Yeah, I'm done with Jill Stein…

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Yeah, I'm done with Jill Stein…

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  • #50250
    Avatar photonittany ram

    I know that patenting genes is a bitch slap to common sense. Of course GMO isn’t good. It is a racket to OWN the food supply. It is the ultimate power play against mankind.

    I don’t know what Monsanto’s motivation is. I want them treated like any large Corp should be treated in my opinion …heavily regulated and scrutinized. But Monsanto isn’t the only player in the game and GMOs are being used for all sorts of purposes including fighting disease. If cancer is ever cured it will likely be due to a GMO virus. A GMO virus has already been used to cure a patient of skin cancer.

    And this is all good stuff…

    “GMOs have the potential to up crop yields, increase nutritious value, and generally improve farming practices while reducing synthetic chemical use – which is exactly what organic farming seeks to do. As we speak, there are sweet potatoes are being engineered to be resistant to a virus that currently decimates the African harvest every year, which could feed millions in some of the poorest nations in the world15. Scientists have created carrots high in calcium to fight osteoperosis, and tomatoes high in antioxidants. Almost as important as what we can put into a plant is what we can take out; potatoes are being modified so that they do not produce high concentrations of toxic glycoalkaloids, and nuts are being engineered to lack the proteins which cause allergic reactions in most people. Perhaps even more amazingly, bananas are being engineered to produce vaccines against hepatitis B, allowing vaccination to occur where its otherwise too expensive or difficult to be administered. The benefits these plants could provide to human beings all over the planet are astronomical.”

    Avatar photoZooey

    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.


    I know that patenting genes is a bitch slap to common sense. Of course GMO isn’t good. It is a racket to OWN the food supply. It is the ultimate power play against mankind.

    I don’t know what Monsanto’s motivation is. I want them treated like any large Corp should be treated in my opinion …heavily regulated and scrutinized. But Monsanto isn’t the only player in the game and GMOs are being used for all sorts of purposes including fighting disease. If cancer is ever cured it will likely be due to a GMO virus. A GMO virus has already been used to cure a patient of skin cancer.

    And this is all good stuff…

    “GMOs have the potential to up crop yields, increase nutritious value, and generally improve farming practices while reducing synthetic chemical use – which is exactly what organic farming seeks to do. As we speak, there are sweet potatoes are being engineered to be resistant to a virus that currently decimates the African harvest every year, which could feed millions in some of the poorest nations in the world15. Scientists have created carrots high in calcium to fight osteoperosis, and tomatoes high in antioxidants. Almost as important as what we can put into a plant is what we can take out; potatoes are being modified so that they do not produce high concentrations of toxic glycoalkaloids, and nuts are being engineered to lack the proteins which cause allergic reactions in most people. Perhaps even more amazingly, bananas are being engineered to produce vaccines against hepatitis B, allowing vaccination to occur where its otherwise too expensive or difficult to be administered. The benefits these plants could provide to human beings all over the planet are astronomical.”

    Did you read the article I posted about Percy Schmeiser? That is the motivation behind Monsanto’s GMO seeds.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.

    I think it is weird that the two of you viw man made global warming as the ultimate disaster to mankind when the very food supply for your survival into the next month is truly threatened to become a monopoly of a few corporations. So odd.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.

    I think it is weird that the two of you viw man made global warming as the ultimate disaster to mankind when the very food supply for your survival into the next month is truly threatened to become a monopoly of a few corporations. So odd.

    Fear not. Patents expire. Generic GMOs are here.


    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.

    I think it is weird that the two of you viw man made global warming as the ultimate disaster to mankind when the very food supply for your survival into the next month is truly threatened to become a monopoly of a few corporations. So odd.

    Fear not. Patents expire. Generic GMOs are here.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.

    I think it is weird that the two of you viw man made global warming as the ultimate disaster to mankind when the very food supply for your survival into the next month is truly threatened to become a monopoly of a few corporations. So odd.

    Fear not. Patents expire. Generic GMOs are here.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Many people are harmed by vaccines. Giving babies so many vaccines at the same time or over such a short period of time doesn’t seem safe to me. So much trouble with it there has to be a “Vaccine Court”.

    Actually the number of people harmed by vaccines is incredibly low especially when you consider the millions of people vaccinated each year.

    I would ask those using statistics that describe human beings in any context to please do so with an abundance of humility. Things change when your loved ones are one of the few.

    I buried my daughter because of a vaccine reaction. She was 2 months old. The chief coroner of LA county said it was the worst case of infant pneumonia he’d ever seen in his 30 years. From onset of symptoms based on when she ate (she always ate lying prone), they figure it took barely 2 hours for her to pass.

    Do I think science or medicine should be halted or curtailed because a few may not achieve optimal results or may, in fact, die in the pursuit of simple, preventative care? No.

