Wild Card Crap…including Giants/Packers

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    Every one of these games has sucked so far. I’m about to shut off the Steelers game and go hang with my Game of Thrones binge watching family. I mean, I probably missed half of Season 3 yesterday.

    I am hoping the Giants / Packers break the trend. I want the Giants to win, but I’ll be OK as long as it is a close, exiting game for a change.


    It would feel better if our Rams were there. It’s been a long time, I wonder how it would feel to be in the playoffs again.


    I’m about to shut off the Steelers game and go hang with my Game of Thrones binge watching family.

    I want the Giants to win

    The giants are pretty prominent in season 6.

    Or, one is, anyway.



    Moore doesn’t look terrible, it’s just they can’t block the Steelers and they have been doing a decent job on Ajayii.


    So far Spags is getting to Rodgers. Not just sacks, a couple of errant throws. One I thought though was not on Rodgers.

    It was funny on the one where Rodgers misses Cook really badly. The announcers had been talking earlier about what a great signing Cook was. So Rodgers misses him by a lot (wide right), and the announcers go, boy Rodgers sure missed on that one. But what crossed my mind instead was, “Cook ran the wrong route.” Or at least didn’t see something so failed to adjust properly to the defense.

    Cause…I am a veteran “Cook watcher.” The announcers aren’t.


    So far Spags is getting to Rodgers.

    Spoke too soon.

    Rodgers great TD pass, 7-6 Packers.


    nittany ram

    Gawd, you see how much time Rodgers and Manning get from their offensive lines?

    Goff be like, “wha…?”

    nittany ram

    Sensabaugh actually makes plays for the Giants.


    This game is killing me.

    Growing up where I did, the Giants were always my “second team” because they were my friends team.

    I actually yelled at the TV on a few of those plays where Rogers had waaay too much time.

    I hope the Rams go after Cruz this offseason.


    I hope the Rams go after Cruz this offseason

    Looks to me like Cruz is signed through the 2018 season and doesn’t become a UFA until 2019.

    He’s also had a lot of injuries…not sure I would break the bank on him.


    Giants only down by 18.

    They should be able to catch up and pull ahead by the sixth quarter.


    nittany ram

    Well, what started out as a competitive game didn’t stay that way. What a lousy weekend of football.

    But at least my hopes for a Packers/Steelers Super Bowl are still alive.


    Giants only down by 18.

    They should be able to catch up and pull ahead by the sixth quarter.


    Gonna be tough now….gettin 25 points in only 2 mins is a little tough

    PA Ram

    This was the worst weekend of playoff football I’ve ever seen. Dull games. No real rooting interest.

    Next week should be better.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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