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    I keep sayin, if ya wanna understand amerika, ya gotta study the WWE….


    I saw that segment on John Oliver this weekend. Vince McMahon is an ass… I also remember the actual interview on HBO where McMahon smacks the interviewer’s paper….
    I have a quick WWF story: 1985 I worked for a huge WWF fan, he was into fake wrestling bigtime.. he had bought a co-worker of mine and myself tickets to go watch WWF matches with him at the Cow Palace in San Francisco (technically it’s located in Daly City)…..… We got to DC early, played some pool at a local bar across from the Cow Palace where we had a couple of shots of whiskey, (I had just turned 21) to get primed for the “event”
    We proceed to the arena were my boss got us ring side seats and he would know when and where to go to great the wresters as they entered the arena. The small crowd was into it big time….. After some additional beers at the Cow Palace I muster enough dumb drunk courage and start to yell at Adrian Adonis and question his masculinity. He stared me down as he pointed at me and scared the shit out of me for a brief moment.

    URL = http://wrestlingclassics.com/cgi-bin/.ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=129139;p=0
    WWF @ San Francisco, CA – Cow Palace – October 10, 1985 (3,500)
    SD Jones defeated Mr. X
    Pedro Morales defeated Matt Borne
    The Spoiler defeated Rick McGraw
    Roddy Piper pinned Paul Orndorff in a lumberjack match after both Randy Savage and Bret Hart interfered
    Ivan Putski pinned Alexis Smirnoff
    Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart defeated Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid
    Adrian Adonis pinned Steve Gatorwolf
    Terry Funk & Randy Savage defeated WWF IC Champion Tito Santana & the Junkyard Dog when Savage pinned Santana

    The Wrestler.. not a fan of Mickey Rourke nor Wrestling, but I dig this movie: Great 80’s hair metal soundtrack…..


    Oooh, you got to see the hitman Bret Hart, i see. He had a stroke a while back, i saw:

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