wikileaks – neutral or biased?

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  • #58547


    That might be it, but it might be something else.

    It might be that the Obama Administration and Clinton by extension tried to create a facade of transparency and fairness when in reality, they were being horribly vindictive and persecutorial (meant it that way, not prosecutorial) with respect to whistleblowers.

    We saw a TREMENDOUS acceleration of Wikileaks action AFTER Clinton’s answers regarding what she thought should happen with Edward Snowden.

    There is NO WAY Wikileaks would have gone after the DNC or Bernie Sanders in the same way they went after Clinton.

    I think in large part this was a massive FUCK YOU to the huge hypocrisy of the Obama Administration and by extension, the Clintons.

    Clinton would have no problem jailing reporters and prosecuting intelligence officers who raise issues of constitutionality.

    I really don’t know if Assange gave a shit about the ramifications.

    But, ya know… it’s so much easier for the corporate media to call Assange a misogynist than to actually think about what Assange is and has done and where Clinton stands and where those intersections lie.

    I swear, we have the laziest fucking media.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.



    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    That might be it, but it might be something else.

    It might be that the Obama Administration and Clinton by extension tried to create a facade of transparency and fairness when in reality, they were being horribly vindictive and persecutorial (meant it that way, not prosecutorial) with respect to whistleblowers.

    We saw a TREMENDOUS acceleration of Wikileaks action AFTER Clinton’s answers regarding what she thought should happen with Edward Snowden.

    There is NO WAY Wikileaks would have gone after the DNC or Bernie Sanders in the same way they went after Clinton.

    I think in large part this was a massive FUCK YOU to the huge hypocrisy of the Obama Administration and by extension, the Clintons.

    Clinton would have no problem jailing reporters and prosecuting intelligence officers who raise issues of constitutionality.

    I really don’t know if Assange gave a shit about the ramifications.

    But, ya know… it’s so much easier for the corporate media to call Assange a misogynist than to actually think about what Assange is and has done and where Clinton stands and where those intersections lie.

    I swear, we have the laziest fucking media.


    Up until a coupla weeks before the election i really knew zero about wikileaks or Assange.

    I’ve been trying to figure out what they/he are all about lately. I have found it almost impossible to find accurate, reliable, articles on the subject. Most of the articles look like they were written by the DNC/Clinton: “Assange is a russian agent; Assange is a Pedaphile! ; Assange is a Trump Supporter!; Assange is a RACIST!…”

    My tentative view as of today, is to take Assange’s own words seriously — he flat out said he focused on Hillary because she’s a dangerous warmonger (paraphrasing). He also said choosing between Clinton and Trump is like choosing between “Cholera and Gonorrhea”.
    He’s also had good things to say about bernie.

    I think he probably loathes Clinton more than Trump. I think he would have published info on Trump if he had any (though i dont know that for sure).
    I think the info he published on Clinton was true and accurate.
    I think in general wikileaks is a great source of info and a great resource for humans — but its also not some holy unbiased source that is above criticism. (there are many places on the net where you can be skewered for even ‘hinting’ that wikileaks or saint assange may have biases. I have been called a ‘Troll’ and a ‘crackpot’ for merely ‘wondering’ about Assange and his motives btw 🙂 )

    So many things played into the Trump win and the Hillary debacle. One of those things was the wikileaks. Clinton came across as exactly what the leftists around here had been saying she was for years.

    Whither the Democrat Party? Trump doesn’t have to be an 8 year president. It could be just 4. It depends on the DNC and the Dems. Who will win the battle for the soul of the Dem Party? The Multi-Natonal-Corpse and the Banks and the Corpse-Media will fight to the death to spin the narrative about Hillary’s loss. They’ll blame Bernie, the Russians, Wikileaks, Racists, Bigots, Ignorant-Masses, Stupid White Males — they’ll spin a narrative that blames everyone but ‘the corporate-system’. They will try to marginalize the far-left and they will try to rig another dem-election and put forth a nice safe “Joe Biden type”.
    Bizness as usual.

