Yet another crossroads and moment of truth for America

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    (the picture is the link)

    I can see different views of this being valid. Those who say it’s nothing to worry about, and those who scream this is a serious crisis. I’m actually with the latter, though at times part of me wants to dial down the other parts.

    I don’t think this has ever happened before in America. You basically have dueling investigations, an escalating arms race, a finish line to reach, and to the victor belongs the nation. It’s beyond sleazy. It also gives new meaning to the old saying about going after kings. If you’re going to shoot that arrow, don’t miss. If you don’t take him down, he’s going to take you down.

    The Mueller investigation “failed” primarily, IMO, because it remained virtually silent for two years, while Trump rampaged on Twitter, TV and Radio about it several times a day. It seemed not a day went by without his lashing out, or it being done by proxies. They successfully muddied the waters enough to set the table for a massive let-down, and Mueller provided that himself. With all due allowances made for his age, possible health issues, etc. etc. . . . he gave an awful performance. Barr sealed the deal by lying about the report prior to that, and Trump skated again.

    Continued below . . . .


    The media, the Dems and Mueller did a terrible job clarifying the radical limitations of the investigation itself, at least when it came to Trump. I still think Americans are confused about what, exactly, was at issue, and this is crucial for the sense of Trump’s guilt or innocence.

    If I understand things correctly, Mueller was only looking at the legal term for “collusion” when it came to Russia’s actual hacking of the DNC. He couldn’t find sufficient evidence to demonstrate Trump’s guilt in the act of that hacking. Mueller actually demonstrates nearly 200 cases of Trump/campaign “colluding” with Russia when it came to accepting their help — which breaks our laws. The only thing he couldn’t demonstrate was a direct coordination of cyberwar activities.

    Trump and his campaign are guilty of working with the Russians to help the Trump campaign. There is abundant proof of that. The media, Dems and Mueller just did a horrible job of explaining the difference to the country. If they had been able to separate the act of theft from the exploitation of that theft . . . I think Trump would already have been impeached and the trial would have already happened in the Senate.

    And now? Trump is seeking revenge on his political enemies, and using Barr as his sword. The Ukraine scandal is just the tip of iceberg, to mix metaphor. His obsession with revenge, and his own insecurities, may well bring the whole house down. I don’t think Trump has any limits when it comes to that. None.

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