    I do, however, believe that NO industry should be allowed blanket immunity. Right now, only two industries in the US have that: fracking and the vaccine industry. Fracking got its immunity via a legislative back door of sorts. Vaccines, on the other hand, brazenly as an industry went to Congress and said point blank that if they didn’t get blanket immunity from prosecution, they would move ALL manufacturing overseas. In case of a pandemic, we’d be aced. Congress caved. So now, vaccines are barely tested and they don’t have to work. Not legally. It is perfectly legal for a vaccine to give you cancer, make you infertile, kill you or to simply not work and still leave you vulnerable to subsequent infection (hence the recent spate of “boosters” when vaccines were supposed to offer lifelong immunity from the same strain of disease).

    I’m all for science.

    I feel I am honoring my daughter when I continue to call for exceedingly tough standards on ANYTHING we put into our bodies, INCLUDING vaccines.

    And no, I no more trust the self reported lab tests of Big Pharma making vaccines than I do for anything else they have a profit motive to lie about.

    We need robust independent testing AND we need to know that what we put into our bodies is safe and efficacious.

    Seems like a job for science.

    The current state of the FDA and CDC simply asking for results and maybe conducting tests is unacceptable. If there is an outbreak or some anomaly, there are systemic reporting barriers which make even acknowledging a problem difficult. Then the industry lobbies to cut the NIH, CDC, and FDAs funding so that they don’t have the resources to adequately test and monitor.

    This is BIG BUSINESS.

    So, when people defend vaccines, are they just blanket defending the corporate vaccine industry that in every instance has NOT been about the science OR are they defending the idea that if vaccines were done properly (they are not currently), they should be universal?

    It’s a tougher question to answer when you are already down one and people glibly say, “only a few die each year…” It’s a less compelling argument when it’s not abstract and the likely reason was corporate malfeasance.

    By the way, there are real concerns and real answers on how to do it better, but because vaccines mean so much money for pediatricians on the current set schedule, most won’t even see kids who can’t or won’t be on that vaccine schedule.

    Sorry, I wasn’t even gonna comment, but when I see things like “it only affects a few” as if those few human beings didn’t matter, as if their deaths don’t count… Well, I had to respond to that…cuz they do…every last one of them matters.

    And, the necessary equivocation, I’ve been consistent when it comes to human lives here and abroad, young and old…I didn’t even want them to take out Bin Laden…I wanted him to stand trial.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    I’m sorry for your loss, Mac. Statistics aren’t so abstract when a loved one is among the numbers. I never meant to imply that those few that are hurt by vaccines don’t matter. You are right that most of the initial testing and clinical trials are conducted by the pharmaceutical companies themselves, and most new vaccines fail during these tests. But vaccines that are approved by the FDA are continually monitored by the CDC, universities, foreign governments (if the vaccine is sold overseas), etc to ensure their continued safety. But I’m not a pharmaceutical company shill, I was just weighing the good of vaccines vs the bad. I work in a clinical lab in a hospital in Vermont, a state where there’s probably a larger anti vaccination contingent than in most places. Here you can refuse to vaccinate based on philosophical and religious reasons. You begin to lose the benefits of herd immunity when vaccination rates drop below 90 percent. In some areas of Vermont the rate is below 60 percent. Because of that, we see pertussis outbreaks here every few years and a lot of children suffer needlessly (although the pertussis vaccine isn’t nearly as effective as others). Anyway, I view vaccines from the perspective of someone who works in healthcare and sees the results of not vaccinating, not as a father who lost a child due to a reaction to a vaccine so if I seemed unfeeling, I apologize.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.

    I think it is weird that the two of you viw man made global warming as the ultimate disaster to mankind when the very food supply for your survival into the next month is truly threatened to become a monopoly of a few corporations. So odd.

    I haven’t said anything about gmos so far.

    As it happens, I have concerns.

    But if corporations start threatening our survival, there are things that governments can do to address that. And, as Nittany points out, patents expire. Furthermore, most of the food supply is still the same as it always was. So there is no danger of our food supply completely shutting down next month.

    Global warming, otoh, can’t be controlled simply by passing a bill stating that the planet cannot warm up any more. The two things aren’t even comparable in their threat level.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Well I’m done with the GMO and vaccine topic. I find the science behind then fascinating but I’m not interested enough to waste anymore bandwidth on them. Everyone knows my position.

    Avatar photowv

    Jesus made the plants the way they are, Nittany.

    Yeah but he didn’t make them productive, flood resistant or pest resistant enough to feed all his children.

    Fortunately the devil came along and created GMOs. Thank God.

    I think it is weird that the two of you viw man made global warming as the ultimate disaster to mankind when the very food supply for your survival into the next month is truly threatened to become a monopoly of a few corporations. So odd.

    Well, thankyou for noticing that Nittany and Zooey are WEIRD.

    But, DUH. I mean, really.

    I discerned they were weird,
    after their first two posts, back in the late 90s.


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