    We shall see how things play out over the next coupla years. Sigh. I think Trump is gonna be worse than a lot of us thought, mainly because he’s gonna delegate 90 percent of the decision-making to his anti-poor, anti-science, anti-compassion Cabinet. Its gonna be bad.
    But it doesnt have to be 8-year-bad. It can be 4-year-bad. Just my opin-yun.



    Well, that’s the Horseshoe Theory playing out, it seems.

    I think it’s far more complicated than that…maybe a sphere versus a 2d political space.

    Moreover, I think a society realigns their “center”. The US was MUCH more the left in the 30s than in the 50s, for example. A lot of the critique of the Horseshoe Theory assume both a static left/right paradigm and a static societal norm for what constitutes the center. Neither of which has any basis in fact or practice.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Well, that’s the Horseshoe Theory playing out, it seems.

    I think it’s far more complicated than that…maybe a sphere versus a 2d political space.

    Moreover, I think a society realigns their “center”. The US was MUCH more the left in the 30s than in the 50s, for example. A lot of the critique of the Horseshoe Theory assume both a static left/right paradigm and a static societal norm for what constitutes the center. Neither of which has any basis in fact or practice.


    Ha. I could put ‘Corporotism’ in the Lunatic Fringe section myself. I mean corporotism is destroying the entire biosphere. That seems a bit lunatic-fringy to me.



    “climate change denial” is political. That made me laugh. I am a political atheist.



    ”climate change denial” is political. That made me laugh. I am a political atheist.

    I believe that on the part of its chief publishing advocates, it absolutely is. Plus of course there’s active congressional level politics associated with it. For example the CIA did an assessment of the security risks involved with climate change and a rep-led congress made serious moves to suppress it. The Pentagon is involved in serious studies about the effects of climate change on military deployment and there were congressional efforts to block all further such studies.


    Well, that’s the Horseshoe Theory playing out, it seems.

    I think it’s far more complicated than that…maybe a sphere versus a 2d political space.

    Moreover, I think a society realigns their “center”. The US was MUCH more the left in the 30s than in the 50s, for example. A lot of the critique of the Horseshoe Theory assume both a static left/right paradigm and a static societal norm for what constitutes the center. Neither of which has any basis in fact or practice.


    Ha. I could put ‘Corporotism’ in the Lunatic Fringe section myself. I mean corporotism is destroying the entire biosphere. That seems a bit lunatic-fringy to me.


    It is lunatic fringy to believe that.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    ”climate change denial” is political. That made me laugh. I am a political atheist.


    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I believe that on the part of its chief publishing advocates, it absolutely is. Plus of course there’s active congressional level politics associated with it. For example the CIA did an assessment of the security risks involved with climate change and a rep-led congress made serious moves to suppress it. The Pentagon is involved in serious studies about the effects of climate change on military deployment and there were congressional efforts to block all further such studies.

    I believe in climate change. I believe we have been living in a golden age. I just don’t believe man has that much effect. I do believe some interests try to make it political. I find nothing wrong with the CIA and the Pentagon doing studies or anybody else.



    My issue isn’t with someone saying, “I don’t buy the evidence”

    In many cases, those saying it haven’t really looked. Unfortunately, most who say this wouldn’t accept if a Mt. Everest amount of evidence fell squarely on them.

    The denial isn’t “I’d believe it if something convinced me”…but rather, “this isn’t a thing and nothing will convince me and anything that doesn’t conform to my world view I will explain away”

    Reminds me of those parks that have Jesus riding a dinosaur…


    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Los Angeles Rams defensive lineman William Hayes believes not only that dinosaurs never existed — but that they’re a total hoax perpetrated by archaeologists who planted massive bones in the ground and later dug them up.

    “No, I don’t believe dinosaurs existed,” Hayes once said. “Not even a little bit. With these bones, it’s crazy because man has never seen a dinosaur, we can agree on that, right? But we know exactly how to put these bones together? I believe there is more of a chance you will find a mermaid than you will a dinosaur because we find different species in the water all the time.”



    Okay… Jesus riding a mermaid, then…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Okay… Jesus riding a mermaid, then…



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