the 2nd amendment, even under Heller — which no longer has majority support on SCOTUS, btw.
I’d limit our guns to just those with internal chambers only. No detachable ammo containers of any kind, shape, name or type. No ability to modify guns to utilize them, ever, under any circumstance. No way. No how. Six bullets max. Must be hand loaded, and that’s key. That way, there isn’t any chance of getting lost in the weeds over gun jargon or semantics, so we don’t have to argue about what constitutes an “assault weapon,” etc. etc. It’s very straight forward and easy for anyone to understand.
Six shooters, max. Must be hand loaded, one bullet at a time. This provides for self-defense, target practice and hunting. But it will also radically reduce the likelihood of mass shootings, as has been the case in Australia. The gun that sparked the ban in Australia was the AR-15, and since it and similar guns were banned, no mass shootings have occurred there, and their total gun homicides have fallen by half.
My proposal will save lives. Actual, human lives. And that should be THE focus.
There are lots of other things we can do to reduce gun carnage in America. But that’s where I’d start.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantA major theme that is missing most of the time is the idea of limited federal government. That is, that the Constitution in many ways was to set limits on what the federal government could do, but was hands off in regards to what the states could do (exception being the Bill of Rights, which the states also must follow).
That is one way to look at things. From my reading of the Constitution and the founders, and the Revolutionary War period and its aftermath, I draw quite different conclusions. I don’t see the new government as being formed with the intent to limit itself at all. Far from it. In fact, I see the shift from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution as one of the most radical increases in federal power in history, up to that time. One need merely look at Article One, Section Eight, and see the massive powers the founders gave to themselves to know this. The General Welfare clause, the Commerce Clause, the Necessary and Proper Clause, and all kinds of powers to tax and spend at will.
As for the states. The shift away from the Articles of Confederation was also a shift away from state power, and this was, perhaps, completed with the Civil War and the amendments that followed, which basically annihilated “states’ rights.” But even before that, the Constitution already had the Supremacy Clause, so it always trumped the states.
In short, personally, I think it’s a conservative myth that the founders ever intended to restrict their own powers, and quite the opposite was the case. It was a massive expansion of federal power, well beyond the British, in fact.
Not at all saying the above was (necessarily) good, or bad, or anything in particular. In many ways, such centralized power has been terrible. But our states don’t have a history of acting any better. So they’ve been every bit as “tyrannical” when that word actually applies.
I would rather see no political parties, no capitalism, no states, no ruling class (or any class divisions whatsoever) and no state apparatus . . . just small, local, democratic, left-anarchist communities, federated to one another, living under a Constitution created by the people, for the people — something we never got.
Instead, our Constitution was created by fewer than a dozen white slaveholders, with no input from millions and millions of Americans. We can do better. Much, much better, IMO.
ParticipantIn a nutshell, the irony is, the very amendment that “gun rights” advocates love to cite as the support for their views (about fighting government tyranny), is actually quite the opposite as a text. As intended. As interpreted for two centuries prior to Heller. It was never am enumerated right to rebel against government. It was a right given to states to put down those rebellions, via government militias, under the auspices of the Federal government, per the Constitution.
Not carte blanche to rise up and overthrow the government. But an additional protection the state accorded itself against just such uprisings. Which was all too quickly implemented in reaction to the Shays and Whiskey rebellions.
In short, if they really understood the origin, meaning, nature and traditional interpretation of the 2nd amendment, they couldn’t support it.
ParticipantThe above said, with this caveat:
As usual, I may have misread you and others here and jumped the, um, er, gun. Wouldn’t be the first time. So I apologize in advance if that’s what I’ve done, WV.
But along the lines already presented, I liked a lot of what this guy said on Salon. Makes a lot of sense to me. Not all of it. But a good bit:
The Militia Myth: Why an armed citizenry isn’t the best defense against state tyranny
Especially this part:
But what about the practical argument that an armed citizenry is the best way to keep the state at bay? This, too, is false, and there is plenty of data to prove it.
There’s an assumption that political power and violence are equivalent; that force is always and everywhere the most reliable means of achieving a political outcome. It’s true that violence is occasionally necessary (in a geopolitical context, for example), but how useful it is varies considerably. Understanding the constituents of power is critical. Gene Sharp, a pioneer of strategic nonviolence, defined political power thus: “The totality of means, influences, and pressures – including authority, rewards, and sanctions – available for use to achieve the objectives of the power-holder, especially the institutions of government, the State, and groups opposing either of them.”
But defenders of the Second Amendment often rely on another justification. The argument, simply stated, is that the right to bear arms exists to protect the people from a tyrannical government. It’s “the ultimate check against governmental tyranny,” as Ted Cruz recently put it. There’s a superficial logic to this claim, but it doesn’t survive scrutiny. First, a “well-regulated” militia, the alleged mechanism of this check, is to be controlled by Congress according to the Constitution. States are allowed to appoint officers and train the militia, but Congress is given unfettered authority over it. So the “well-regulated” militia clause is not intended as a “check against governmental tyranny.” On the contrary, it’s an instrument of state power.
ParticipantAnd that kinda sums up the difference in the ‘gun-debate’
One trusts the gov. (on guns) One doesn’t.w
vBut is that really the difference? I don’t trust the government. And I don’t trust 2nd amendment absolutists — I’m trying to be nice with my terms. I don’t trust either of them. I also don’t believe that the rationale for having guns (put forward by those on the “gun rights” side) — they must have their AR-15s to defend against government tyranny — makes any sense. I see it as insane, to be honest. For a host of reasons. And from my encounters with those who hold these beliefs, they’re all too often the last people on earth I’d want to lead the revolution against a system I, too, want to replace. I just want to replace it non-violently, democratically.
To them, “tyranny” usually consists of things like raising tax rates on rich people, the existence of Medicare, small grazing fees on public lands, and the mere existence of public lands themselves. They also have more than their share of white supremacists in their midst. It’s pretty rare for blacks and minorities to hold those views, even though they really have far more reason to be angry about things than the “gun rights” crowd. They tend not to side with gun extremists, however.
To me, the debate can’t be divided that way, WV. Just my take, but I don’t think that’s an accurate way to describe differences.
ParticipantQuick followup: Personally, I am opposed to BOTH visions for America. The GOP’s and the Dems’. I find them both despicable on balance. Though I see one as slightly less despicable overall.
I just find it beyond ironic that it is the Dems and Obama who are the real conservatives (with exceptions and room for nuance, etc), as that word has traditionally been defined . . . . at least since the French gave us the Left/Right split to talk about in the late 18th century.
To me, the Dems are the actual conservatives now, the true center-right party. And the GOP is well to the right of actual conservatism. I see them and much of their constituency as far-right radicals, not “conservative” as that word has traditionally been used.
Again, I detest both visions for America and the world and wish we could have true leftist alternatives. Anticapitalist, antiwar, against all empire, against hierarchy, against the class system entirely . . . . pro-environment, pro-human rights. Libertarian socialist, left-anarchist, in a nutshell. That would be my preference.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantTo make a long story short, I think too many people assume that “conservative” rulings must be an attempt to return us to our origins, or to “traditional” America. In reality — and this is not hyperbole — in the last three decades or so, American movement conservatives have engaged in the most radical reshaping of our judicial landscape in history. Again, this is not hyperbole. And this radical reshaping is “new,” as ZN mentions. It is the opposite of some return to a golden age . . . . though that’s what movement conservatives claim they’re doing. Taking us back.
In reality, they have been forging a brand new, quite radical and literally unprecedented conception of America. Ironically, it’s Obama and the Dems who have been trying to hold onto the past.
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This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by